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Nuuna Nitely

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  1. Most of the time 1. as I wear black 90% of the time. Second choice, nr 2.
  2. Legacy Bombshell is just 5k chest mod. I'm a legacy main, and I'm sad they just keep making bad choices. Oh well.
  3. Tried LaraX, I'm really happy with it. They fixed the thing I had problem with, the thick arms and wrists and yes shoulder tweak is great too. I liked the old butt/hips better (some of us just like smaller/flatter asses), but I managed to shaped it now how I like it. Didn't have much problem finding clothing to fit it also, only bought one top made for LaraX rest are old Lara stuff and one Legacy shirt(Legacy seems to fit the booba better). I don't really wear skimpy clothing so that's why it's probably way easier to find stuff to fit and I got no problems alphaing things out, I do that anyway with my main Legacy body also. I'm probably too lazy to change over again (changed to Legacy last year), but will see.
  4. Boataom has fantastic muscular skin also: https://www.flickr.com/photos/123596470@N06/53074447627
  5. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/erratic-cardi-dress-light-gold-maitreya-lara-belleza-freya-slink-hourglass/16428931
  6. I think you mean this one: Those are rigged mesh.
  7. I rarely buy fatpacks, but Pixicat fatpacks are a very good price for what you get. Also, their fatpacks are mod, and I've modded their stuff for different outfits many times. And I actually wear their stuff more than once.
  8. Usually single colour(90% of the time I wear black), if I see potential for other colours then body backs (I don't change bodies), fatpacks only depending on price or few selected stores (Pixicat).
  9. I think your best bet is to look at marketplace. You can set your price limit to 11-100 for example and go from there. Example:
  10. My malt was heavily inspired by him: https://assets.mycast.io/actor_images/actor-tony-thornburg-83885_large.jpg Very happy that Magika now includes male sizes in their hair fatpacks!
  11. It's kinda impossible to get a perfect seamless match with materials because of the big resolution difference between the head and body textures. Especially around the neck area. That's why pushing for "4k" textures for the head makes the contrast between neck and head even bigger. And it is very lighting dependent, so for pictures you have to get it close enough and then fix it later in photoshop etc.
  12. Skin detail, maybe not. But for makeups and tattoos, Evo X is so so much better. I'm a tattoo maker and the neck seams on SLUV have always limited me on designs I can make and been a pain in the butt. So now with Genus doing SLUV and four textures instead of one for head also?!? It's currently a big no from me.
  13. As a creator, was interested in the "4k" new UV. 4 textures for a head when there's only one for the whole upper body?! Why push for such an ultra-high definition head when the rest of the body is the way it is? Yeah, it's very silly. There is no need for it. So right now if I make a head layer tattoo I make five textures per tattoo (different opacities, black and white etc.)... with this I need to start making 20 just for the head?
  14. Substance painter, Blender and older Photoshop version that supports 3D. Download Ruth 3D Obj files and then you can directly paint on them. There's more work to set the files up and stuff, but basically that's it. Substance: Really old Photoshop tutorial:
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