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8 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

If I understand the angst, and perhaps I do not, it was all to do with an innocuous remark made, to which I made an innocuous reply back. And then???? I have no idea. But perhaps the angst is about something else entirely. I have no idea.

You..you MONSTER! * shakes a pawfinger at *

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1 minute ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

I sprinkled some of Mom's and Dad's ashes on our beach, and now squish them between my toes on lakefront walks. I was underfoot years ago, now it's their turn.

Cycle of life.

I still have ashes from both Mom and Dad. Dad went first, and I launched a bit of him in a model rocket. After Mom died, I mixed some of their ashes (approximately proportional to their living body weights, I'm an engineer.) and sent them aloft for a world tour in a weather balloon on Halloween.

All of this is, of course, entirely for my benefit. Their ashes don't give a damn. I like the idea of sprinkling my parents throughout the world of our family lore. All the memorable places they've been, both with and before me, are on my ash sprinkling bucket list.

They aren't dead until nobody remembers them?

Lovely post, and I hate to quip, but... I must. :)

I studied engineering (mechanical). I was married to an engineer (chemical, but really EE in practice). I so get the "approx proportional" necessity! Yes, necessity! And my fave memory of the ex ChemE was how he went about doing barbeque. Oh. My. God. If it could own special timers, thermometers, if it could be graphed... :) and of course, the food was most excellent.

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1 hour ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

Peeve: Doing my best to become a member of a community (in good standing) only for it all to come crashing down. Apparently, I'm a sh*tty human being and make everyone around me miserable. I'm exactly the opposite of what I try to be. All I ever wanted was to be accepted somewhere and feel like I had some sort of family. I'm sorry.

May you all find happiness and good fortune.

I accept you.  I even like you and I suspect you would be surprised how many people also like you.  I'm glad you posted, I was hoping you were not gone. 

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This is a proto-peeve. An announcement of peeves to come.

:::eyeroll::: some people forced me to look at my forum profile. sigh. So I decided to do some housekeeping. I threw a banner on yesterday. Today I poked around in the closet. Oh, right, that "ignore these obnoxious people" option. It was at 13. It is now down to 2. A good half of the people were "who is this"? So I assume some drama was happening and I just said "eff it" (only differently) and put them on mute. I had to do some profile hopping on some to see "are they still posting?" Many were not. But yeah, two remain. :) 

This frees up room for all the new-old posters who are straggling back in. Ahhhh, a good 12-13 open slots before I go Chiroptera-poo bonkers and rage quit. (I don't think I've ever actually raged quit, but I could be in denial for my own protection.)

So, filling up those old slots could definitely result in peeve posts.

Furthermore, while I was visiting various other-people community profiles, I noted "y'all actually use the "follow" function? Weird. OK." So I turned mine on.

I am assuming that might lead to some peeve posts as well.

These are examples of why we can't have nice things here.

I wonder if I should have some kind of slot-count thing in my signature. I wonder how the heck I change my signature.

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Just now, kali Wylder said:

I accept you.  I even like you and I suspect you would be surprised how many people also like you.  I'm glad you posted, I was hoping you were not gone. 

Just to say, "yup" to what you said, Kali. If I had part in the angst, well, it was totally not intentional.


People keep telling me, "It isn't always about you," but then...

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14 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

Just to say, "yup" to what you said, Kali. If I had part in the angst, well, it was totally not intentional.


People keep telling me, "It isn't always about you," but then...

Love the new tag line Seicher

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20 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I spend most of my forum time these days like that, having little to no clue of things happening here.

Yeah, me too.  There's the things that go right over my head, the things I missed, the things I witnessed that I don't understand, things that started somewhere other than the GD or the Belli forums then spilled over....

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Oh. Em. Gee. I am DEVASTATED!  :::sobs::: 😪

My partner and I have been playing Wordle for something like 6 months. He's like this math genius but I've been beating his butt in Wordle. I set my computer's world clock up to tomorrow so I play tomorrow's game tonight, he plays in the morning before I get up, so we're on the same puzzle. AND I JUST LOST!!!!  nooooooooooooooooooooo! A 178 day winning streak, with an average score of around 3.56 and goooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnne.  :::sobs more:::  Gin. I need Gin. And LOTS of it!




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1 hour ago, Seicher Rae said:

Oh. Em. Gee. I am DEVASTATED!  :::sobs::: 😪

What you need is a good distraction. Before he gets a chance to see your score, or even log in to try the daily Wordle himself, say, "Gosh!  A friend just told me about a game that is right up your alley.  Try this  --- > https://nerdlegame.com/ "  and then go for a walk.  He'll never take another look at Wordle and you'll reign supreme.

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4 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

What you need is a good distraction. Before he gets a chance to see your score, or even log in to try the daily Wordle himself, say, "Gosh!  A friend just told me about a game that is right up your alley.  Try this  --- > https://nerdlegame.com/ "  and then go for a walk.  He'll never take another look at Wordle and you'll reign supreme.

I've been curious to try Queerdle or Sweardle.

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2 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

What you need is a good distraction. Before he gets a chance to see your score, or even log in to try the daily Wordle himself, say, "Gosh!  A friend just told me about a game that is right up your alley.  Try this  --- > https://nerdlegame.com/ "  and then go for a walk.  He'll never take another look at Wordle and you'll reign supreme.

OH gawd no. That's all math! He'd kill me at it, and he'd force me to play! :)  (I used to be able to do math, then I found cats.)  I am still beating his butt even with my loss but still... sobs.

Truthfully, it looks kind of fun. 
If you are a geography nut, like my bff is, try WorLdle... omg. I suck hard at that one.

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7 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:


Me: "Alexa, add Tofu skin"

Alexa: "You already have cookies on your shopping list"

Me: "Alexa, add Tofu skin"

Alexa: "Cuckoo skin added"

Me: "Alexa, add Tofu"

Alexa: "Poopoo added"


Get yourself another girl friend.


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6 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

When you first posted this, I assumed the signal was being multiplexed. If just wires, then not so sure, maybe I'd prefer TOSLink (digital).

Since his console and racks of vintage gear are analog, he needs a compact way to shuttle analog signals around. That's precipitated our exploration into using the eight wires of an Ethernet cable to carry four channels of analog.

I'm not well versed on recording studio tech, but I think Dante is the current go-to digital transport interface for high-channel-count systems. I've seen S/PIDF and TOSLink connections on some of Mac's gear, but those were for 1-2 channels of I/O. I think those boxes also have USB for the computer connection. I recall him complaining about the varied latency of USB devices, as well as sampling rate drift.

He's mentioned going "all Dante" when he can afford it. Unless he stops living off fast (and expensive) food, that day is far in the future.

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5 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:


Planned carefully and put off all day testing a script feature after a major rewrite. Feature worked first try.

All that procrastinating, when I could have been coding the next thing!

Cheer up, Love.  Maybe the next script will fail spectacularly.

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