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It's so easy to fix


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I'm new but I'm aware of the ups and downs of SL and I have a mind for business.  Spent about 2 weeks now doing almost nothing but SL, as is my nature when I examine a new business opportunity.  As is, the only reasonable way to earn in SL without having a genius on staff create a new disruption of one type or another, outside of skill gaming, is to have things and land that create a small profit and just repeat it over and over and over.  Risky.

But it would be SOOOO easy to fix.  It's apparent within a week on this game if you know finance and investment.

SL revolves around its creators and its land.  Period.  You HAVE to give creators reason to create.  

1. never, ever, ever under any circumstance create new islands.  never.  real estate prices MUST increase.  The only exception is - THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS. 

2. lower the tier price.  It will create MORE revenue for them, not less

3. create a minimum sales value on the marketplace.  people have to have a reason to visit the sims in game. 

4.  LET THE LINDEN FLOAT - and if possible, merge into crypto.  If L$ floated higher, eventually even a 10L sale would be meaningful.  Not 4 cents anymore, which is frigging absurd.  People who don't want to sink USD into the game would instead sink their TIME and ENERGY and CREATIVITY in, so that they could earn L$ which now have an ACTUAL VALUE.  SL needs a deflating currency more than Jimmy Kimmel needs a new shtick.  If L$ had been bitcoin, or its own crypto, SL would have so many content creators the non-virtual world would be BEGGING them to come back.  If it goes too far LL could start selling L$ again and inflate.

5. continue to make improvements to performance and graphics.  Just keep up with the times, that's all.  It's doable.  WoW has done it, too slow, but they are doing it. 

6.  ALLOW BANKS TO FORM!!!!  Finance for investment works.  It just does.  Communists, gtfo now. 

This is all that needs to be done.  Given a little time and press and ANY of these would bring thousands back.  Do them all and there would be 250,000 concurrent users within a year. 

Now, obviously I expect LL to instantly implement all of these ideas, hire me as a consultant, and apologize for the last 8 years.  So you're welcome SL.  /sarcasm  My impression is that the people who make decisions don't even read the blogs or forums. 


Edited by Chinami1000
i de-snarked.
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2 hours ago, Chinami1000 said:

1. never, ever, ever under any circumstance create new islands.  never.  real estate prices MUST increase.  The only exception is - THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS. 

2. lower the tier price.  It will create MORE revenue for them, not less (if you don't understand why please move on, this post is not for you and that's ok)


I'm stupid. Explain to me how charging less for the same amount of regions will create more revenue for Linden Lab. You could argue that charging less would encourage more people to buy regions, but in the sentence directly above this argument you said that the number of regions must not increase.

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You're not stupid.  I probably should have explained rather than being snarky.

on 1. the supply of land is way too high.  the value of the land itself needs to increase while the tax collected on it needs to decrease.  this will BOOM real estate.  if banks open, it will even create low interest mortgages.

on 2. Tier is essentially a real estate tax.  Bring the tax down, so that property owners can earn a positive cash flow, and property owners will stop letting land sit.  The goal should always be to keep land developed - keep the economy going.  It's just like the outside world - government has to balance what it sucks out of the economy in taxes against what it needs to continue operating.  Right now the SL government is choking the life out of their economy.  In economics it's called the Laffer curve.  Lower taxes often mean more growth, which then creates more tax revenue than would be collected with the economy that is not growing. 

Less land will be abandoned.  More land will be developed.  The barrier to development is not that people don't want to do it.  It's that there isn't enough ability to generate revenue with that land to meet tier.  If tier were lower, land would start being developed.  More new and interesting things would happen - just like when SL was booming.  When land is developed, they sell more lindens - way more.    After growth, they can bring the tier price back up. 

So we get land owners who want out a way out, and get the land into the hands of people who want to develop it.  Then we get the taxes on that land down to a point that it's profitable to do it.

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38 minutes ago, Chinami1000 said:


Less land will be abandoned.  More land will be developed.  The barrier to development is not that people don't want to do it.  It's that there isn't enough ability to generate revenue with that land to meet tier.  If tier were lower, land would start being developed.  More new and interesting things would happen - just like when SL was booming.  When land is developed, they sell more lindens - way more.    After growth, they can bring the tier price back up. 

So we get land owners who want out a way out, and get the land into the hands of people who want to develop it.  Then we get the taxes on that land down to a point that it's profitable to do it.

How do you feel about LL putting itself on an equal footing as estate owners and subdividing and selling all of the mainland for 1 L per parcel? Mainland is largely empty because its almost impossible to buy mainland as compared to buying on an estate.

Perhaps with all that new tier coming in, LL could then lower the rates.

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45 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

How do you feel about LL putting itself on an equal footing as estate owners and subdividing and selling all of the mainland for 1 L per parcel? Mainland is largely empty because its almost impossible to buy mainland as compared to buying on an estate.

Perhaps with all that new tier coming in, LL could then lower the rates.

It's workable.  No clue why they want all that vacant land.  Surely SOMEBODY there in a meeting must occasional say "you know, maybe we should think about doing what worked, when we were growing, and making a ton of money."  What is the deal with the rigidity and refusal to change?  They are slowly bleeding active users, and at some point that will reach a point where it accelerates.  Sansar will not be an answer to that - they need to keep SL going or sell it to someone who wants it to grow.  

Off topic but it wouldn't hurt if they did a better job of segregating the truly deviant adult activities that go on.   

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3 hours ago, Chinami1000 said:

5. continue to make improvements to performance and graphics.  Just keep up with the times, that's all.  It's doable.  WoW has done it, too slow, but they are doing it. 

I think LL are doing a reasonable job in this respect, but comparing SL to WoW (or any other game) would be a huge mistake.  Blizzard have complete control over the content in WoW, whereas LL have virtually no control over the content in SL, and imo have been far too generous with their limitations when it comes to polycounts and texture usage.  Between their insistence on not breaking old content, no matter how inefficient and lag inducing it may be, and the number of users still trying to run SL on older hardware (because "SL isn't a game!" but apparently it should still be playable on the same PC they were using when they signed up a decade ago) I think LL are probably quite limited in what they can do to improve performance.

Personally I think SL really does need to evolve, they have some pretty neat new features coming in but it's still a long way behind current standards, however I have no idea how LL could go about improving things without removing older content/imposing tougher limitations on the creation of new content and possibly buying everyone who hasn't enabled advanced lighting yet a new PC/laptop. xD

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4 hours ago, Chinami1000 said:

I'm new

It shows. 12 days old and your come in with dirty, muddy boots and think you know it all. For example...

4 hours ago, Chinami1000 said:

SL revolves around its creators and its land. 

Actually, no. And this thought is likely your biggest mistake.

4 hours ago, Chinami1000 said:


It does. https://secondlife.com/my/lindex/market.php

4 hours ago, Chinami1000 said:


They did, more than a decade ago, it didn't work for obvious reasons of human nature, and greed.

56 minutes ago, Chinami1000 said:

Off topic but it wouldn't hurt if they did a better job of segregating the truly deviant adult activities that go on.   

Let me guess, anything not cis-hetero-human missionary sex performed under a crucifix or picture of Jesus should be banned?


Edited by Callum Meriman
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Yes exactly, if i were to try and put the typical SL content into one of those engines then it would lag horribly, because typical SL content is usually pretty poorly optimized if at all, which is why I said in my previous post that LL have been far too lenient when it comes to imposing restrictions on uploaded content in SL and its respective land impact calculations, etc.

In the end there's no difference between the rendering engine of any game and that of SL in that it basically draws a 2D representation of a 3D scene, the only difference is that if LL were to try and add all the bells and whistles to the SL rendering engine then it would die horribly because SL is full of horribly laggy content and uneducated and/or irresponsible creators and builders. That and those same people would then abuse the new features in the exact same way that they've abused every other new feature that's been implemented.

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4 minutes ago, Fluffy Sharkfin said:

such as unreal engine, unity, and any of the new VR platforms

Not the same as SL at all.  Until Unreal has access to petrabytes of content created by millions of users on the fly for every single area you enter,  you may as well say how a single book is easier to carry on a plane than a library.

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Just now, Rhonda Huntress said:

Not the same as SL at all.  Until Unreal has access to petrabytes of content created by millions of users on the fly for every single area you enter,  you may as well say how a single book is easier to carry on a plane than a library.

Again we're talking about user created content, my point still stands that the reason LL can't improve the performance and graphics of SL is exactly that, user created content. :)

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1 minute ago, Rhonda Huntress said:

Second Life is user created content.  If you want to change that you no longer have Second Life.  You have any number of competitors that failed to actually compete.

Where did I say I wanted to get rid of user created content, I'm advocating tighter restrictions on what people can upload to SL and/or stricter limitations about how much of it they can display in a single place?  Please don't try and put words into my mouth just to win an imaginary argument, as I've said I was responding to the OP explaining why LL can't simply

5 hours ago, Chinami1000 said:

5. continue to make improvements to performance and graphics.  Just keep up with the times, that's all.  It's doable.  WoW has done it, too slow, but they are doing it. 

because SL isn't simply a game like WoW and has a mass of un-optimized user created content on display.  I really don't see why you're so intent on twisting what I said into me complaining about SL having user created content?

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5 hours ago, Chinami1000 said:

I'm new but I'm aware of the ups and downs of SL and I have a mind for business.  Spent about 2 weeks now doing almost nothing but SL, as is my nature when I examine a new business opportunity.

Nothing in any of your posts indicates any real knowledge about SL at all, or any real knowledge about business. I dealt with your 'Serial Entrepreneur' claim and what that actually means in English elsewhere.

5 hours ago, Chinami1000 said:

But it would be SOOOO easy to fix.  It's apparent within a week on this game if you know finance and investment.

Which your posts reveal, you quite obviously don't, if you DID, you'd be off making a killing in FirstLife for dollars instead of messing about in SecondLife for cents, right?

5 hours ago, Chinami1000 said:

1. never, ever, ever under any circumstance create new islands.  never.  real estate prices MUST increase.  The only exception is - THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS

NEW Private regions cost more in setup fees and tier than existing Madlands  regions, so in fact LL make MORE money building new islands than they would renting out the empty dirt on the Madlands.

In addition one of the biggest barriers to land occupancy is "The Rent is too damn high", so forcing up prices artificially is not only a questionable practice, it's counter productive. Land prices used to be 12 L$ a sqm... Prices dropped for a reason.

5 hours ago, Chinami1000 said:

3. create a minimum sales value on the marketplace.  people have to have a reason to visit the sims in game.

People already have plenty of reasons to visit sims, sims are where they live work and play, there is no need to cripple the MP whatsoever.

5 hours ago, Chinami1000 said:

4.  LET THE LINDEN FLOAT - and if possible, merge into crypto.  If L$ floated higher, eventually even a 10L sale would be meaningful.  Not 4 cents anymore, which is frigging absurd.

It already floats, the Lindex is an EXCHANGE... If you knew about "finance and investment" as you claimed, you might have noticed that.

5 hours ago, Chinami1000 said:

People who don't want to sink USD into the game would instead sink their TIME and ENERGY and CREATIVITY in, so that they could earn L$

They already do, you obviously have no idea how much REAL cash some creators are pulling out of SL. Don't assume that because YOU don't have a product anyone wants, that people don't create in SL and sell their creations.

5 hours ago, Chinami1000 said:

5. continue to make improvements to performance and graphics.  Just keep up with the times, that's all.  It's doable.  WoW has done it, too slow, but they are doing it.

They are making improvements, but again, you display your total lack of knowledge about SL, SL is NOT a 'fixed world' where you simply download the 30 gb of professionally premade content once during installation and then just load it from your hard drive. There isn't a home computer system anywhere that could download SL, in fact most corporate networks and mainframes couldn't download SL. This isn't WoW.

5 hours ago, Chinami1000 said:

6.  ALLOW BANKS TO FORM!!!!  Finance for investment works.  It just does.  Communists, gtfo now.

We had banks, they didn't work. Don't assume the lack of banks is because of 'commies', that standard battle cry of the Clueless Free-Market-Fallacy Worshiping Failed Tycoon Wannabes, who were one of the MAIN reasons why there are NO banks now in SL.

5 hours ago, Chinami1000 said:

Do them all and there would be 250,000 concurrent users within a year.

SL didn't have that sort of traffic back in the Glory Days of the 2nd Wave Invasion, in 2006 and 2007, making a few ill advised and poorly thought out changes certainly wouldn't generate that traffic now.

3 hours ago, Chinami1000 said:

Tier is essentially a real estate tax.

No. Tier is essentially RENT... People RENT digital land from LL, the only people in SL who actually OWN land are... LL.

In addition your obsession with 'Real Estate' in an UN-Real world is laughable, especially bearing in mind that what you falsely THINK is going on only applies in the Madlands, which are just under 1/3rd of SL as a whole.

1 hour ago, Chinami1000 said:

No clue why they want all that vacant land.  Surely SOMEBODY there in a meeting must occasional say "you know, maybe we should think about doing what worked, when we were growing, and making a ton of money."

Actually, what they did back then DID NOT WORK, they pushed a line in their PR that basically implied that any clueless, talentless, and utterly hopeless individual could come to SecondLife, and make REAL MONEY, without having any marketable skills, products, ideas, effort or capital.

Millions of fools rushed in, prices exploded in an orgy of destructive inflation, then the millions of fools found that they were NOT becoming rich in RL for simply logging in, and rushed out again.

2nd Wave Lastnamer Entitlement Syndrome... It's named for those millions of fools, most of whom are no longer here.

As for 'all that vacant land', well it's the Madlands... it has 'Special Snowflake' status, when a private island is no longer being rented from LL, LL turn it off. That seldom happens in the Madlands.

There is also the problem that you get sims where there is ONE renter, paying little or no tier on their micro parcel. closing that Madland sim would mean forcing the renter to move, consolidating all the empty Madlands parcels would mean forcibly moving most Madlanders into crowded Relocation-Camp ghetto sims, and would be seen as "oppressive government".

And lastly... LL are STILL making a ton of money. Enough that they can waste tens of millions on the whole Project Stupid Vomit-Cam Art Gallery thing...



Edited by Klytyna
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13 minutes ago, Lillith Hapmouche said:

Yay, more pipe dream fiction from the successful business entrepreneur!

Popcorn, anyone?

I also strongly suggest to read the thread "The Skill Games" alongside of this one. It adds a lot.

Reading the skill games thread and the current one, really makes me sure, we fed a troll.
I bet, he fired up 3 popcorn machines, while watching us stepping into his trap. ¬¬

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3 hours ago, Chinami1000 said:


It's workable.  No clue why they want all that vacant land.  Surely SOMEBODY there in a meeting must occasional say "you know, maybe we should think about doing what worked, when we were growing, and making a ton of money."  What is the deal with the rigidity and refusal to change?  They are slowly bleeding active users, and at some point that will reach a point where it accelerates.  Sansar will not be an answer to that - they need to keep SL going or sell it to someone who wants it to grow.  

Off topic but it wouldn't hurt if they did a better job of segregating the truly deviant adult activities that go on.   

Who defines deviant though?

Zindra is the continent where adult content can exist in plain view. 

On mature there are a series of rules that must be followed to ensure people passing by can not get a glimpse of depravity and are scarred forever

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