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Campbell Coast Museum Launch

Female Winslet

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Campbell Coast was an art colony near and dear to many of us. I had the first ever photography exhibition in my life there and did DJ sets. Many others were artists, performers, renters, and community members. I am eternally thankful to the original ownership for giving me that opportunity as it turned out to be the first of an increasing number of photography jobs in my real life. 

While Campbell Coast still exists, a change in ownership has made it a different place and resulted in many people choosing to move on. Change is inevitable, of course, and people do move on. That's just life.

But I'd like to see that community spirit memorialized and, ideally, continued before the original community of people evaporates and becomes too difficult to find. So, I've managed to acquire an original piece of the Campbell Coast real estate. I'm preserving as much of it as I can in its original condition and using it to start a Campbell Coast Museum in honor of the original place. I've also arranged to acquire an original Campbell Coast building to house it in. And even the land description info is being preserved as close as possible to the original. 

All who have been a part of the original Campbell Coast are invited to be involved! Some already are! You can contribute items from the original Campbell Coast. Props from events. Photos of events. Anything you find significant from the original Campbell Coast is welcome. Also, people who are not yet involved are welcome to join the Campbell Coast Museum in world. We might even try to bring back some of the old events if people are so inclined. 

Please contact me with any questions. You can find the museum parcel here. 


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On 8/17/2021 at 12:25 PM, Female Winslet said:

Campbell Coast was an art colony near and dear to many of us. I had the first ever photography exhibition in my life there and did DJ sets. Many others were artists, performers, renters, and community members. I am eternally thankful to the original ownership for giving me that opportunity as it turned out to be the first of an increasing number of photography jobs in my real life. 

While Campbell Coast still exists, a change in ownership has made it a different place and resulted in many people choosing to move on. Change is inevitable, of course, and people do move on. That's just life.

But I'd like to see that community spirit memorialized and, ideally, continued before the original community of people evaporates and becomes too difficult to find. So, I've managed to acquire an original piece of the Campbell Coast real estate. I'm preserving as much of it as I can in its original condition and using it to start a Campbell Coast Museum in honor of the original place. I've also arranged to acquire an original Campbell Coast building to house it in. And even the land description info is being preserved as close as possible to the original. 

All who have been a part of the original Campbell Coast are invited to be involved! Some already are! You can contribute items from the original Campbell Coast. Props from events. Photos of events. Anything you find significant from the original Campbell Coast is welcome. Also, people who are not yet involved are welcome to join the Campbell Coast Museum in world. We might even try to bring back some of the old events if people are so inclined. 

Please contact me with any questions. You can find the museum parcel here. 


Well, I don't know the whole back story here, and no one has asked my opinion on this, but I will just mention that I, too, have moved on from some of the elements of Campbell, but for different reasons likely than yours. 

I am certainly keeping my land there; it's great land I got for only $7.5/m which was an insanely low price. The new owners will have to sell it for more. It's all rented; I moved my own house out of there simply because if I can rent my land and not live on it, I really have to do so, especially in tough economic times so I've moved 3-4 of my seasonal homes into rentals which were quickly taken.

Campbell is a great idea, a great project, and a great implementation, but like so many things in SL, it couldn't sustain itself, and this gets harder and harder to do on the Mainland. You have to dance around and do a thousand things, sell content, have rentals, resell content, have events, be ready to sell or abandon land, and buy other land to "save the view". And always, it's a game of musical chairs run by the Lindens, and when the music stops, you may not have a chair. Not even a camping chair. Not even a Lucky Chair. Perhaps only the Lonely Chair of my Magic Compass on Pharos Island, the Magnetic Centre of Second Life.

Looking at Campbell strictly as a rental agent would, I would say, my God, you cannot have empty coast like that filled with a park or galleries where rent isn't paid. Unless you are a Trustifarian living in Rhode Island, you can't do that. Get that rented out as boat slips ASAP, or you will fail. Yes, collect rent from these artists, some of them very wealthy in RL, but not so much that it kills off the ones in poor countries. I wouldn't have opened with that move if I took over Campbell -- but notice I didn't, because you would not get me to buy 6 sims now, even at 0.3/m, even with tremendous builds and wonderful talented people as a huge draw. Why? It's just too much tier. That's US $1,050 per month that has to come from *somewhere*. Where will it come, with that kind of vacancy? It's a mathematical proposition of failure unless you do 100 things and that's hard. My hair is already grey.

You have to remove some of the overstuffed landscaping, it's lag, it makes for not enough prims in rentals, and put the funicular on demand, as it is laggy. As the Lindens know, make a nice place, put in nice landscaping, even optimize the heck out of it, you still have lag. Lee Linden said it best: a sim works best when there are no avatars on it. So the "commons" has to be put in the center where the "view" is (notice Moles did that in Forgotten Realm, as I am calling the new Fantasy area). Everyone can look at it. No one has to step into it. It can be laggier if on another sim.

I never got into the Campbell social life, the events, all the stuff -- I'm a solo player -- I have no idea whether that was good or bad or hard to keep up but in general, yeah, stuff like that is very very hard on owners. It's always a few who do it, knocking themselves out -- til they burn out. So the only way to do it is to keep a collective effort, rotate, keep it very loose, very light, that happy little tree in the corner...

So as to the museum idea, I gather some people might feel that is "premature" or "sends the wrong signal" but I would urge you to keep going. You have only to look at Quixotic Gallery, in the Land that Time Forgot, frozen in the 2006-2007 time era, but with many beautiful art works, IM me for the LM. Many are for sale, their Linden dollars going to no one as their creators are no longer in the People List at all or showing completely empty. The owner is long gone and unable to be found, I have tried. I contacted every artist out of dozens -- 2 responded. One reluctantly sold me a sculpture -- she doesn't make prim sculptures any more, people want mesh now, she does other things...

Another painter whom I finally heard from, and asked if he still sold his works anywhere, and what happened to this gallery, and why it died, he said "Good people leave SL."

That's it. He had one line. That.

So try to save all the works, document who the people are, put their works to sale so they get some income while still here, have some arrangement with them where you get your tier paid from sales, and not only from tips. Tips cannot pay tier. Every year, I find all the many tips for our land preserve make up 15% or less of the tier. Tier has to be made from sales. Sell things. It is not crass or evil. It is necessary. An art gallery with works for sale in a permanent exhibition really is more valuable than a museum that merely freezes time for when someone might look at it, once a week, or once a month.

Everything in SL ends in tears. Everything. Except Lusk. The furries are not crying.


Edited by Prokofy Neva
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16 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

Campbell is a great idea, a great project, and a great implementation, but like so many things in SL, it couldn't sustain itself, and this gets harder and harder to do on the Mainland.

Campbell Coast was certainly sustainable by anyone with at least 3 Regions of Mainland tier (in order to bring the price per LI down to the 'sustainable' rate).  Unfortunately I battle with an auto-immune condition which occasionally impairs my vision and makes my fingers and toes numb.  This can affect me for weeks or months at a time and makes me rather useless as a Landlord for extended periods of time.  What is necessary to sustain any medium sized community is an individual(s) available to do everything an Owner can do within a reasonable time the Tenants need it.   Calculate the cost of tier per LI.  Mainland Regions are 22,500 LI per full Region.  Landscaping the ground as a Park will take 5k-7k LI, leaving 15,500 LI which are 'rentable'.  If landlord rents at L$1 per LI per week, then 15,500 LI will provide approximately USD $268 in gross profit per month per Region, based on 100% occupancy, and an exchange value of USD $1:L$ 250.  ♥

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Not knowing about the issues that have arisen from the transition of ownership for Campbell, the disruption of the community, but independently deciding to sell (because I needed tier), I am so very happy that the Museum bought the land I had freely set to "Sell to Everyone," on the Laserlight Campbell Coast sim- instead of another land baron.   My prediction is that the new landlord will chop up and sell, after he's done with trying to  setting more things for rent, setting a new club,etc.

We can't focus on what should or should not been done (at least, a community meeting to discuss the problems and ask the community for solutions...but-- again, too late now) I am glad the Museum exists and my former home birthed a great place ❤️ --  It is a bit late now to do anything other than having a memorial to a once vibrant community based on art and love for beauty. 



Edited by Therese Tammas
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4 hours ago, BJoyful said:

Campbell Coast was certainly sustainable by anyone with at least 3 Regions of Mainland tier (in order to bring the price per LI down to the 'sustainable' rate).  Unfortunately I battle with an auto-immune condition which occasionally impairs my vision and makes my fingers and toes numb.  This can affect me for weeks or months at a time and makes me rather useless as a Landlord for extended periods of time.  What is necessary to sustain any medium sized community is an individual(s) available to do everything an Owner can do within a reasonable time the Tenants need it.   Calculate the cost of tier per LI.  Mainland Regions are 22,500 LI per full Region.  Landscaping the ground as a Park will take 5k-7k LI, leaving 15,500 LI which are 'rentable'.  If landlord rents at L$1 per LI per week, then 15,500 LI will provide approximately USD $268 in gross profit per month per Region, based on 100% occupancy, and an exchange value of USD $1:L$ 250.  ♥

I am so sorry for all the challenges you face with your condition, and you do so gracefully and even joyfully as your name indicates.

As you know I have a rare autoimmune disease with some of these same issues you face but nothing like the severity especially for vision. 

I thought Campbell was 6 regions but if it is only 3, so much the better! You are lucky you had some good neighbours around those 3 sims.

My comments are not about what you achieved while you ran this community -- if you made a profit from it, great! But you know what it cost you in terms of time and effort. It's about what is possible *now* and in general for these sorts of communities. And why do I care? Because I want Mainland to thrive. I have spoken of the "Tale of 3 Sims" in a cascade down Nautilus, where there's a Blake Sea sim which will possibly make back -- some day -- for the owner the tremendous sums he put into it; an inland seaview sim which has a gorgeous, highly landscaped rentals just starting and is likely to succeed especially if she can talk the Blake Sea guy into renting her a slip for her whole community (when I have tried that in the past, Blake Sea agents were definitely not interested in "collective slips" used by all tenants of a sim, so that's why my tenants get a landmark to Ahab's Landing, the Linden sim with the big skeleton). And then there's my inland mountain sim with no roads, no water, no nothing, just hard pink rock where I generally make it work but it constantly has "natural" disasters in and around it as all Mainland does.

No mainland operation, even one with very rich content, an active community, events, etc. can have 100% occupancy.  In fact, many island dealers can't claim that. I mean, fly around and look. 100% occupancy is something that Blake Sea and perhaps some old, high-octane themed communities can claim but I think few are willing to tell the truth about this. If someone wants to tell me on the forums about their full-occupancy Mainland community, that's fine, but I'm telling you what I see inworld, not on the forums.

I feel all discussions of this nature have to be truthful because what is our goal? To have more people make them! To have more people realize it *is* doable to make a nice community on the Mainland; it *is* hard but you can get tier paid -- but you have to be realistic about the "sweat equity" you yourself will have to put in the business, and the kinds of volunteer and in-kind donations you need to make it work. So extremely themed and tight-knit communities can be at an advantage especially at the beginning, but as they age in RL, as factions and disagreements develop, they need to have a shared vision on very basic economic issues and not depend on one person doing everything. And they can fail fast precisely because they aren't flexible enough to allow in new people who might not share their vision.

And the willingness of Campbell to sell their land on the open market, something I did long ago in Ravenglass with infamous terrible results (the Giant Refrigerator of Ravenglass with the Gor medicine vials; the enormous Soviet Palace of Congresses on the waterfront, etc.) -- wow, it's extremely are. I can think of only one or two other Mainland communities with land for sale like that, mainly inland non-waterfront where there won't be demand. And also Campbell rentals were open on demand, anyone could come and participate, regardless if they were Scottish or artistic or whatever -- that's the key to success although it has to be managed.

All of these communities need vendor booths, stores, gift shops, tier contributions, cash contributions, etc. to try to offset tier. This rankles some people who think it's not aesthetic. And as I have explained numerous times on my blog -- and you know it well -- Mainland math for rentals is really brutal. With only 80-85% occupancy, you start to lose so greatly that you cannot pay the tier. 

Tier comes every month at $175 for Mainland and that means $525 for just the three, certainly a challenge in my view.

Mainland sims, especially older ones, don't always have the full 22,500 prims because they have Linden Water. Or some kind of protected Linden land -- a road or park. And that's a blessing in one way, as you have those areas to enjoy, and if you have multiple sims, you have the discount beyond one sim, and of course the group discount of 10%, so you don't feel "shorted". But in another way, you run out of prims faster (see Ravenglass with a big Linden cove).

Even so, to landscape sims as beautifully as Campbell does cost you in unpaid prims. This is the gamble anyone making a community has to take. Can they put down at least a "base look" as the Lindens themselves do with the world itself? Or will customers want to remove it all and put their own stuff? 

It is very hard to charge $1/per prim on Mainland. I do it in one area only. To get full occupancy, or even enough to break even, much less than the "$268 in gross profit per month* I find you have to charge more like 0.70-0.80 per prim. Or even 0.5-0.66/prim. Go and read all the Mainland rentals ads here on the forums and you will see what most of them charge to get business. 

The exchange value on the cashout has been 241 for years, and has in fact gone down to 240 with the announcement of the gatcha policy. The figure of 250 isn't even what you can buy Linden dollars at; that figure is more like 259 most days for cash within 10 minutes. So the value of the Linden currently is about 1000 = $4 *after the fee* into your account, but to cash out to PayPal you have another fee of course. That means the 15,500 rented at $1/per prim, with no 10% discount for 4 weeks advance payment would mean US $248 in revenue, with a profit after tier (in theory) of US $73 per sim.  I think most RL investors or even Metaversal investors will want to see a yield more than that? Not sure.

I find that in order to rent out 15,500 prims anywhere, and keep them paying, you need to have:

o small and large parcels

o sky platforms

o stores

o small and large homes provided

o skyboxes

o furnished and unfurnished

o tip jars

o content sales

o tier contributions

And that's if you decide to give the customers a dedicated lot so they can have music streams and Experiences that they want to put in that are theirs alone, that another tenant in the group would not change, i.e. not stacked up in 25 domes. So you could have the ground with a park with concerts and stores and put sky platforms up above that to wrest the tier out of that area.

And you will have these tremendous costs even after tier:

o builders -- you can't pay them NYS minimum wage ($15/hour) anymore or even $10/hour as you might for Ukrainians -- builders want more as they can get more, or even "10,000L and a free house" or whatever you could do 15 years ago. Since 2006-2007 and the advent of RL companies, you have to pay people "normally" as you would any graphic designer/programmer job.

o scripters in SL might charge 1000L per 15 minutes but this has shot up recently I find and even very trivial jobs can be 2500L -- a good, dedicated scripter who isn't going to tell you he can do your job after his mom picks him up from school and he finishes his math homework -- worth their virtual weight in gold.

o landscapers -- same. I don't have much experience with this as I do my own landscaping (which is why I get the "this looks like a Texas fish camp" remarks) and more importantly, I let my customers do that as they are better at it. But I recently saw 10,000 m2 get landscaped for US $70. Let's hope you don't have to do that so often at that price.

o landscaping content -- I don't feel you need 3000L tree packs and it's a good thing Mr. Fundati has 75L Saturday sales, what can I tell you, and with Silas Merlin statues, even.

o skyboxes and furniture -- most people will not rent your old skyboxes from even 3 years ago -- they want what they just saw at the latest event, and ask for it. Skyboxes run $400-1500 or more.

A one-time outlay for builders and landscaping -- you would think that would last for many years. I make it last, going into 2005 builds and stretching out their old 10m prims which now go to 64 m and trying to cover up the prim drift. But the demand for the new where it is constantly appearing everywhere is big in a virtual world.

I'm hoping that stores are going to make a comeback, malls even, which went out of the world not only with the Marketplace but huge events with their gatcha machines. I totally support anyone making their living in this manner, but now that it is banned, then maybe yard sales, and small stores and such outside of the big events will be viable again. I used to have multiple malls, about 8 in different places, everything from a small one in Burns (G), to large in Thyris (a popular tech shopping plaza I bought from another person and kept running for some years), in Tovaris (A). Today, I only have three shopping plazas left and I marvel that I even have that many.  

Why? Because to put a set of stores on one part of a residential sim, or on one sim, with the houses on the next, is a way to get tier covered. Sometimes the only way.

As I have noted elsewhere, I'm remaining in Campbell, as most of my land is rented there. It's nicely landscape and has nice views and the current new owner hasn't changed the look in any big way. I don't go for commuuunity woo-woo as much as others, but I'm happy to visit art galleries and buy works. Most of those galleries have emptied out now that rent is charged, but the current rent of $150/50 is a *steal* compared to all the other galleries I see around town, with 10 times that price, and with high vacancy. They will fill up again. Lots of people want to break into the market and have trouble doing this via the few big names and SLEA. So I think the market is there. 


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4 hours ago, BJoyful said:

  This can affect me for weeks or months at a time and makes me rather useless as a Landlord for extended periods of time.  What is necessary to sustain any medium sized community is an individual(s) available to do everything an Owner can do within a reasonable time the Tenants need it.   

Joy, you've been the best landlord many of us have had, The only thing I can wish is that you get healthy, which is what someone as kind and wonderful as you, deserve.

Edited by Elena Core
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1 hour ago, Prokofy Neva said:

No mainland operation, even one with very rich content, an active community, events, etc. can have 100% occupancy.  In fact, many island dealers can't claim that. I mean, fly around and look. 100% occupancy is something that Blake Sea and perhaps some old, high-octane themed communities can claim but I think few are willing to tell the truth about this. If someone wants to tell me on the forums about their full-occupancy Mainland community, that's fine, but I'm telling you what I see inworld, not on the forums.

The figures I put in above were just some very quick math and the 100% occupancy was a disclaimer to show that the quick math does indeed show a good profit is possible at a cost of USD $175 per Region and a gross income of USD $268 per Region will also allow for a substantially lower occupancy than 100% to pay its own tier ♥  If we needed or wanted more tenants, Campbell Coast most certainly could have paid its own tier and it DID often have 100% occupancy (regularly between 75% & 90% occupancy) and we kept adding according to demand.  We simply didn't need this project to pay its own tier and have that many more tenants to be responsible for.  I grabbed a screenshot way back in March of 2021, when we had only 48 rental units (renting between 100 LI and 500 LI each per week at L$1/1LI/week)


At the end we had over 70 units (with about 10 or 12 just added) and I think 77% occupancy but I didn't grab a screenshot and I can't remember for sure as my vision was very poor. 


2 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

And you will have these tremendous costs even after tier:

o builders -- you can't pay them NYS minimum wage ($15/hour) anymore or even $10/hour as you might for Ukrainians -- builders want more as they can get more, or even "10,000L and a free house" or whatever you could do 15 years ago. Since 2006-2007 and the advent of RL companies, you have to pay people "normally" as you would any graphic designer/programmer job.

o scripters in SL might charge 1000L per 15 minutes but this has shot up recently I find and even very trivial jobs can be 2500L -- a good, dedicated scripter who isn't going to tell you he can do your job after his mom picks him up from school and he finishes his math homework -- worth their virtual weight in gold.

o landscapers -- same. I don't have much experience with this as I do my own landscaping (which is why I get the "this looks like a Texas fish camp" remarks) and more importantly, I let my customers do that as they are better at it. But I recently saw 10,000 m2 get landscaped for US $70. Let's hope you don't have to do that so often at that price.

o landscaping content -- I don't feel you need 3000L tree packs and it's a good thing Mr. Fundati has 75L Saturday sales, what can I tell you, and with Silas Merlin statues, even.

o skyboxes and furniture -- most people will not rent your old skyboxes from even 3 years ago -- they want what they just saw at the latest event, and ask for it. Skyboxes run $400-1500 or more.

I think there are many SL builders, landscapers and decorators who simply enjoy doing so.  Many embrace the challenge of Mainland's limited Terraforming and I'm sure there are many in SL who would landscape and build for free or for only the cost of any new or specialty products needed.  If you see a place you like or admire, please tell that Builder or Landscaper♥  Perhaps discuss a plan of your dream to revitalize Mainland and ask if they'd help by landscaping or Building or decorating. 

We're very lucky Doc enjoys puttering with scripting challenges and often uses the scripting we've needed in products he sells in his store.  Campbell Coast is very lucky to have such a builder/landscaper/designer as @kitten Mills as we have been told by nearly every tenant we meet that project and the MultiScene SkyDomes Kitty designed for Campbell Coast are the most beautiful ones they've ever seen in SL!  As a matter of fact, Doc and I rent one for ourselves! :D

I do think Campbell Coast isn't an average project and was never intended to be anything except extraordinary!  It was meant to be an example of how any fairly small Land Group can revitalize Mainland and work around the usual complaints about problem builds containing conflicting decor and flow over the natural Mainland contours and back and forth across borders on purpose, to appear as such an environment might in RL, where there are very few straight lines except those introduced by the population of humanity.  Any viable project should also always evolve and change the way RL areas and neighbourhoods do.  Even this minute it is growing and changing.  As any RL place where people reside or have a business or go for entertainment, some people embrace change and some don't and both can be for the same reason!  Since day 1 of planning Campbell Coast, the project has been revised hundreds of times, some revisions more obvious than others and some have worked out great and are very busy and some are less so or just haven't found their groove yet.  We took this on willingly and able to afford not to have to make every idea an immediate success.  We also understand not everyone can do so, but we are also willing to help others with answers and support so they don't waste a tighter budget.

A new owner is a drastic change and we certainly hope all will turn out for the best when the dust settles... and a Museum dedicated to the process and to many treasured memories is a wonderful and positive thing!  Certainly we will have some funny photos and memories to contribute and we're sure @Female Winslet will be a great curator of the community's museum.  Without Museums we may forget our history and be forever doomed to repeatedly fail instead of progressing. ♥

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1 minute ago, BJoyful said:

The figures I put in above were just some very quick math and the 100% occupancy was a disclaimer to show that the quick math does indeed show a good profit is possible at a cost of USD $175 per Region and a gross income of USD $268 per Region will also allow for a substantially lower occupancy than 100% to pay its own tier ♥  If we needed or wanted more tenants, Campbell Coast most certainly could have paid its own tier and it DID often have 100% occupancy (regularly between 75% & 90% occupancy) and we kept adding according to demand.  We simply didn't need this project to pay its own tier and have that many more tenants to be responsible for.  I grabbed a screenshot way back in March of 2021, when we had only 48 rental units (renting between 100 LI and 500 LI each per week at L$1/1LI/week)


At the end we had over 70 units (with about 10 or 12 just added) and I think 77% occupancy but I didn't grab a screenshot and I can't remember for sure as my vision was very poor. 


I think there are many SL builders, landscapers and decorators who simply enjoy doing so.  Many embrace the challenge of Mainland's limited Terraforming and I'm sure there are many in SL who would landscape and build for free or for only the cost of any new or specialty products needed.  If you see a place you like or admire, please tell that Builder or Landscaper♥  Perhaps discuss a plan of your dream to revitalize Mainland and ask if they'd help by landscaping or Building or decorating. 

We're very lucky Doc enjoys puttering with scripting challenges and often uses the scripting we've needed in products he sells in his store.  Campbell Coast is very lucky to have such a builder/landscaper/designer as @kitten Mills as we have been told by nearly every tenant we meet that project and the MultiScene SkyDomes Kitty designed for Campbell Coast are the most beautiful ones they've ever seen in SL!  As a matter of fact, Doc and I rent one for ourselves! :D

I do think Campbell Coast isn't an average project and was never intended to be anything except extraordinary!  It was meant to be an example of how any fairly small Land Group can revitalize Mainland and work around the usual complaints about problem builds containing conflicting decor and flow over the natural Mainland contours and back and forth across borders on purpose, to appear as such an environment might in RL, where there are very few straight lines except those introduced by the population of humanity.  Any viable project should also always evolve and change the way RL areas and neighbourhoods do.  Even this minute it is growing and changing.  As any RL place where people reside or have a business or go for entertainment, some people embrace change and some don't and both can be for the same reason!  Since day 1 of planning Campbell Coast, the project has been revised hundreds of times, some revisions more obvious than others and some have worked out great and are very busy and some are less so or just haven't found their groove yet.  We took this on willingly and able to afford not to have to make every idea an immediate success.  We also understand not everyone can do so, but we are also willing to help others with answers and support so they don't waste a tighter budget.

A new owner is a drastic change and we certainly hope all will turn out for the best when the dust settles... and a Museum dedicated to the process and to many treasured memories is a wonderful and positive thing!  Certainly we will have some funny photos and memories to contribute and we're sure @Female Winslet will be a great curator of the community's museum.  Without Museums we may forget our history and be forever doomed to repeatedly fail instead of progressing. ♥

You really should write as much of this down as you can now because it is invaluable history and help to others! I know you have to budget your time strictly but maybe just speak on to a tape and edit it later.

I think you're highlighting something that is crucial to communities: human capital or social capital.

So human capital is not something you can always put a price on, like someone who has a building or scripting ability or artistic talent and is willing to pitch in. I was fortunate that people like Foolish Frost, gone from the world now but in RL a successful designer and programmer, could be willing to build towers and tree houses for a low fee and free land.

Or fortunate than when a "natural disaster" caused an entire sim build to disappear there was a tenant willing to pitch in with his own original textures to re-do the area. 

The multiscenes are great, but the need to be inside their own dome or mirror box so that the other rental agency's stacked domes aren't visible : )

I find some people want things to stay exactly as they are, and they have not changed a prim or a house or an outfit in the literally 15 years or more they have rented from me. And why should they? RL has enough convulsions. I personally wonder how someone can be happy with a Library chair and lamp but you know what? Some people are. They log in regularly and sit in their Library chair and read by their Library lamp. I would at least convex hull those things but no. 

And other tenants need something new every other day, people burn through content like you wouldn't believe. Here's one calling me now, gtg.

I should update on my "Tale of the 3 Cities".

The rentals sim now has a new owner, you'll never guess who.

The sea front sim is now an airport. This mystifies me. Are airports a thing? I mean, I see bunches of them defacing the gorgeous Blake Sea coast, but I guess you can rent slips out? Or maybe sell the planes themselves, which of course are cool.


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1 hour ago, BJoyful said:

A new owner is a drastic change and we certainly hope all will turn out for the best when the dust settles... and a Museum dedicated to the process and to many treasured memories is a wonderful and positive thing!  Certainly we will have some funny photos and memories to contribute and we're sure @Female Winslet will be a great curator of the community's museum.  Without Museums we may forget our history and be forever doomed to repeatedly fail instead of progressing. ♥

I will do my best! Thank you to you and to everyone else for the encouraging words! I much appreciate them!

1 hour ago, Prokofy Neva said:

You really should write as much of this down as you can now because it is invaluable history and help to others! I know you have to budget your time strictly but maybe just speak on to a tape and edit it later.

I've thought about asking Joy and Doc if they'd write a history of Campbell Coast for the museum. I don't want to ask too much . . . but it would be cool at some point if it's not too much trouble. 🙂


1 hour ago, Prokofy Neva said:

The sea front sim is now an airport. This mystifies me. Are airports a thing? I mean, I see bunches of them defacing the gorgeous Blake Sea coast, but I guess you can rent slips out? Or maybe sell the planes themselves, which of course are cool.

SL has had an active and sizable aviation community for quite a long time. Due to the widespread abuse of security orbs that put up a bunch of pop-ups and interrupt flights by teleporting people home with little or no notice, most SL aviators tend to fly mainly or exclusively over protected water. For the same reason, airports and other aviation facilities tend to also be right adjacent to the coast. It also avoids situtions where people who buy land near the airport in the takeoff or landing path and setup ban lines or orbs that prevent the airport that was there before from operating. There have been issues of that.

Still, the waterfront need not be ugly. I like to think we've done well at making White Star look nice from the sea. 🙂 Not that I'm responsible. I'm one of the owners, but did not design or build it. 

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30 minutes ago, Female Winslet said:

Still, the waterfront need not be ugly. I like to think we've done well at making White Star look nice from the sea. 🙂 Not that I'm responsible. I'm one of the owners, but did not design or build it. 

I'm talking about another sim? 

And I don't get the concept of having ONLY an airport on Blake Sea waterfront.

I mean most people have docks, slips, whatever.

I get it about air travel in SL.

My point is a different one: is Blake Sea -- even Blake Sea! -- now SO glutted, and has SO much competition from Bellisseria now, and other non-Blake Mainland, that someone would actually put in an airport instead of docks? Whatever.


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3 hours ago, Katherine Heartsong said:

I'd be happy to jump into any new artist colony, especially with the wonderful folks who were there. Sad to see CC change. :) Joy and Doc are two amazing people.

The art village is still there :D  In the same place as always, just renamed The Loch and the galleries are for rent instead of free now at a reasonable price of L$150/50 LI per week ♥  I think there is also provision for artists to pay on consignment but I don't know how that works. I'd suggest you contact the new Owner or @Owl Dragonash for more information ♥

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On 8/20/2021 at 11:27 AM, Prokofy Neva said:


And I don't get the concept of having ONLY an airport on Blake Sea waterfront.

Most of the airports around the Blake Sea are not only  airports and  DO have marinas underneath them, including the one being built that you  posted a pic of - the docks (under construction) are clearly visible in the picture.

There are however one or two airports around there that you can sail through, but don't have an actual marina, but in these cases it's because these airports are the home to creators who mainly specialise in aviation.

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20 hours ago, Eowyn Southmoor said:


Most of the airports around the Blake Sea are not only  airports and  DO have marinas underneath them, including the one being built that you  posted a pic of - the docks (under construction) are clearly visible in the picture.

There are however one or two airports around there that you can sail through, but don't have an actual marina, but in these cases it's because these airports are the home to creators who mainly specialise in aviation.

The airport does not beautify this sim or this view for others, and that's true of other airports in Blake. One wonders why an *airport* involving flying through *the air* cannot be put up 500 m or higher so it doesn't mar the view.

Well, that's because people playing airport want to have the view looking out when they land that they ruin for others.

Also update to my post since you can't go back an edit posts after a certain time: the sim near me in Nautilus has the same owner as Campbell; he hired an excellent landscaper. So let's see how this all works, hopefully for the best.

I've been going all around to all the art galleries and art community sims lately. And I have to tell you, $150/50 prims is an absolute steal. There are no art gallery rents like that anywhere, in fact they are 10 x as much.

Note to self: if I'm trying to attract a group of artists to my sim, what should I put on my profile? I think Greenday doesn't cut it.

Maybe I should put the Shins? 

Or maybe Samuel J?

What do you all like?

This is why I don't attempt things like this. 

Edited by Prokofy Neva
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  • 2 months later...
On 8/24/2021 at 3:48 PM, Uli Jansma said:


2021-08-24 21_45_45-.jpg

This photo is just so very Second Life, it's precious. Did you take it? The extra je ne sais quoi is provided by the map view showing GTFO and those God-awful domes that kill life under and around them for 4 sims.


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On 11/1/2021 at 11:28 PM, Jolly Nova said:

With Campbell Coast selling tons of land and abandoning a lot of it, this museum is now more important than ever. 

Between a car accident that happened about the same time I made the announcement that continues to mess with my upper body, and the attacks, both verbal and griefing, I have to admit it’s become a much more difficult thing for me to invest in and actually finish building. I’ve got a ton of artifacts from the original CC. Far more than I can fit in the museum, frankly, thanks to the support of others. But I’ve also got arms that I need for doing the work that aren’t in great shape and I’m discouraged. I guess in that latter regard, that’s kinda the point because so are many others. The museum is meant as a tribute to what BJoy and Doc did that was beloved by so many. And I guess the memory is all the more important. Now if I could just spend more than a brief time doing stuff in SL without my arms gettin inflamed from wrist to shoulder . . . .

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