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Couple days in - already banned


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A few days ago I started Second Life.
Just now I teleported to a new location, a fantasy world, it threw me out giving two messages.

The first:
Sorry, but you must be at least 7 days old to be here. Your account is being banned until it is old enough, at which point it will be allowed inside. If you have any questions, contact an administrator.

The second:
You have been banned for 1440 minutes
[12:01] You have been ejected from this land.

Now I am in some clouds and cannot teleport anywhere.
Seems this ban is not for that island but for playing Second Life at all on this account???
Can it really be this  is the way a noob is treated here? I don't even know how to contact an administrator...
Getting banned for trying out a publicly advertised location, where there is no saying I need to have been on SL for at least a week... No even stronger: it is advertised to ppl that are not a part of SL yet...

Can someone help me out? I mean, make me understand?
For now I see as only option to make another account if I want to go on exploring tonight... but this way I might get banned again real soon...

Edited by JaJanna
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Restart your viewer and re-enter SL.

You have been banned/ejected from a club that uses a common tactic to discourage griefers and other unwanted clientele who thrive on causing problems. If you are only seven days old, expect to run into it again and will do so until you hit the 31 day old mark (the typical age limiter is set for 30 days, same reasons)

There are thousand of places to visit in SL. If you have to wait until a certain SL age to visit one, so be it. Go back to the fantasy world when you are eight days old. I'm sure all will be fine.

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I had another visit on my first day that teleported me out and told me to come after so and so many days, this one gave me a real ban, never a warning that coming back would ban me... It was one time only I tried to teleport there.

Oh well, now I can!!!

Should I remove my original post?
And tnx for responding Jerilynn :-)



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There could be more here than what's being revealed. You may have done/said something that the powers that be didn't appreciate. Check your email in incoming, trash or spam for a message from LL.

Heads up: If you create an alt to get around a ban and LL finds out, you could be permanently banned, both your main account and alternate account (s).

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It's also possible that the locations you were ejected from belong to the same person.  If so, the owner has probably applied the option to ban you from the estate, not simply from the region where /she ejected you.  Also, some ejection systems will automatically eject you the first time and then apply bans with increasing terms if you keep trying to enter  after that.  The best thing you can do for now, while you are still new to SL, is to explore elsewhere in the grid for the next month. There's a lot to see out there, and a lot to learn. 

As Jerilynn says, that ban was nothing personal.  It's just a common strategy for keeping the peace in Adult regions.  Sadly, some of the most annoying griefers are the newest SL residents.  Within a month, many of them either get bored and leave or are banned permanently by Linden Lab.  Landowners avoid the whole mess by keeping all newcomers out for a while.

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3 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

Also, some ejection systems will automatically eject you the first time and then apply bans with increasing terms if you keep trying to enter  after that.

I never knew that fact (never gave it any thought). That could be the problem all by itself.

PLEASE!!!!! don't remove the original post. Someone in the future may have the same problem and the post will help them. Beside, people here dislike original posts being removed. Opens it up to all sorts of shenanigans ;)

Re-enter SL at Smith. A quiet area with minimal people. Work from there until the problem is figured out.

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Well rollig ... before stories start circulating....  :$

I only got telezapped twice now in the two days i am on here, one was with a 4 day limit, and this second one with a 7 days limit.
So I never got back to first location after that, I am not some stubborn youngster here, come on, sl age is not all that counts.

Also, the ban was actually in place only 30 minutes, not 1440 so let's close the topic.

The amazing thing is:  I did actually mind very much not being able to login coming 24 hours. Even though I do not see why yet, it has an addictive quality even for noobs.

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4 minutes ago, JaJanna said:

I did actually mind very much not being able to login coming 24 hours. Even though I do not see why yet, it has an addictive quality even for noobs.

Yeah, it's never fun to be tossed out of a place, especially if you get tossed without warning or explanation.  With any luck, that won't happen to you again for quite a while. Jerilynn and I just wanted to be sure that you knew not to take it personally.  It's sort of like bumping into a wall in the dark.  You just say "Ow!" and move on.  9_9

Anyway, welcome to SL.  It's not really addictive ... you just won't want to leave.  B|

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2 hours ago, Jerilynn Lemon said:

PLEASE!!!!! don't remove the original post. Someone in the future may have the same problem and the post will help them. Beside, people here dislike original posts being removed. Opens it up to all sorts of shenanigans ;)

As ''elder'' person I needed forum-etiquette education already a while ago, I now know I am ancient so when I think of it I ask instead of do.
Ty both for ''the welcome''!



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5 hours ago, JaJanna said:

A few days ago I started Second Life.

Welcome to SL JaJenna :) Watch out for the addiction part, it's very common in the first month to find your sleep schedule suffers a little. If you see this happening set an alarm on the time you should be in bed :D

After about a month or two the disruption to sleep settles down.

Edited by Callum Meriman
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I think it was stated before but here once again as it cannot be said often enough: Most lands in SL are held by private persons with no obligation to offer you access whatsoever. You can get banned for the most stupid reasons. I myself am banned in two places because I a) did not wear a weapon and b) I was afk answering an RL phone call during shopping...

Silly? For sure. Can I do something about it? Nope! Do I care? Of course I do, stupid landowner tyrants are the best annectdote material ever =^.^=

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LOL Callum I hope I get 1st life back coming Monday...
Tnx for welcome!

And Fiona, I do have a weapon! I may be a noob here but I am a veteran elsewhere.
Queen-bee went free-bee-market for free-bee-gun. I just need 3 minutes to equip it ...

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Guess this became my landing thread on SL, I met another nice person in-game tonight after my 30 minutes ban.
In short: it is still an amazing platform after 15 years with some reptilian interfacing spaghetti I will grow into it.
Tomorrow I will add some responders on here to my friendslist if you do not mind.



Edited by JaJanna
edit: tnx for the info
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Hi JaJanna!  Welcome to Second Life.  I'm sorry your first few days have been so fraught with trouble.

I'll try to give you some possible explanations for all this, but first:  In this Answers forum, you CAN'T delete an original post, although you CAN delete your response to another's post.

Bans:  As Rolig pointed out, many places have a limit on avatar age (not your Real Life age).  This is often set at 30 days, but the place you tried to go to seems to have set it at 7.  Although the message you got said you were "banned", it wasn't a true ban...just a limitation on access due to your avatar age.

You can also be banned from a parcel, or a region, or even an entire private estate (multiple regions owned by the same person).  This is usually because you did something, or are something, of which they disapprove.  It can be actual misbehavior on your part, but it can also be simply because they don't like the slant of your hat.  A land owner may permit, or not permit, anyone she chooses, for any reason at all.  If you collect one of these bans, you shouldn't take it personally.  There are over 20,000 regions in Second Life.  If you are banned from one, there are still more than you can possibly visit.

You can be suspended for a time, or even banned forever from ALL of Second Life, by Linden Lab.  This generally requires that you misbehave rather badly, in some specific ways...that is, you have broken the Terms of Service or the Community Standards.

It is also possible for the following to occur:  You crash, or log out of SL, and then immediately attempt to log back in.  The login screen gives you a message that you will be unable to log in for XX minutes.  This isn't a ban at all, but Second Life having some technical difficulties.  It can take some time to log you off completely (usually pretty fast, but sometimes that timer will show a frustratingly long estimate of how long it will be before you can log in again.)  Just wait a few minutes, and try again.

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1 hour ago, JaJanna said:

Guess this became my landing thread on SL, I met another nice person in-game tonight after my 30 minutes ban.
In short: it is still an amazing platform after 15 years with some reptilian interfacing spaghetti I will grow into it.
Tomorrow I will add some responders on here to my friendslist if you do not mind.

Since you are new I wanted to let you know that Second Life is not exactly Facebook --- at least for some folks. I am over ten years old (SL terms) and have about 20 people in my friends list. Most are actual friends that I talk to often and a few are folks that I am working with at one time or another. 

SO THAT MEANS ---  if you offer friendship to someone and they are not interested, don't take it personally. It just may be the way the keep their "friends list" :D. 

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I second what Chic Aeon has said and strongly advice against adding anyone unless you have spoken with them personally and they've agreed to be friends before you send that request. Otherwise you'll be putting them on the spot. They might add you to be nice even though they don't want to, or they'll decline the request and feel bad.

Naturally, there's also people who add 'friends' left and right but especially us oldbies can be quite fickle about our friendslists as we're long past any urges we may or may not have had to fill it up.

However, welcome to SL, it's a truly fascinating world and it's very likely to suck you in and never let go. And if you do manage to get out...you'll eventually come back. They always do *cue creepy music*

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At the risk of sounding like yet another "me too", I agree with Chic. My friends list contains clients, other creators that I work with regularly, and a handful of real friends I have been close to for most of the last eleven years.  This is definitely not facebook.

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On 4/15/2018 at 8:19 AM, Fionalein said:

I have way to many "friends", I rarely talk to them at all, only to a select handfull... so yeah do not friend people easily. Please don't ;)

I don't know about too many friends... but, being selective about who you friend is important. SL has more than its share of jerks, idiots, weirdos, and clowns. Some are slow to reveal their self.

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On 15-4-2018 at 6:29 AM, Chic Aeon said:

Since you are new I wanted to let you know that Second Life is not exactly Facebook --- at least for some folks. I am over ten years old (SL terms) and have about 20 people in my friends list. Most are actual friends that I talk to often and a few are folks that I am working with at one time or another. 

SO THAT MEANS ---  if you offer friendship to someone and they are not interested, don't take it personally. It just may be the way the keep their "friends list" :D. 

I go on Facebook like three times a year... I am a week old here (not yet lol) but it feels like longer.
I have 5 friends atm, i deleted 2. All i ''just'' met and all I trust. A difference might be I am here purely to spend my leisure time, refusing to do any kind of work at all on here, I own 5 Linden dollar since day 1 and I intend to keep it that way. I tested to be even too lazy to emerge myself into 3D building a thing.

Even though I feel a bit ''pointed at my place'' I am thankful for your clear and brave response to my careless typed post last Sunday. It gave me some insights that I needed. I read it and immidiately edited the post in question. I will cherish the wonderfull contacts I made and I think all can rest assured I get the point.

Tnx Chic


Furthermore!  (to get back on topic)

If any co-noob might have read this far, meanwhile I found out that the locations-map also have an info tab that you can read before teleporting over to somewhere:
-> other mouse button on the location gives a menu!

Seems the location that got me banned for 30 minutes do indeed have information there saying you need some sl-age and avatar requirements for their land.


Topic closed! Tnx all!   :)

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13 hours ago, JaJanna said:

Topic closed! Tnx all!  

You'll also discover that forum threads often have a life of their own.  The only ones that can truly stop a thread are the moderators and they'll only do so if things start violating the Community Standards.

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