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Stipends not paid

Keiko Kiyori

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Neither of my accounts got theirs either. If I don't have it by the time I sign on tomorrow, i'll file a ticket.

Tbh this is the first time I haven't gotten it by now. I use to get it regularly in the morning est, but the last few months it hasn't been until the afternoon, and now it's 9:50pm est and still nada on both my premium accounts.

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Mine came through at nine minutes past midnight (PST). Then again as I'm in the UK I never expect to see it before Wednesday morning (UK time) anyway.

Maybe it's time that Linden Lab changed their statement to "Stipends will be paid weekly on Wednesdays".

Edited by Maitimo
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1 minute ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I have a recorded talk where my Guru quotes the original Beatles song. I did not recognize his quote until years went by (it's not the most popular Beatles song).

I was trying to figure out what song they were using for this and couldn't for the life of me think of it..

Thank you! \o/



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