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1 minute ago, Rowan Amore said:


Peeve: Once that is someday answered, we may - or may not - like the answer.

The answer may be: "Because".  Even between humans with similar genetic backgrounds, there is room for a lot of variation.

I predict that within a generation, Science (capital "S") will discover that "some people are just more prone to being larger, gaining weight, and retaining fat" due to multiple predispositions.  At that time, Science (capital "S") will stop using the well-intentioned "BMI" formula for determining when someone is "overweight".  (ICYMI, healthy people including "bodybuilder types" are judged as "overweight" under the "BMI" formulas.)


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34 minutes ago, Rat Luv said:
35 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Your assumption here, in error, is that smoking would be the only cause of increased death rates.

Well, I don't understand it, lol. You're all the geniuses, you need to explain it to me xD

It doesn't take a genius to detect a logical error -- you just have to study the rules of logic a bit.

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Just now, Luna Bliss said:

It doesn't take a genius to detect a logical error -- you just have to study the rules of logic a bit.

If that was meant to be a dig, it went way over my head :)

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Just now, Rat Luv said:
1 minute ago, Luna Bliss said:

It doesn't take a genius to detect a logical error -- you just have to study the rules of logic a bit.

If that was meant to be a dig, it went way over my head :)

No, it was actually meant to hopefully make you feel better. You seemed to be denigrating yourself and imagining others were so smart (or dissing them because you thought they were claiming to be so smart), so I wanted to explain the reality of this --- nothing to do with genius levels and everything to do with a bit of studying up on logic.

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Anyway, if anyone is overweight and thinks it is not down to overestimating how many calories they burn or underestimating how many calories they consume, maybe contact the government so they can clone you into a super soldier who can survive for months in combat without eating a bean :)

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15 minutes ago, Rat Luv said:
16 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

It doesn't take a genius to detect a logical error -- you just have to study the rules of logic a bit.

If that was meant to be a dig, it went way over my head :)

Yeah, "it doesn't take a genius" isn't very kind!

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20 minutes ago, Rat Luv said:

Anyway, if anyone is overweight and thinks it is not down to overestimating how many calories they burn or underestimating how many calories they consume, maybe contact the government so they can clone you into a super soldier who can survive for months in combat without eating a bean :)

It is, ultimately, down to that, yes -- when we eat what we don't burn up turns to fat.  The problem is that some people (like the 600 lb people show you like) have to live on basically a bit of chicken and lettuce at each meal and even then don't get down to the supposedly correct weight totally, whereas most others can eat a lot more and maintain a healthy weight.  So it's not fair to blame people really, which is what your simplified theory ends up doing.

It's basically saying "hey, you're just fat because you eat too damm much". So stop eating.

I'd have to starve my obese kitty, make him miserable, to lower his weight. And even then, who knows...he might not even lose weight. A lot of studies show that many who restrict calories severely start to conserve the energy to a greater degree from each calorie they take in.

Edited by Luna Bliss
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6 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:
21 minutes ago, Rat Luv said:
23 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

It doesn't take a genius to detect a logical error -- you just have to study the rules of logic a bit.

If that was meant to be a dig, it went way over my head :)

Yeah, "it doesn't take a genius" isn't very kind!

Do you even read the threads or track further than the two previous posts (now that was a dig).

Rat is the one who brought up geniuses and is why I used the word.  Rat said:

"Well, I don't understand it, lol. You're all the geniuses, you need to explain it to me xD"

Edited by Luna Bliss
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8 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

It is, ultimately, down to that, yes. 

Thanks! 😇 I am vindicated! 🍾

8 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

The problem is that some people (like the 600 lb people show you like) have to live on basically a bit of chicken and lettuce at each meal and even then don't get down to the supposedly correct weight totally, whereas most others can eat a lot more and maintain a healthy weight.

O.o If you eat a bit of chicken and lettuce at each meal, you are going to lose weight (by the way, I am not recommending anybody does this - this is a complex subject I actually care about, and I get peeved with disinformation). The contestants often cheat, someone brings them a pizza. I agree though that it is a pre-scripted show that gets boring very fast - my point was that if you eat 3500 calories a day and sit on the sofa, you will pile on weight, if you eat 1200 calories and move around, you won't, and it doesn't matter whether you are from Antarctica or Lebanon...

People THINK that others are eating loads more and maintaining a healthy weight, but often they're not. Social media has made it harder to tell... You cannot magically beat thermodynamics 🎇 

Anyway, this is probably all off topic, so my peeve today is a moth that flew too close to me 🥶

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2 minutes ago, Rat Luv said:
21 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

It is, ultimately, down to that, yes. 

Thanks! 😇 I am vindicated! 🍾

21 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

The problem is that some people (like the 600 lb people show you like) have to live on basically a bit of chicken and lettuce at each meal and even then don't get down to the supposedly correct weight totally, whereas most others can eat a lot more and maintain a healthy weight.

O.o If you eat a bit of chicken and lettuce at each meal, you are going to lose weight (by the way, I am not recommending anybody does this - this is a complex subject I actually care about, and I get peeved with disinformation). The contestants often cheat, someone brings them a pizza. I agree though that it is a pre-scripted show that gets boring very fast - my point was that if you eat 3500 calories a day and sit on the sofa, you will pile on weight, if you eat 1200 calories and move around, you won't, and it doesn't matter whether you are from Antarctica or Lebanon...

People THINK that others are eating loads more and maintaining a healthy weight, but often they're not. Social media has made it harder to tell... You cannot magically beat thermodynamics 🎇 

I urge you to get your information from books and actual studies and not reality TV or social media.

It's a very complex topic and can't be reduced to such simplification.

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1 minute ago, Luna Bliss said:

I urge you to get your information from books and actual studies and not reality TV or social media.

It's a very complex topic and can't be reduced to such simplification.

Well OK...send me the case study of the man who only ate a bit of chicken and lettuce but was mysteriously obese.

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8 minutes ago, Rat Luv said:
11 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

I urge you to get your information from books and actual studies and not reality TV or social media.

It's a very complex topic and can't be reduced to such simplification.

Well OK...send me the case study of the man who only ate a bit of chicken and lettuce but was mysteriously obese.

I think you're missing the point by tying yourself to extreme examples.

What I've been trying to say is that weight is more complicated in the average person.

For example, one woman might consume 1,400 calories a day and get down to 130 pounds, while another (same height and age, comparable activity) would remain at 200 pounds.

One guy might eat 2,000 calories a day and stay a slim 180 lbs while another (same height and age, comparable activity) would remain at 250.

We really don't know all the factors that play into this -- stress causes us to hold on to more calories, other hormones influence it, genetics play a part.

This is why we can't just say if a person is fat it's because they're just eating too much.

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30 minutes ago, Rat Luv said:

Well OK...send me the case study of the man who only ate a bit of chicken and lettuce but was mysteriously obese.

It's not just diet: diet, metabolism, predisposition to retaining water / fat, body fat distribution, different syndromes that make it easy / hard to lose fat (lipodystrophy / lipohypertrophy), pancreas function (relating to diabetic conditions), etc. etc. etc.

Edited by Love Zhaoying
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Another thing to keep in mind is that due to natural height and shape. The same amount of weight can look vastly different from person to person.

I'm a short person, a whole 5ft tall. I'm also pretty pretty much rotund™️ even as a perfectly healthy weight. Because my body is just plain shaped curvy by default. Add the compact size and you get someone who looks "fat" but is a healthy weight.


Peeve: Being five foot tall and never being able to resch top shelves. 😡

Edited by Robin Kiyori
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4 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

For example, one woman might consume 1,400 calories a day and get down to 130 pounds, while another (same height and age, comparable activity) would remain at 200 pounds.

One guy might eat 2,000 calories a day and stay a slim 180 lbs while another (same height and age, comparable activity) would remain at 250.

What I am saying is I don't have a clue how this could possibly happen??  You are talking about a 70lb difference between two men eating the same amount? :S 

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5 minutes ago, Rat Luv said:
14 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

For example, one woman might consume 1,400 calories a day and get down to 130 pounds, while another (same height and age, comparable activity) would remain at 200 pounds.

One guy might eat 2,000 calories a day and stay a slim 180 lbs while another (same height and age, comparable activity) would remain at 250.

What I am saying is I don't have a clue how this could possibly happen??  You are talking about a 70lb difference between two men eating the same amount? :S 

You'd have to study this to understand it better...it's a complicated subject and even the experts don't understand it fully. I've mentioned some things we're aware of that can cause this, and so has Love & Orwar.  Simply put we don't all process our food in the same way.

Or take what Rowan explained - she was the chubby one and her sister was super thin, but they ate the same and Rowan was far more physically active than her sister. 

Edited by Luna Bliss
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2 minutes ago, Rat Luv said:

What I am saying is I don't have a clue how this could possibly happen??  You are talking about a 70lb difference between two men eating the same amount? :S 

It can happen for all sorts of reasons. Some people burn off fat faster then others. Others have health issues that result in fluctuating weight. My Dad eats very healthily and golfs frequently.  But because of his pancreas not working as intended. He keeps weght on.


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8 minutes ago, Robin Kiyori said:

Peeve: Being five foot tall and never being able to resch top shelves.

Peeve...being 5'9" and always asked to reach the stuff on the top shelf by my 5'2" mom.  😂

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1 hour ago, Rowan Amore said:

My older sister and I are 1 year apart.  We ate the same foods growing up and basically the same amount of that food.  We didn't have a lot so it was somewhat portioned per person.  We didn't have snack foods around.  My sister sat on the couch most days reading.   I was out from sun up to sun down running around the neighborhood.  Riding my bike, playing kickball, climbing trees, etc.  I was always the chubby one.  She was thin as a rail.  Same parents, same ancestors, same everything.  


Maybe because your sister was using her brain through reading whereas you weren't? The brain does use a significant percentage of calories when it is active.


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56 minutes ago, Rat Luv said:

This is all Orwar's fault.

Luna was complaining about her struggle with carbs. I don't believe a completely carb-free keto diet is healthy. In fact, most doctors will tell you it's not. I also think it's easier to stick to a healthy diet if you meet your biological and emotional needs with healthier alternatives to the foods and behaviors that are causing you harm.

I suggested natural non-sugar sweetners in small amounts. @Orwar then pointed out that some of these are dangerous in large amounts and added his own personal bias against sweetening tea. Note: I was including herbal tisanes in the category of "tea", not referring to a specific, caffeine rich plant leaf.

Cinnamon oil can cause a chemical burn on skin, but as a spice added to food, it tastes sweet and helps moderate insulin levels. It's a good addition to a diet for those who like it, are not unusually sensitive to it, and who are trying to lose weight.

Many other spices and herbs have health benefits when used in proper moderation in a diet. Try some of these, but don't over do anything. More is not always better.

A diet rich in lean meat and fish is great, but our genetic ancestors had to survive in all kinds of conditions that necessitated an omnivorous, adaptable metabolism. They ate meat and fish when they could, grains and tubers, nuts and seeds, both fresh and dried fruits and veggies, and even a little honey when they could find it.


Gut bacteria also plays a big part in metabolism, as does stress and food insecurity. 

Btw, our ancestors also ate various insects and grubs, which most of as are likely not comfortable doing now.

Edited by Persephone Emerald
Couldn't think of a better word than metabolism
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