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1 hour ago, AmeliaJ08 said:

I had not really used forums since the early 2000s until I came here and the reactions are something I wasn't used to but I feel they make me too lazy and stop people replying like they used to.

I suppose a lot of forum space was taken up by people saying 'thanks' or '+1' etc. back in the day though.


It sure saves a lot of "me too", "me third", "ROTFL" and "I agree" posts, like this one.

Edited by Sid Nagy
Almost Saturday again.
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I appreciate the feedback, thanks everyone.  Obviously, the "me third" and such posts don't have a great deal of value to anyone, I totally agree with that.

However a post that says what someone specifically agrees, disagrees, etc. with has a lot more value than the emote alone.  One thing that often leaves me wondering for example is when someone just emotes on a large post - what part are they emoting about?  The whole concept being expressed?  Just some part of it or the fact the person just posted something at all?  Enquiring minds want to know.

If I wonder that, I'm expecting others do as well.

The emotes are the easier and lazier option to choose for sure.  I think generally I have way overused them when sometimes posts would have been better.

For those who just want to be liked, I can assure you that I like you just as much as I always have even without the emotes.  It changes nothing.

Anyway, there's no great drama here.  We'll see how things go.

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On 12/27/2023 at 7:10 PM, Gabriele Graves said:

I appreciate the sentiment and your point about there not really being any other good points to make except an emote sometimes is well made.  I'm kinda going with if an emote is all I have to contribute then there really isn't anything to contribute if you know what I mean.

I use "like" a lot -- in part because I see it as positive reinforcement and a simple but not ineffective way to let people know I appreciate their contribution. And I use "thanks" when, well, I'm grateful.

I don't use the others so much. I'm a bit careful about "laugh" unless it's pretty obvious that a joke was made, because of how it can be misread. And I don't use "confused" very much because, again, it can be seen as a slight.

I have taken to responding to certain posts with an "eye roll" -- which, obviously, requires an actual post as it's not an available reaction. I've taken to using it when someone posts something that I think is truly ignorant or ideologically loaded. Examples, pretty close to things I've actually seen here, would be a response to someone saying like "The woke crowd here isn't going to like what I have to say" or "Women are all just rude to men in SL."

We're not allowed to have discussions here about politics, but one can usually get away with making a single post that is ideological: it's when it sparks debate that the mods tend to step in. So, in order to avoid triggering a back-and-forth, I use an eye roll to signal my response. There's not much point anyway in debating with someone who says something awful, but I also don't want to just let it pass unanswered, because I don't want to seem complicit or in agreement by my silence.

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A peeve that may make me a little unpopular in some quarters . . .

I've decided that I don't think I like PBR much.

At least, not as it's currently working.

I know that there are lots of people who are really excited about reflections and shiny chrome stuff. And I understand that this is also part of a larger effort to update and modernize and standardize SL. So, yes, I'm sure it's something we should be doing.

I just don't think it looks all that great. In certain lights, everything looks like it's a bit smeary and blurry. And it's glitchy, with lots of problems that need to be fixed. Reflection probes have some potential, but they don't seem to work properly at altitudes above a few hundred metres: above that, and they start flickering.

And it's REALLY messing up my EEP settings.

I'm working hard, learning how to use it, but honestly, I'm not a happy photographer/camper right now.

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8 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

A peeve that may make me a little unpopular in some quarters . . .

I've decided that I don't think I like PBR much.

At least, not as it's currently working.

I know that there are lots of people who are really excited about reflections and shiny chrome stuff. And I understand that this is also part of a larger effort to update and modernize and standardize SL. So, yes, I'm sure it's something we should be doing.

I just don't think it looks all that great. In certain lights, everything looks like it's a bit smeary and blurry. And it's glitchy, with lots of problems that need to be fixed. Reflection probes have some potential, but they don't seem to work properly at altitudes above a few hundred metres: above that, and they start flickering.

And it's REALLY messing up my EEP settings.

I'm working hard, learning how to use it, but honestly, I'm not a happy photographer/camper right now.

Oh, I definitely feel this. More specifically, I like that we're finally getting it (bout time), but I don't like having to know about it. I haven't been paying any attention to it and really don't have much motivation to play with it or anything like that. When I'm forced to upgrade into it, I suppose I will, but if textures and lighting are messed up for some reason or another before that point, I'd rather just log out than fiddle with it. I'm a very casual SL user these days - no longer a creator and definitely not a game dev. I just wanna look cute and decorate things. 😄

I think my issue is I'm just used to this stuff simply working with zero input or involvement on my part whatsoever. You can put all the fun, shiny tech into my games and MMOs all you want, which devs have been doing for decades now, but those are often very controlled environments that I can't significantly change or adjust, so everything's going to look fantastic, provided our GPUs can display it all without bursting into flames. I don't need to know what "PBR" means to enjoy spending time in Cyberpunk, or whatever. It's just there and it looks great. That's about as far as my interest in this stuff goes.

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23 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

Just another "WTF?" moment in SL.  I couldn't post the rest of the picture as it included scent particles for you genitalia!  Just what everyone needs?  



OMG, someone decided to bottle and sell literal "funk" on Second Life!

ETA: Diapers not included, I assume.

Edited by Love Zhaoying
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Just now, Love Zhaoying said:

OMG, someone decided to bottle and sell literal "funk" on Second Life!

ETA: Diapers not included, I assume.

I always rolled my eyes when someone was wearing that perfume/cologne that would spam chat with some nonsense but this?  This is a whole other level of idiocy IMHO.  

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1 hour ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Oh, I definitely feel this. More specifically, I like that we're finally getting it (bout time), but I don't like having to know about it. I haven't been paying any attention to it and really don't have much motivation to play with it or anything like that. When I'm forced to upgrade into it, I suppose I will, but if textures and lighting are messed up for some reason or another before that point, I'd rather just log out than fiddle with it. I'm a very casual SL user these days - no longer a creator and definitely not a game dev. I just wanna look cute and decorate things. 😄

I think my issue is I'm just used to this stuff simply working with zero input or involvement on my part whatsoever. You can put all the fun, shiny tech into my games and MMOs all you want, which devs have been doing for decades now, but those are often very controlled environments that I can't significantly change or adjust, so everything's going to look fantastic, provided our GPUs can display it all without bursting into flames. I don't need to know what "PBR" means to enjoy spending time in Cyberpunk, or whatever. It's just there and it looks great. That's about as far as my interest in this stuff goes.

This is why I think that the rollout for this has been premature: you shouldn't have to "know about it," and neither should anyone who isn't at least a casual creator. It should have been introduced after all the performance issues and bugs had been addressed, so that the transition was more seamless than it clearly is going to be. You should have been able to just log on one day, and thought to yourself "Gosh, Second Life looks better now!"

And in some ways that goes double for creators: the clumsy implementation of this is going to mean that a lot of creators are simply going to not bother. Producing things that are visible in both Blinn-Phong and PBR viewers now means uploading and applying more textures, and the editing tools . . . yeesh. I still can't get over the fact that they put this in place without fixing the fact that you can't tile textures by stretching the object: you have to calculate and then manually enter the numbers into "scaling." What that also means, I've discovered, is that the scaling of old BP and new PBR textures are different: you need separate values for the two kinds of texture/materials, or reproduce them from one to the other, again, manually.

And, while I need to do more tests on this, it really does seem to screw around with EEP badly, and that's going to impact on everyone.

I am not a techie, by any stretch, but I'm also not a noob: I've been reading up on this, experimenting with it, uploading PBR materials to test, etc., etc. And OMG it's been a frustrating experience.

Five minutes after everyone has oooh and aaaahed about the really coolio reflections in a mirror or a piece of chrome, they are going to find themselves faced with slower FPS, and discovering that everything looks either too dark or too washed out. Oh, and, increasingly, those who are slow to jump on the viewer bandwagon are going to start seeing blank textures across SL.

There really are lots of people, apparently, who just love love love this. And that's great! But I've been playing with this across three different PBR-enabled viewers, and . . . meh. Or worse.

I am sure that this needed to be done. But wow, could they have not found a better way to do it?

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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20 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

This is why I think that the rollout for this has been premature: you shouldn't have to "know about it," and neither should anyone who isn't at least a casual creator. It should have been introduced after all the performance issues and bugs had been addressed, so that the transition was more seamless than it clearly is going to be. You should have been able to just log on one day, and thought to yourself "Gosh, Second Life looks better now!"

And this is exactly why Firestorm has not rolled out their PBR release yet.

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44 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

This is why I think that the rollout for this has been premature: you shouldn't have to "know about it," and neither should anyone who isn't at least a casual creator. It should have been introduced after all the performance issues and bugs had been addressed, so that the transition was more seamless than it clearly is going to be. You should have been able to just log on one day, and thought to yourself "Gosh, Second Life looks better now!"


My guess:

"Yes boss. PBR is integrated at the end of 2023, as promised".
And since the boss only shows up in world if he really has to and has no real clue (like most of us) about the finesses of  PBR, that will do. As long as it looks good in the 2023 books.

The rest comes later or will simply be forgotten and ignored (as we have seen before with some other projects) until Second Life will come out of beta stages (expected somewhere in 2065).
Hey, after all sim crossing isn't that bad anymore in 2023. ;)

Edited by Sid Nagy
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26 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

My guess:

"Yes boss. PBR is integrated at the end of 2023, as promised".
And since the boss only shows up in world if he really has to and has no real clue (like most of us) about the finesses of  PBR, that will do. As long as it looks good in the 2023 books.

The rest comes later or will simply be forgotten and ignored (as we have seen before with some other projects) until Second Life will come out of beta stages (expected somewhere in 2065).
Hey, after all sim crossing isn't that bad anymore in 2023. ;)

Peeve: Hopefully, a small army of developers can "roll off" the PBR project to focus on..Mobile!


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Peeve: Someone I never even talked to be for or even knew existed, sent me 10k in lindens  this morning because they said they loved my profile.. Then saying things like, a woman like you needs to be taken care of..

That was the whole IM..

Did I just get hit on by one of those Findam guys or something?

I don't think there is a single thing in my profile that say's I'm like that.🤬

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4 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Peeve: Someone I never even talked to be for or even knew existed, sent me 10k in lindens  this morning because they said they loved my profile.. Then saying things like, a woman like you needs to be taken care of..

That was the whole IM..

Did I just get hit on by one of those Findam guys or something?

I don't think there is a single thing in my profile that say's I'm like that.🤬

Wow, would I ever shoot that money back, fast.

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Just now, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Wow, would I ever shoot that money back, fast.

I was gonna give it back but then after thinking about it.. Just waking up and seeing that and it messing my morning tea up..

I'm keeping it for compensation.. I never said a word to him  yet and don't plan on it.. He's not getting off Scott Free.. lol

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17 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Peeve: Someone I never even talked to be for or even knew existed, sent me 10k in lindens  this morning because they said they loved my profile.. Then saying things like, a woman like you needs to be taken care of..

That was the whole IM..

Did I just get hit on by one of those Findam guys or something?

I don't think there is a single thing in my profile that say's I'm like that.🤬

Since when is free money a peeve? Donate it to a group or someone who needs it. I saw a donation request for the owner of NaaNaa's jewelry who's going through some stuff.

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