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HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?????.....HELP!!!!!!!!

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Hi to all!

I ask myself how is that possible, that a member of linden lab is allowed to give personal information about a player here in SL!

I had a relationship for a few months with a man here  and we broke yesterday.

He sent me a mail and when I read that part  I thought am I dreaming or is this real???



He said that  once he tried to know how many avas I have, then he never tried again, he liked to trust me. He asked If I wanted to know how he knew.Well he said that he only spent some money and got a person who works for linden lab as data administrator. This person know how may ava a specific person is having, and when created, where she or he goes whom they meet. Everything. But all of these costs he said, and he only wanted to know how many ava I was having. And now he don’t want to know, he was sure I had been having other ava too and playing with this guy for some times.....

Now tell me please, is it allowed to give informations for money???

If this is really true, then no one here is safe...then everyone can get all information If he spents enough money in it.

I can only say OMG!!!!!

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Drama alert!  What your former friend says is bulls**t.  No LL employee will divulge any kind of information like that.  You should remove the name from your post, too.

This person wrote what they wrote to cause you distress, I suppose.  I guess this is one way to find out if you really have alts.  Send you an email with this crap in it and see how you react.

Now, calm down and take a chill pill.

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Sonja, you really need to clip that quoted bit from your post.  It is against the rules to post quotes from in world without the other persons consent.

And like has been said before, it is utter bull**bleep**.  In bad breakups, both sides will usually try and say anything as long as they think it will hurt the other person.

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Corporate Espionage exists. But why would he risk jail telling you, or risk his contact? To be honest....if he had that access he could find out stats and use them to work up a great amount of info to enable him to figure out how much and maybe how exactly he should go about marketing a virtual world....this might really work out, considering OpenSim is a FREE sofware and all he needs to do is get hosting worked ect. And if he had enough money to offer someone to spy and give him data....wow, he would then have enough to also get started in this OR just move on. But love does strange things, and he might know he will not get cought as he lives in another country other than the US and used proper ways to conceal...or at least he thinks he did. I mean, all communications lines going over the sea most likely have CIA and other foreign agnecy taps on them. YOu spy on a US company as big as SL and you might be very much be on thier radar! But, this stuff happens and is hard to prove...I mean, how does a company present evidence to a foreighn government when that agancy might have broke the laws of that country to gain the intel? Why would they risk talking to LL in a way that lets them use the talk as evidence? I mean, in many cases you see it happen and it is findable by independent companies and no CIA needed lol. But, I mean...this is all not even a interest of mine and I am way way out of my leugue to speak on this. But yeah, I sort of think it might be BS...but you never know because he might not be telling all about how he did it!

One simple way was the Redzone thing. They where checking who had similar accounts someway, and also looking for hints at others you might have hidden better (hence the big threat over wrong passwords collected) your location but slip up in other ways. I have no clue about all this stuff, I just hear about it and am a tiny bit of a spy movie/TV show fan...but I am very choosy, so not a outright spy movie/tv show fan....many are not interesting enough or fun enough. I mean, the whole TV episode I saw with the fake ID thing and body doubles and black mail...not as interesting as the one with sci fi weridness and a long running story line that is total fantasy! The body double thing and faking video? Well, they check for fake stuff in Bin Laden Vids for a reason! It is possible and not many can tell...sort of boring and also scary....anway, what was I doing? Ah, ok...bye.

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While corruption exists in many forms at all levels in a surprising number of organizations, you were probably fed a line of crap. 

It would (probably) take many many hours of work to put together the information that your ex says is available.  Corrupt people are usually lazy or at the very least would charge an hourly rate equal to or greater than their "honest" wage.  It would be really expensive to get it.

You are also paying someone to risk a steady job in this economy.  Again, that's gonna be expensive.

Everyone has their price, but unless this "data administrator" is a complete and total moron, the price for this fictional service would be prohibitive for just about anyone. 

If your ex has that sort of money to throw around over a virtual relationship, you might want to consider reconciling with him.  Millionaires are hard to come by and you might want to consider keeping him at least until your next rezday.

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from  what  i  interpret from  your  original  post   i'd  say your  friend  is  making  it  all up.  first  off  it  doesn't  matter  how  many   lindens he's  friends  with  i  seriously   doubt  they'd  risk  their  job  just  for  him and  two  you  mentiond  that  he  claimed   he  paid  a linden  for  the  data  and  in  a  later  post  you  said  that he  claimed to  not  be  rich  so would  leave  me  to  believe  that   he  basically  was  making  it  up  and   needs  to  stop   things  like  that  before  it  really  backfires  on  him  

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Sonja: Lets put it this way. Do you have alts and did he name any (don't answer just think about that)? If the answer is yes and yes, my question would be so what?

The real way to deal with this is mute, giggle and carry on. The fact he has mentioned this makes him undesirable as even a friend. When muted they turn a pretty grey colour.:)

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If you really want to fix your ex'es little red wagon, file an abuse report including the parts where he said that the information that he received was verified by a linden and that he paid a Linden for the info.  LL is really touchy about that sort of thing and if you send the IM / e-mail logs to them, they might find it really interesting.

There is no faster path to the banhammer than pretending to be a Linden or claiming Linden support of something or pretty much taking their name in vain in general.  It would depend on the particulars of exactly what he said, of course, but I would AR his foolishness.


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I vote the guy is a drama-llama, making stuff up to hurt you.  It's rather funny that he says he'd rather trust you, but says he pulled something like this.  So much for trust.

Either way, I'd set his email addy to go directly to junk mail and move on.  He's the south end of a north bound donkey and the sooner ignored, the better.

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