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1 hour ago, Lindal Kidd said:

Anyway, you can't buy Lindens (the people) with a Visa gift card, either.

What about Mastercard?



59 minutes ago, Coby Foden said:

And I would type it as  "250 L$". Because that's how we do it in RL where I live.
The order goes like: First the amount, then a space and then the currency.
And it's a logical order when saying it. "Two hundred and fifty Linden dollars."

But my Italian friend would type L$250. I have no idea how he would say it aloud though. 🤷‍♀️

I always write it in the form of L$250, but I way "250 L Dollars". 

I'm in the US and for RL pricing, we write $250 (over here, it is all about us, so the US part is assumed, LOL), but we would say "250 dollars".  The only time the US part gets tossed in is when having conversations where other currencies are discussed or could be inferred.

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1 minute ago, Beth Macbain said:

Perhaps the regulars have been here so long they don't recognize it, or they just excuse it as "so-and-so just being so-and-so" but these forums aren't especially friendly to newbies. Correcting people for saying "lindens", which is perfectly fine to say in reference to SL's currency, or, god forbid, when someone says "Linden Labs" instead of "Linden Lab", or "region" instead of "sim", or any number of other things, is almost always couched as being helpful, but comes across as almost a sort of dominance. "We were here first so don't come in here making waves with your incorrect usage of our terminology."

I think it's become second nature to a lot of the regulars and in general across the whole of the internet and it comes in many forms. I hesitate to say "victim" because I hate the word, but I've been a victim of it myself by people making certain I know how long they've been in SL (being new to the forums doesn't mean one is new to SL, and it shouldn't matter anyway) to make it sound as if my opinion carries less weight than someone else. There's been more than one occasion where I thought, "F*** it, I'm not coming back here" but I've got just as much right to be here as anyone else.

Again, maybe people don't realize they're doing it, but I also think it should be pointed out when it happens. People talk about SL dying, and one of the biggest hurdles to joining SL is figuring out what the hell is going on because it's not exactly intuitive when you first land inworld and I think a lot of people may look towards these forums for a little guidance. I want new people joining and staying. 

There is a difference between being helpful and being pedantic or condescending and that line gets blurred an awful lot here whether the regulars realize it or not. Perhaps it takes someone from the outside looking in to see it. 


Sorry Beth while I hate to disagree, mainly because you might hit me :) , I only really started coming here a year ago and found the local's quite welcoming. However I agree that if you come here expecting everyone to agree with you and stick to the topic the thread started with and not digress yes you might find it unfriendly. That though is how life works. Terminology is important when we come from many different lands and languages. For example I often say US dollars even though people said earlier that people didnt. Why we don't use dollars here and I speak to a lot of people who have a currency called dollar. I know therefore to specify

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1 minute ago, KanryDrago said:

Sorry Beth while I hate to disagree, mainly because you might hit me :) 

I am definitely more of a submissive, though an alpha submissive, but still... I almost never hit anyone. 😋

Perhaps you've been brainwashed into believing you were accepted with open arms? 

I'm kidding. I stand by what I said but I also realize that others haven't experienced the same things. I came in at a rather heated time (the release of the new Linden Homes) and maybe that colored my view.

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14 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Maybe some of us are just trying to keep Phil alive and in everyone's memory.



Phil is the living dead, I am sure he will have more comebacks than dracula


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1 minute ago, KanryDrago said:
16 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Maybe some of us are just trying to keep Phil alive and in everyone's memory.



Phil is the living dead, I am sure he will have more comebacks than dracula

I love the idea of arguing in Phil’s memory. 

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49 minutes ago, KanryDrago said:

makes perfect sense the bonnet is on the top end of a car, the boot at the bottom end....now tell me why you use hood and trunk

Um... the top end of a car is its roof, the bottom end is its undercarriage. The hood is top front, the trunk is top rear.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

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1 hour ago, Beth Macbain said:

There is a difference between being helpful and being pedantic or condescending and that line gets blurred an awful lot here whether the regulars realize it or not. Perhaps it takes someone from the outside looking in to see it. 

Yes, I see that myself, having frequented the Answers section of these forums for most of the past 12 years.  There's a lot for a newbie to learn, and many places to bump into walls along the way (literally and figuratively).  Some "regulars" take delight in adding walls of their own, and I'm sure that some of them occasionally do it without realizing it.

At the same time, however, learning the local patois is part of becoming acculturated.  I have moved way too many times in my life and have had to learn which parts of town are safe, which neighbor is someone else's sister-in-law or ex, why we don't drive down Main Street on Saturday mornings, what the funny thing called a "chalupa" tastes like, and all the thousands of other little things that the natives know by heart.  I can pick up some things from context, but an occasional heads-up from someone who  knows better can save time and trouble, even if I feel embarrassed or conspicuous for a moment.  It's all part of learning the territory.  As a repeat newbie many times, I know that it's important to learn how to play by the local rules, at least until I understand which ones I can ignore safely.

On the whole, I find most of the "regulars" here in the forums and in world to be good, thoughtful people. Even humorous. The few louts are conspicuous, and I share your disdain for them.

Edited by Rolig Loon
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42 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

I've driven roads on your side of the pond.  They're no less lumpy than ours.  My car certainly goes up and down.

They all do really. Up hill and down hill. It's faster to go down hill because you don't have to get out and push.

Edited by Selene Gregoire
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1 hour ago, Rolig Loon said:

That, from a nation that puts bonnets and boots on its cars instead of wearing them, as God intended.  😜 

The boot is so called in the UK because - back when cars were carriages - they featured seats on the outer sides that were called 'boots'. These eventually moved to the back of the carriage and were used mainly for storage of boots that the coachman might need to change into should he have to effect repairs on the carriage. They became known as 'boot lockers' - subsequently shortened to 'boot'. There was a similar item on carriages in the States, but - since this often held more than just boots - it was known simply as a 'trunk'.

As to 'bonnet' and 'hood' they both mean the same thing: a head-covering.

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33 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:
1 hour ago, KanryDrago said:

makes perfect sense the bonnet is on the top end of a car, the boot at the bottom end....now tell me why you use hood and trunk

Um... the top end of a car is its roof, the bottom end is its undercarriage. The hood is top front, the trunk is top rear.

 That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Perhaps it is called a “trunk” because you put things in it, like...a trunk. And a “hood” because it covers the engine, like a hood covers things.

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20 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Perhaps it is called a “trunk” because you put things in it, like...a trunk. And a “hood” because it covers the engine, like a hood covers things.

Or perhaps it is what they cover... the hood covers the engine while the trunk covers all the stuff you think you need to haul around with you. That is, if you like having passengers. Or you could forego the passengers and just fill up the back seat and the trunk with your stuff. Then you'll have to get a bigger car because you have more stuff. Then you'll get more stuff and need an even bigger car or maybe a cargo van. Then you'll get more stuff! And need a bigger van!

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Just now, Love Zhaoying said:

You’d make a great gun moll, chika! Not to be confused wid a Mole.

Heh... I like the concept ... a gun mole.  Every job site needs a security detail to keep people from stealing stuff and spray painting graffiti on the bulldozers.  I wonder if LDPW has muscle on staff?

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1 minute ago, Beth Macbain said:
4 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

You’d make a great gun moll, chika! Not to be confused wid a Mole.

 What about a moll Mole?

I’m not good with moles, but if you’ve got a skin tag I could find a razor blade..

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1 hour ago, Beth Macbain said:

There is a difference between being helpful and being pedantic or condescending and that line gets blurred an awful lot here whether the regulars realize it or not. Perhaps it takes someone from the outside looking in to see it. 

Point taken. While I believe it's always a good idea to point out where the terminology of SL differs from standard use, I don't agree with how the person responded to the question. It would have been easy to offer the information asked for while also politely distinguishing the difference between Lindens, employees of Linden Lab, and $Lindens, currency.

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10 minutes ago, Blush Bravin said:

Point taken. While I believe it's always a good idea to point out where the terminology of SL differs from standard use, I don't agree with how the person responded to the question. It would have been easy to offer the information asked for while also politely distinguishing the difference between Lindens, employees of Linden Lab, and $Lindens, currency.

Some people are embarrassed to be corrected. I’ve been that way before: boldly state what I think I know, then sheepishly get “schooled”.

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5 minutes ago, Blush Bravin said:

Point taken. While I believe it's always a good idea to point out where the terminology of SL differs from standard use, I don't agree with how the person responded to the question. It would have been easy to offer the information asked for while also politely distinguishing the difference between Lindens, employees of Linden Lab, and $Lindens, currency.

Um.. in general, yes.  In this particular case, the response doesn't look overly snippy.  In fact, the OP seems to have taken it in the same lighthearted way that it was offered.  The conversation turned south after the next post in the thread, when the topic turned meta, dealing with the difference between didactic and pedantic.  I doubt that the OP was put off by any of this.  Bemused, perhaps, but probably not made to feel unwelcome.  That's just my guess, of course, but I think this was not a thread to hold up as a glaring example of newbie-baiting.  

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