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Is there no 'complete avatars' that you don't need to edit?


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I guess it would ruin 50% of the fun, but whenever I attempt to make my avatar look good I just get too discouraged to continue. I receive 50~ files and if I add/wear it in the wrong order it seems to screw up my entire avatar.


I got myself this male head but afterwards I found out that to look like him I'd need that particular face shape? Because my avatar looked more like Shrek than an attractive guy.

Been on SL for a year and my ADD just can't be bothered learning even on my third attempt :P. So I was wondering if there is avatars that you just click 'add' and it's all done? Similar to the standard avatars that you can pick between.

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24 minutes ago, Todeuz said:

 I was wondering if there is avatars that you just click 'add' and it's all done? Similar to the standard avatars that you can pick between.

if you would have one that had "all done" it would be boring as.  ****  you would need the same skills to make it personal as  we encounter now with the "component" mesh avatar ) what is basicly mostly just two parts... head and body...and finding clothes will be a pain.
If you have difficulty, i'd reccomend to buy a shape with style card, all you need to get the look will be mentioned on that. ( look only at the newer ones, older listings often have items that aren't to find anymore)
Keep in mind every lightning, shade, skin, will have different outcomes.(and many selling pictures are photoshopped)

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1 minute ago, Jordan Whitt said:

This is probably why every shape I have bought NEVER looks like the pictures, even when I follow the style cards!

if it looks to good to be true... it mostly is  :)  lets keep it to the alain head as shown .. without basic "meshing yourself skills and trics"  you won't be able to get thát look.

perhaps should add to the post : demo..demo...first.  demo skinappliers, demo shape ..

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2 hours ago, Todeuz said:

I got myself this male head but afterwards I found out that to look like him I'd need that particular face shape? Because my avatar looked more like Shrek than an attractive guy.

With a Bento mesh head like that one you need to wear the shape that's included with the head. Putting it on over your usual shape will result in a very weird look indeed. Most Bento mesh heads - like the Lelutka Alain one you tried - require some very extensive and bizarre underlying shaping in order for them to look correct. If you want to know just how extensive and bizarre, take off the mesh head and just wear the included shape, then take a look at your system avatar wearing that included shape. If - underneath it all - you need to look like that in order for the mesh head to look right, you can understand why wearing a 'normal-looking' older shape will make the mesh head look weird. Lelutka's shapes (at least for the male heads that I own) tend to make the underlying avatar head look like a shrunken skull, which is why - when you wear their mesh head over your normal shape that is not a shrunken skull, your head looks bloated and round like Shrek's. 

2 hours ago, Todeuz said:

So I was wondering if there is avatars that you just click 'add' and it's all done?

For both head and body? Yes there's at least one I know of, but you'll look like every other guy who is wearing that exact same combination, and the head part of the combo is nothing like the Lelutka head. Signature sell mesh heads that match to their mesh bodies. You could buy the Gianni body and a Signature mesh head, and - aside from using their respective HUDs to choose the same Signature skintone (or setting them both to BoM - Bakes on Mesh - ability and wearing one of the included Signature BoM skins) that's all you'll need to do. But you won't look as attractive as that Alain advert ;)  Signature's mesh heads can be somewhat... brutish in look. That's my personal opinion, and obviously some guys like them, but they're nothing like Lelutka's heads.

With regard to that advert, as others have mentioned there will be many variables that make it almost impossible to recreate exactly that look. The shape on the ad should be the one included in the head's folder. But the skin may not be the included skin, and they will have shot that image in very specific optimised Windlight settings, as well as treated it in Photoshop afterwards.

In short: it's nigh on impossible to "look exactly like the advert". We've seen this previously - have a look at this thread for an example, particularly my comment here. In it, the original poster was asking why their Lelutka Andrea head didn't look like the advert, and I tried to recreate the ad with the included shape and skin, and also tried to recreate the Windlight lighting as best I could. I'm no slouch at this sort of thing (I work for a major mesh head creator myself, and I'm also a blogger who has worked extensively with mesh heads and written tutorials about them) but even I struggled with it. In the end I admitted defeat, so someone who doesn't have the years of experience that I've got under my belt would stand even less of a chance.

Settle for looking the best that you can, to your eyes.

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I was writing a bit about the Lelutka head in another thread:

My reply start here, I tried to write down just what I was wearing, using a starter avatar at first. I am using an off the shelf laptop there, with an integrated graphic card. It should represent an average user. I have not edited the images - unless resizing and putting them together, of course.


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I just have my body numbers written down so if or when I get a new skin, I generally start with the shape provided with the skin then punch in my body numbers.   It takes about 10 minutes.  Then if I want to tweak my face to my liking, I go ahead a do that.  It's the easiest way I've found to get the look I want in the least amount of time with the least amount of effort.


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