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Voice: Yes or No?

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Randall Ahren wrote:

Voice: Yes or No?


Voice: it seemed like a good idea at the time. After failing to get it to work reliably for the first year [my main computer is also my studio computer and has several pro-audio devices permanently installed... headsets came so far down the pecking order they rarely worked] I gave up on it. Most of my time in SL is spent in solitary activity: building, exploring and performing music. So I have little use for voice, let alone text chat. Yes, I announce my tunes over my audio stream but it's not really interactive voice as it's known.

So my answer would be: Sometimes. In general it's too much hassle and, being a musician with 'dem crazy flipper fingers' I can manage two-finger typing at speed. If it worked reliably for me I might use it more often although 5 minutes at the DAMB welcome area is enough to make me throw my headset in the bin.

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I have always disliked the sound of my voice. At a young age, friends of my mother would think that I was her when I answered the phone. So, it is somewhat ironic that I would be attracted to DJ in SL given that I would most likely need to use a mic. It is all about the music for me and less about my voice. Many seem to like it. /me shrugs.

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I would like to voice my opinion on voice... wait no! lol! 8^)

I don't even have the sound on in SL unless going to see a fave live act. Most of my activities have been traditionally spent alone, making clothes and all that. There is no way I am giving up listening to my fave music to listen to a low bitrate audio stream, not to mention the lag factor. One doesn't purchase the best Senheiser headphones for nothing u know *winx

One of the main reasons I initially thought SL would be great was to increase my wpm count. My sister is a top level data entry specialist, (along with other things) and whatever the top wpm count is? (160 or something?) she's faster than that ;-o Also older relatives used to mesmerise us with tales of "chat rooms" with dungeons, witches, dragons, wizards and the like, all done in text. I used to dream of such things and as SL is my first online interaction ever, I guess I am living those dreams.

Typing is not something I have ever had to do a lot of workwise so text has helped me greatly in this area. I have doubled my wpm to about twice what it originally was. Which I am very very happy with.

Also the fact that from childhood, I have always been totally absorbed with artful use of the english language and its text for me. To find others who consider the written/typed use of english an artform, was something I had not expected from SL.

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i keep it off myself nowdays..well for the past couple of years anyways..

too easy to be griefed and really i just like the pictures people paint of themselves in this world..

once i hear them in voice it's like ..wow that really took me away from all that..i want to keep here as sl as possible and keep as much RL realness out of it as i can..

plus i just lose it when someone eats on their mic like it's no big thing..bleh ..HATE IT..crunch crunch chomp chomp breath out into the mic or better yet just talk with your mouth full like nobody is here..ya thanks ..my lunch can wait till tomorrow now ..

or gum chewers.smack smack smack ..they sound like rubberbands are tied to their jaws while they chew and talk at the same time..

then you have the ones that just let their bodily functions fly like it's gonna get some cheap laughs..sure it may from some..but not all of us wish to hear it..

i like the silence of sl without voice hehehe..i get enough of the others from rl as it is..

what is it with guys that think a dutch oven is so funny when nobody else is around to laugh about it ..i know i am never laughing when i get put in there..


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Maryanne Solo wrote:

To find others who consider the written/typed use of english an artform, was something I had not expected from SL.

Ur g8! lol (0.o)y.

@Ceka, what is a dutch oven? 

@Venus, I'm gonna have to go to one of your DJ events, just to see what you sound like.

@Faubio, try Radegast. It's text based, but has voice. Might reduce system requirements down to where your pc can handle it.



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I don't quite get that comment Randall? Care to elaborate

Randall Ahren wrote:

Maryanne Solo wrote:

To find others who consider the written/typed use of english an artform, was something I had not expected from SL.

Ur g8! lol (0.o)y. <<? ^^ o.0

@Ceka, what is a dutch oven? 

@Venus, I'm gonna have to go to one of your DJ events, just to see what you sound like.

@Faubio, try Radegast. It's text based, but has voice. Might reduce system requirements down to where your pc can handle it.




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LeeHere Absent wrote:

I'm tremendously pleased and flattered, you
smooth texter
, you.  Thank you...very much and most sincerely.

Just call me Sexter.

@Maryanne, you commented that you found others who consider the written/typed use of english an artform in SL. My conversations tend to be highly abbreviated and include artistic faces =^.^=. I also spelled great incorrectly. Should be gr8.

@Dresden, ok I had to research this. Evidently, it means pulling a cover over someone's head while in bed and flatulating. That would be pretty weird to do that by yourself.


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Randall Ahren wrote:

@Maryanne, you commented that you found others who consider the written/typed use of english an artform in SL. My conversations tend to be highly abbreviated and include artistic faces =^.^=. I also spelled great incorrectly. Should be g

Ah now I see thank you! I did mean in relation to such things as Hippies story thread and others like that, also specific general fantasy role play such as that found in Tiny Empires for example. Not the more modern day use of individual text characters themselves for expression, which of course is great fun too  Lolliez! 8^)

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Kolby Nissondorf wrote:

I like voice!!!!!! VOICE ROCKS!

Actually, I wouldnt mind if it was there or not.

I got by for a long time with minimal use of voice, so I suppose it's OK if it is unavailable. I'm interested in trying it now though. Regarding the pain in my hand, I got a palm rest and a squishy beeswing ball to periodically squeeze. The ball is kind of fun. I hear it whispering to me "squeeze me and toss me around a little." I also finally joined voice-aholics. Maybe I can find someone to talk to in the group.

The negativity towards voice surprised me. It seems to be an emotional issue. 

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Randall Ahren wrote:

Kolby Nissondorf wrote:

I like voice!!!!!! VOICE ROCKS!

Actually, I wouldnt mind if it was there or not.

I got by for a long time with minimal use of voice, so I suppose it's OK if it is unavailable. I'm interested in trying it now though. Regarding the pain in my hand, I got a palm rest and a squishy beeswing ball to periodically squeeze. The ball is kind of fun. I hear it whispering to me
"squeeze me and toss me around a little."
 I also finally joined voice-aholics. Maybe I can find someone to talk to in the group.

The negativity towards voice surprised me. It seems to be an emotional issue. 

Now, Randall, does your squishy ball actually whisper to you, or are you having a little bit extra voice(s) going on in your head? :matte-motes-tongue:

I had a real good chat (on voice) with Janelle. About voice. I thought I was 100% against it too, but it turns out I'm not. I don't want to hear it or be part of it if I'm in a club and hear all about someone's mundane RL day (this is what I think people mean when they say SL loses it's gloss/shine/magic/fantasy element). If people can stay in character on roleplay sims in voice then that must be pretty awesome. 

Context is always key.

I prescribe for you half and half, voice when you feel happy to do so, text at other times, and regular computer breaks to rest your eyes and your hand. 


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Marigold Devin wrote:

[...] this is what I think people mean when they say SL loses it's gloss/shine/magic/fantasy element). If people can stay in character on roleplay sims in voice then that must be pretty awesome.

sort of, but not quite... at least not for me... I associate certain voices with certain appearances, and vice versa... to hear a normal voice coming from a rather abnormal (by RL starndards) character removes the suspension of disbelief for me. likewise if hearing a tiny little girl voice from a big hulking brute (or other mismatched variations) really just kind of kills the feel of it.

I imagine voice mods help for some but still it limits the range... I could never manage to get the small quiet voice I image for my child av, or even the underlying growling rumble of my furry av, even using voice synth, and I think it would spoil the characters to do less for them.

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Randall Ahren wrote:


@Ceka, what is a dutch oven? 


all i know is it is the words i hear as my fiance traps me under the covers and continues to hold me there while he becomes a pig and laughs at his manly sounds made from where is brain is at times..

thats all i'm gonna say as to what it is because it's grossness ..

he can be a real jerk at times..

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I'd be looking for a new fiance.

@kolby, they have a long list of reasons. The many problem seems to be that the voice does not match the avatar's image, along with rudeness. See Void Singer's reply and some of the earlier responses.

@Marigold, thanks for the Rx. Sound like a good prescription. No the squishy ball does not actually speak, it just attracts me the way a gold fish in a bowl attracts a cat. The ball is made of a dense, viscous material that produces a quite pleasant sensation when I squeeze it and makes a satisfying thump in my hand when I toss it and catch it. I recommend getting one. You might like to play catch w/ your brother. 

I watched your video. The only word I clearly understood was the bad word that your brother said. You have a wee bit of an accent, but a very pleasant voice.


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Void Singer wrote:

likewise if hearing a tiny little girl voice from a big hulking brute (or other mismatched variations) really just kind of kills the feel of it.

I read this sentence and my first thought was yeah but that happens in RL as well (think Mike Tyson). Or if, by chance, you should stumble into a gay leather bar on any given night, you can rest assured they'll be at least one guy there whom, at first glance, appears to be the epitome of the big, muscly, mean looking, leather daddy type, but then he opens his mouth and you realize he sounds more like a flaming queen then most of the cutie little twink boys from the dance club down the street... talk about destroying the illusion... lol.


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see, see! lol

and yes it can be a great gimmick for some characters, but if it's all you have to work with your range gets hurt, and you can't express the character without taking away from it... leaving a little to imagination can be very effective for overcoming that.

it's not always the big reasons, lots of little reasons make a difference too.

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Yeah, I think the crucial factor for me is the Fourth Wall issue.  When I'm in world, I suspend my disbelief fairly easily, especially in areas that I and friends have shaped, and when I am among people that I know well. Yes, I know that it's all a dynamic cartoon and that I'm really sitting at a computer, participating at a distance. Still, it has internal consistency that makes it "real" and lets me feel that I am in the experience.  As soon as I hear voice, however, the spell is shattered. Suddenly we're not really in world any more.   I know it's an irrational response, but hearing Voice irritates the hell out of me and makes me annoyed at whoever has dared to rip away that fourth wall and remind me that I'm in the audience.

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I'm going with what Ceera said, twice, and for all the reasons she said it. It was always no to voice and pretty much always will be for me. The people who need to hear me talk or to talk to me from SL have my phone number.

At one point in '09 I considered trying voice since some of my friends used it, but the bully tactics of many guys I met who thought they could guilt me into using it only reinforced for me that it was a lousy addition and it sort of died for good right there.

I'd also like to add that whomever mentioned that people here who saw no use or need for voice could not be gamers was not being entirely accurate. My brothers are all avid gamers. Two of them older than me and I played several of the games with them. All of the first person shooters like Doom, Quake, Unreal Tournament, et al that put multiplayer online gaming on the map and were directly responsible for the very existence of COD and others multiplayer gaming had text based group chat ability and some preceded any realistic ability by VOIP to support voice-enabled team play.

It would be ridiculous to claim that people who played the games I mentioned so fanatically that those games were named public enemy number 1 of networks and corporate production everywhere were not "gamers".

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That was me that mentioned gamers. While yes, all games allow text chat, even the new ones on the XBox 360 and PS3, people standing there like a ninny typing their message are the first to die. So yes. They're gamers, technically. They're just really bad gamers.

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