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25 minutes ago, Orwar said:

   Well, that depends on whether you listen to medical scientists, or to the 'studies' conducted by the food industry that wants to sell you 'healthy' foods so that they don't have to pretend as if their cereal doesn't taste like cardboard.

   Personally, when it comes to health and diet advise, I think I'll listen to the clinical dietitians and physicians rather than the likes of Tony the Tiger; it's just too bad the (US)FDA will accept anything as gospel if it lines the pockets of a select few folks. I've been on a low-fibre/low-carb diet for about half a year now, and .. It'd be a long, probably TMI list to write, to cover all the benefits I've experienced - less like running a petrol engine on nitro-glycerine and more like clockwork, is all I'll say. 

   It's an extremely slow, uphill battle to change the medical consensus though, and with the vast majority of physicians and dietitians out there just swallowing the information they're been crammed with in medical schools around the globe (with little option, of course - you're cramming much too much to ask questions!); with everyone knowing that 'you need fibre' and 'you need fruits and veggies' and 'cholesterol is the devil' (which has a frankly hilarious origin) and 'you'll get scurvy if you don't eat lemons', and that, coupled with how we've got a nearly religious aversion to being proven wrong, means that human health becomes a secondary issue when it could be harmful to people's prestige and reputation to admit that they've practiced something faulty throughout their careers; we're just playing the Sammelweis story on repeat, to the point I'm unsure of whether one ought to laugh or cry.


   Aside from the obvious implications on the subject matter itself, it briefly mentions in the introduction how the media plays its part. Making flashy headlines is profitable, telling the truth is optional. I find it interesting how some of the largest evening periodicals we've got around here have been selling the exact same 'lose x kilos in y days with this new wonder diet' frontpage formula on a weekly basis for as long as I can remember (and presumably since long before I was around) - but yet, they're around, they keep selling, people try and fail in perpetuity because it's profitable for someone that they're stuck being insecure or outright unhappy with their own bodies - and boy, what a market to be exploiting with how the general health trend is going in the world.

   Peeve: I got distracted and may have briefly lost the plot - I blame the cat.

From my reading, if one is already experiencing constipation, fiber is the LAST thing you want to add to your diet.  My understanding is that a diet consistent in fiber will prevent constipation.  At least, that's been my experience.  The people in the study you cited were already having issues.

I'll stick.with the overall benefits of fiber in my diet.


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6 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

From my reading, if one is already experiencing constipation, fiber is the LAST thing you want to add to your diet.  My understanding is that a diet consistent in fiber will prevent constipation.  At least, that's been my experience.  The people in the study you cited were already having issues.

I'll stick.with the overall benefits of fiber in my diet.


Peeve: It is far too easy for one to come to the conclusion that many visitors to these Forums need more fiber in their diets.

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1 hour ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Peeve: It is far too easy for one to come to the conclusion that many visitors to these Forums need more fiber in their diets.

I'm pretty sure that I could use more fiber. My question is, if I eat more SL food, will I get more fiber? It's all plywood-based, you know.

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1 hour ago, kali Wylder said:

All my life I believed that white bread was bad and whole grains were so much better for you.  Then I learned that I have oxalate nephropathy and that for me, white bread is better for me than whole grains because the oxalate content is lower.  My condition is rare but I'm not the only one so your  blanket statement above is erroneous.  Not everyone, just most people, might find whole grains are better for them.

Ya you're right.. I'm gonna go back and remove anything I put that could be harmful to anyone in my posts I've made today..

Edited by Ceka Cianci
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21 hours ago, Orwar said:

   There are a lot of shenanigans in the restaurant industry. Shortcuts and money savers coupled with cooking practices which are anything but healthy - not all restaurants, of course, but it's exceedingly common to cook food in absolutely astonishing amounts of fat (or throw in a bit of sugar); fat is a great flavour carrier, and it's conducive to producing an even and rich browning ('shallow frying') - and if things don't want to brown on their own you can always rub some sugar onto it. Then there's the whole MSG question (although whether it's actually harmful appears a bit dodgy - all things in moderation, and all that). 

   Personally I just cook most of my food from scratch, lets me decide what goes into my body and what doesn't. I also don't see why I'd pay for one meal what I can make last for a week or two.

I live in the US and you're telling me🤣

Chief cook and bottle washer here. 😜

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14 hours ago, PheebyKatz said:

When someone else finally takes a turn at washing the dishes, and then I have to wash them all over again anyway, because  they didn't actually clean them, but just left them with dried cheese and stuff on them.

At this rate, I won't need to post any more peeves since we seem to share so many of them. 🤯🤭

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20 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

Cellulose is any plant fiber that is not digestible. Fiber is good.  Fiber pushes stuff through your digestive track. 

I'm sure it's not hazardous or anything, it's just how "cheaty" it feels that puts me off. If I want wood pulp in my diet, I can get plenty of it out of my own yard. When I want grain products, I want grain products, not lumber. XD

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12 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

From my reading, if one is already experiencing constipation, fiber is the LAST thing you want to add to your diet.  My understanding is that a diet consistent in fiber will prevent constipation.  At least, that's been my experience.  The people in the study you cited were already having issues.

I'll stick.with the overall benefits of fiber in my diet.


And you are right to do so if you find that it suits you. Also you are correct in your understanding that adequate water intake is necessary in order to maintain gut motility as water keeps the walls lubricated. Increased fibre intake requires increased water intake as fibre is not soluble.

Humans along with other mammals require fibre to feed the gut bacteria. Our GI microbiota in turns regulates immune homeostasis, in short it protects our immune system. Other animals, such as horses function in exactly the same manner, hence why we see so many new autoimmune conditions in horses that do not eat their required daily intake of forage and instead are fed hard feeds.  I always use horses as a parallel as I specialise in these awesome creatures hence they are my reference for everything physiology related 🙂

Cells of our innate immune system such as macrophages reside in proximity of the gut macrobiota and studies have also shown how the gut microbiota conditions the immunoregulatory roles of intestine epithelium by regulating the expression of antimicrobial factors, i.e. protecting us from infections. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0017996

At the end of the day everyone should do what they feel suits them best and follow medical advice given to them. There are however some biological facts that are hard to disprove.

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21 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Omg, I hate when they get colic.. A horse will just give up and die if you don't get to them in time.. I've had to walk my fair share  all night long until they finally would stay up after they passed it on.. You can't take a break either or they will lay right back down the second you stop walking.. The longest farts I ever heard too..lol

It's awful! At least impaction colic can be resolved but you're right, it's hours or walking (usually between 2am and 5am lol) and getting that tail up and down to get those farts coming haha

I had so many calls for worm colics too, those are nasty and so preventable. Had a few with torsion too, jumpers, and we managed to get them to the theater just in time to save them. I lost a few too, they figured it out too late :(

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1 hour ago, Nick0678 said:

Peeve:  People who take this game way too seriously .. like paying US$3 per week instead of US$2.



I just dropped my land cost to $0 about 45 seconds ago.. hehehe

I feel kinda neked now, even though i have a linden home.. Gonna miss my land.

Edited by Ceka Cianci
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Just now, Nick0678 said:

Aww Ceka you can always live for free in my sim.. if you say "please, daddy.."

Hehehehe Thank you for the offer, but I have my linden home for right now.. If I ever give that up, I'll get my please daddy ready.. hehehe

The only reason I'm gonna miss it is because I've had it for so long..Really, I'm just bored in here right now and not using it like i could be, so it's just wasting money..

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