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4 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Peeve: Omg, I've been trying to finish watching that old Kung Pow movie since I seen it was  for sale really cheap on our streaming channel we use..

I put it on before bed and then watch it to fall asleep to..

I woke up about 2am this morning and couldn't go back to sleep, so I put the movie back on the last part I remember seeing, which is where the chosen one fights the guy they trained backwards..

I only remember making it to the part where he first fights Betty in the river and then fell back asleep again..

The really strange thing that is bothering me today is , those voices from the movie are stuck in my head..

Everything I am reading in the forums  and on the net are in those silly Kung Pow voices.. hehehe

It's like having a song stuck in my head I swear..

Hopefully after some tea, that will go away.. hehehe


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8 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

If you have one of those big return air vents on the wall somewhere.. You can set one of those humidifiers next to it and it can draw the humidity to where it spreads through the house more.

If you have a forced air system anyways..

Sadly, we have  a few of the smaller return air vents, located at floor level, and not at all in a location where I could put a humidifier -- like one is right behind my husband's chair in the office.

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4 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Well. Who knew that there was an actual Waffen SS RP group in SL! With 81 members including, apparently(?) a former Linden!

Such a good look for the platform.


I had to do a mental somersault to get there, but I thought of a use-case for this (partly because it would be against the law in some countries): WW2 re-enacting "roleplay", similar to RL "confederate" Civil War re-enactors in the US. 

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7 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I had to do a mental somersault to get there, but I thought of a use-case for this (partly because it would be against the law in some countries): WW2 re-enacting "roleplay", similar to RL "confederate" Civil War re-enactors in the US. 

I'm sure that that is something like the way in which they'd justify it -- it's just "historical RP" or "re-enactment."

There are lots of reasons to find re-enactment of WWII German soldiers, or the soldiers of the Confederacy, in "bad taste" (to put it mildly).

But there is a HUGE difference between RPing a regular Wehrmacht unit, and playing members of the Waffen SS. Representing members of a paramilitary unit that were historically associated with some of the worst horrors of Nazism, including numerous well-documented atrocities and war crimes, represents a very deliberate and frankly damning choice. The SS was also directly involved in helping to implement the Holocaust.

A soldier of the Wehrmacht could argue with some justification that they were fighting "for Germany."

Members of the Waffen SS were, by definition, explicitly fighting for Nazism. That was the whole point of the force.

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1 minute ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I'm sure that that is something like the way in which they'd justify it -- it's just "historical RP" or "re-enactment."

And of course, they will get a lot less negative feedback / AR reports by using that SS logo instead of a swastika.

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48 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

And of course, they will get a lot less negative feedback / AR reports by using that SS logo instead of a swastika.

I guess, although the SS and their logo are pretty notorious -- to the point that the stylized letters on the latter have been imitated.

As it happens, the profile pic of group founder (and putative former Linden) shows -- or showed, as I think the profile has been "cleaned" -- him wearing a swastika armband. So maybe he's not all that concerned about it.

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Just now, Persephone Emerald said:

Can you and did you AR this group?

They have been ARed, but not yet by me. They still appear in search, so no action appears to have been taken yet.

In general, I don't AR groups that I find objectionable. I think however that this group crosses a line.

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Peeve: People who argue with you to tell you you are wrong when they don't have all the facts. There's more to it but I learned a long time ago trying to show them they are wrong is a wasted effort. 

Yes, I know. People don't care. That's the problem with humans. They don't care unless it directly affects them. Then, it's too late. The damage is done and there is no going back and fixing it.

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1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I guess, although the SS and their logo are pretty notorious -- to the point that the stylized letters on the latter have been imitated.

As it happens, the profile pic of group founder (and putative former Linden) shows -- or showed, as I think the profile has been "cleaned" -- him wearing a swastika armband. So maybe he's not all that concerned about it.

Too bad it doesn't say something like, "We are big Hogan's Heroes fans", or "All we do is re-enact the funny scenes from the Mel Brooks movie / musical, The Producers".

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6 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Too bad it doesn't say something like, "We are big Hogan's Heroes fans", or "All we do is re-enact the funny scenes from the Mel Brooks movie / musical, The Producers".


I've discovered a few other Waffen-SS groups as well. One of them is dedicated to "playing the story" of the SS, but assures us in its profile that "even if ur not a neo-nazi, u can be a member."

How refreshingly inclusive!

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2 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

They have been ARed, but not yet by me. They still appear in search, so no action appears to have been taken yet.

In general, I don't AR groups that I find objectionable. I think however that this group crosses a line.

As with an offensive advert made by a certain company in real life that offended me greatly a few days ago, and which I had a mini-whinge about in here and then decided to remove my comment because it was just too much real life, I'd have had no hesitation about submitting an abuse report to Linden Lab about such a group if it hit a nerve with me. I wouldn't be drawing further attention to it in case it gave them further publicity (there being, apparently, no such thing as bad publicity) and swelled their throng, as it were. 

Peeve: the fact that as human beings we are not all offended by the same things. Life would be better if we were all on the same page.


Edited by Marigold Devin
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1 hour ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

People who don't fully comprehend the meaning of "and/or".


Andor is one of them Star Wars planets, right?  Or is it where the blue Star Trek aliens come from with the little antenna horns? Not the ice planet, that's Hoth..

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Peeve: Testing vintage gear, won't fit on the rack. Drop the keyboard, Break the MIDI cord. Have to find another MIDI cord. Have to find the right power supply to test with. Finally test.  Yay!

A couple days ago the Peeve was similar but: Vintage gear won't work. Try with brand new guitar input. Amp won't work. Amp must be broken. Try vintage gear with different amp. Gear works, Yay!

..Rinse and repeat..

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