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Deploy Plans for the week of 2017-07-24

Caleb Linden

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Second Life Server (no roll):



Second Life RC BlueSteel:


Scheduled Wednesday 2017-07-26 07:00-10:30 PDT


Second Life RC LeTigre:


Scheduled Wednesday 2017-07-26 07:00-10:30 PDT


Second Life RC Magnum:


Scheduled Wednesday 2017-07-26 07:00-10:30 PDT

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I suppose it is pointless my asking why there has been no explanation of the multiple restarts experienced by LeTigre RC sims last Wednesday and Thursday?

People in the Wirtz sim were turfed out of SL 3 times in all, with the sim ending up on the same server software version as Main Channel.

Just once it would be nice to hear SOME rationale behind this (always assuming there WAS some).

C'mon LL, a little transparency please over this.

Oh, and I AM asking the owner of the sim...it is adult Mainland.

Edited by Ayesha Askham
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4 hours ago, Ayesha Askham said:

I suppose it is pointless my asking why there has been no explanation of the multiple restarts experienced by LeTigre RC sims last Wednesday and Thursday?

This is what has been stated at the Server Beta User Group meeting last Thursday.


Mazidox Tester: We had to roll everything to the same version because the remaining RC release had a creeping crash bug that we couldn't replicate with Aditi, and that was just gonna be a bad experience for everyone by next week.


Edited by arton Rotaru
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Thankyou Arton.

What a pity LL didn't see fit to tell the great unwashed that .

13 hours ago, arton Rotaru said:

This is what has been stated at the Server Beta User Group meeting last Thursday.


I'm still not sure that explains why Wirtz was rolled THREE times though.

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2 hours ago, Ayesha Askham said:

I'm still not sure that explains why Wirtz was rolled THREE times though.

There was the usual RC roll on Wednesday. Then the roll on Thursday. And since the RC version had a crash bug, perhaps the region just crashed inbetween?

Edited by arton Rotaru
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So apparently Cake went to but 6 hours later was rolled back to

Magnum regions are apparently being rolled back to as well so I assume everything will be on by the end of the day?

What blew up this this time?

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Oh for Heaven's Sake Linden Lab...again??

Scheduled Maintenance RC Channels

Investigating - We will be performing scheduled maintenance for regions on the RC Magnum, Blue Steel, Cake and LeTigre server channels beginning at 1PM PST. Please refrain from rezzing no-copy objects, and remember to save all builds. Please check this blog for updates.
Jul 26, 13:03 PDT
Now perhaps this time you will tell us the rationale IN HERE?
ETA: Yep we are back to 548 on LeTigre again.  Gosh, isn't this fun!
Edited by Ayesha Askham
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3 hours ago, Ayesha Askham said:

We will be performing scheduled maintenance for regions on the

So... After discovering the scheduled roll was buggy crap, they needed to do an unscheduled hotfix roll, but that would look bad so now...

Now they SCHEDULE unscheduled maintenance? We used to joke about that, now it's a reality... 

*rolls eyes*

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3 hours ago, Ayesha Askham said:
ETA: Yep we are back to 548 on LeTigre again.  Gosh, isn't this fun!

Is there a LeTigre channel at all at the moment? Earlier today I checked a sim that used to be LeTigre and found that it had suddenly become main channel.

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10 minutes ago, MBeatrix said:

Are you sure that they know how to put them on properly? xD

Right click on the "Shrek Ears" object in inventory, select "attach to" on the popup menu, then select "Right Hand", then scream "Oh crap, they are sculpties not rigged mesh!"


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I am getting horribly confused by all this, but the wording of the Status message suggests far more than just a roll-out of a known-good server version is happening. The bug was maybe in the server code, but maybe it broke far more than the Lindens are admitting.

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Just my two penn'orth, but the reason the Main Channel sims are referenced on today's Maintenance is most likely because the hardware being worked on affects all services (login rezzing etc) irrespective of the actual channel that the account is connecting to.

The services affected are broad-spectrum across ALL SL, not just the RC channels.

Of course it would be good if LL actually bothered to explain such things, to avoid unnecessary speculation and the bulk-selling of tin-foil hats, but we all know how likely that is to happen.

We must just "brace for impact" (sorry I just watched "Sully") and wait this out.

@Whirly Fizzle  that pic of Caleb is just downright scary, with that BIG HAIR!

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1 hour ago, Ayesha Askham said:

Of course it would be good if LL actually bothered to explain such things, to avoid unnecessary speculation and the bulk-selling of tin-foil hats, but we all know how likely that is to happen.

Yes but it is possible they're a little bit too busy for lengthy explanations right now,

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12 minutes ago, ChinRey said:

Yes but it is possible they're a little bit too busy for lengthy explanations right now,

Concise would be good.  No...anything would be good after 6 hours.  But seriously, do you really think ALL of them with communication responsibility are just "too busy right now"?

Sorry I don't think that is OK.

The "Tarbaby he say nuttin'" approach wore thin over five years ago.  I had thought Ebbe had learned something.

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My sim has been on 3 different channels this week!!

My sim is one of the older sims in SL 2006/2007 maybe earlier. It has always been on the main channel. So every Tuesday morning I check this forum to see if there will be maintenance. None for this week so I thought great, I can get on and do things!

Wednesday, as stated by other people here, we had 3 restarts in 3 hours! So I contacted support chat to find out why. I was told it was RC channel maintenance and my sim was on RC Magnum! I checked and yes the sim was on Magnum so I raised a support ticket to find out why we had been moved and also why I was not told. I have people who create on my sim and it is important for them to know when restarts might happen. As yet no reply to my support ticket.

This morning I have an email from my lag meter telling me we had another restart overnight (I am in the UK) great I thought we have been moved back to main channel!! Just checked and we are now on RC Pie!! Like the rest of you I think LL are having some major problems at the moment. I hope they get it sorted soon and move my sim back to main channel.

I am going to wait it out and see what happens as I don't think there is much else I can do but I will alert my residents to the fact that there may be random restarts for the next few days.

So glad I checked this forum as I thought the problem was just with my sim but obviously it is not.

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22 hours ago, Whirly Fizzle said:

If you want to find out what went wrong this week, come to the SBUG (Server Beta User Group) in 40 mins  ;)

:) Fabulous advice but midnight plus is a bit tricky with my time zone so I tend to read the transcripts. And joy to behold no update since mid june. Ah well.

But can check the agenda.. erm well from 2 weeks ago


Good stuff.



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