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4 hours ago, PermaRuthed said:

But your Raw thread actually has a theme and real purpose for the subject matter. I enjoyed seeing how people work their magic in the before and after shots.

Last time  I checked that thread, quite few people actually did the before/after thing. The majority was appearently focused on "here is some random pic, if it was edited at all, it probably was for the worse". So that thread kinda outlived its purpose quite quickly for my liking.

Overall, it reminds me of the shopping event situation inworld. A small handful of quality ones was fine, but now it's just a mass of randomness and has become a burden to follow them, so it's much easier to skip all of them.

Edited by Lillith Hapmouche
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19 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Except that that (the part I bolded) cannot truly be enforced by the OP or anyone besides a Moderator.  Additionally, it also means that in order to comment on a picture, the preference is to quote the picture rather than just tag the person.  IMO, lots of people quoting pictures clutters up the photo threads also.  I personally prefer more 'tagging' than quoting in those threads, or quoting any words posted without quoting the picture itself.  The rebel in me says to go into the thread and comment on pictures via Tags rather than quoting, but I'll restrain myself.

Most of the time, the conversations in the Today thread were directly related to the pictures --- well, except when lots of folks kept going off on the tangent discussion of photography techniques.

In any case, to each their own.  While I might have my preferences, I'm mostly okay with people doing their own thing in the threads and I'll adapt.

I was not suggesting that my personal interpretation of the "rules" had to be followed by everyone, or that it would be enforced by anyone. 

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I posted a couple of pictures in the Raw thread, but then stopped because I don't post-process, so I didn't have a before and an after, and I decided my pictures didn't really fit in the intent of that thread. 

I got a bit nostalgic last night and went back and looked at a few of the early pages of the Today thread.  I've been posting in that thread since it was only a few weeks old.  People who post in it come and go over time, and various bits of drama come and go in it as well.  As the drama usually doesn't strongly affect me generally (or isn't about me, as far as I can tell) I just try to ignore it and keep posting as I see fit, and let whatever the current up-in-arms-issue is wash away as it generally does with a bit of time.

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4 hours ago, Moira Timmerman said:

I posted a couple of pictures in the Raw thread, but then stopped because I don't post-process, so I didn't have a before and an after, and I decided my pictures didn't really fit in the intent of that thread. 

I got a bit nostalgic last night and went back and looked at a few of the early pages of the Today thread.  I've been posting in that thread since it was only a few weeks old.  People who post in it come and go over time, and various bits of drama come and go in it as well.  As the drama usually doesn't strongly affect me generally (or isn't about me, as far as I can tell) I just try to ignore it and keep posting as I see fit, and let whatever the current up-in-arms-issue is wash away as it generally does with a bit of time.

You never "had to" do post-processing to post, in fact, that was supposed to be just a side topic, because people seemed to want it. One of the hissy fits and tsk-tsking on other threads (the ones that prompted my creating the raw thread) were over specific side convos of a post-processing technique in this or that photo posted in the same thread. (That's a confusing sentence. It was a confusing brewhaha.)

I'm a terrible person to start a thread because I'm really crap in nursing the things. I pop in and out of the ones I make. There was drama? Sigh. That was another reason it was created the way it was, with generous but specific "rules" so there wouldn't be the snarking about "you can't post that!" Sigh. People. Amirite? (It is quite possible at some point I did snark at someone or two who weren't posting as to the stated purpose and rules, but if I did that would have been rare because I hate being thread police. I would actually like to be a paid Forum monitor but, yeah, that's gonna happen. I'd be a great monitor though. :) )

There were a few really good photographers who were on board with that thread and promised some really interesting pre and post processing pix and comments. They never happened. booooo!

 @Lillith Hapmouche at first I thought your comments (immediately above) were :::cough::: a tad harsh and I wasn't going to comment. I still think they are overly harsh, but I think you have a point. It was never intended to be a thread for any old raw photo snapped just because. I was envisioning some random group shots, like at a club, because those are notoriously hard to do, and those kinds of spur of the moment snaps are fun and aren't meant to be high art. I also enjoy seeing quick snaps of some of SL snafu moments, like when you rez Ruthed with things mashed together.

The thread wasn't about "high art" either, but they could have been. Just because it is a raw shot doesn't mean it is inferior. Composition, lighting, etc. still matter. Or should.

Now, not everyone has that same view, and not everyone has a computer that can take high rez, and not everyone has the same "eye" or experience. That's true of whatever place people are posting photos. But yeah, I have to agree, that there are some that seem to be nothing more than "I took this random shot with zero care and so I'll post it here."

As to the shots being worse for the post-production... so much of that is subjective. I'm sure this was true of some shots there and not true of others. Overly and poorly post-produced shots are a pet peeve of mine of SL and RL photography both. I was hoping to see more hints and tips for how folks were getting results that we could each decide for ourselves which were worthwhile and others not so much.

But alas, as we all know, all one can do is post a thread and then it is out of the OP's hands. 

People are still posting there, and I'm surprised and pleased. I even managed to post there myself last night! Usually my threads don't make it to two pages before they die lonely little deaths. :)


Now, this wasn't an OP about the RAWr thread...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Rules... any rules require someone enforce them. Otherwise, humans in their diversity will either not understand, ignore, never see, or deliberately break the rules to see if they can.

How many of us actually have read the OP of L O N G threads we post in? I think many... but certainly not all.

With 'Today' I started when there like 1100+ posts. It was months before I got curious about what else was in the thread and how old it was and started looking through the thread from the OP and read it.

I like playing in Photoshop. So technically I don't do 'Now looks'. Even 'Today' looks may be a day or two old. But, who can tell if I don't say? So, does it matter? I believe, not enough to get excited about. But, there are those that like to tell others what to do. When I get annoyed with those people I point out their fascist nature.

Tolerance of diverse people and ideas is becoming rare.

I simply like to see the images, pretty places, pretty people, well done images...

I do try to put images in appropriate places. I like the Home > Forums > Creation Forum > Art, Music and Photography threads. I post images there that I think do not fit in other threads. Example: 

In those threads there is a whole different take on the images. But everything is a matter of how I see it. I keep reminding myself to avoid inflicting my personal opinions on others... until it becomes a matter of politics where group opinion is inflicted on all.


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