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Is hate real a virtual game?

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Oh there is definitely those that hate in the Virtual World, or on any internet platform. It being 2022 now and starting only a few years ago, people are certainly acting out their rage and hatred against others, and this culminates in their targets/victims getting banned or cancelled from a platform.

It can even be something you say or do, or dress or even mention in passing, seemingly innocuous to you, but now someone nearby that had nothing to do with the conversation, or with no context simply takes offense and makes it their life mission to 'teach you a lesson' and act to have you removed.

I'm not kidding. On another <ahem> LL-developed platform, all I had to do to draw the ire of a few - that immediately gathered together to ban me from their prospective worlds - was for me to mention that "warehouse jobs are mind-numbing and soul-sucking, so why not use robots'. Instead of asking me why I would say such a thing, or if I even had worked those type of jobs (I did), they simply took it as a personal insult to their own current job and that's it. Now imagine that suddenly you can't access a world you had no problem doing so in the past, and told it is because your 'attitude is unsatisfactory' or even if lucky will tell you which statement triggered this.

Sure, I'm an opinionated person, and always have been. The thing is, I haven't changed much in that department, I've been throwing my ten cents and opinions around for years, it's only the world has changed - and becoming very sensitive and some are using the attention they get to wreak havoc on others - be it for revenge against some perceived slight, to eliminate competition, to outright war against who they consider an enemy. Of course, it doesn't matter that you have no hostile intentions to them at all, or even know them enough yet - but online in 2022 it happens a lot.

Open your mouth? Risk offending someone. Authority figures or bored powerhungry admins about on the platform? They will be happy to 'punish' you for your 'antisocial toxic' candor.

Some people will go deep and infiltrate other Discord chat rooms, or hop on an alt and enter into a conversation, trying to entrap others in saying something else they can use against them - and when that fails, simply LIE, bear false witness, and even FABRICATE events or disputes that never actually happened.

Now when people know your nick or name on another platform, and hop to others to continue their self-absorbed Jihad against you, what can you do? Defend yourself and it draws more ire. Stay silent and the accusations and lies go unaddressed.

Oh yes there is hate online, and some truly use 'victimhood' and 'offense' and whatever social justice issues they can to wield power against others, completely destroying everyone's fun.

Sinespace? Actually has a good policy that they seem to uphold with it's users. "Assume good intentions of other people,"etc, and not to simply and quickly take offense to everything and anything causing unnecessary drama.

This is not the same as trolling though, even though in extreme cases it can be malicious. Usually trolls are created, and I find in my experience that those that became trolls were mistreated in the past by their current targets, or subject to hate and cancel culture - and that's their way of expressing their frustration and getting a bit of pleasure out of trolling the triggered people.

Edited by entity0x
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8 minutes ago, entity0x said:

Oh there is definitely those that hate in the Virtual World, or on any internet platform. It being 2022 now and starting only a few years ago, people are certainly acting out their rage and hatred against others, and this culminates in their targets/victims getting banned or cancelled from a platform.

Emphasis on the bolded part - I'll just point out that none of this behavior is new. I quite remember there being lots of rage-filled ranting and arguments across various IRC channels and chatrooms back in the day.

More recent examples that still started way, way before 2022 - think of Barrens (and sometimes Elwynn Forest) chat in early WoW that absolutely did result in bans (as slow as they were), general gaming forum toxicity, Steam discussion boards, obnoxious YouTube comments/livechat, 4chan, parts of Reddit, and most certainly, Call of Duty didn't get its reputation for having one of the most toxic communities overnight.

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15 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Emphasis on the bolded part - I'll just point out that none of this behavior is new. I quite remember there being lots of rage-filled ranting and arguments across various IRC channels and chatrooms back in the day.

More recent examples that still started way, way before 2022 - think of Barrens (and sometimes Elwynn Forest) chat in early WoW that absolutely did result in bans (as slow as they were), general gaming forum toxicity, Steam discussion boards, obnoxious YouTube comments/livechat, 4chan, parts of Reddit, and most certainly, Call of Duty didn't get its reputation for having one of the most toxic communities overnight.

Sure, but I've never been more banned, cancelled, censored and silenced than in the last few years, on all platforms, so my point was that there are so many more tools for people and justifications and even authority figures, moderators and admins (and entire platforms) willing to silence those they even consider 'toxic' or 'troublesome', when it pretty much amounts to "i don't agree with your position"

People hated, raged and trolled for years of course, but now they have so many tools in modern years

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7 minutes ago, entity0x said:

Sure, but I've never been more banned, cancelled, censored and silenced than in the last few years, on all platforms, so my point was that there are so many more tools for people and justifications and even authority figures, moderators and admins (and entire platforms) willing to silence those they even consider 'toxic' or 'troublesome', when it pretty much amounts to "i don't agree with your position"

People hated, raged and trolled for years of course, but now they have so many tools in modern years

My best guess is companies and platforms are no longer interested in spending the time and resources in babysitting bad behavior. There are algorithms and bots and AIs being trained up to spot toxicity and nip it in the bud. I can't say I blame them, either. Having a bunch of people argue and fight and insult each other day in and day out on your platform/in your game isn't exactly a good look. The early days of the internet (and internet gaming) were a hot mess and not always very welcoming for new people who were just trying to have a good time. It's still just as bad in some places, but some platforms finally realized how off-putting that can be and are working to fix it.

I can't speak to the rest. I've never been banned from anywhere. I have no desire whatsoever to fight with people on the internet but yes, some places do ban a lot faster than others.

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2 hours ago, entity0x said:

Open your mouth? Risk offending someone. Authority figures or bored powerhungry admins about on the platform? They will be happy to 'punish' you for your 'antisocial toxic' candor.

They fight an enemy that doesn't exist for a better world in which only their own opinion matters destroying freedoms with greater effect than any virus .

Driving along chatting happily with my adult stepdaughter one day and she just burst out crying , wtf , oh facebook . 10 minutes later she did it again so i stood on the brakes and says where does he live . And all of a sudden he , his extended family and my daughters extended family couldn't apologize enough to her . I never did find out what the argument was about but that says all you need to know about keyboard warriors .

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An interesting recent development regarding social media, the eternally offended and their justification for the use of
the word "nazi" ad infinitum over the last 5+ years? to silence everyone and everything hurting their feelings.

Then comrade criminality came out with it to justify what's happening in the Ukraine.

That sure is a pretty rude awakening for the cancel (your) culture hypocrites.
Pretty much the ultimate slap down really.

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14 minutes ago, Maryanne Solo said:

An interesting recent development...

Also not too recent. Those types of insults (and a whole lot worse) have been flying around the innerwebz for a long time.

I feel like the only one who remembers how awful some chatrooms and gaming chats used to be. I think I'm eternally doomed to remember the experience. 😂 The era of Leet (and having to learn that nonsense just to understand people working way too hard to get around censors and chat filters) will forever be burned into my brain. 

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10 hours ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

You brought up online gaming. What does it have to do with hate in a virtual world?

read the thread title.

some online gaming is virtual  world.

wow , world of warcraft is virtual game(world ) ,with background storyline.
storyline  thats makes them different with SL virtual world, and yes no skrunking o/ slex in there.


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55 minutes ago, Kalegthepsionicist said:

read the thread title.

some online gaming is virtual  world.

wow , world of warcraft is virtual game(world ) ,with background storyline.
storyline  thats makes them different with SL virtual world, and yes no skrunking o/ slex in there.


So? Yahoo Cribbage was online gaming. If you think there wasn't any sex going on in private messages... I won't disabuse you. And I certainly won't disabuse you of the belief there wasn't any kind of hatred expressed online in the 80s and 90s.

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Just now, Silent Mistwalker said:

So? Yahoo Cribbage was online gaming. If you think there wasn't any sex going on in private messages... I won't disabuse you. And I certainly won't disabuse you of the belief there wasn't any kind of hatred expressed online in the 80s and 90s.

I didnt find it in any online  cards game.

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At the club I was at on Sunday night, another patron announced in local that she had a "kinda racist joke" she wanted to tell. I politely responded that that was something she didn't really need to share. Happily, she decided not to. I didn't (and wouldn't have) ARed her, or ask that she be booted from the club, or report her to the PC Police, but . . . I guess you could say that I "cancelled" her?

I'm not feeling too bad about that.

For a very, very long time, and until quite recently, actually, the dominant strain in Western culture worked pretty hard, and, what's more, used the institutions of power, to silence those who transgressed against received "truths" and norms. Remember Joe McCarthy? And that James Webb guy, the one NASA named the telescope after? In the 1950s, he led the way at the US State Department in efforts to "weed out" gays in administrative positions during the so-called "Lavender Scare," and went on in the 60s to do the same at NASA.

In parts of the US now, in 2022, there are people, and actual school boards and local councils, banning books from libraries. In at least one instance I know of, there was an actual book burning.

But the real threat to free speech is me asking someone not to tell a hateful and hurtful joke in a club, right?


Such a useful cartoon.

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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10 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

At the club I was at on Sunday night, another patron announced in local that she had a "kinda racist joke" she wanted to tell. I politely responded that that was something she didn't really need to share. Happily, she decided not to. I didn't (and wouldn't have) ARed her, or ask that she be booted from the club, or report her to the PC Police, but . . . I guess you could say that I "cancelled" her?

I'm not feeling too bad about that.

For a very, very long time, and until quite recently, actually, the dominant strain in Western culture worked pretty hard, and, what's more, used the institutions of power, to silence those who transgressed against received "truths" and norms. Remember Joe McCarthy? And that James Webb guy, the one NASA named the telescope after? In the 1950s, he led the way at the US State Department in efforts to "weed out" gays in administrative positions during the so-called "Lavender Scare," and went on in the 60s to do the same at NASA.

In parts of the US now, in 2022, there are people, and actual school boards and local councils, banning books from libraries. In at least one instance I know of, there was an actual book burning.

But the real threat to free speech is me asking someone not to tell a hateful and hurtful joke in a club, right?


Such a useful cartoon.

On a positive note, the two right-wing knuckleheads who ran for school board positions in our district were roundly trounced in today’s election. Though there will be no book bans or burnings, I did toss all their campaign flyers in my fireplace tonight.

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
I can’t run for school board until I can spell.
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9 hours ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Also not too recent. Those types of insults (and a whole lot worse) have been flying around the innerwebz for a long time.

I feel like the only one who remembers how awful some chatrooms and gaming chats used to be. I think I'm eternally doomed to remember the experience. 😂 The era of Leet (and having to learn that nonsense just to understand people working way too hard to get around censors and chat filters) will forever be burned into my brain. 

I remember those times, but not everyone was on IRC, or ICQ, and those systems were pretty anonymous.

The recent development that people complain about, is because now it IS mainstream, the awful and hateful things they say can be read by their friends, family, employers, etc. and they are not happy about people calling them out on it.

As soon as someone starts talking about cancel culture, it´s a giant red flag for me, what is it that they are holding back, that would get them "cancelled" I wonder.  And why do they think that it should be protected from criticism ?

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1 hour ago, StarlanderGoods said:

As soon as someone starts talking about cancel culture, it´s a giant red flag for me, what is it that they are holding back, that would get them "cancelled" I wonder.  And why do they think that it should be protected from criticism ?

Lol , I bet it would be upsetting for you to learn they had nothing to hide . Some people just have no time for dressing ***** up with fluffy puppies and flowers then calling it candy .

You will never change an opinion by silencing it .

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3 hours ago, StarlanderGoods said:

I remember those times, but not everyone was on IRC, or ICQ, and those systems were pretty anonymous.

The recent development that people complain about, is because now it IS mainstream, the awful and hateful things they say can be read by their friends, family, employers, etc. and they are not happy about people calling them out on it.

You make a good point about chat back in the day being more anonymous and easier to hide behind than it is now. That's very true. Back then, you could get away with saying pretty much anything and...well, as you know, people absolutely DID. They said it all, constantly, nonstop. Leet was one way the more clever among them got around the chat and game ban hammers (sort of), but if you squinted hard enough, you could still see the insults flying back and forth.

I guess all those years seeing that level of unfiltered toxicity and rage on a daily basis, I'm beyond grateful platforms have decided to at least *attempt* to make their corners of the internet a little more friendly and a lot less hostile. Why anyone wants to be somewhere without some level of moderation to keep things civil at bare minimum is so far beyond me.


3 hours ago, StarlanderGoods said:

As soon as someone starts talking about cancel culture, it´s a giant red flag for me, what is it that they are holding back, that would get them "cancelled" I wonder.  And why do they think that it should be protected from criticism ?

I didn't even want to acknowledge the whole cancel culture shenanigans. I guess my brain automatically tunes it out when someone starts complaining about it. That, and I already know what they're itching to say. I spent years being the only sole minority in a huge high school of thousands of kids. And I did it without a single complaint or whine or foot stomp or tantrum. Managed to get killer grades the entire way through, too. If someone truly wants to know what it feels like to be silenced, shut down, shunned, rejected, "cancelled," and socially isolated without a single chance to speak what's *really* on your mind, give that a try! The experience only made me stronger, though. *shrug*

Oh and @Scylla Rhiadra, I saw a book ban happen in real time! Back in the 90s, I had an absolutely lovely English teacher who wanted to start up a multicultural literature class in our school. She thought it'd help expose the kids to other cultures considering our school was so...not like that. She fought tooth and nail and managed to get the green light to run the class one year. It was FABULOUS. Only a small number of students signed up, but I wasn't too surprised. I was too happy to care. It was my first ever experience getting to read Toni Morrison and Maya Angelou and Amy Tan and other great writers. I mean, by then I was already a huge reader, but I was hooked on horror books, so...lol. Love love loved her so much for doing that. The students all enjoyed it.

Well, we begged her to run a second class for the next year. So, she agreed and tried to get another one approved. Guess what? Parents flipped out. Rushed the school. Launched complaints. She was so so so upset and one day confided in me (being the only Black student in the entire school) that she was told by them, "we don't want our kids learning about THOSE people!" 

So I asked if there was anything we could do and sadly no - they refused to let her run a second class. Her enthusiastic students missed out...because the school sided with the parents and essentially banned those books from being taught again. That will forever go down as my most disappointing school experience (but I went on to read more Toni myself, so there).

Sorry for the off-topic story there, but since we were talking about things being cancelled, I figured I'd mention my favorite class.

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2 hours ago, cunomar said:

Lol , I bet it would be upsetting for you to learn they had nothing to hide . Some people just have no time for dressing ***** up with fluffy puppies and flowers then calling it candy .

You will never change an opinion by silencing it .

And you won't change the opinion of others about them either.

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8 hours ago, LittleSparrow Skydancer said:

I must not have been to any of these places but actual "hate" I have never seen. 

Banning people from support groups for hate speech/racism/*phobia  ... who then get organized and show up to meetings to harass people, send a single under cover alt to collect names so participants can be harassed in IM, stalking participants on social media where they have used their avatar names out of SL .. buying land on regions with public venues to relay the UUIDs of people to someone elsewhere in SL .. who then harasses the target and everyone near the target on a disposable alt ... using IM relay prims rezzed on unoccupied mainland that delete themselves to flood someone and their known friends with hate messages and evade LL trying to remove the offending prim ... digging into someone's socials so they can call their kids schools and report the person for being a danger to children ... creating clone accounts of someone so when they are name searched in SL, a slur filled account shows up right next to the actual account (and good luck getting LL to remove those!!) ...

Some people define their online existence in terms of how much harassment of minority groups they can dole out whilst avoiding consequences, SL has in my experience made it very easy for some people to engage in this kind of activity.

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13 minutes ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

Loved her Hundred Secret Senses.


Wish I could afford to buy books still. I'd love to read her other works.

I need to kick myself into gear and pick up more of her work. I absolutely loved it (we started with The Joy Luck Club).

I don't know if Open Library (openlibrary.org) is good or not (I have some books in my backlog, so I haven't browsed around for more in a minute), but I think they have some of her stuff in there - all digital, of course, and I'm not really a huge fan of reading on electronic devices, so I'd get it if that's not your thing either.

For print, it's obnoxious how expensive books can be. Ebay has good sales on occasion and buy 3 get 1 free deals, but I haven't bought used books since the pandemic started, so I'm not sure of the current pricing.

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3 hours ago, cunomar said:

Lol , I bet it would be upsetting for you to learn they had nothing to hide . Some people just have no time for dressing ***** up with fluffy puppies and flowers then calling it candy .

You will never change an opinion by silencing it .

Does this topic upset you? 

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