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Some guy on Twitter who commented on a bathroom mirror selfie of India Willoughby (a UK trans journalist and broadcaster) that "real women would never take a picture of themselves in the mirror of a bathroom."

Tell me you've never been on Instagram without telling me you've never been on Instagram.


Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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12 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Some guy on Twitter who commented on a bathroom mirror selfie of India Willoughby (a UK trans journalist and broadcaster) that "real women would never take a picture of themselves in the mirror of a bathroom."

Tell me you've never been on Instagram without telling me you've never been on Instagram.


Or a dating app. Or seen a fashion mag. Or been on Twitter. Or absolutely anywhere on this here Pedro Pascal's Internet.

Has he never seen a Kardashian like, ever?

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1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Some guy on Twitter who commented on a bathroom mirror selfie of India Willoughby (a UK trans journalist and broadcaster) that "real women would never take a picture of themselves in the mirror of a bathroom."

Tell me you've never been on Instagram without telling me you've never been on Instagram.


I would have to agree with "the guy on Twitter" to some degree.  Having not seen the picture he was talking about, I wonder if it was a bathroom in the home or public bathroom selfie, cos we all know, there is a difference...as highlighted by your illustration picture - invasion of the privacy of people just needing to tinkle.  

Granted a lot of the influencers and Kardashians are no strangers to whipping out the cameras in their bathrooms at home and inflicting themselves on us every chance they get.  But do women really do that in public loos too?  I don't really "do" social media so really have no idea. 

What I have noticed though that during this whole "men creeping on me at the gym" thing is that men apparently love to film themselves in the changing rooms/toilets regardless of it usually being against the rules and other patron's objecting to it.  Even saw one clip where there was a naked guy changing behind the guy filming himself and the guy filming zoomed in on him.  

So that is why I am asking.  Enquiring minds and all that.


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59 minutes ago, Jordan Whitt said:

I would have to agree with "the guy on Twitter" to some degree.  Having not seen the picture he was talking about, I wonder if it was a bathroom in the home or public bathroom selfie, cos we all know, there is a difference...as highlighted by your illustration picture - invasion of the privacy of people just needing to tinkle.  

Granted a lot of the influencers and Kardashians are no strangers to whipping out the cameras in their bathrooms at home and inflicting themselves on us every chance they get.  But do women really do that in public loos too?  I don't really "do" social media so really have no idea. 

What I have noticed though that during this whole "men creeping on me at the gym" thing is that men apparently love to film themselves in the changing rooms/toilets regardless of it usually being against the rules and other patron's objecting to it.  Even saw one clip where there was a naked guy changing behind the guy filming himself and the guy filming zoomed in on him.  

So that is why I am asking.  Enquiring minds and all that.


Yes, what Ayashe has said. Instagram, and to a lesser extent Twitter, is replete with images of women doing this. It's actually almost a cliche, to the degree that you can buy "bathroom mirror shot" backdrops in SL -- which is precisely what I used above: a backdrop designed to easily replicate the appearance of a bathroom shot.

Men taking creepy pics at gyms -- or on the street, in subways, etc. -- is certainly a thing, but this is really very different in any case. India's shot is taken in an empty public washroom. It's a bog-standard bathroom selfie; flip randomly through Instagram, and you'll see dozens just like this.


ETA: This story is from 2020


Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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12 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Yes, what Ayashe has said. Instagram, and to a lesser extent Twitter, is replete with images of women doing this. It's actually almost a cliche, to the degree that you can buy "bathroom mirror shot" backdrops in SL -- which is precisely what I used above: a backdrop designed to easily replicate the appearance of a bathroom shot.

Men taking creepy pics at gyms -- or on the street, in subways, etc. -- is certainly a thing, but this is really very different in any case. India's shot is taken in an empty public washroom. It's a bog-standard bathroom selfie; flip randomly through Instagram, and you'll see dozens just like this.


ETA: This story is from 2020


That's actually one of the nicer bathroom selfies I've seen. I appreciate her mostly cropping out the toilet! 😂

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6 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

That's actually one of the nicer bathroom selfies I've seen. I appreciate her mostly cropping out the toilet! 😂

I'm not actually a fan of them -- they are most often far too obviously posed and designed to look "sexy" and "alluring" -- what the article above calls "the bathroom effect," maybe?

India's is nice too because it's pretty obviously fairly spontaneous. She isn't mincing or posturing. It's just . . . a pic of her smiling. I'm good with that.

PS. Mind you, if I'd taken that shot, I'd have shut the stall doors behind me, because I'm a bit . . . that way, about pics.

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1 minute ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I'm not actually a fan of them -- they are most often far too obviously posed and designed to look "sexy" and "alluring" -- what the article above calls "the bathroom effect," maybe?

India's is nice too because it's pretty obviously fairly spontaneous. She isn't mincing or posturing. It's just . . . a pic of her smiling. I'm good with that.

Oh they're completely staged, goofy, and entirely ridiculous - and not in a good way!  Hers is very natural, though, so I'll forgive it just this once! 😂

Generally, I think that of all selfies, though. I absolutely loathe being on the wrong side of a camera, so don't go by me. The day I willingly get in front of one, in a bathroom no less, is the day I've done lost mah dang mind.

Of course, I'll say that now, but then also admit to adoring Cindy Sherman, so I'm kind of a big ole hypocrite. Though in my defense!!!!...that's a whole different level of "selfie."

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RL Peeve 433: Websites that only use a Fakebook login to get into it.

SL Peeve 433: A group I ran into long ago that wanted you to go to their FB page to have them invite you to it.

On the RL peeve, I was on a mboard that was open to all --- then they changed it to a FB only log in, no other ways and they gave a one week notice. When contacted them, they said "everyone is on FB!" I sent a comment to them not everyone is, but it was ignored. Time to move on.....

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1 hour ago, Kimmi Zehetbauer said:

RL Peeve 433: Websites that only use a Fakebook login to get into it.

On the RL peeve, I was on a mboard that was open to all --- then they changed it to a FB only log in, no other ways and they gave a one week notice. When contacted them, they said "everyone is on FB!" I sent a comment to them not everyone is, but it was ignored. Time to move on.....

I totally get this.  While Lil does have a FB account, it is seldom used -- and RL me ditched it years ago.

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Pose makers (and stores in general...but specifically pose stores today) who DO NOT PUT A FRICKEN PICTURE OF THE POSE IN WITH THEIR ITEMS!!!!!!

It's driving me nuts sorting through the dozen or so "poses to sort" folders I have when there are SO MANY with no pics of what the pose looks like.  Also doesn't help that a lot of them are from 2011!

*logs in M-Alt for pose checking duty*

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17 hours ago, Jordan Whitt said:

Pose makers (and stores in general...but specifically pose stores today) who DO NOT PUT A FRICKEN PICTURE OF THE POSE IN WITH THEIR ITEMS!!!!!!

It's driving me nuts sorting through the dozen or so "poses to sort" folders I have when there are SO MANY with no pics of what the pose looks like.  Also doesn't help that a lot of them are from 2011!

*logs in M-Alt for pose checking duty*

I put my poses in a box.  Then when I want a pose, I rez the box, open and copy to inventory, and then click RECENT and all my poses are lined up, and I can then double click on each which puts the poses on the screen and then line them up and click thru ten to twelve poses very quickly.  Once I'm all done with my photography, I just delete the whole poses file in the RECENT area.  I don't think pose makers are going to put pictures with each pose.   You can though yourself.  

Edited by EliseAnne85
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1 hour ago, Rowan Amore said:

If I see one more vendor picture with some nincompoop's tongue sticking out I'm gonna punch someone.  

I've already deleted a couple people from my Flickr because they constantly use that ridiculous face.

That's how I feel about it, especially when they add those stupid crossed  eyes.. I don't know who in the world thought that was sexy in the first place.. It looks extra stupid on SL avatars..

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39 minutes ago, EliseAnne85 said:

I put my poses in a box.  Then when I want a pose, I rez the box, open and copy to inventory, and then click RECENT and all my poses are lined up, and I can then double click on each which puts the poses on the screen and then line them up and click thru ten to twelve poses very quickly.  Once I'm all done with my photography, I just delete the whole poses file in the RECENT area.  I don't think pose makers are going to put pictures with each pose.   You can though yourself.  

I arrange mine in descriptive folders and subfolders. It's annoying and time consuming, and not always entirely helpful, but I have hundreds and hundreds of poses: it would bankrupt me to upload all those pics.

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8 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Not free with Premium Plus? 😞 

Becoming Premium Plus would bankrupt me even more quickly.

I do save the pics come with some pose sets, but honestly don't find them very helpful, as they usually show 6 or 7 poses, without identifying which is which.

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16 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I arrange mine in descriptive folders and subfolders. It's annoying and time consuming, and not always entirely helpful, but I have hundreds and hundreds of poses: it would bankrupt me to upload all those pics.

I thought one could upload to inventory.  Or was that a long time ago.......................?

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20 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I do save the pics come with some pose sets, but honestly don't find them very helpful, as they usually show 6 or 7 poses, without identifying which is which.

I was going to suggest that too, to upload the pic on MP and put it in a file, but that doesn't help much.  I think poses are difficult.  Honestly, I often just use my AO and snap when avi looks interesting.  

Oh, I thought of something I did a long time ago.  I rezzed a HUD (a free dance HUD, I think) to the floor and put tons of poses in it and then right click on the HUD in inventory and  menu of all the poses would drop down and I scroll thru the menu of poses quickly as the HUD posed my avi in each pose.  

I forgot what kind of HUD I used for that though but it was free on MP.   It loaded about 40 poses in it.  There are some free HUDS on MP under dance HUD, I think but it should work because the dance animation and pose symbol is the same.  Mine actually worked, I still have it.  Made if for free.

ADD INFO:  Look for empty HUDS, but actually this one that is 99L, I use for all my dances.  Super easy to load and work with a menu, plus has a timer.  This is my favorite hud but there are free empty ones.   I'd need to look around.   This same HUD would probably work with poses, then just name each HUD while it's on the ground to give you some kind of idea of what's in it.


Edited by EliseAnne85
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Am I the only dope who has the majority of her poses memorized? 

I...I work with them a lot. That's my excuse and I'm stickin' to it.



I'm also not fancy enough for HUDs. I toss a pose into a poseball, hop on and drag myself wherever I'm needed, and then customize it in BD.

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