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Little off topic, guys, but I want you to know that 747's are way too heavy to fly, because it's been scientifically proven that aluminum and steel have densities that are way larger than air. Aerodynamicism is pretty much done with. Think that's crazy? It's literally the same level of crazy as this entire thread.

Edited by Arduenn Schwartzman
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2 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I hope you mean that figuratively, omniscient folk don't need much sleep.

The difference between my comprehension and that of anything capable of creating my universe pretty much limits me to figurative descriptions, which are likely wrong. I vividly recall (probably incorrectly) my father sowing one of the first seeds of my doubt in religion and my own abilities, just before sending me off to Catechism class.

"Maddy, man makes God in his own image."

He then presented me with ample evidence of that, in the form of depictions  of gods from all over the world, where they invariably looked pretty much like the people who believed in them, often with extra doodads bolted on. Dad's little lesson got me in trouble with the priest, who erroneously got it wrong, saying "God makes man in his own image". I refuted him and presented the evidence. Oops!

I still believe we create gods in our image, and then bolt on things like omniscience, or six extra arms, to make them worth worshipping. That anthropomorphism, though wrong, feels good and relatable. Since I know my figurative descriptions are probably wrong, I get to enjoy them for free (I hope). I'm revealing me, not god.

In the interest of fairness, I also do a bit of reverse anthropomorphizing. When I see a dog snap to attention for a squirrel, I contemplate that I'm sorta made in its image (we share common ancestry) and wonder what my own squirrels are.

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8 minutes ago, Arduenn Schwartzman said:

Think that's crazy? It's literally the same level of crazy as this entire thread.

Not really. The assertion regarding the 747's ability to fly is falsifiable, claims about divinities not so.

But I do agree that there are some things that can be debated for an eternity without a resolution, at the end it needs a test, such as travelling across the oceain  in a 747.

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1 hour ago, Luna Bliss said:

I totally agree that news sources often slant the news towards their bias (both on the 'left' and the 'right'), and I have indeed seen that with my own eyes. Usually it's a convenient omission left out of the story which would cause us to see the issue in a whole new light.

However, I don't know why you brought this fact up in the context of what we're discussing, as it was not really a 'left' vs 'right' issue -- it was a 'me confronting those who do not know science' issue. I do believe there are more people on the 'right' today who diss Science, and have come up with their own so-called "science" in an attempt to bolster their Biblical Literalism beliefs, yes. Can you tell me why you feel compelled to give them a "side" when they don't adhere to the rules of Science?

Honestly, I think people think these groups are a lot bigger than they are..

There is the left and the right but the the wackos on each side are not the majority..

80 million people voted for biden.. Most of them aren't wackos and 75 million that voted for trump.. Most of them aren't wackos..

There are these sections that are loud as hell making them look like they are bigger than they are..

A lot of those Trump rallies, people were riding from all over to go to them.. they were not just showing up in every town like they were coming out of that towns wood work.. they were like groupies.. hehehe

What it feels like right now is  one side has the momentum and power and trying to cut the head off the other..

lets cancel all those that voted for that guy, lets start hunting them down..

It's coming off as a double tap to me..

Honestly, I don't want either of them in full control.. They both keep each other in check..

Why did I start going on about it.. I started to read that article  in the link you posted and it didn't take too long to see the word republican come up, so I closed it right away and chalked it off like I do most stuff that starts digging on the other side..

You might not have meant for it to come off sounding like a left vs right thing, but that's how it came off to me..

Maybe I bailed on the article a bit too early or something, but I'm just so warn out on it, that I hit the eject button pretty quick in things like that nowadays..




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14 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

 I vividly recall (probably incorrectly) my father sowing one of the first seeds of my doubt in religion and my own abilities, just before sending me off to Catechism class.

"Maddy, man makes God in his own image."

Took me a few years before I gave up God being made in my Dad's image. 

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1 hour ago, Arielle Popstar said:

I just scanned the OP again and fail to see any references to Creationists/Intelligent Design. Perhaps Madeleine has a point about how we can get stuck in a loop and see things that aren't there when we expect or want them to be.

There's a reason why you didn't see them...

But if you research the concepts and theories you'll find they come from people like William Dembski: 


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38 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

As far as Christian Fundamentalists are concerned, when I searched for numbers of them it struck me they were quite a small minority these days in the USA so I do wonder why you spend such an inordinate amount of time and emotional energy calling them out. As far as guilt and shaming other people's lifestyle choices is concerned, one does not have to be a Christian to indulge in that sort of behaviour.

I call out Christian Fundamentalists because they are trying to take over the U.S. for God's sake! And they are not small in number -- these types of Evangelicals comprise a huge swath of the U.S -- and they are making good progress via political influence. Christian Fascism is a real danger. Really, have you no clue what the Republican party in the U.S. has morphed into, the joining of the alt-right with Christian fundamentalism? here's some info about Dominion Theology:

Their issues with the LGBTQI community are HUGE, and a major source of conflict in the U.S. today. Whether people outside religion shame others different from themselves is beside the point.

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43 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

The way you go on, you seem to think only atheistic scientists are allowed to have an opinion, and opinions they are because after 150 years of Darwinism there are still major gaps and always will be in the theory. If we were to really go on about the harms done for those pro and con about Darwinism, let me point out how Darwinism has led to an increase for biological racism because of evolutionary theory. You want to add up the deaths that have been caused by that over the 20th Century alone? We would do well to be able to trash that theory as I really do not see where it has benefitted mankind or made him more loving or forgiving. If anything the survival of the fittest and natural selection with no god to answer to, has allowed regimes to justify genocides of its own and others populations so that we have more dead in the last century then the previous 6000 years combined.

Ok, this is just bizarre. It's ridiculous to diss Scientific fact because some idiots choose to abuse it. Science is not bad in and of itself! There is nothing more loving than knowing reality.

For you to call them "atheistic scientists" is ridiculous -- many of them espouse a belief in God.

Sure, all people have opinions, and they have BLEEPS too. Evolutionary biology receives contributions from paleontology, genetics, anatomy, ethology, mathematics, embryology, and many other fields besides. People study for years to become experts in any one of these disciplines, but you give no credence to their efforts and base any layperson's opinion on the same level as those who have spent their lifetime studying issues! Screwy thinking, Arielle.

Edited by Luna Bliss
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41 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

In any case from the RSoL papers it is becoming clear that Darwinism is pretty much done with and they are scrambling for a theory that encapsulates the newer findings and sweep the old one out without anyone really noticing. Unfortunately that will mean the education system will still be teaching Darwinism for the next 50 or so years.

I have known Scientists in my life, and believe me, Arielle Popstar, you are no Scientist.

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5 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

I call out Christian Fundamentalists because they are trying to take over the U.S. for God's sake! And they are not small in number -- these types of Evangelicals comprise a huge swath of the U.S -- and they are making good progress via political influence. Christian Fascism is a real danger. Really, have you no clue what the Republican party in the U.S. has morphed into, the joining of the alt-right with Christian fundamentalism? here's some info about Dominion Theology:

Their issues with the LGBTQI community are HUGE, and a major source of conflict in the U.S. today. Whether people outside religion shame others different from themselves is beside the point.

You think maybe this is you from the wiki you linked?

Some have applied the term dominionist more broadly to the whole Christian right. This usage is controversial. Some members of these communities[citation needed] are concerned that this is a label being used to marginalize Christians from public discourse.

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5 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Some have applied the term dominionist more broadly to the whole Christian right. This usage is controversial. Some members of these communities[citation needed] are concerned that this is a label being used to marginalize Christians from public discourse.

Christians who do not involve themselves in politics would not be marginalized -- they are not attempting to force society to fit their mold through enacting laws.

You can fiddle with definitions all you want, but the reality is that we have a big problem in the U.S., and it didn't go away with the election:


trump and bible.jpg

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20 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Honestly, I think people think these groups are a lot bigger than they are..

There is the left and the right but the the wackos on each side are not the majority..

80 million people voted for biden.. Most of them aren't wackos and 75 million that voted for trump.. Most of them aren't wackos.

"Wacko" is the wrong dividing line, Ceka. If nearly a third of Americans won't get vaccinated, preventing us from reaching herd immunity and providing Covid-19 a large factory for the perpetual production of variants, that's a problem.



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50 minutes ago, Arduenn Schwartzman said:

It's literally the same level of crazy as this entire thread.

It's totally bizarre, how some began to think they are as competent as a dedicated Scientist. Evolutionary biology receives contributions from paleontology, genetics, anatomy, ethology, mathematics, embryology, and many other fields besides. People study for years to become experts in any one of these disciplines

How did this come about, and when? Is the internet to blame?  Or when did you start to notice this hellhole?  I agree with what you said earlier, that it's useless to debate the psuedo-scientists as they simply run off to some right-wing rag to "back up" their opinion. I realize I'm too stupid to debate the finer points -- it would take me months if not years to feel confident in giving a credible opinion. I guess these people just don't know how stupid they are.

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The debate isn't something new yet still today, no one has come up with an accepted opposing theory to Darwin's.  You'd think in 40 years, someone would have.

Edited by Rowan Amore
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38 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Maybe I bailed on the article a bit too early or something, but I'm just so warn out on it, that I hit the eject button pretty quick in things like that nowadays..

Which article?  I've posted so many...

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17 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

"Wacko" is the wrong dividing line, Ceka. If nearly a third of Americans won't get vaccinated, preventing us from reaching herd immunity and providing Covid-19 a large factory for the perpetual production of variants, that's a problem.



Nobody at my work has been vaccinated yet, because our tier hasn't come up yet.

I'm in an online neighborhood community in a red state and in a town that is pretty much red also..

I find it funny that I don't ever see posts like that pop up , but I do see people telling others where they can get vaccinated or asking where or when the health department or the rec center are doing their next vaccinations..

I've heard maybe two people since the start of the pandemic ever say the virus was a hoax, when  everyone everywhere else was saying they were hearing it all the time..

I must just live in some special redzone that is different from the whole rest of the countries or something.. hehehehe


Edited by Ceka Cianci
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39 minutes ago, Theresa Tennyson said:
2 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

I just scanned the OP again and fail to see any references to Creationists/Intelligent Design. Perhaps Madeleine has a point about how we can get stuck in a loop and see things that aren't there when we expect or want them to be.

There's a reason why you didn't see them...

But if you research the concepts and theories you'll find they come from people like William Dembski: 


What's the reason?

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45 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

It's totally bizarre, how some began to think they are as competent as a dedicated Scientist.

It's not just that fundamentalists or bible literalists refute science, it's that they take books in the Bible and have made them scripture to condemn other's according to said scripture without realizing most of the Bible is a recording of events among many other things and is not scripture - it was for then time not all time and I proved that with the scripture I posted but linking it again.  Jesus saying "it is finished" is enough for me as well as "love does no harm to it's neighbor, therefore love is the fulfillment of the law."  And, that's enough for me.  The rest is endless contradictions other than some of Jesus' other teachings and words to us.  Most of the Gospel is a recording of Jesus going up against the Pharisees and the Sadducees, a Jewish government at the time.  

1 John 2:18 ESV / 48 helpful votes 

Children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come. Therefore we know that it is the last hour.

Edited by FairreLilette
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2 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Which article?  I've posted so many...

Lets just forget it and move on, it's not important really.. it's a new day, I'm just really warn out and probably shouldn't even be posting right now.. hehehe

It's not you guys it's me.. I just need to catch myself a little sooner before jumping on here.. Sometimes I start typing before I realize which me is at the keyboard..




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1 hour ago, Arduenn Schwartzman said:

Little off topic, guys, but I want you to know that 747's are way too heavy to fly, because it's been scientifically proven that aluminum and steel have densities that are way larger than air. Aerodynamicism is pretty much done with. Think that's crazy? It's literally the same level of crazy as this entire thread.

That is so untrue. LRH's 'inspired' texts clearly state 747's have travelled through galaxies to drop thetans into volcanoes on earth, so you unquestionably are lying and are unscientological.

Errr ... wait .. hold on ..

Edited by TDD123
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1 minute ago, FairreLilette said:
14 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

It's totally bizarre, how some began to think they are as competent as a dedicated Scientist.

It's not just that fundamentalists or bible literalists refute science, it's that they take books in the Bible and have made them scripture to condemn other's according to said scripture without realizing most of the Bible is a recording of events among many other things and is not scripture - it was for then time not all tiem.  Jesus saying "it is finished" is enough for me as well as "love does no harm to it's neighbor, therefore love is the fulfillment of the law."  And, that's enough for me.  The rest is endless contradictions.  

Yes, they hang on for dear life to their conception of God, often derived from a book they consider to be the authority. And fight to the death over it in some cases.


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Christian fundamentalism, movement in American Protestantism that arose in the late 19th century in reaction to theological modernism, which aimed to revise traditional Christian beliefs to accommodate new developments in the natural and social sciences, especially the theory of biological evolution. In keeping with traditional Christian doctrines concerning biblical interpretation, the mission of Jesus Christ, and the role of the church in society, fundamentalists affirmed a core of Christian beliefs that included the historical accuracy of the Bible, the imminent and physical Second Coming of Jesus Christ, and Christ’s Virgin Birth, Resurrection (see resurrection), and Atonement (see atonement). Fundamentalism became a significant phenomenon in the early 20th century and remained an influential movement in American society into the 21st century. See also Evangelical church.


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