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Why Do The Lindens Tolerate This Kind of Griefing?

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A few pages back I mumbled something about anti-griefing measures that required development. If anybody cares, it seems the Magnum RC sims are getting a version relevant to the problem of objects evading auto-return. Not sure it's everything needed for that, but "Your Tier Dollars At Work" or something like that.

Sure, the Governance team could have exercised enforcement (read "exacted revenge") on the griefers, and the developers could have let the bug linger till SL dies, but it's a business decision, whether to invest in fixing the platform or just string it along. Personally, I like seeing the investment being made.

Edited by Qie Niangao
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21 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

I'm sorry, but if someone sh*ts in my face and I call them a name then I'm not going to take responsibility for this "negativity".

That sounds more reasonable than chewing, swallowing, and saying with a smile, "Thank you, may I have another?"

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1 hour ago, Luna Bliss said:

I don't believe we should call people names, but sometimes it's good to look behind what someone was actually saying...and I believe Prok was saying that she believed that Pixie's concern was not genuine (when calling her a 'concern troll') and I have to say I believe the same although I can't be for sure. Perhaps it was similar to how Pixie wished me a good day at the end of our mini-argument?

I must assume that you are unfamiliar with the work of the British humorist Miranda Hart?  You should look her up, she's brilliantly funny.  

Prok is mistaken, I am not a 'concern troll'.  I'm not any sort of troll.  I have been in sl for 10 years, not quite as long as Prok, but a fair time.  I have an established business and I can use the JIRA if I wish to.  I came into this thread with genuine suggestions, like almost all the other contributors, and I reiterated that I was NOT in a previous thread, saying 'if you don't like it leave', which was how Prok misinterpreted what I did say, which you could go back and find, if you had a genuine interest or curiosity.  I'll save you the effort, I asked why, since she didn't seem to like SL or LL, and since she is repeatedly attacked by griefers, what her reasons for staying might be.

So, in summary, I can see a troll here.  Pro-tip: it is not I.


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1 hour ago, Luna Bliss said:

Prokofy is being abused by these griefers, and is being abused by people like yourself and Pixie who actually BLAME her for either the abuse or not being willing to do anything about it (which is untrue).

It's a worthy cause.

And I hate Blender.

1.  Phil and I are not abusing Prok.

2.  Many things are worthy.

3.  I don't care what you hate.

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1 hour ago, Luna Bliss said:

I'm sorry, but if someone sh*ts in my face and I call them a name then I'm not going to take responsibility for this "negativity".

Are you seriously suggesting I did that?  That I, presumably metaphorically, sh*t in Prok's face?  LMAO, you are not a happy bunny at all, are you, Luna?  And I am quite POSITIVE about that.  smh, but you know, laughing at you.  A lot.

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I have to give Prok credit here for something..at least Prok is the same, wherever you may run into her. Whether you agree, disagree, hate, love, arre indifferent..whatever the case may be...the personality, the approach, the way things are handled and discussed...it's all the same in(on?) every platform.

Whether or not advice is taken on this matter...at least Prok is very consistent, unlike some folks that troll one place, then pretend not to in another, lol. 

I do hope that LL is able to assist Prok in some capacity with this issue, whether I believe the right approach(es) is/are being used here or not. because I fully understand what it is like to have griefers that juse won't give up, or in...for years, and ones that take it to a personal level far exceeding the "harmless fun" realm(not that griefing is necessarily harmless fun to all folks..of course..your mileage may vary). It stinks to have to deal with this kind of crap, deserving or not..it does stink.

Personally I chose to make the best of a bad situation, for over three years, and eventually, whatever it was I was doing, maybe didn't do..hell I don't know, lol..it worked. They stopped, life was good again, and all was well with the slworld. Ok well may be a strong word, at any rate, I was able to get out from under it. It may have really come down to not retaliating and not giving in to the desire for attention. To be honest, I really, really don't know what finally worked..maybe sheer boredom on their part. I know why it all started, just never could figure out why it finished, and also never questioned it. I still don't. I just employed every possible tool under my belt..and some under belts of others who also helped me out. Some gave me advice I'd already had, already tried, usually failed..but at least they tried. I gotta give credit to the folks in this thread that tried too. It doesn't really matter if the advice works on a level for the OP, if someone else can learn from it..then it's served its purpose.  So..kudos folks :D 

(I really shouldn't be reading forums while waiting for my lab to open up, I get distracted..and that was like an hour and a half ago..)

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33 minutes ago, Pixieplumb Flanagan said:

Are you seriously suggesting I did that?  That I, presumably metaphorically, sh*t in Prok's face?  LMAO, you are not a happy bunny at all, are you, Luna?  And I am quite POSITIVE about that.  smh, but you know, laughing at you.  A lot.

Pixieplumb, when someone is being abused (as Prok has been with those griefers who consistently try to wreck her SL experience)...and they genuinely want help in order to make the abuse stop (and I believe she is sincere)...then it is NOT helpful to assign all kinds of psychological motivations of fault or incompetence to them if they don't understand or accept your help! (motivations such as they are willfully misunderstanding, or refusing to help themselves, or not changing because they don't have to and so just trying to make LL fix it).
I can't say it strongly enough...this is NOT helpful...it is a form of psychological abuse, whether you believed your accusations to be true or not.
And my guess is that you believe your imaginings of Prokofy are true in this case, but still it is abuse.

However, you should be aware when you have negative feelings toward someone and recuse yourself from giving advice. This is what I see as the crux of the problem -- if we don't like someone we attribute negative motivations or aspects to the person, and if we like them we cut them some slack.

I just did not like it at all today when I logged on to take a break from Blender and saw your spewed hate toward Prokofy continuing, further abusing someone who was being abused and asking for help, and that's why I confronted you today.
This little diatribe:

    "Um, how kind,  /s off.   

Done until you're back with a rinse & repeat, I expect.  My sympathies are now entirely with the dwindling pool of your residents.

Also, WHY are you and your alts banned from the Jira?  Asking for a friend ;) "

Hate and manipulation are just oozing from that post.

I am not sure why you are accusing me of not being a happy person -- I'm not the one trashing someone in a forum asking for help like you are -- perhaps you are the unhappy one.

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17 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

I'm not the one trashing someone in a forum asking for help like you are

Prokofy did not ask for help. She asked what the thread title says.
In her post she layed out a situation, and suggested what Linden Lab should do to stop it.
Since only Linden Lab can answer for certain why they may tolerate this kind of griefing, and Lindens obviously refuse to answer that question in here, it's a total moot point to have that thread going anyway.

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26 minutes ago, arton Rotaru said:


48 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

I'm not the one trashing someone in a forum asking for help like you are

Prokofy did not ask for help. She asked what the thread title says.
In her post she layed out a situation, and suggested what Linden Lab should do to stop it.
Since only Linden Lab can answer for certain why they may tolerate this kind of griefing, and Lindens obviously refuse to answer that question in here, it's a total moot point to have that thread going anyway.


Yes she believed it was LL's responsibility to fix, and stated that initially, but the thread progressed beyond the title.
She questioned and responded to people -- sometimes in a defensive manner and sometimes not. She was trying to sort it out, despite not being a technical person. As the thread progressed I experienced her trying to understand both what LL could or could not do, and what was or was not within her power.
I don't think just because there was no Kumbaya moment from her we can assume that she was not asking for help.

So I don't feel it's a "moot point to have the thread going".
Plus, it was interesting to discover just what was or was not possible for self or LL regarding the inhibition of this griefing problem.

When it comes down to it I actually believe it is easily within LL's ability to fix -- if they get repeated AR reports containing recorded abusive chats from an avatar it's easy enough to get their IP. Get enough complaints from that IP and just ban it. I can only imagine it's just not within LL's bottom line to do so.

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1 hour ago, Luna Bliss said:

(motivations such as they are willfully misunderstanding, or refusing to help themselves, or not changing because they don't have to

I can guarantee that Prok refused to help herself. She stated it in this thread and it's still there. Of a way of reducing the problem, she used the phrase that "it's not my prefered method". You may remember it. That phrase seemed to set people on the negative side. It certainly did that to me.

So there's no point in you arguing the toss with Pixie, because you are getting it wrong too. Perhaps you are even "willfully misunderstanding" or perhaps selectively remembering ;)

Now PLEASE stop this bickering. It's not getting you anywhere. I does nothing for Prok's problem and, if you're not very careful, it could escalate into somthing that really does require this thread to be locked - and it will be your doing. You see what's happening? I donlt feel I can stand by and let someone misrepresent someone else, so I'm involved even though I don't want to be. Other have joined too. Please stop now before it takes off.

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  • Administrators

Hey there!

Since this thread has derailed quite a bit I'm going to go ahead and close this. However, I would like to address the concerns expressed here regarding griefing/harassment.

The Governance team takes griefing and harassment very seriously, and do investigate these reports thoroughly. Though sometimes the Abuse Reports themselves do not contain enough information or are not filed correctly, which can make it more difficult for the agents to review. When filing an Abuse Report please make sure that you are doing the following:

  • Be sure that the AR is filed under the correct category. (For example, if you're reporting griefing, try one of the Disturbance of the Peace categories.)
  • Provide as much information about the incident as possible and be clear about the issue. 
  • If it is a continuous problem, please continue to file Abuse Reports. This gives the Governance Team more history about the situation and lets them know that there are new incidents.

For more information about filing abuse reports please review this page:

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