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12 minutes ago, gregoryhao said:

not asking them to publish booklet, simply list which word avatars including helpers cannot say there, stop twist my words and put them in my mouth.

My apologies. I am not trying to put words into your mouth. You made an analogy that I considered invalid, and wanted to point out why the booklet example is irrelevant.

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29 minutes ago, gregoryhao said:

I am not interested to go back there, and this is for those newbie or rest of the people or students, who likes to be discriminated there.

and not against TOS can be discussed.

not asking them to publish booklet, simply list which word avatars including helpers cannot say there, stop twist my words and put them in my mouth.

You were accused of being a "troll."

So you created a forum thread accusing a region and individuals of being "racist" (by name, at first) and have posted several argumentative posts about it.

I'm not saying that you are a troll, but if you were, you'd act exactly the way you're acting now.

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21 minutes ago, Ren Toxx said:

As others have told you, you oughtn’t expect a basic rules notecard to become a 50-tomes treatise on all the subtleties of English double-entendres, possibly Adult innuendoes, etc. The notecard does say to “.... keep it clean, pleasant, and generally stay away from difficult topics like religion, sex...”, and beyond that, I imagine the owners decided what’s always decided in these cases: that no matter how many things they specified, there’d always be someone who’d find the one thing that wasn’t specified, and complain about it.

So you are saying no detail rules for that now, just some general rules, and you spend 20s to find them, how ignorant I am? and I can call you a witch cause you make magic If you come to my country? I thought inquisition is gone.

NCI is a private school not just any private SIM, you can say you don't care, cause my kids are not there, but rest of people cares, you don't tell them just go away, and ignore that, not here no in real life,

Or maybe your purpose here is to lecture me how ignorant I am about SL, I need to be educated, from the bumper to the NCI standard, that is how I can read in-between the line.

I do consider it is a blessing that I am banned there, and that is totally their loss.

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3 hours ago, gregoryhao said:

“...and I can call you a witch cause you make magic...”

Well, I made you look for, and even read, the very notecard you initially said didn’t even exist, didn’t I? ;)

All I’m saying, Gregory, is that it shouldn’t take any major witchcraft to make you pay a lil’ bit of attention to your surroundings and what people are actually telling you.

If you can manage doing that on your own, I can almost guarantee your Second Life experience will improve considerably. Cheers! :)

Edited by Ren Toxx
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21 minutes ago, gregoryhao said:

and I can call you a witch cause you make magic If you come to my country? I thought inquisition is gone.

Most important thing to remember in SL is that it is NOT RL.  Folks can behave however they want on their land as long as they do not violate the TOS and the TOS says nothing about people being jerks.

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7 minutes ago, Ren Toxx said:

Well, I made you look for, and even read, the very notecard you initially said didn’t even exist, didn’t I? ;)

NO, you did not bring my attention,  I read their standard from the day I was there, it says nothing, i did not brought it up caus that is wasting time.

if your kid ask teacher to give a detail rule and she is suspended from school, what would you do?

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15 minutes ago, Ren Toxx said:

All I’m saying, Gregory, is that it shouldn’t take any major witchcraft to make you pay a lil’ bit of attention to your surroundings and what people actually tell you

Still, he *did* call you a witch. I don't know about anybody else, but it has me wondering. Do you weigh the same as a duck? I can bring out my largest scales, if we need to do a weigh in.

Or you could just turn me into a newt....

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4 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Most important thing to remember in SL is that it is NOT RL.  Folks can behave however they want on their land as long as they do not violate the TOS and the TOS says nothing about people being jerks.

I like the way you explain TOS.

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1 minute ago, Spin Barbosa said:

Still, he *did* call you a witch. I don't know about anybody else, but it has me wondering. Do you weigh the same as a duck? I can bring out my largest scales, if we need to do a weigh in.

Or you could just turn me into a newt....

You watch too much Monty Phyton Holy grail, I assure you get banned soon in NCI if you dare to bring it up.

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2 hours ago, gregoryhao said:

“if your kid ask teacher to give a detail rule and she is suspended from school, what would you do?”

I would first tell my kid, “how did you ask?”, then “did you listen to the teacher’s INITIAL answer, instead of just the part where (s)he lost all remaining patience?”, then “did it even happen that way?”, and finally, “were you going like a bull in a china shop, before the question even came around?”. Of course, some of those questions would’ve been prodded by my having seen my kid doing those very same things before. As I said (though you predictably ignored that part as well), I’ve seen you acting like that before.


Anyway, Gregory, here’s a challenge for you: go back to NCI. Yes, the same NCI. If the officer in question won’t play ball, contact others and tell them that you would like to go back and enjoy the place, as you first intended (or you’d never have gone there, would you). Don’t make it a case of how “mistreated” you were, how bad this or that staffer is, how they’re all a bunch of “racists” or whatever... just drop the self-defeating narrative, and tell them simply that you regret what happened (which, at least technically, you do, or you wouldn’t have made this post, would you). If the place is like most of them, there’s a good chance they’ll let you back in –mostly cos, contrary to what you would prefer to believe, they neither hate you nor even care where anyone is from, it’s just not relevant.

Then do go back there and, this time, listen as much as you want others to listen to you. Observe. Learn. Ask questions and, most importantly, actually listen to the answers... and if you don’t understand some of them, politely point out the part you didn’t understand, but only that one, without going immediately back to your “discrimination/racism/culture gap” thing... try to bridge some of that gap yourself... and don’t ask too much in a single day, let alone fall to the temptation of seeking immediate satisfaction for whatever happened before. One step each day, make sure you do at least as many of them as you ask others to do, and always looking forward, not backwards.


Yes, I know it’ll be difficult, in no small part because right now you’re still beholden by a mixture of your own pride and –ironically– your preferred view of yourself as a victim or “loser” in this case. But see, that is the challenge: make yourself a winner, in the exact same conditions where you lost last time.


The result, if you manage, is that you’ll know how it’s done everywhere in the world.

Edited by Ren Toxx
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Greg, one of the things about life and also about second life especially, is there will be people we meet who are just like cats and dogs fighting.

Mostly these people end up being officers in some sim like NCI and throwing out random bans to make themselves feel better.

It stings for a moment, but you lose no face if you are banned like this.

So really, please trust us, you will find it a lot easier and less stressful if you just accept it with grace, forget them, and go off to find a better place, if NCI is as bad as others say, then you won't be missing much. 

Again, welcome to SL and I hope you can find some great places to spend your time.

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3 hours ago, gregoryhao said:

if your kid ask teacher to give a detail rule and she is suspended from school, what would you do?

Again - SL IS NOT RL.  As much as you might want things here to work similar to RL, they often will not.  Many people behave very different online than they do in RL - it happens all over the internet.

You can whine about their behavior all you want.  Nobody here is saying that they necessarily did the right thing, but that doesn't change the fact that it happened and likely nothing you say or do will prevent similar things from happening in the future.

For the enjoyment of your own SL, just move past this experience and look for better places.

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I need to make myself clear, not every NCI helper is bad, some of them are my good friends, and they too have opinion on her.

TOS ask you to respect each other, not like one side got a gun and the other side got to beg the mercy, that is not respect on each other, and which is totally wrong in the place like school, and which is more than one time I found she can pull the trigger even she hear anything wrong, even some of helper don't  like to be with her.

I am asking people to pay attention to the similar case and give people a warning of this place this helper, I do not expect they will make any change, even if it is just very small effort of NCI, I have no interests and cannot help them if they don't want to improve themselves.

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What I do when I get banned from a sim is to just move on, they don't want me in their sim,that is their loss not mine. SL is a very big place plenty of places that do want me, no point in worrying over the few who do not. I have on occasion sent an apologetic note card to the person in charge, never trying to blame others or make excuses, just saying I am sorry and promising not to do it again, that usually is effective, but other times I don't even bother.

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20 minutes ago, Talligurl said:

What I do when I get banned from a sim is to just move on, they don't want me in their sim,that is their loss not mine. SL is a very big place plenty of places that do want me, no point in worrying over the few who do not. I have on occasion sent an apologetic note card to the person in charge, never trying to blame others or make excuses, just saying I am sorry and promising not to do it again, that usually is effective, but other times I don't even bother.

you missed my point, I propose to put the detail rules down to prevent any abused power on helper, so we can follow the rule easier, this is constructive way to improve the relationship.

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1 minute ago, gregoryhao said:

you missed my point, I propose to put the detail rules down to prevent any abused power on helper, so we can follow the rule easier, this is constructive way to improve the relationship.

If that is the point, propose it to the people in charge at NCI not the forums. NCI has been around longer than you or I, there is a reason for that.  Send them your proposal and then move on 

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1 minute ago, Cindy Evanier said:

If that is the point, propose it to the people in charge at NCI not the forums. NCI has been around longer than you or I, there is a reason for that.  Send them your proposal and then move on 

seriously? you even heard arrogance of power, what they did is to call me troll and kick me out their group chat again, see I don't have to come here if it is working.

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2 hours ago, gregoryhao said:

TOS ask you to respect each other,

"Respect" is a subjective thing - you can't really get anyone in trouble for what YOU see as a 'lack of respect'.  I could probably go there and question a bunch of people and get many, many opinions on how the interaction you speak of really went down.  Which one would be correct?  What if half the people say that you were disrespected and the other half say you weren't?


2 hours ago, gregoryhao said:

I propose to put the detail rules down to prevent any abused power on helper

That is the sim owner's call, not yours.  The sim owner can allow anyone to abuse their helper power (assuming said sim owner even thinks it is abuse).  LL will not put in any rules that say people on sims have to behave a certain way - other that things already specfically in the TOS.


1 hour ago, gregoryhao said:

I hope my experience is useful for you, and maybe one protestor is useless, and several can change them, I don't think improvement can be done by one guy or one effort, takes many people's care.

What you seem to forget is that there are always many sides to all stories.  We now have yours, but we don't have anyone else's.  Your version of events may be in the minority, thus your experience is only somewhat useful to me.

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Urgh I was there when all this happened. It had nothing to do with the bumper issue. The person wearing a slap bumper was advised wasn't a good idea if it was one of those sexually orientated ones. Greg got ejected for talking back, for saying "oh can I say ****" here? He had explained that he tells his kids not to say certain words. It was only after he got a verbal warning and told to read the rules (and I believe he was given a notecard with the rules on too) that he started going off about race. Up until that point nobody knew he was non native English. He had been in and out for a couple of days and was speaking pretty much perfect English. He then sent his ban notification text to half the residents present including myself. I said he just has to learn from the minimal ban and move on. I then got called a "nazy" and various other threats.

Greg is not as innocent as he seems and he did get many verbal warnings to moderate his language and behaviour, by several members of staff over pretty much 12 hour span.

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5 hours ago, Saz Ninetails said:

Urgh I was there when all this happened. It had nothing to do with the bumper issue. The person wearing a slap bumper was advised wasn't a good idea if it was one of those sexually orientated ones. Greg got ejected for talking back, for saying "oh can I say ****" here? He had explained that he tells his kids not to say certain words. It was only after he got a verbal warning and told to read the rules (and I believe he was given a notecard with the rules on too) that he started going off about race. Up until that point nobody knew he was non native English.

[2018/05/23 12:44]   Actually if you were Chinese.. wouldn't that be Manderin or Cantonese?

This was ask by your helper there( I removed her name for TOS regulation), after that she use security ball to eject and ban me, she sure knows I am Chinese.

That was my first ban there and will be my last ban there, except that I was only warned once for not changing subject.

I have to say one or several of you helper, tarnish the effort of HCI, and abuse the power of land owner.

From my prospect, 99% of people and helpers there are ok, but just some of them are really not helping at all, mess with avatars for fun, and volunteer or not I really don't care too much.

I am more than happy to be a volunteer to prank or mess with avatars, treat them as my toy when they step on this  land, cause I don't have to pay any rent and I have the land owner right, no performance evaluations, no job loading, I malpractice, you get banned, and I ban more people, I can be the war lord there, no one dare to argue with me, any question I treat you as talk back, I ban you, up to me to help people, I miss read the line, I insult you and call you Griefer or Troll, you get banned, I keep playing there.

How funny is your attitude here is still showing arrogance, "talk back", I should be smart enough just lay down on the floor let cope beat me to death.

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