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15 YEARS!! but I am sad (horrible interview truth)

IvanTwin Rogers

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This is interview from somebody older in secondlife about 9 years old, and he , she explain to me why some players  in WT and Bug Island want kill me forever, and i corroborate my suspect with this conversation, the green area is me, the gray area is a anonimo player

I've been 15 years and know the rules of second life and avoid violating them, but I know that there is a mafia in Weapon Test Server from BUG ISLAND ,which involved in finding bugs and then sell them for a lot of money, these unscrupulous characters know that I can give them away and for this They are trying to provoke me to have an excuse and linden labs kill my account of 15 years, if for some reason , linden labs should investigate bug island and who participate there to know all the massive illegal money that are doing through second-life exploits something very sadly bad, being people instead of helping to strengthen second life are taking advantage of the good faith of the Lindens and the company, I hope sorvive 15 years more, all names of this interview are erase. this players in the interview are a mafia . This players dont use a regular report system , this mafia send a IM directly to governors for to say  

These people of this mafia are a group of a long time talking directly with the governors saying all kinds of lies or half-truths, they like to provoke and then become the victims and thus have the favor of the governors and eliminate those they want and walk around my head, they go saying that I abuse them for my antiquity something that is not true, among other lies more

I was remove the names because I do not intend to accuse anyone in particular, but I speak in a general way so that Linden Labs does its necessary research and that everyone pays their responsibility in this so bad.

but I want to denounce that these players have been selling exploits for years, taking advantage of second life without anyone doing anything and stopping them. these players do not use the regular report, they speak directly with the different governors sending fakes of evidence and half-truths in IM MESSAGE, and the saddest thing is that these governors often believe these unscrupulous people,And they also use false witnesses to make their complaint more credible


this mafia want kill me because i know all evils plans with exploits and illegal money.






Edited by IvanTwin Rogers
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1 hour ago, IvanTwin Rogers said:

They are trying to silence me and when I say kill me I mean they are looking for all the means for Linden Labs to close my account and be banned, that's what I mea

Well, if LL really want to close your account, you should start to looking over your shoulder in real life. You are a lifetime member :D

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I feel like this smells of "A avatar down the tavern told me..."

Do you have any idea how many people have threatened me on my main account over the years?. How many times iv heard the utter nonsense "I know a linden I can have your account banned" or the ever famous "I can get your IP address" or the other ever famous "You have no idea who you are talking to and the people I know, my boyfriend knows the CEO of SL". The best one was someone trying to convince me that THEY were in with the in crowd who was in with the Linden crowd and sat on a government that ruled over SL...

And heres the thing....NOTHING ever comes of it. They are 100% of the time some jumped up self inflated idiot with a exaggerated sense of self importance that may have passed a linden once in a sandbox and said "hi", trying to scare you into doing as they say or respecting them or *insert reason here*...or they are just a flat out liar and enjoy making others think they are more important than they are.

I have taken to accepting peoples challenges these days. Only 6 months ago someone said to me on this account, in front of all their friends who for some reason thought this person was god, "You know I can find your IP address, I am looking at it now....one second while I bring it up" (now this already had me laughing because if you can't be looking at it if you have to bring it up) and this persons friends were like "Yeah he really can, you have no idea who you are messing with". So, I brought up my IP address on my screen and directly challenged him to do so, went out of my way to goad him into it and suddenly he started avoiding the challenge and eventually went completely quiet and then...teleported away. GG

There is some simple advice that for some reason hardly anyone ever follows in SL.....MUTE MUTE MUTE MUTE MUTE MUTE. There is a block button for a reason, it will cut off ALL forms of communication from that particular avatar. Then you just go about your day and ignore the muted jelly doll of shame that might occasionally appear next to you. I have lost count now of the amount of times that I have heard people complaining like "Omg all she does it IM me making threats and saying she gonna steal my man and take off my hair. Im so pissed right now been going on for 6 months".....MUTE......MUTE.......MUTE. Some people make complaints....but the truth is....they just love the drama and attention.

Nuff said

Edited by PhantomPixel
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41 minutes ago, PhantomPixel said:

There is some simple advice that for some reason hardly anyone ever follows in SL.....MUTE MUTE MUTE MUTE MUTE MUTE.

But if one believes the yarn they're spinning, muting them would be wearing a blindfold to a knife fight. If they really could inflict the injuries they threaten, one would want to know everything they say and do, for self-protection. It's malarkey of course, but it takes some spine to ignore it all (and if already equipped to ignore it, actual muting is merely cosmetic).

Also, I sure get the impression that there's something in the water at Weapons Testing Sandbox. Everybody I've met who spends any time there is a little... special

Eager to see who congregates at that new Zen Testing Sandbox.

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On 9/11/2018 at 9:50 PM, IvanTwin Rogers said:

This is interview from somebody older in secondlife about 9 years old, and he , she explain to me why some players  in WT and Bug Island want kill me forever, and i corroborate my suspect with this conversation, the green area is me, the gray area is a anonimo player

I've been 15 years and know the rules of second life and avoid violating them, but I know that there is a mafia in Weapon Test Server from BUG ISLAND ,which involved in finding bugs and then sell them for a lot of money, these unscrupulous characters know that I can give them away and for this They are trying to provoke me to have an excuse and linden labs kill my account of 15 years, if for some reason , linden labs should investigate bug island and who participate there to know all the massive illegal money that are doing through second-life exploits something very sadly bad, being people instead of helping to strengthen second life are taking advantage of the good faith of the Lindens and the company, I hope sorvive 15 years more, all names of this interview are erase. this players in the interview are a mafia . This players dont use a regular report system , this mafia send a IM directly to governors for to say  

These people of this mafia are a group of a long time talking directly with the governors saying all kinds of lies or half-truths, they like to provoke and then become the victims and thus have the favor of the governors and eliminate those they want and walk around my head, they go saying that I abuse them for my antiquity something that is not true, among other lies more

I was remove the names because I do not intend to accuse anyone in particular, but I speak in a general way so that Linden Labs does its necessary research and that everyone pays their responsibility in this so bad.

but I want to denounce that these players have been selling exploits for years, taking advantage of second life without anyone doing anything and stopping them. these players do not use the regular report, they speak directly with the different governors sending fakes of evidence and half-truths in IM MESSAGE, and the saddest thing is that these governors often believe these unscrupulous people,And they also use false witnesses to make their complaint more credible


this mafia want kill me because i know all evils plans with exploits and illegal money.






You think you got it bad? This guy lost his account because a bunch of furries ARed him. He lost everything.



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Ivan, you're currently driving yourself crazy with all this reporting and enforcing you try to do. Some people have dramatic stories. A few may be true, but in my experience most are not or are grossly exaggerated. I think you should relax, enjoy SL, and just roll with the punches. You'll live happier (possibly longer too) in SL and RL if you do.

Edited by Diamond Caudron
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