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What are your favorite things to do in SL?

Seicher Rae

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On 11/27/2019 at 11:50 AM, Seicher Rae said:

I'm curious as to what scooter you're using for Bellissaria. I've tried two brands  of Vespas (Sau & What's Next) and cannot control them at all. I have no trouble with my motor boat in Bellissaria, but for inland I've had to fall back to my wearable horse, which is fun but not the same as driving something. I suppose it could be my computer, which is an old gaming computer, and/or my lack of skill, but I can drive just fine in Borderlands.

Sorry, I keep forgetting to get back to you about this!

I'm using the [777] Travelista:


I don't actually have anything with which to compare its performance, because the only other vehicle I've used in the past 8 years or so is a motor boat. I haven't noticed any particular problems with sim crossings though: it mostly depends on how fast I'm going when I cross the border. My biggest problem with Bellisseria is the sharp turns.

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I have the privilege of getting to garden and landscape one of my SL Brothers homesteads.  This week I've been pulling up all the Autumn trees & flowers.  I've hung evergreen garlands & decorated his ballroom in the castle where he has live musicians.  I have turned the seven seas fishing lagoon into and iced over area featuring skating penguins.  Last night I pulled up the the dirt roads that looks very summerish and started laying down scripted seasonal change brick roads and changing its path somewhat to have bridges over where are the train tracks and pathway meet.   I'm going to see how leaving the scripts in all the trees and flowers and bushes and pathways works and instead of pulling all the scripts out after planting everything.  Usually I remove the scripts and so I have to replant everything every season.  I also last night made a area with an old-time Father Christmas surrounded by lots of forest animals.  Just very enjoyable I liken it to pixel Barbies and virtual model railroads :)

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  • 1 month later...

   Hm, never saw this thread before, and it seems it's been a while, but:

   My main 'thing' in SL is photography and things related to that. Then socializing/RP, and driving/exploring.

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On 11/27/2019 at 1:36 PM, Amina Sopwith said:

How do you do that? Do you pick up a mixing utensil and start shouting, "What's your problem already, you grouchy old sod? Why can't you ever be happy??"

highly under-rated post! I almost spit out my drink!

I like to collect things I would not IRL, and then collect some I DO IRL...and explore, and more lately create,  am taking some sekrit lessons and getting back to texturing as well. Also art installations, fashion pic, etc. I took the Visionaire cass last year but will take it again next time it is offered too and actually graduate this time...I am slow.

TL:dr...well a SECOND LIFE, right?

gratuitous 'story seed' photo because I can. ((also I got a(nother) new kimono)) In my defense I have only bought one kimono this year :)

(but not saying nuffin 'bout no texture appliers, nope)


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Still ROFLing from the irritable bowl syndrome comment 🤣


I absolutely love decorating! I'll decorate our family home and be happy with it for awhile and then I'll get bored and tear it all down to do it over again. It used to drive my family nuts but I've got them housed trained now and they just accept it 😋 

Of course since I love decorating I also love shopping for new furniture and decor. New outfits as well. I have outfits for all occasions because y'know just in case..... 

My main hobby is SL photography so I'm always looking for interesting places to snap new pics. 

I do love RP too but sadly opportunities for kids to RP are seemingly less and less these days .... unless I'm doing something wrong.... 






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• Decorating my house/outside
• Chatting/writing at my writing communities
• Enjoying the unbelievable creativity of others
• Shopping/freebie hunting - finding places from blogs and search and peeking in others' picks
• Trying to build things - most of the time rather hilarious and fun
• Games like Greedy, Blitz 31 and going dancing (blues) when my friends that are DJ's play
• The continuous and never-ending rearranging of "the inventory"

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Ooooh. I had forgotten about this thread. Usually my OPs have a shelf-life of two days max. :) 

Tipsy SL is still an ongoing fave. You'd be surprised, perhaps, at how many judgey McJudgers are out there though. And people fussing and giving advice. LoL and wut? Chill out people. I'm talking tipsy, not black out drunk. Although that could be on the horizon. :o  (And how do the judgers know I'm tipsy? Well, it turns out I'm one of those annoying people that once I get to a certain stage I apparently have to let everyone know. Oy. Perhaps  stopping that could be a 2020 resolution?)

I'm loving my third, and hopefully, final Bellessaria houseboat. I watched and watched the sim being developed by the Moles and pounced when it went live. I even got one of the two sites I had been hoping for! Like, stuff like that never happens to me. So I decorated for Christmas. I've taken that down. Now I have a steampunk spider crawling on the exterior. I didn't say my neighbors were thrilled with me. :D

I have been trying to ride my moped around Bellessaria, but I still haven't been able to. I have ridden my horse. My boat appears to be very stable and awesome, and I've been having great fun exploring with that. Well done, Moles, who have allowed this to happen by good planning.

I like listening to music, so have been club hopping, with mixed success. Yesterday I heard the most gawd awful covers, not live, played by DJs. Whhhhhhhy?

Thanks to the kindness of some folks, I totally enjoyed the shopping venues over the holidays.



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7 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

(And how do the judgers know I'm tipsy? 

I asked a friend that question in RL once and she said, "Because you're in the middle of the dance floor air guitaring to Sweet Child O' Mine."

I can't talk, I posted on here while tipsy a few weeks ago but luckily only once and it was a very short post. I don't get to let my hair down very often.

I have done drunk SL, years ago. Luckily it was only with my SL sister and she was quite protective of me. 

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