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Deletion Of Hundreds Of Second Life Facebook Accounts Being Reported Today

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The infamous social media mafia venue strikes again! It appears that Zuckerberg and his henchpeople don't want to be affiliated with Second Life and our virtual identities. There is no advertising money in catering towards anonymous SL residents with made-up virtual personas. Let's hope that Linden Lab get the message.


Edited to change let's to lets, and then back to let's.

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What worries me is that I use the name Persephone in most of my online activities & reserve my legal name only for work & family. I added my SL last name to my Facebook account because they wanted a last name & my friends in SL know me by that name. Just because I want to protect my RL identity, that doesn't mean I'm trying to trick anyone or abuse my Facebook "privilege".  I never share my RL information online with people I don't know in RL.

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Ishtara Rothschild wrote:

Let's hope that Linden Lab get the message.


Definitely agree on that one. I think the sole commenter hit it on the mark with "The terms of service prohibit a personal Facebook profile for an artificial entity." As far as I know, none of the SL business or group pages got nuked, only the personal pages.. which reaffirms for me that the personal pages there are searchable in ways the others aren't, and more valuable to FBs advertising returns than the others. LL needs to understand that no matter how much of a media darling FB is, it still is all based on real identities that return real dollars, and avatars are not real identities... regardless of whether it's linked to one or not.

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My Facebook avatar AND business got nuked last night. So what, who cares? Now I say good bye to my 2000 some FB friends...you all can always find me in SL...but just don't all of you come over to my grid at the same time.

Might as well delete my RL FB setting for them and save Mark and his boys the time.

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I've never been a FB member but from what I read it was clear that an Avatar could not have a FB account.

It is sad News that so many Residents will lose a link important to them.

I would guess that FB is cleaning house to prepare for the launch of a new platform.

If you have a computer and internet access, you probably have at least some money. 

Business will go anywhere money goes, ask any Septic tank sewer worker. The obstacle delaying participation by the major recognized Industries was planted a long time ago in a deal perceived as "gone wrong". One possible solution and it is only a partial remedy, is an Investment in self. Prove a product is secure, prove delivery, prove payment processing.       

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Luc Starsider wrote:

Hmmmm.... I wonder if this will change the way LL pushes FB and Twitter as the best places to follow what's happening in SL?

[EDIT] And once again I tried to reply to the OP but the reply was to another post. Sorry Peewee.

- Luc -

I doubt it, for a start Twitter allows pseudonyms and secondly LL have been told time and time again that Facebook doesn't allow pseudonyms and therefore Second Life profiles.

LL should stop pushing Facebook on the login screen though.

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I never had a Facebook account for my avatar so I won't be affected by this. However Linden Lab's pushing of FB annoys me, for the following reason:

I have a RL FB account, and the people I add as friends are only RL friends who already know my RL name.  Now, if I "like" the SL page, or a SL avatar page, that means everyone else will be able to tie that to my RL name, which I don't want. Under no cuircumstances do I want to share my RL name with anyone who doesn't already know me by that name in RL.

Which makes all of Linden Lab's promotion of Facebook contacts totally useless to me.

What they SHOULD have done was invested in and properly developed Avatars United.

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Peewee Musytari wrote:

That blog reported the same thing back in January 2010

This is not the first time that it has happened.  But it appears that this purging is more widespread this time.  In the old GD Jive forums there were several times folks complained about losing their FB accounts.

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JoeJoe Suppenkraut wrote:

My Facebook avatar AND business got nuked last night. So what, who cares? Now I say good bye to my 2000 some FB friends...you all can always find me in SL...but just don't all of you come over to my grid at the same time.

Might as well delete my RL FB setting for them and save Mark and his boys the time.

Facebook is for people who like cassette tape recorders and 35mm film cameras - the kind of people who think privacy is closing the loo door to take a pee.

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Anyone else think LL was aware of this (that technically, SL avatars are not allowed on Facebook), and that it was their way to trying to force a connection between your real Facebook identity (assuming you have one) and your SL avatar?

Particularly, for revenue generating, privacy infringing type things?

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Void Singer wrote:

does it? because it looks to me like they need to hire an editor.... what exactly would be the difference between an avatar account and an avi page? from Facebooks policy perspective that is?

Avi pages are allowed, Avi profiles are not.

You can't make a Void Singer profile (I'm going out on a limb here and assuming that's not your real name) but you can make a Void Singer page, that's perfectly acceptable.

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Gadget Portal wrote:

Anyone else think LL was aware of this (that technically, SL avatars are not allowed on Facebook), and that it was their way to trying to force a connection between your real Facebook identity (assuming you have one) and your SL avatar?

Particularly, for revenue generating, privacy infringing type things?

were they aware of it? yes

were they tring to connect RL infor to your SL account? not per se... but I'm sure that's how they sold it to FB marketing for putting those stupid buttons on our profiles.

what were they really after? Exposure... FB has a huge user base of people with obviously too uch time on their hands... get enough exposure there and you get people showing up here... no rocket science, just a plain attempt at social media marketing.


Thanks for the clarification... I avoid FB like the plague it is, so I'm not up on the nuances.... I'm guessing though that means you need an account for a live person to create such a page, thereby linking the two together?

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Void Singer wrote


Thanks for the clarification... I avoid FB like the plague it is, so I'm not up on the nuances.... I'm guessing though that means you need an account for a live person to create such a page, thereby linking the two together?

Yup and SL give an example of this on their Facebook page, although I'm making no comments whatsoever about the status of the person who is listed as an admin for the avi page.

There was a chinese blogger who recently got kicked of Facebook for using the name Michael Anti, that's how he's known in blogging circles, his argument was that there's an account for Mark Zuckerberg's dog, so it was ridiculous to delete his profile, but Mark Zuckerberg's dog has a page, not a profile.

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