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Our Weirdness

Beth Macbain

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I thought I was the only one who still walked while shopping. I do cam, when walking is just nuts, but I don't like to. No mouse view, though. Like others have said, there are so many events now that I just tend to go to the websites, check out the ads, and then decide if there is anything worthwhile. Sometimes I like to go in cold, just for the surprise. But honestly, any more there isn't much of a surprise, at least in clothing. I think I'll scream if I see another ruched mini dress or crop top. :::grumble::: 

Now that you mention it, though... I do find a starting point on the ground level and shop in a counterclockwise direction! Ha! Then go the the 2nd and 3rd floors. I try to get out of the jam of cammers smashed into the landing area as soon as possible. Shopping clockwise just feels off! Oh dear...

I'm sure I have other quirks but am momentarily denying their existences.

PS. To add, yep, I'm a shop-aloner, too. I can't do photography in groups either.

Edited by Seicher Rae
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I don't think I have any weird shopping habits. I cam-shop and walk around in first-person depending on how busy the event is. One thing I always do is get demos of items I like AND get demos of items that are only slightly interesting. I've found that sometimes the vendor photo of an item doesn't look as good as the demo when you wear it on your own avatar. 

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I'm OCD about item placement  Everything must be oriented to cardinal directions.  If something must be at an angle (like chairs in a group) then they can't just be turned randomly, they must be at specific angles.  Houses must be oriented so the back porch faces West.  In my library and gallery, book cases and pictures must be spaced at as perfectly equal spacings as I can manage.  Positions must be rounded to 0.1 or at most 0.01 meters...unless it ruins the symmetry.  The rug must be exactly centered with the fireplace.  Even landscaping tends towards this pattern.  I once put those little seashells that make beach noises out, and equally spaced them along the shore - 6 meters apart because of the number of shells verses the North/South length of the beach.  Beaches are also either on the West of East side of the sim, preferably East, oh and the land mass is almost always squarish.  Placing trees makes my eyes hurt, because symmetrical trees look unnatural and asymmetrical trees never look right no matter how I rotate them.

Fortunately, other than my library, my girl does it all now, because she embraces chaos and clutter, and I generally just cam on her boobs anyway ;)

Plus, she does a far better job.

Edited by Tolya Ugajin
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1 hour ago, Tolya Ugajin said:

I'm OCD about item placement 

I also have to have it sitting perfectly on the floor... If I notice something isn't perfectly flush with both the wall and the floor, I cannot deal. Or items I have on shelves or tables. And if it has a shadow and I have to deal with that, too?? OMFG. Often, I'll just unlink it and get rid of the shadow because I DON'T NEED THAT KIND OF STRESS IN MY LIFE. 

I've had several houses where it's impossible to center the bed or something on one wall without it being off-center in relation to the opposite wall. If I center something on that wall, then it's off-center with the bed. That's a big fat NOPE. 

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For some reason, I have a natural tendency to use the Like emoji on forum posts rather than Laugh, even when the post in question is very funny and has made me literally lol. I sometimes make myself choose Laugh because objectively it's right, but it always goes against my instinct and I'd rather choose Like. 

I have no idea why, especially since I love getting Laughs. 

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32 minutes ago, Amina Sopwith said:

For some reason, I have a natural tendency to use the Like emoji on forum posts rather than Laugh, even when the post in question is very funny and has made me literally lol. I sometimes make myself choose Laugh because objectively it's right, but it always goes against my instinct and I'd rather choose Like. 

I have no idea why, especially since I love getting Laughs. 

The laugh emoji is often used as snark, or as someone I won't name called it, "scorn laughter". I use it when I want to say, "That's the most ridiculous and/or stupid thing I've ever heard" but know it will get me in trouble if I actually say it so I laugh instead.

We really need a few more reaction emojis. Sad and confused just doesn't cut it. I need an eye roll and an angry instead. And possibly a shove-it-where-the-sun-don't-shine one. 

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Just now, Beth Macbain said:

The laugh emoji is often used as snark, or as someone I won't name called it, "scorn laughter". 

I know, but that's not why I avoid it. I think it's usually clear from the context whether it's good humoured or not. I use it on WhatsApp all the time and yet I am almost never inclined to use it here, however (intentionally) hilarious a post is. Yet I love getting it. I really can't explain it.

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4 hours ago, Beth Macbain said:

I also have to have it sitting perfectly on the floor... If I notice something isn't perfectly flush with both the wall and the floor, I cannot deal. Or items I have on shelves or tables. 


This will drive me absolutely nuts in stores.  I so often go to places where there is a gap between the vendors and the wall, or between furniture and the floor.  My finger keeps twitching because it wants to Edit and properly adjust those positions.

How can people NOT notice this?  And if they do notice, how in the world can they possible stand to leave it that way?

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For my shopping quirk I find that I completely ignore events and do my shopping exclusively on the Marketplace. I am also very structured when I buy items. On the first day of the month I will buy a hairstyle, a dress, and shoes and on the 15th, I will buy a top and a bottom. Then every Tuesday, when my stipend comes in I'll buy a furniture item. If I have leftover money I'll buy make-up and add-ons from my favourite mesh head store. My budget for everything is 300L; I rarely spend above that for each item.

For my non-shopping quirk, I tend to time myself on Second Life with a separate timer app. One minute for loading, 15 minutes for gaming on Gaming Island, and 15 minutes hanging out in Kuula. Everytime I type something in IM or open chat I'll reset the timer to 15 minutes, and when the timer runs out I head to another place for another 15 minutes.

I try to spend one and a half hours on Second Life per day (3 hours if I don't have work on that day).

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I don't notice gaps and spacing at all. Once someone IM'd me to say I was floating slightly over the floor. I had to zoom in to see the gap!

I like to skew my avatar faces very slightly with the slider. Just to make it realistic because no one has a perfectly symmetrical face. Hopefully that doesn't trigger people. 😜

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7 minutes ago, Bree Giffen said:

I like to skew my avatar faces very slightly with the slider. Just to make it realistic because no one has a perfectly symmetrical face. Hopefully that doesn't trigger people.

/me high-fives you!

I have gotten compliments about how "pretty" my face is (varying descriptions) and they often say they don't understand what it is. That's when I tell them I use the face-shear slider and add 10 points to it. Bad idea because then they cannot unsee it LOL

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On the shopping subject, I never shop on the MP unless it’s for a specific gacha item. I don’t get the appeal at all.
I love event cam sims, and can often be found camming from a completely empty cam sim weeks after the event has opened. I have six main events that I must visit every month, and I cam around the same path at every one. 

I’ve used the word cam so many times that it is starting to lose meaning. Cam, cam, cam.

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4 hours ago, Beth Macbain said:

The laugh emoji is often used as snark, or as someone I won't name called it, "scorn laughter". I use it when I want to say, "That's the most ridiculous and/or stupid thing I've ever heard" but know it will get me in trouble if I actually say it so I laugh instead.

We really need a few more reaction emojis. Sad and confused just doesn't cut it. I need an eye roll and an angry instead. And possibly a shove-it-where-the-sun-don't-shine one. 

I reacted with an ironic :D  



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@Tolya Ugajin and @Beth Macbain

:::makes notes as to who not to invite to my houseboat, where very little is at 90 degrees:::

BUT not so much at shops, but at sims, especially those geared towards photography (and say so in their blurbs), it drives me bats too when things are floating. YES! I have been known to click to edit before I realize I can't.

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Shopping: I move in a clockwise direction. Even if I cam. I’m terrible with directions and I was told or heard, it’s easier to reorient yourself if you move in a spiral pattern. At really big events I get lost super easily.

I used to walk around to shop, but it’s gotten so bad at the popular events that I just cam around  because rubber banding and slow motion walking drive me nuts.

Anything else? Let’s see....I hoard boxes. It’s probably a holdover from back in the-prim day when you’d edit something and screw it up so badly it would just be easier to just unpack a fresh one. 

Every few months I clean out and organize my inventory, it’s mostly getting rid of the boxes that I’ve already unpacked. The bonus is I always find something I just never unpacked in the first place.

Edited by janetosilio
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28 minutes ago, Bree Giffen said:

I like to skew my avatar faces very slightly with the slider. Just to make it realistic because no one has a perfectly symmetrical face. Hopefully that doesn't trigger people. 😜

Thank you for reminding me of this! I do this on my avatars too. I have a relatively new mesh head and I like it but something has seemed too "Barbie Doll" about it, and I'll bet it is because I forgot to skew it a tad.

I'm still triggered.

Edited by Seicher Rae
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There are certain items I shop on the MP for, and certain items I will only buy inworld. 

I prefer to shop for poses on the MP, but I get downright angry when the image is all edited and gorgeous because I always think, "Well, why bother now?" Just snap a freaking basic picture on a white damn background, posemakers!!

Hair on the MP unless it's at an event. I'll load up with demos and go through one by one narrowing down my selection, or selections. For other women, shoes are their weakness. For me, it's hair. 

Furniture and home stuff I'll shop the MP, but go in world to actually see it before I'll buy it. Clothes I absolutely have to demo. I wear mesh nips and I hate having to take them off or hide them and so many clothing designers don't leave room for them. 


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8 minutes ago, janetosilio said:

Every few months I clean out and organize my inventory, it’s mostly getting rid of the boxes that I’ve already unpacked.

I'm the opposite on this one. When I shop, I have to unpack the boxes immediately and then delete them. And empty the trash. 

I wish I was as disciplined about putting the new items in their proper folders, though. I have great intentions but poor follow-through. 

And a ridiculous inventory. 

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1 minute ago, Beth Macbain said:

I'm the opposite on this one. When I shop, I have to unpack the boxes immediately and then delete them. And empty the trash. 

I wish I was as disciplined about putting the new items in their proper folders, though. I have great intentions but poor follow-through. 

And a ridiculous inventory. 

Oh mine is pretty ridiculous too. I just make an attempt to do something to it. I spend about a week sorting and then going through my object folder and I always manage to find 50-70 items I just never unpacked.

Hair, skins, shapes, poses/animations and old appliers are organized. Clothes I won’t even try. It’s just a matter of putting stuff where it belongs cause we all get a little lazy sometimes.

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I love reading about other people’s inventory weirdness. Like Janet I never delete a box in case I might need to unpack it again, which I realize is ridiculous in the days of redelivery. 
I do immediately unpack anything I’ve bought and file it away in the proper place. This is new since I’ve been back in SL after an extended hiatus. I also have a “new items” folder filled with unopened stuff I bought from 2010/2011, which is how I used to organize things. The new way is better. 😁

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11 minutes ago, Eva Knoller said:

I love reading about other people’s inventory weirdness. Like Janet I never delete a box in case I might need to unpack it again, which I realize is ridiculous in the days of redelivery. 
I do immediately unpack anything I’ve bought and file it away in the proper place. This is new since I’ve been back in SL after an extended hiatus. I also have a “new items” folder filled with unopened stuff I bought from 2010/2011, which is how I used to organize things. The new way is better. 😁

In theory, I move all new items into my "new shizz to sort" folder. Within that folder are hundreds of things just sitting there, as well as folders and subfolders and have things in them. There is also the "old new stuff" folder, and the "old older new stuff folder". 

It gives me a headache just thinking about it. 

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3 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

In theory, I move all new items into my "new shizz to sort" folder. Within that folder are hundreds of things just sitting there, as well as folders and subfolders and have things in them. There is also the "old new stuff" folder, and the "old older new stuff folder". 

It gives me a headache just thinking about it. 

Laughing for the folder names, not the headache. Imagine if we could pay someone to organize our inventory... they’d be so SL rich!


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