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Second Life Maps | Jade Coast

I renovated downtown Woodford - We now have a generously sized mall with multiple resident owned businesses such as.. 

Made By L ( A wonderful mcm furniture store ) , The Coffee Pot & Co ( A vibrant group of coffee drinkers with an active discord ) , Skaicade ( a 2 story arcade ) , An art gallery, A Be You Doctor and city hall! 


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9 hours ago, SandorWren said:

We didn't understand exactly what some of the titles meant

Oh, neither do I!

Let me know if you get any bright ideas.

(The titles pretty much all refer to the actions, nature, and function of atoms, at least as the ancient atomists conceived them.  But really the pics are meant to also stand on their own, and to be open to interpretation. And if they sparked some discussion, then they succeeded!)

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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Posted (edited)

I DID get the same dress as @Scylla Rhiadra from Sigma, but it doesn't look as good on Celia. Caitlin didn't like it on me at all. And what WAS I thinking with this second one?

Celia Sigma Dress.png


Celia madame Dress.png

Edited by SandorWren
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I went to Scylla's exhibit on Sunday.  I spent more than an hour there by myself so I could focus on the notecard and the photos without another voice leading me to anything other than what I thought of each photo.  It reminded me of a letter I found years and years ago titled Why I want a Physicist to Speak at my Funeral. ( I know that is so random no one will get the reference, but sharing anyway)

I really enjoyed the time. Every decision of the exhibit seemed so intentional. I loved the inverted pics under the floor and even took time to consider the sculptures running towards Sisyphus' boulder. I went in on the PBR viewer, of course, because I wanted the full effect.  I wondered where my rogue atoms would send me.  Some things just need to be done alone even though openings with lots of people are fun, too.

I probably didn't spend as much time focusing on the individual pictures as I should have because I chose to view the exhibit as a whole keeping the notecard open and hovering my cursor over each print to see the title.

I can't post most of my pics in this section of the forums and had to creatively block a few parts. (Also, sorry Scylla - I hate changing art, but I blurred your nipples to make it okay to share here.  I'll post other pics on Primfeed.



Joining the walk to the boulder even though it is the last place I want to end up.  I had a momentary FOMO experience.


Edited by Cinnamon Mistwood
spelling, ugh
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2 hours ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

It reminded me of a letter I found years and years ago titled Why I want a Physicist to Speak at my Funeral.

That sounds totally appropriate.

2 hours ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

I loved the inverted pics under the floor and even took time to consider the sculptures running towards Sisyphus' boulder.

Nitroglobus has a well-deserved reputation as one of the most impressive galleries in SL. Dido creates an environment, rather than just housing pics, and she goes to some lengths to make it one that is relevant to the exhibition themes. The mirrored floor is her thing, but I had to actually do it, something I've never attempted before! It was easier than I thought it would be!

(Another curator who really works hard to produce an appropriate space for the art she showcases is @manoji Yachvili, who has a different approach, and one I really like. I can always recommend a show at her Onceagain Gallery.)

2 hours ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

Also, sorry Scylla - I hate changing art, but I blurred your nipples


/me shields her bosom defensively.

YOU . . . MONSTER!!!

I'm so pleased you enjoyed it, Cinn! Thank you for going, and for sharing! 💕

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So, I've made an important career decision.

This "artiste" stuff is very nice and all that, but the REAL money is in real estate.

I have therefore decided to become a slum landlady, and have accordingly bought my first apartment building.

Hot and cold running roaches, peeling wallpaper, aesthetically pleasing reddish tap water, and guaranteed air-conditioning in the winter can all be yours for the low low price of . . . well, negotiable. I might be willing to settle for a take of your crystal meth business.


Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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13 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Hot and cold running roaches, peeling wallpaper, aesthetically pleasing reddish tap water, and guaranteed air-conditioning in the winter can all be yours for the low low price of . . . well, negotiable. I might be will to settle for a take of your crystal meth business.

/me pulls out her favorite book on cooking insects. They really just need a little salt and pepper.  When fried, they have a satisfying crunch.  My doctor says I need a little more iron in my diet, so I think your water will be just fine. I like it cold.

I got out of the meth business years ago, though.

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11 minutes ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

I got out of the meth business years ago, though.

Ok, but do you have any other . . . "business ventures" on the go?

You're an attractive woman . . . I can set you up with a guy I know, if you're interested.

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Posted (edited)

Speaking of Cinny, she and I were together in our alts tonight. She was decorating one of her houses. We were testing to make sure the furniture worked, and I took a few pics. We ended up liking this pic, and I turned it into a PBR material. I am not happy with the degree of roughness as it turned out, but this is the base image I worked with. I should have tried it in the beta grid first. It was $L200 to upload!!!

Mikes Bed luce 2 FotoSketcher image Sandor.jpg

Edited by SandorWren
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Yet another shaved-ish base lol I've worn shaved bases for so long that when I attach hair it never looks right for me *sighs. I have a large inventory of hair and I tend to cycle through 3 shaved bases instead. I think it is laziness on my part lol 



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4 hours ago, SandorWren said:

Speaking of Cinny, she and I were together in our alts tonight. She was decorating one of her houses. We were testing to make sure the furniture worked, and I took a few pics. We ended up liking this pic, and I turned it into a PBR material. I am not happy with the degree of roughness as it turned out, but this is the base image I worked with. I should have tried it in the beta grid first. It was $L200 to upload!!!

Mikes Bed luce 2 FotoSketcher image Sandor.jpg

You probably know this, but you can import PBR maps as "local" files, just as you can Blinn-Phong ones. Then when you adjust the map in whatever software you're using, it will update in-world. The catch is that only you would be able to see it.

I'm not sure I understand what you did here. This is a picture of a picture, mounted on a prim with PBR maps?

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