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MP Gachas

Walelu Summerwind

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On 9/8/2018 at 7:57 AM, Marianne Little said:

I like Gachas, because I don't need x copies of the hair edited to fit different ears and hats. I don't use Gachas for that, only for a specific photo.

Different users, different uses.

I only need dining chairs in 4-6. I sort and find really cheap homes and garden things, that I use only once. Past years gachas is still looking great, and often offerend for half the pull price or less, rares for 2-3 times the pull price.

I feel that clothes is just as safe in my Inventory as no copy. I don't buy items worth thousands of Lindens.

I never had an empty box. It is a totally differnt shopping from @Drake1 Nightfire.

I think Gachas would be killed, if one could not resell.

I sort things in copy - if I will avoid Gachas, and newest first, if I will avoid 2006 items. Both together.

I have had two different empty gatchas bought from the MP... 

On 9/8/2018 at 9:03 AM, Blush Bravin said:

I love the idea of having a filter for this, so that we could exclude a particular time range. I'd rather not see items removed unless the person selling the product is no longer active in SL. I don't think anyone who has not logged into SL in the past few months should still be able to sell items in the MP.

I've bought lots and lots of gacha items in the MP. In fact, I don't play the machine except in very rare occasions. I've never had an incident with any of my purchases. I love .. LOVE .. shopping for gacha items as some are super cute, it's the only way to get them, and I usually don't even have to pay the pull price to get it. 

In the past three years, almost all of the deco items I buy for my house are gacha items I've purchased in the marketplace. My method of finding gacha items I want is not looking at gacha events though. I go sightseeing in my favorite regions and inspect all the cute things in the builds. Typically those things end up being gacha prizes. I then go find them in the MP. Sometimes they aren't there though. Then I go without because I usually won't play the machine.

Just because neither of you have had any issues with Gatcha purchases on the MP does not mean it doesnt happen. I never said they should be pulled from the MP, just put in their own category. I still wont buy them, but that is me. 

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15 minutes ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

I never said they should be pulled from the MP, just put in their own category. I still wont buy them, but that is me. 

Exactly the same as my viewpoint. Gachas aren't my cup of tea but that's true of many things; I'm not suggesting banning them. Just move them into a separate section in the MP because they are manifestly different from the rest of the MP.

Edited by Dillon Levenque
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15 minutes ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

Just because neither of you have had any issues with Gatcha purchases on the MP does not mean it doesnt happen. I never said they should be pulled from the MP, just put in their own category. I still wont buy them, but that is me. 

I never said that my experience held for everyone. I was sharing MY experience. I specifically do NOT want them to be put into a separate category. Items should be categorized by what they are and not how they are sold. If I want something for my kitchen, I want to be able to search for kitchen. Whether the item was sold as a gacha or not has no bearing.

But that's my opinion just as what you stated is your opinion. 

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3 minutes ago, Blush Bravin said:

I never said that my experience held for everyone. I was sharing MY experience. I specifically do NOT want them to be put into a separate category. Items should be categorized by what they are and not how they are sold. If I want something for my kitchen, I want to be able to search for kitchen. Whether the item was sold as a gacha or not has no bearing.

But that's my opinion just as what you stated is your opinion. 

By the category rulings, Gatchas inherently should be put in the Used Items section as they are being resold. That they arent is a problem. 

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8 minutes ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

By the category rulings, Gatchas inherently should be put in the Used Items section as they are being resold. That they arent is a problem. 

I think it's rather moronic to even have a used section in the Marketplace. How in the world does anything that does not change with use become used? The fact that most of the gachas sold in the marketplace have never come out of the box means they aren't used in any form or fashion. 

I'm all for having a tick box to indicate an item is a gacha prize when listing the item for sale, so that when doing a search the person can use the "NOT" to exclude gachas but in NO WAY should they be relegated to a gacha category.

Edited by Blush Bravin
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42 minutes ago, Blush Bravin said:

I think it's rather moronic to even have a used section in the Marketplace. How in the world does anything that does not change with use become used? The fact that most of the gachas sold in the marketplace have never come out of the box means they aren't used in any form or fashion. 

I'm all for having a tick box to indicate an item is a gacha prize when listing the item for sale, so that when doing a search the person can use the "NOT" to exclude gachas but in NO WAY should they be relegated to a gacha category.

   Or it could be opt-in, giving you the option to tick a box and include all gacha items in your search.

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On 9/7/2018 at 12:59 AM, Rhonda Huntress said:

Of the two companies the Lab bought, OnRes had, in my opinion, a better layout including a single listing for the product with all colors, packs and demos selected from that page.  SLExchange  XStreet had a larger user base and was easier for the merchant to set up so that is the version LL went with.  I doubt there is much XStreet code left because the whole back end has been reworked to be manageable within SL but the basic design that end users see has not changed much at all.

iirc, the software LL uses for MP was freeware. That was the deciding factor.

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Was just about to write a similar post,
now coming back to SL after some years of IRL
See more and more that gacha items just overflows
no matter filters or type of search.
Making your MP experience pretty bad

As gacha is by default an used item, even if not unpacked
it should go under used items, preferible under its own category. 
Its plain and simple resell, should not be mixed into ordinary products.

Another though is have an extra filter, so you can filter it out
Possible many does not mark it as no-copy but if the filter can
separate and filter out " limited quantities " , should clear out the gacha & resell


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On 9/10/2018 at 3:17 AM, Puretone said:

iirc, the software LL uses for MP was freeware. That was the deciding factor.

LL bought the 2 independant businesses, as Rhonda described, and used Xstreet as the marketplace, updating it throughout. If, at a later time, they decided to use a freeware system instead, it slipped by without me noticing it.

They did go to a freeware search engine for SL, and probably also used it for the marketplace. You might be thinking of that.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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On 9/8/2018 at 5:48 AM, Ceka Cianci said:

They need a system that keeps the market cleaned up some anyways..

Something like having a time limit on listings..Something like,if an item  hasn't sold in like one or two years, it gets taken down and can't be relisted for say,30 days or even 6 months.

There is so much stuff on the market that clutters it up..

Plus, they should go back to having to have an in world presence,I think..


I'm currently doing a search for ankle boots on the market and having to wade through stuff that looks like it's from 2006..

I don't like this suggestion, I have never liked this suggestion, and I never will. It makes no sense at all, unless you're someone that thinks "old things have no place in sl"...and I am not fond of people that think this way, because i have a difficult time understanding how it can possibly be a nuisance to anyone when it's so easy to avoid the things you don't like, lol. 

I sell stuff I made in 2008, even stuff I made just days ago(don't look, I haven't listed anything in ages, and that's not a plug, lol), maybe not super frequently, but frequently enough for MY liking, and apparently the liking of those that buy them. There are also items I only sell at certain times of the year, so they might sit and not sell for 3, 6, even 9 months, and then BAM, tons of sales. Who are you(general) to tell me I'm cluttering the MP? Don't like it, don't buy it, but I'm not cluttering anymore than someone that lists fifteen of the same dress in different colors, just because my item was created in 2008, 2010, 200whatever and doesn't sell on the daily.  (and if you think I'm offended, miffed, or even angry, please don't, there is no "ugh" tone in my words, lol, it's merely a different perspective that people with this kind of mindset never seem consider..'cuz us creators of yesteryear seem rather beneath people, or, some people anyway, lol).

I also buy things others might deem to be "old"...because I like them. Some of my favorite creators, or at least creators of some of my favorite things, no longer have an inworld presence-well, store, many hardly even create anymore, so all of their stuff would likely be deemed "old" by some. I still like buying their stuff. I like that they are afforded the same opportunity to create as anyone else that desires to have an inworld store and/or a MP, whether their wares were made yesterday or ten years ago. This is how many of us creators got started, by taking a look at products of yesterday, to see how they work, how they got put together...and learning. Creators of today, and tomorrow, can still do that now...and I LOVE that aspect. Maybe folks that don't create, or don't like modding things, or don't like taking things apart will never understand, I'm not certain and I don't want to offend them...but...there is just so much joy for some of us in that aspect. To demand we, they, their products, be removed because "it's old"...ugh. That's just not right, not right at all...and, again, let me reiterate, I'm not offended, not angry, not being pissy, lol. I just have a different view. I may well be entirely in the wrong, I may be sitting alone on my first creation in sl ever, an old nostalgic 13 prim bench made of plywood (oh yes, it took me a week to get it right..grumbles about getting things straight and even when you haven't depth perception...), but I'm going to happily sit here anyway, and be grateful that even today I could still plunk down some grand old plywood prims, make something I'm happy with...and find someone else willing to like it too(even ifi t's likely only one other person) :D 


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4 hours ago, Tari Landar said:

I don't like this suggestion, I have never liked this suggestion, and I never will. It makes no sense at all, unless you're someone that thinks "old things have no place in sl"...and I am not fond of people that think this way, because i have a difficult time understanding how it can possibly be a nuisance to anyone when it's so easy to avoid the things you don't like, lol. 


You're entitled to your opinion as am I.

Mine is,it should be a market rather than market/museum..

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1 hour ago, Ceka Cianci said:

You're entitled to your opinion as am I.

Mine is,it should be a market rather than market/museum..

If people are buying it, it is a market...even if you don't like it. :D

If I suggested that everything I dislike was removed from the MP, it would be really, really, really empty, lol. 

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I agree with the need for a category just for gacha items, perhaps with a few (but not too many) sub categories.

The primary reason the MP is flooded with gacha items is because people believe (perhaps for good reason) that they can profit from playing gachas and then selling the rares at an inflated price.  If that's true, fine, more power to them, but it *is* affecting the use of the marketplace for people who are shopping for non-gacha items.

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9 hours ago, Tari Landar said:

If people are buying it, it is a market...even if you don't like it. :D

If I suggested that everything I dislike was removed from the MP, it would be really, really, really empty, lol. 

That's why I said,if it hasn't sold is such and such amount of time..I didn't say anything about me liking something or not, or taking down the things that I don't like..

I just used 1 to 2 years as an example not a specific time.. That if something hasn't sold in so much time, it should be pulled for a certain amount of time before it can be relisted..

My whole point was,they need some sort of a system to clean up the clutter..Not necessarily the example I pulled off the top of my head..But they need something..


ETA: The reason for my 2006 comment in my first post was because,out of curiosity ,I will sometimes read the reviews on older stuff..when something has reviews that the newest one is 6 to 8 ,even 10 years old..It's a good chance it hasn't sold in awhile.;)

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13 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

ETA: The reason for my 2006 comment in my first post was because,out of curiosity ,I will sometimes read the reviews on older stuff..when something has reviews that the newest one is 6 to 8 years old..It's a good chance it hasn't sold in awhile.;)

I don't think this is a very good indicator. From my personal experience the amount and frequency of reviews has no relation to the actual sales. I think less than 1% of the people buying products ever leave a review.

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3 minutes ago, Blush Bravin said:

I don't think this is a very good indicator. From my personal experience the amount and frequency of reviews has no relation to the actual sales. I think less than 1% of the people buying products ever leave a review.

so you think a product that is selling won't have any reviews for6 to 8 to 10 years?

ETA: I edited the years to match my post rather than just saying 10 years..hehehe

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2 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

so you think a product that is selling won't have any reviews for 10 years?

I have products I sell to this day that have no reviews. Some are well over 6 years old. I had products that were older than that that did still sell, but not regularly. When I had to switch over to a new vendor system, I decided it just wasn't worth the effort of reprocessing those items into the new system so I removed them from the marketplace. But even those things which were well over 10 years still sold occasionally and didn't have any reviews.

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19 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

That if something hasn't sold in so much time, it should be pulled for a certain amount of time before it can be relisted..

I think if a merchant hasn't logged in for a certain amount of time the items should be removed as there is no support.  Maybe an email from LL.  "You haven't logged in for X amount of time and your items are still on the MP.  Please reply to this email if you are able to log in and provide support for your products or they will be removed by X date and you will have to relist them again"  Something like that.

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Just now, Blush Bravin said:

I have products I sell to this day that have no reviews. Some are well over 6 years old. I had products that were older than that that did still sell, but not regularly. When I had to switch over to a new vendor system, I decided it just wasn't worth the effort of reprocessing those items into the new system so I removed them from the marketplace. But even those things which were well over 10 years still sold occasionally and didn't have any reviews.

The problem isn't with stuff that is selling..the problem is with stuff that is sitting there that isn't..

I didn't say products with old reviews were not selling..I said,if a products newest review is  6 to 8 to 10 years old,it's a good chance it hasn't sold in awhile.

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5 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

The problem isn't with stuff that is selling..the problem is with stuff that is sitting there that isn't..

I didn't say products with old reviews were not selling..I said,if a products newest review is  6 to 8 to 10 years old,it's a good chance it hasn't sold in awhile.

Oh I understand that, I'm just saying using the amount of or last date of a review is not a good indicator of whether or not the product is actually selling. 

I'm all for cleaning up the Marketplace. I think the better way of clearing out the old is by checking to see if the account selling the products is active in SL or not. I don't think anyone who does not log in at least monthly to provide customer support should be able to sell on the marketplace. Just my viewpoint of course. :)

Edited by Blush Bravin
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Just now, Blush Bravin said:

Oh I understand that, I'm just saying using the amount of or last date of a review is not a good indicator of if a product is selling or not. 

I'm all for cleaning up the Marketplace. I think the better way of clearing out the old is by checking to see if the account selling the products is active in SL or not. I don't think anyone who does not log in at least monthly to provide customer support should be able to sell on the marketplace. Just my viewpoint of course. :)

I was just explaining my 2006 comment in my very first post,mainly to show that I wasn't talking about removing things from the market that I specifically didn't like..But any products that are not selling..

My whole idea in my first post was more or less to say,they need to do something to clean it up..a time limit or like what Cindy just suggested with having to log in within a certain time..

It wasn't really a well thought out plan,more than just an expression of something needing to be done..

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8 hours ago, Blush Bravin said:

eOh I understand that, I'm just saying using the amount of or last date of a review is not a good indicator of whether or not the product is actually selling. 

I'm all for cleaning up the Marketplace. I think the better way of clearing out the old is by checking to see if the account selling the products is active in SL or not. I don't think anyone who does not log in at least monthly to provide customer support should be able to sell on the marketplace. Just my viewpoint of course. :)

That, the "if you can't login and support your products for X amount of time, we need to de-list until you can" thing I totally get, and support. Although that "x amount of time", is likely quite debatable, as I'd give way more leeway than a month (and I'm likely quite alone in that, lol, which is okay, of course). But, as long as creators, when they are able, can get back on and relist,(or re-activate, I suppose), it seems pretty darn reasonable to me. This way, none of that is tied in to how often something sells, its age, the age of the seller's account, or anything like that, it can't come off as a slight against the creator. But rather, looking at things from a more practical point of view, in favor of the customers that may purchase said items, AND the creator who for whatever reason cannot currently offer support they'd likely otherwise offer...and that I can get behind :D


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