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where is everybody?

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well, I've waited a while since these forums were reorganized, and I still can't figure out where to find anything. I miss the days when my dashboard showed the topics of the day . I know a there were a lot of trolls and creeps in there, but there were some interesting discussions too. I feel out of touch and fading away. What's the answer?

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we are still around, finding our ways in the new house, some got lost in the basement and cant find the way out, some are staying outside watching from the outside and cant find the door to enter the house, trying out the windows.

some are scared of the moderators like monsters under the bed and dont dare to uncover the sheets and post, some are missing their favorite room and dont find a room where they can put their things.

we are still adapting, to a various rooms house instead of a single big room where everybody hanged.

i already learned some of the rooms and what are they for, and choosen my favorite ones, youre going to see my posts usually around the "second life" part of the house, and in the spanish room.

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If you look on the main forum page on the right there's a section called "Recently Created" that has different views of the forum you might find useful. I usually use the "Forum Posts" one, to which I believe PeeWee gave the link. Makes it a little easier to get a grasp of the conversations going on at any given time.

After seeming a bit heavy handed at first, the moderation has calmed down quite a bit, imo. They seem to do a good job of keeping things civil, after having driven off some of the more obvious trolls.

I, too, miss some people that have never returned, but we're still having some interesting discussions here. No need to feel out of touch, just come back and join in. You'll get the hang of it eventually.

Cheers... Dres

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Peewee Musytari wrote:

I find this view helpful sometimes:


I use that also though it can be a bit tedious at times.  I'd rather see a list of 'most recently commented threads' like we had in the Jive forums.

I am still of the opinion that a lot of great threads are getting lost in the forest because there are just too many subcategories, that is, too many windows to open.

I intentionally put my "Favorite Debug Settings" thread in Off Topic because it is a higher traffic sub forum.  It might have been more appropriate to have put it in the SL Viewer sub topic.  I've been slightly surprised it hasn't been moved by a Mod.


Edited To Add:  As an example someone started what at least I think is an incredible thread in the Arts sub forum ( http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Art-and-Photography/SL-like-a-painting-You-frame-it/m-p/859591#M285 ).  But I truly wonder how many folks are drilling down that far to find content here.  I could be wrong.  It is just my perception.

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 I check in once every couple of weeks or so.  Like you, I can't seem to find the conversation.  So I don't stay.  It's a shame really because I really liked the SL forum back in the day, even with it's flame wars and trolls, there were some really good conversations.  But now the community has fragmented with some folks in one alternative forum and some in another, and some off twittering (including me - but that's camaraderie, not conversation). 

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I agree that this format does not have the same feel as the other one did, but I am sure we will get use to it in time.  People are locating their favorite areas and I see repeat posters there.  I see many new people also.  Life is all about change even in a virtual world.  Still, I am sad to see the old format and people go.  It seemed much more alive, not nearly as sterile.  Rest assured I am still here, off and on, behind my computer screen as time allows.  I will still post when the urge strikes and enjoy the new banter.  Only time will tell if the old life and energy will return.  I hope so.

Cinn:matte-motes-kiss:  *hugs*

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Here's another annoying thing I just discovered when checking back to see the comments on this thread: they are not in chronological order, or apparently in any order, but all jumbled up so that you really have to look hard to find the newer postings. So it is really difficult to follow any exchange of ideas an d information.

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Is there a setting for that I'm missing somewhere?

And why do I have to call up each comment separately? Why can't I just read them in sequence like I used to be able to do?

It really is a disaster for communication. I suppose that's what LL doesn't want us to do.


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i see it in chronological order too, what i found difficult is that we dont have the posts threaded and open anymore, we can have them threaded, but we just see the titles, so, its kind of hard to know when someone answer to which comment

i miss too, very much, makes me sad to see that many didnt survive, but its better to become hard, grab the tools that are around, and keep walking

RIP to those who drown with the old forums

titanic survivors.JPG

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go back to off topic just outside of this thread..then go up to board options and sort by latest post date



Also the forums have changed a few times..with that so have the people that use them more than a few times..These forums will build thier own regulars just as they have in the ones before these..

Each time there is a new forum ..there is always the "where did everyone go" thread..

Some don't care for the changes so they leave or spend more time in world..So others will show up and find each other and become friends or foes or love to agree and debate with each other ect..

Just because older forum users leave  it does not mean the forums will not have quality people in them or that they will die off..People come and go all the time..Forums evolve..

give it time..the forums will regroup..it takes a few good months for people to find each other..even when they are all in the same place hehehe


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Linden Labs broke the community with their petty attitudes, micro managing, devotion to over zealous moderation and downright censorship of any references to any place that might not be connected to SL - In brief, they made the forums 'Bland and Tasteless' something their legal eagles no doubt love.



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I'm a newb.,  so I know you don't mean me...but ----

I DO find it harder to find things in the new format,  so it takes more time to respond,  and I have less free time lately.

I think,  as was said,  some where pretty fed up with the forums when they went down,  and decided not to come back. 

I still see several of the old gang here,  maybe not as active as before - but they are here!  :matte-motes-kiss:

All things change ....     best to let the past go, and make what we can from our future!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Related to this,had you gone to or googled any of the SLrelated blogs? Some let therir domain registration expire. For others, the last blog was anywhere from 2008 to 6 or 9 months ago. I think it had a lot to do with the 2006-7 resident boom, slight decline of residents the following year with the exodus of corporate sims, a new area called Zindra, the LL "soon to be released" mesh announcement in 2009, the end of teen grid, and school sims prone to leaving . Too much growth too fast then coasting.

The IE 3D/VR (immersive education nonprofit) started pushing reusable content with mesh, along with realextend, open sim, cobalt, open wonderland, and SL, about the time SL mesh beta went public. I think within 2 months of mesh hitting the main grid, SL will be back in 2005 and start to experience growth. It would help if what LL was working on to increase resident capacity per server was a plan to announce intent to become hypergrid-enabled within a year.

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