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I'm currently somewhat stuck on a pretty hefty song. It's definitely not easy listening, even starts with very uncomfortable breathing and launches into heavy trauma, failing therapy and a whole bevy of dark themes, including some blood later in the song. Consider this a trigger warning.

Still, the song resonates with me in a way. It's so full of intense emotions, vulnerability and this deep frustration. For context: The singer in the video went years without the proper diagnosis of Lyme Disease (caused by a tick bite). He was pushed from one mental health misdiagnosis to another and suffered from worsening side effects and desperation. There's another song where he verbalizes it, if you're curious, called "Hi Ren". Still, Sick Boi resonates with me. So, here it is:

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I've been listening to some patriotic tunes that YouTube suggested.  What fun lyrics they have, with such things as "Thee haughty tyrants" and "Frustrate their knavish tricks". Nowadays, with people's brains being diminished, we'd get something like "We're the best, we beat the rest", which is I suppose what most anthems are saying but at least some of them are suitably flowery. 

Disclosure: I am a lifelong Royalist. :) 


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