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When did you last see a Bellisserian home available? Starting afresh.

Frigga Freidman

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On 4/11/2021 at 4:38 AM, Frigga Freidman said:

7:46am HB trad Camper Chalet Log Home - gonna be one of those days, I think, when lots of stuff floats around. Good luck!

7:45am HB gone but Trad and others mentioned available.

NOW (7:44am SLT): HB, Camper, Stilt on Land, Chalet and Log Home!

4:35am SLT Camper, Vic, Chalet, Stilt on Land

At 4am SLT: Only camper and chalet available

(Link to check with using a non-Linden-homeowning account: https://land.secondlife.com/en-US//lindenhomes/land-selection.php)


Currently available (2:35am SLT)


It's the same this morning...landlubber's choice.


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1 hour ago, Fay Starlight said:

Brimstone chalets released!

(clone of Collina Colce and Drumlin Farm)

Thank you Fay for letting us know what is available atm!! I admire your ability to figure that out, and it is very nice of you to share this info with us all!

Someone asked for pictures (on a previous release), so I took a couple while looking around... seems like pleasant hilly neighborhood.

brimwood_001 (2).png

brimwood_002 (2).png

brimwood_003 (2).png

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2 minutes ago, Sam1 Bellisserian said:

Snagged this chalet. Not sure I really like the style but it's a corner lot on the water so I'm going to keep it and see what I can do with it.  I also don't like the fact that the road goes right up to the water and then is just...gone.



That is only on the water "for now."  That coastline will be added to at some point.  Whether it will improve worsen the appeal of that parcel remains to be seen.  Someone can enjoy waterfront in the meantime.  

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2 hours ago, Matthieu Quander said:

That is only on the water "for now."  That coastline will be added to at some point.  Whether it will improve worsen the appeal of that parcel remains to be seen.  Someone can enjoy waterfront in the meantime.  

Well...i'll probably give it up then. Personally I think the houses are ugly and hard to navigate when inside


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31 minutes ago, Matthieu Quander said:

They aren't my cup of tea either, but luckily some of the other themes are more to my liking.  

That’s kind of the  way I felt about the stilts and the chalets. It was a surprise when I landed a mountain chalet, and I’ve actually kept it. Maybe I’ll start belting out “The hills are alive with the sound of music 🎶🎶🎶

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it is funny.. I absolutely hated the chalets when I got my first. Turns out it was mostly the area I landed in that I hated.. was mostly flat with lots of bricks instead of nature. Then my friend got a chalet in a hilly area that was much more to my liking. so I tried for chalet again and got one in a location I like. I think the "where" the home is placed has more to do with whether or not a person will like it than the house itself.

I went from absolutely hating them to having two. Both are in locations that appeal to me :)

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1 hour ago, Teresa Firelight said:

I tried for chalet again and got one in a location I like. I think the "where" the home is placed has more to do with whether or not a person will like it than the house itself.

The pic you posted of one of yours is very pretty.  And yes, I've come to like the location of my chalet a little more, since discovering that I can see Satori.  For me, it's always location, location, location ... but not necessarily about the looks of the location, tho a few I've gotten have been stunning.  My stilt parcel, in Westley, is nothing particular to look at ... but it's on one of the wider interior channels that leads immediately out to the huge channel along the east coast of Logland, right opposite the rez zone at the end of the Logland rail line.  So it has watery ambiance, is on land that is big enough to drive around on, and is a terrific departure point for many adventures.

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Letting 3 very nice campers go at 7 pm slt...1) Twofer http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Twofer/81/95/34 high on a sandy hill, great west view of ocean 2) Lake Tatakaka http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lake Tatakaka/115/207/42  perfect view of the lake and island, plus right side is a mole picnic park and 3) Roaring Bear http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Roaring Bear/238/183/34 with some derendering, an amazing view of the waterfall in the distance.  So many nice campers out there, but can't keep them all!



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9 minutes ago, Fay Starlight said:

Averhoff Chalets releasing! (new clone type)

Thank you Fay. You are amazing to keep us updated on releases.

Seems like a particularly nice area. Has High Hills and flat areas with water (a lake I think). Also has an unusually nice Plaza area with a statue. Here are a few pictures

Averhoff_001 (2).png

Averhoff_002 (2).png

Averhoff_003 (2).png

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