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Trick or Treat Event FYI

Lysistrata Szapira

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An FYI: Once I found my first five candies, I had to restart the computer. The HUD may have eaten them since when I logged back on, there were none. BUT, the candy numbers updated automatically and correctly after the 6th candy thereafter, even with crashing. :)


Edited by Eirynne Sieyes
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After we'd fixed the issue with the first bucket, released last Monday, we deleted all entries from the game records that had been made by the buckets that had been rezzed before we'd disabled them. 

That includes all scores for candies given out, so if you'd collected any during that brief window, the next time your HUD is in touch with the database (the next time you touch a bucket and  your score updates, at the latest) it will update starting from 0, because  we zeroed all the records (we've got backups, obviously).

Not many people were affected -- I cant remember the exact numbers, but it was only a few -- and the good news is that you can go back to those parcels and collect a candy from them again, because we cleared those records too.

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1 hour ago, Teresa Firelight said:

well this is not as easy as it sounds... I spent about an hour yesterday and only found 10 (in addition to the ones I put out).  I had been envisioning numbers in the hundreds. Now I think I will be lucky if I find 25 by contest end.

People are teleporting between SLurls on a master list to get their high numbers.

I am running through neighborhoods and flying low and slow over houseboats looking on for buckets on porches.  I've found about the same number - 13.  I am really enjoying the few Halloween houses and seen some amazing decorating on my exploration.  I appreciate the people that put out signs that draw me in.

How many Belli homes are there?  Thousands and thousands.  How many residents put out a bucket?  A few hundred if we're lucky.  It's definitely a treasure hunt. 

How ever we all decide to play at least I'll get one bear for the effort and a good look at some neighborhoods I haven't visited.  There is also the fun challenge of running close enough to touch the buckets and running back out again before the security systems boot me out.

Edited by Cinnamon Mistwood
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2 hours ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

There is also the fun challenge of running close enough to touch the buckets and running back out again before the security systems boot me out.

Oh, I do that all year long.  I play The Hokey Pokey with orb-heads' parcel boundaries.

You put your left foot in -


You take your left foot out!  You put your left foot in -


And you shake it all about -


You do the Hokey Pokey and you turn yourself about -


That's what it's all about -





Anyhooooo...seems odd to have the Linden Belli-Pumpkins on the same parcels as orbs.  I mean, the whole point of the pumpkins is to have people come to your parcel and get a candy.  It's like a giant "Welcome" sign.  What's the point if they're going to then have an orb kick people out?

Hmmmm...I wonder if there's anything on the marketplace for throwing rotten eggs at orb-heads' houses?  Heh heh heh heh heh...

[added] lol The Marketplace never lets me down:




Edited by Rabid Cheetah
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4 hours ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

How many residents put out a bucket?  A few hundred if we're lucky.  

Considerably more than that, I think, and there are plenty of regions containing several buckets that have only given out candies once or twice.

So there's lots more places for everyone to keep looking.

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I was autobanned for walking on the path next to someone's house. I never stepped onto it as it wasn't a hunt house.

I got to 176 yesterday and I haven't visited most of the regions yet. I found a bunch that said they'd been clicked zero times before I clicked them, though jumped to 2 or 3 after I clicked them. I don't know which number was correct, but in theory you need to find a bunch of buckets that only ten other people find to get the top bear.

I'm hoping people settle down from creating masterlists after the first day. I'm not sure that everyone got that it was a contest to find the most, not a set of targets to reach to get the different prizes.

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2 hours ago, TT120 said:

Yeah, I got booted off several parcels last night trying to get candy.  Why on earth would you put out a candy bucket for people and then boot them off your parcel??

That's the fun part.  We're wandering through virtual neighborhoods, visiting virtual houses, and collecting virtual candy for a virtual collectable bear.  Running a virtual gauntlet actually adds to the fun.  I put a bucket out at my virtual house, but as soon as you step on to the parcel spiders attack.  I might feel a little sorry for the people with actual phobias, but not sorry enough to remove the attack spiders.

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10 minutes ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

That's the fun part.  We're wandering through virtual neighborhoods, visiting virtual houses, and collecting virtual candy for a virtual collectable bear.  Running a virtual gauntlet actually adds to the fun.  I put a bucket out at my virtual house, but as soon as you step on to the parcel spiders attack.  I might feel a little sorry for the people with actual phobias, but not sorry enough to remove the attack spiders.

Hahaha  I saw those spiders!  I ran to the edge of your parcel and they didn't go past the line so I stood there and taunted them for a while....LOL

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8 hours ago, Teresa Firelight said:

well this is not as easy as it sounds... I spent about an hour yesterday and only found 10 (in addition to the ones I put out).  I had been envisioning numbers in the hundreds. Now I think I will be lucky if I find 25 by contest end.

I spent way more time than I have on it and am up to 33. Someone said there is a master list.. I would sure love to know where that list is. My personal goal is to try and hit 100 but I dont know that I will make it. A master list might help me achieve my goal before month end....

I find that I wander aimlessly and get lost and end up going in circles... esp in the fantasy regions.  I am definitely no threat to those 100 people trying for the special prizes.

But on the plus side: 1) I found some really interesting things as I wandered and 2) it gave me an idea for a BBB Gazette article.

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36 minutes ago, Enticing Destiny said:

Has a possible pumpkin glitch been reported?  Some of the pumkins I've found are not touchable, and I've run across a few now. It's not my system or my viewer - happens randomly, and the properties aren't set to no-scripts?

Probably not, since I'd had been asked to fix it by now if it had.   Next time it happens, please first check that the pumpkin really isn't touchable -- select it, confirm that you are, in fact, trying to touch the pumpkin and not something else, and touch it using the right mouse button context menu.   If it really isn't working, and doesn't say anything at all to you, please send me a slurl or LM inworld and I'll check it out.

Edited by Quartz Mole
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33 minutes ago, Enticing Destiny said:

Some of the pumkins I've found are not touchable

Probably there is a transparent prim, such as foliage, that is blocking your touch. Candy Buckets are owned by the resident so scripts cannot be turned off for them. If the resident has turned off scripts in the parcel, your HUD will not update until you move off the parcel.

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6 hours ago, Quartz Mole said:

Probably not, since I'd had been asked to fix it by now if it had.   Next time it happens, please first check that the pumpkin really isn't touchable -- select it, confirm that you are, in fact, trying to touch the pumpkin and not something else, and touch it using the right mouse button context menu.   If it really isn't working, and doesn't say anything at all to you, please send me a slurl or LM inworld and I'll check it out.

Quartz, I also found two pumpkins that were untouchable and used infrared to assure nothing was covering them. I assumed it was some type of glitch where the owner would need to take into inventory and rerez, so I did not report it to you. In fact, I am not sure I even reported it to both pumpkin owners.. I think I got called afk when I found the 2nd one


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34 minutes ago, xViXeNx71 said:

@Quartz Mole I have found several untouchable ones too. What I did notice is, that all of them had been used 92 times (they had 92 in the description). So maybe it's a glitch that makes them stall after 92 times? 

I'm told that earlier Wednesday folks in Belli chat were saying that the pumpkins stop working after 91 touches.  Don't know whether the owner has to re-rez them then, or just reset the script.  Seems a pity that pumpkin owners in high-traffic locales won't be able to see a larger total!

We just put out pumpkins tonight, no time to really decorate for Halloween, or to put together our own gift.   Maybe later.

There was quite a crowd at Millbank (I picked up the other buckets I needed at Randelsham), so I hope that by the time I can spend another hour trick-or-treating there will be lots of homes with them, and it will be quite feasible to just wander around and find pumpkins :)  Not interested in winning, so not using the list or pins.  Also, I like to look at people's homes, so I'm a really slow trick-or-treater 🎃

Our pumpkins may be too late to make any lists, and I don't have time to do pins, so let me just mention that both our home in Dimanche and the Boarding House next door, where our alts live, have candy :)  I put a pumpkin way in the back of our home in Lost Caves, just to see if folks ever explore parcels to find them.

I have a private bet with myself that absolutely nobody will make it to our pumpkin in Kuga.  That boat is pretty isolated!

Edited by Nika Talaj
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13 minutes ago, Nika Talaj said:

I'm told that earlier Wednesday folks in Belli chat were saying that the pumpkins stop working after 91 touches.  Don't know whether the owner has to re-rez them then, or just reset the script.  Seems a pity that pumpkin owners in high-traffic locales won't be able to see a larger total!

Just went to check mine, and it was stalled out at 92 touches too (just rezzed a new one).

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2 hours ago, Nika Talaj said:

I'm told that earlier Wednesday folks in Belli chat were saying that the pumpkins stop working after 91 touches.  Don't know whether the owner has to re-rez them then, or just reset the script.  Seems a pity that pumpkin owners in high-traffic locales won't be able to see a larger total!


Well that's a bit annoying. Bluergh.

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Thanks everyone for the reports.   

It would appear that, every now and again, the pumpkins run out of candy and need to be refilled.    This is readily achieved by deleting the old pumpkin and rezzing a new one (which should update the description field when the new pumpkin is first touched, if not sooner).     

For safety's sake, I suggest re-rezzing them every few days.

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5 hours ago, Nika Talaj said:

I'm told that earlier Wednesday folks in Belli chat were saying that the pumpkins stop working after 91 touches.  Don't know whether the owner has to re-rez them then, or just reset the script.  Seems a pity that pumpkin owners in high-traffic locales won't be able to see a larger total!

We just put out pumpkins tonight, no time to really decorate for Halloween, or to put together our own gift.   Maybe later.

There was quite a crowd at Millbank (I picked up the other buckets I needed at Randelsham), so I hope that by the time I can spend another hour trick-or-treating there will be lots of homes with them, and it will be quite feasible to just wander around and find pumpkins :)  Not interested in winning, so not using the list or pins.  Also, I like to look at people's homes, so I'm a really slow trick-or-treater 🎃

Our pumpkins may be too late to make any lists, and I don't have time to do pins, so let me just mention that both our home in Dimanche and the Boarding House next door, where our alts live, have candy :)  I put a pumpkin way in the back of our home in Lost Caves, just to see if folks ever explore parcels to find them.

I have a private bet with myself that absolutely nobody will make it to our pumpkin in Kuga.  That boat is pretty isolated!

So it is possible to set out candy now, even if it is so late? I can set out one at my house now?

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I was very busy on a build and did not check forums or SL pumpkins yesterday. After reading this about 91 I went to my pumpkin and it was stalled out .. frozen.. after only 83. So 91 is not a magic number and it is not clear if the number of touches is a key or if there is some type of non-recoverable communication glitch between the pumpkin and the server that happens at random times.

At anyrate, for those of you who were unable to touch my pumpkin on lost caves, I am rerezzing it as soon as I post this.

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  • Moles
1 minute ago, Teresa Firelight said:

I was very busy on a build and did not check forums or SL pumpkins yesterday. After reading this about 91 I went to my pumpkin and it was stalled out .. frozen.. after only 83. So 91 is not a magic number and it is not clear if the number of touches is a key or if there is some type of non-recoverable communication glitch between the pumpkin and the server that happens at random times.

At anyrate, for those of you who were unable to touch my pumpkin on lost caves, I am rerezzing it as soon as I post this.

I've seen them stalled with a count in the 80s, too.    There's nothing magic about 91, certainly.    I'd re-rez them once they get over 70, just to be on the safe side, and every few days after that.

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