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New Mesh Bodies...LoveMomma and Aphrodite


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New mesh bodies or just ones I hadn't heard of yet?

From what I've read so far, LoveMomma can get pregnant but Aphrodite can't.  They both come with animated female garden part and say their BOM bodies won't lag up the grid due to not having a lot of excess scripts and other things.

It looks to have feet and hands attached to the body also, plus a few shoulder deformers.

Has anyone tried these yet?  


Some clothes and shoes can be found here:


Edited by FairreLilette
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2 hours ago, FairreLilette said:

their BOM bodies won't lag up the grid due to not having a lot of excess scripts and other things.

I suppose that made it much easier to built the body. Though the price doesn't mirror it. 4,400 L. Anyway, I tried the Aphrodite demo. Let me say first, not matter what a creator states about the benefits for me is a missing alpha tab already a reason not to buy a body. Why would I mess with alphas, when I can solve clothes issues with the help of the alpha tab in seconds? Well, ok, some day in the future all clothes might come with auto-hide. But until then...  I build several avatars daily.  Understandable that I expect from a mesh body besides of the look that it makes my job as easy as possible. Other residents have probably different expectations.  The look of this new body is ok, the HUD easy to understand. BoM works. I also used it with different mesh heads. Still, they waived the alpha tab, and on the other side in my opinion they didn't add any significant new feature to compensate this loss. So why would I spend 4,400 Linden to buy it, when I get for example from Maitreya much more for less? Because of the animatied V*****?

Edited by Doc Carling
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2 hours ago, Doc Carling said:

Why would I mess with alphas, when I can solve clothes issues with the help of the alpha tab in seconds?

   Because putting on an alpha mask also takes seconds and should be provided by clothing creators who wants people to wear their clothes when the outdated and script-demanding tech of alpha HUD cuts is discarded due to its obsolescence. Making alpha masks is pretty easy, and there's a huge selection of alphas available for next to nothing on the MP. 

2 hours ago, Doc Carling said:

So why would I spend 4,400 Linden to buy it, when I get for example from Maitreya much more for less? Because of the animatied V*****?

   The bodies aren't necessarily meant to be a competitor for Maitreya, with the general public in mind. The creator of the bodies is the creator behind Zooby, it caters very specifically to people who are interested in pregnancy and motherhood RP. When you create products for such a niche market, you're putting a higher amount of effort into a smaller audience, which means you'll need to charge more (and by 'need' I mean 'can' and 'probably want to') - it's just a question of specialisation. 

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3 hours ago, Orwar said:

The bodies aren't necessarily meant to be a competitor for Maitreya, with the general public in mind. The creator of the bodies is the creator behind Zooby, it caters very specifically to people who are interested in pregnancy and motherhood RP.

Well, to spend money and to buy something I need a reason. That is what I miss. in my opinon this body doesn't give one. OP said Aphrodite can't become pregnant. And when I remember right it's mentioned in the notecard also. That what is offers are just the usual features.


3 hours ago, Orwar said:

 Because putting on an alpha mask also takes seconds and should be provided by clothing creators who wants people to wear their clothes when the outdated and script-

The magic word is "should".  That there are almost no clothes available for new bodies is a normal thing. So you are depending on that someone starts and builds clothes. Means you have to wait longer than a few seconds.  And you have to pay most likely higher prices. The alternative ist you look around, if you find clothes which fit with the new body. From my experience many of the clothes of the new generation come without alphas and with auto-hide. So you cannot use them with the new body.  You know making an alpha might be an easy thing for creators. But to expect that common users learn this to save scriptwork for body creators, well, that's not exactly customer friendly. Polite spoken. We have already to deal with a situation where almost each body and head builder tries to cook his own soup. In that light I see alphas as a step  to help creators to win a kind of monopoly when it comes to clothes for their bodies. It's the alpha hud which grants the user independence. Because one  can use almost the entire range of clothes which is available on the market. Beat this adventage.

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16 minutes ago, Doc Carling said:

Well, to spend money and to buy something I need a reason. That is what I miss. in my opinon this body doesn't give one.

   Then the simple answer is: this body isn't for you. You aren't the target audience, it is not designed to appeal to your opinion - the world does not revolve around you, after all. 

24 minutes ago, Doc Carling said:

You know making an alpha might be an easy thing for creators. But to expect that common users learn this to save scriptwork for body creators, well, that's not exactly customer friendly. Polite spoken. We have already to deal with a situation where almost each body and head builder tries to cook his own soup. In that light I see alphas as a step  to help creators to win a kind of monopoly when it comes to clothes for their bodies.

   When mesh bodies began to become a thing, a lot of people were very skeptical because it felt 'too complicated', appliers, alpha HUDs, it was just too much work. Now when we've got BOM pushing all that old stuff behind, people are yet again finding themselves skeptical because it feels 'too complicated'. Neither system is at all difficult to learn, there is no shortage of resources in the forms of blogs, videos, forum posts, and the instruction notecards that tends to be included with the bodies. 

   That there are people who are too stupid to understand and too ignorant to learn should by no means halt the technological progression of the platform or how the mainstream uses it.

   As far as monopolies go, alphas are hardly a hindrance - you already have several aspects of the creation sphere which are pretty much outspoken means of having that power; who to give and who not to give access to your creation kits so that they may properly rig apparel for your body, not to mention the amount of drama, intrigue and backstabbing that goes on behind the stages of everything from events to exclusivity deals between brands. The one thing most brands offer anyone for free are the UV maps, to accommodate the creation of tattoos, makeup and .. Ah, yes - alpha masks.

32 minutes ago, Doc Carling said:

It's the alpha hud which grants the user independence. Because one  can use almost the entire range of clothes which is available on the market. Beat this adventage.

   All an alpha HUD does is grant a user the 'freedom' to hide preset parts of their body. Using an alpha masks gives you the freedom to alpha whichever of the 1,048,576 pixels of your upper or lower UV texture you want (though granted, hardly all of that is actually going to be part of the body itself). Oh and that's just either your top or your bottom UV (or .. Head. If you're -- Making something ... For .. That?). 

   Besides, the alpha 'pie cuts' has been something of a wrench in the machinery for creators for quite some time now. Imagine you're creating a mesh shirt, and you've drawn your concept art for how the sleeve ends just there and how that creates a perfect symmetrical balance with the other cuts in your article. But when you try it on you notice that ah, it is a rather tight-fitting sleeve which, of course, ends just half-way through one of the alpha cuts for the body you've rigged it for. So if you alpha that one piece, the sleeve ends a bit before your arm does, and there's a gap - and if you don't alpha it, it clips through; especially when your arm is bent and both the meshes of the shirt and the body are deformed around the skeleton.

   With the alpha HUDs, you're screwed - you either adjust the design to accommodate the alpha pie cuts, or you scrap the idea; a tight-fitting shirt can only have so many set lengths of sleeve. With a custom alpha mask, your sleeve can end wherever you damned please. That's independence. That's what's going to accommodate more diversity in design, and it's not just sleeves, it's the same with legs, or where your cleavage lines go, or if you want to leave a random gap on the side of the stomach, you can do that. 

   Alpha HUDs are as outdated as applier tattoos and 500-prim motorbikes (as in, actually built out of hundreds and hundreds of prims). Creators and consumers alike can either tag along in the progress, or they can do as a lot of people already do and refuse to make any further updates to their avatars because they were 'just perfect' the way they were when designed in 2008. That we in that process get the option to ditch a chunk of pointless scripts to make the actual SL experience a nudge less laggy, well that's just brilliant.

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6 minutes ago, Orwar said:

hen the simple answer is: this body isn't for you. You aren't the target audience, it is not designed to appeal to your opinion - the world does not revolve around you, after all. 

Well, I posted my opinion about a new body. Nothing else. If you have a different opinion, ok, I have no problem with that. Just buy it. :)

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Just now, Doc Carling said:

Just buy it.

   Goodness, no. It doesn't appeal to me one bit - but that doesn't mean that my opinion is that its existence is unjustified. 

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3 minutes ago, Orwar said:

   Goodness, no. It doesn't appeal to me one bit - but that doesn't mean that my opinion is that its existence is unjustified. 

So why don't you write an own review about the body instead that you try to prove that I'm wrong with my opinion? I at least tried the demo. Did you?

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3 minutes ago, Doc Carling said:

So why don't you write an own review about the body instead that you try to prove that I'm wrong with my opinion? I at least tried the demo. Did you?

   Yeeah. Should I also review pizzas with bananas on them, even though I have no intention of ever buying a pizza with bananas on it for myself? Or insulin injectors? Tampons? Pacemakers? Toddler socks? Consecrated wafers?

   What I wrote had very little to do with the particular bodies themselves, and all the more to do with the anti-progress attitude you expressed in terms of a technological development that's happening all over the grid. As surely you would have noticed if you had bothered to keep up with what I wrote.

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53 minutes ago, Orwar said:

nd all the more to do with the anti-progress attitude you expressed in terms of a technological

I'm sorry that you interprete my post as such. Well, I spent about an hour with the demo and I stick by my words. This body is nothing special. Allow me to mention something. And that's not meant as offense. I'm sure you know what you are talking about because it's founding on technical knowledge. Well,  I'm speaking more from my practical experiences. So perhaps we value different factors as important. We should consider that. 😶

Edited by Doc Carling
I wanted that I sound more modest. lol
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7 hours ago, Doc Carling said:

Why would I mess with alphas, when I can solve clothes issues with the help of the alpha tab in seconds? Well, ok, some day in the future all clothes might come with auto-hide.


Do you know how many seconds it took me to "fix" a piece of clothing that the maker put a messed-up non-removable autohide script in?

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10 hours ago, Doc Carling said:

Well, ok, some day in the future all clothes might come with auto-hide.

I hope not.  They seldom do it right and the auto-hide often ends up in conflict with other auto-hide or with my own tailored alpha hiding.  I avoid pretty much all auto-hide clothing these days.

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Honestly I think Aphrodite just hit the market too late. There are already a ton of mesh bodies with the same shape and features of Aphrodite, with a majority of quality clothes being made for those bodies. She doesn't offer anything unique or special to attract audiences, so is entirely reliant on whether or not the very small details of the build are better than other bodies (ala the great knee debate over Belleza Venus from back in the day). The only thing really "special" about her is the built in animated genitalia.

In my personal opinion, Aphrodite feels like an afterthought. It's not the point; the point is the maternity version, Persephone. Aphrodite is where they ripped out all the maternity features, didn't rig the belly to be able to achieve the maternity look, and popped her on the market to appeal to anyone who'd be turned off by a pregnancy specific body. My problem there is that they released them at the same price; both bodies are $4,000L but one is lacking a ton of features and the other seemingly requires an additional purchase to unlock those features. 

Personally, I'm having a rough time justifying the cost when I already have more than one mesh body that I can easily find clothes for and that look...mostly the same as Aphrodite. If the clothing market for her expands, though, I can see an appeal, particularly for anyone interested in "adult activities" since they wouldn't have to purchase separate "parts." 

None of that makes it a bad body, though. I thought the shape was perfectly fine; just not enough to replace what I already use and have clothes for.

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The idea of auto-hide is nice as it is annoying to have to go fix your arm pits  or whatever is sticking out when you put something on initially, but there are some annoying things that happen with auto hide too. Like if a pair of pants  is part of an outfit that comes with boots, some popular brands will auto hide your feet . So if you try to wear those pants with different shoes, your feet might automatically be alpha'd  despite not wearing it with other items from that outfit. You can certainly fix it to show your feet , but I have noticed that when I tped to a different region that my feet would disappear again >.<

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I just purchased a Kalhene Anja body (BOM). It comes with 2 HUDS. One has an alpha tab, one not. That allows the user to choose what he/she prefers. The box includes also 2 mesh heads. Price: 1795 LI. Just as example that some creators go a different way. (How long the low price lasts is a another question. lol)


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I already have more clothes than I could wear in my entire SLife, even if SL lasts another decade and I never buy more clothes and I put on a new outfit every day.  Thus, I can't possibly justify a new mesh body, at any price.  

For folks that like to play with lots of bodies, I can see the appeal of another one being dropped onto the market.


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17 hours ago, Doc Carling said:

Though the price doesn't mirror it. 4,400 L

Some Bento women lady parts are just about 2K lindens just for that body part alone.  


17 hours ago, Doc Carling said:

Well, ok, some day in the future.... But until then...  

The reason I posted this thread was for a particular person I thought it might help solve some of their issues...that is honestly why I posted this thread.  Plus, it seems to have a low lag system and I wanted to know if this is where bodies are going in the future.  And, I want a thinner body than Maitreya but I haven't tried to shape it yet to see if it will go thin-thin (thinner than Maitreya without deformers).

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4 hours ago, FairreLilette said:

Plus, it seems to have a low lag system and I wanted to know if this is where bodies are going in the future.  And, I want a thinner body than Maitreya but I haven't tried to shape it yet to see if it will go thin-thin (thinner than Maitreya without deformers).

Just based on the demo, I do like that it's one single attachment. I prefer that to having to separately add the hands and feet; it saves attachment points for other things without feeling like you're a shoe away from maxing out and lagging out the grid. Practicality wise, I don't personally know if they've achieved their low-lag goal or not; everybody *says* their product is low lag, so I'm always suspicious. 

There is a product on MP for about 200L that is supposed to help those who dislike the lack of alpha cuts. It's a huge pack of system alphas that supposedly work with BoM (whereas most of the older ones don't) to give you as many different options as they could think of for alphas to sort of "mirror" the effect of alpha cuts, which as discussed here is a major critique of the body. 

As for thin...I haven't tried,  but my initial guess is no. Using the same shape I always use, I found the body to be similar to, and even in some places larger than, my preferred body without changing anything about my shape. I'd have to go one and fiddle to say for sure, though. Maitreya is probably, to my knowledge, the thinnest on the market. She's pretty tiny. 

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