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4 hours ago, Krystina Ferraris said:

Ok I think these may be appropriate for your situation, a dremel alone wouldn’t do the job.



It's not quite that bad, just a lifetime of preferring sandals to any other footwear and bare feet over any footwear at all has left me with soles that wouldnt be out of place on a boot and toenails that sneer at (and break) regular clippers. :D

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8 hours ago, Da5id Weatherwax said:

It's not quite that bad, just a lifetime of preferring sandals to any other footwear and bare feet over any footwear at all has left me with soles that wouldnt be out of place on a boot and toenails that sneer at (and break) regular clippers. :D

I have a Issue with irregularly thick nail on both the toes and the fingers there is one thing that always works for me but you have to be careful with until you get used to using them


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Merchants that are confused about their store name.

A store at the Shop & Hop:  The gift contains a landmark with one store name.  A demo that I grabbed contains a landmark for another store name.  The store itself does not actually have a sign proclaiming it's name.  After scrutinizing the store ads very closely, I did determine that those match the name in the Gift.  Not sure where the name in the Demo comes from.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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OMG - and creators that STILL give out notecards with something similar to the following (I received this in one of the Shop & Hop gifts):

In order to see the mesh correctly you can increase the LOD (Level of detail).
Follow these instructions please: 
1. CTRL+ALT+D to activate the Advanced menu 
2. In the menu click on "Show debug settings"
3. A window will appear. Look for:
4. Set as value a number around 7.000 

When I get something like that there is a 99.99% chance that I will never buy something from that creator.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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11 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

OMG - and creators that STILL give out notecards with something similar to the following (I received this in one of the Shop & Hop gifts):

In order to see the mesh correctly you can increase the LOD (Level of detail).
Follow these instructions please: 
1. CTRL+ALT+D to activate the Advanced menu 
2. In the menu click on "Show debug settings"
3. A window will appear. Look for:
4. Set as value a number around 7.000 

When I get something like that there is a 99.99% chance that I will never buy something from that creator.

Must have to almost have your nose touching it with the default LODF.  hehehe

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Wow, I'm on a roll today.  Must be due to the size of Shop & Hop and how long it takes to check it all out.  I've been doing a handful of regions each day, but it is still a lot.

Anyway, IMO, the merchants that use vendors that 'refund the sales discount' to you after purchasing are doing themselves a disservice.  When I'm shopping, I simply check the price of an item, assuming it is set to sell at the sale price.  If it is more than I feel like paying for it, then I move on.  If the sale price would have nabbed me, but I have to first pay full price and then get refunded, the sale was lost.  I seldom notice the signs saying that I will be refunded - and even if I do see them, I'm often not in the mood for mental math on some percentage of an odd numbered price.

Merchants should want to make buying easy for the customer.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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I wonder when I see an old, sub-par item for the gift, something that can only be used if you buy something else, or something that has nothing to do with the primary items they sell, if this merchant feels like it's a good thing when they don't give out many gift items? Do they think giving a gift is a loss of potential sales, so they don't want to waste much time or money on it? 

No. The more gifts you end up giving out that make potential customers want to come back to buy something, the better your advertising is working.

There is a limit to this idea, but it doesn't apply for Shop & Hop.  A very few creators have given out so many free group gifts that their customers may not feel the need to buy much. I think this was part of the marketing problem that LaVian used to have. (They're no longer inworld.)

Edited by Persephone Emerald
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11 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

OMG - and creators that STILL give out notecards with something similar to the following (I received this in one of the Shop & Hop gifts):

In order to see the mesh correctly you can increase the LOD (Level of detail).
Follow these instructions please: 
1. CTRL+ALT+D to activate the Advanced menu 
2. In the menu click on "Show debug settings"
3. A window will appear. Look for:
4. Set as value a number around 7.000 

When I get something like that there is a 99.99% chance that I will never buy something from that creator.

With proper marketing, is feature!

"Our products all include a Free, Automatic Security Feature!

If uninvited guests view your furniture from too far away, they will assume it is just random piles of garbage and sticks. Nobody who doesn't know, will want to use your furniture uninvited!"




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Peeve:  Scripting JSON functions and trying way too hard to avoid Lists.  Literally, the entire master script doesn't use 1 llList() function.

Then, figuring out that all the missing JSON functionality can be done with 1 line of code if I just use Lists.

Json Array=>List=>Get Json Array length

Json Array=>List=>Check if Json Array entry already exists

Json Array=>List=>Sort Json Array

Json=>List=>CSV  Get Json Array in CSV  * Note: Depending on the Json, I have to get a strided list to get just the values I want. Otherwise, I could just use llJson2List(). *

I could say that I wasted a lot of time doing stuff the hard way (avoiding List) until now, but I was having fun.

So the Pet Peeve is: knowing that I wasted the effort. Not knowing = no Peeve!

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58 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I could say that I wasted a lot of time doing stuff the hard way (avoiding List) until now, but I was having fun.

That's the best part of scripting. I wouldn't be doing it if I wasn't having fun. :)

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6 minutes ago, Da5id Weatherwax said:

Peeve: Scripters that in ONE post manage to BOTH make you "facepalm that they ever thought of doing it THAT way"  and "facepalm at the elegance of a solution you never even considered"

Well, in Love's defense, he never actually claimed it was elegant.  Just fun. 🤡

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1 minute ago, Rolig Loon said:

Well, in Love's defense, he never actually claimed it was elegant.  Just fun. 🤡

To be honest, the fact I'm now supporting 105 commands, without using lists (until the cases I listed), is pretty close to being elegant!

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5 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

Peeve: Scripters who blag on about scripting in the Peeve Thread instead of over in the Scripting Forum where they belong.

At least it's "relevant" to Second Life!

If I start a new thread for each scripting "Peeve" over there, it won't go well.

If I try to piggyback on the "Script Efficiency" thread over there, it won't go well.

Perhaps we need a "Pet Peeve" thread in each Forum?

Pet Peeve: Needing a Pet Peeve thread in each Forum.

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4 minutes ago, Da5id Weatherwax said:

I feel another peeve coming on..  Quick, pass the Whiskey... if I dont look too hard it might go away

Scotch, I assume? Single or Double Malt? Age? Oak barrel? 

By the time you choose, your Pet Peeve will be long gone.

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3 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Scotch, I assume? Single or Double Malt? Age? Oak barrel? 

By the time you choose, your Pet Peeve will be long gone.

Long gone? Never in a million years. I keep my peeves close until they die of old age and then I send 'em to a taxidermist....

Single malt. Or, for preference, single cask. Depending on the mood it might be an 18yo Oban or a Laphroaig. If I can't decide between the smooth and the peat-monster Talisker is always an option :)

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5 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Scotch, I assume? Single or Double Malt? Age? Oak barrel? 

By the time you choose, your Pet Peeve will be long gone.

Never offer a Scot anything that isn't single malt!

Edited by Silent Mistwalker
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