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KyraDevon Graves

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I've been off SL for about 8 years (since my youngest kid was born) and WOW things have changed!!!  ..in any case I started a new premium membership and got my new land in Enhydros.  There is no one anywhere near me.. I've checked..and double checked... I've logged in from myself..my alt.. and my  RL husbands account..on 3 different viewers...and three different machines... and there is a VERY annoying sneeze sound that pops up about every 2 minutes ...I've tried changing all my sliders around for sound and can not for the life of me figure out where its coming from LOL..its REALLY loud too..I can hear it over any music or media playing..any clue where it's coming from ..or better yet..how to stop it!... I've got anxiety issues as it is and jump every single sneeze

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9 hours ago, KyraDevon Graves said:

I've been off SL for about 8 years (since my youngest kid was born) and WOW things have changed!!!  ..in any case I started a new premium membership and got my new land in Enhydros.  There is no one anywhere near me.. I've checked..and double checked... I've logged in from myself..my alt.. and my  RL husbands account..on 3 different viewers...and three different machines... and there is a VERY annoying sneeze sound that pops up about every 2 minutes ...I've tried changing all my sliders around for sound and can not for the life of me figure out where its coming from LOL..its REALLY loud too..I can hear it over any music or media playing..any clue where it's coming from ..or better yet..how to stop it!... I've got anxiety issues as it is and jump every single sneeze

It'll be a sound effect from some object rezzed on the same sim, make sure your camera contraints are turned off, cam around the sim listening for it to get louder till you home in on where it's coming from, make sure you have invisi-squint toggled on (crtl-alt-t), when you find the offending object, right click and mute the little swine.

Alternatively, you can untick 'sounds' and that kills these things and all other sounds from all other objects, rezzed or worn.

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   You can also turn on beacons, highlighting sound emitters. It's possible you'll see quite a few of them when you turn it on. But maybe it can help you zero in on the emitter in question.

   Alwin's post made me think for a moment, and I'll add that maybe this is what Firestorm's sound explorer does. I don't know because I haven't used that feature of Firestorm.

Edited by Ivanova Shostakovich
Because I thought for a moment.
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still no luck finding the offending sneeze.. it seems to be equally loud no matter how far from home or close to home I am.. and it does the same from my daughters avi.. and my husbands so its nothing I'm wearing or specifically on me.. it seems to be just everywhere LOL..... hubby is now joking that since its a fantasy sim it's sneezy the dwarf hiding somewhere ..oye.. really annoying but I guess I'll just have to live with it.. or move elsewhere :( .. which sucks because other then the sneeze..we're pretty happy with the home LOL


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On 6/21/2017 at 11:00 PM, Klytyna said:

am around the sim listening for it to get louder till you home in on where it's coming from

I second this suggestion. You could even cam around to closeup on different parts of your avatar to help see if it is coming from an attachment or something following you.  When your carmera moves, If it gets louder, you are getting "warmer" (closer). If it gets quieter, you are getting "colder" (further).

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Sound emitters are often put in transparent prims, so I usually have better luck finding them with a beacon if I also have transparent objects highlighted (CTRL +_ Alt + T).  When you do it that way, though, set your beacon to view BEACONS, not HIGHLIGHTS.   Please note, however, that a sound beacon will only show up while the object is actually emitting a sound.  If your evil emitter is only sneezing once every couple of minutes, you'll have to be patient.  Try narrowing down the search area with some of the other tricks people have suggested, then sit and watch a small area with beacons enabled until a sneeze makes the emitter flash on your screen.

This is like waiting in a duck blind for a bird to fly past, or maybe searching space for SETI.  It does take patience.

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ok..I THINK between my eldest son and I we found the offending sneezer... a tiny white fairy, placed by Linden Labs.. however... once blocked the littele bugger reproduced..now there are three of them in the tree near my home..blocked those..and realised there are MORE of the buggers in ALL the trees..they are EVERYWHERE... we've blocked like 10 of them..and still hearing sneezes.anyone else encounter sneezing fairy's? the beacons DO blink on them at the same time as the sneezes..or at least they seem to.. but its hard to tell because SO  much blinks for just the split second the sneezes occur.. then boom nothing..Its REAL annoying..anyone else experience this with these little fairys )  they come in several colors..all labled..LDPW_Elderglen_Fairy v1.9.6 final - w/  bounding box

I've now blocked over 20 fairy's.. still sneezing..and still blinking on them :S any hope of making the bloody things STOP sneezing other then spending every single moment hunting fairys..or could it be something else and thus why we still hear them??

In desperation I blocked sounds and its STILL going on..WTH... I've got music, and sounds off.. the ONLY thing on is ambient..so ..is it part of the actual sim???

Edited by KyraDevon Graves
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LOL....  I have heard of the sneezing fairies, now that you have named them.  Submit a support case to ask Linden Lab to put someone on the job of Fairy Extermination.  :ph34r:

BTW .... When you submit your support case, be as specific as possible.  I suspect that the fairies are temporary objects, so they vanish within a minute and are replaced later by brand new ones.  Locating the rezzer that creates new ones will be a lot easier if you can tell LL exactly where you spotted them.

Edited by Rolig Loon
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24 minutes ago, KyraDevon Graves said:

I'll do anything at this point.. my 9 year old daughter is now sneezing back at them o.0

Then move.  Hey, I'm serious.  As a Premium member, you can abandon your free Linden Home and either 1) get a different Linden Home that is NOT in the "fantasy" theme or 2) buy a parcel of land elsewhere on the Mainland.  Or you could even lease a parcel on a private estate; if you did that, you could drop your Premium membership and save a bit.  If you enjoy fantasy-themed areas there are some very beautiful fairy forests and meadows out there.  Without sneezing fairies.

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1 hour ago, KyraDevon Graves said:

I'll do anything at this point.. my 9 year old daughter is now sneezing back at them o.0

OK....   Amend your support case to tell Linden Lab that the rezzer for the sneezing fairies is apparently in the tree at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Enhydros/132/110/30

Fairies are being rezzed about halfway up the trunk of the tree. The rezzer cannot be removed or disabled by anyone but a Linden.

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I went to have a look at the fairies.  That's hilarious but I agree the sounds are annoying.

I don't know which viewer you are using but you can blacklist those sounds if you use Firestorm.
Firestorm will blacklist the sound by UUID so you will never hear the sneeze sounds again.

Go & stand near the fairies on Firestorm & go to World -> Sound Explorer.
Wait till you hear the fairies make the sneeze sounds  (there are 3 separate sneeze sounds).
In the sound explorer, tick the "Pause log" box once all the sneeze sounds have played.
Select each item in the list owned by Governor Linden one at a time & click the "Play Locally" button to find the sounds you want to block.
When you identify which sounds are the sneezes, make sure that sound is selected in the list & click the "Blacklist" button.

The sound UUIDs will then be added to the asset blacklist (World -> Asset Blacklist) & you will never hear those sound UUIDs play again unless you remove them from the asset blacklist.

Hope that helps  :)


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1 hour ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Those crazy Linden griefers and their sneezing faeries!  

Reminds me of the French insults in "Monty Python and the Holy Grail", i.e. "I blow my nose at you!"

LOL yes it does..and I must admit..now that I know what it is...and the kids have started their call backs at every sneeze it IS somewhat entertaining..although still very annoying LOL.. something tells me that for years to come all three of my minions will be making comments about fairy's every time they hear someone sneeze LOL


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1 hour ago, KyraDevon Graves said:

LOL yes it does..and I must admit..now that I know what it is...and the kids have started their call backs at every sneeze it IS somewhat entertaining..although still very annoying LOL.. something tells me that for years to come all three of my minions will be making comments about fairy's every time they hear someone sneeze LOL

"Every time a faerie sneezes, a minion gets its wings", etc.!

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10 hours ago, KyraDevon Graves said:

I slapped it on a prim and put it as close to the tree as I could on the outside of my house LOL...

I thought you might have trouble placing it if the tree was outside your home.  There's a way you can do it, though...

  • Make a cube.
  • Make another cube or a cylinder and stretch it into a long thin rod...long enough to reach from the cube, which will be inside your home, to the tree.
  • Place your sign prim on the end of the long rod.
  • Select the sign prim, the rod, and the cube.  Make sure you select the cube LAST, this will be the root prim
  • Link the three prims
  • Change the object type to Phantom, so people don't go tripping over it
  • Make the rod and the cube parts transparent.
  • Edit the device so that the sign is on the Faerie Tree and the (invisible and phantom) cube is somewhere inside your home

This puts the root prim on your parcel, so the thing won't be auto-returned.

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I've been off and on all morning..and thus far..not a single sneeze!.. I do believe the exterminators MUST have come by although I never got a reply to my work order *chuckle*...now i find myself listening and bracing for them ..hoping this passes in time and I can just look back on this and laugh remembering how freaking annoying they were once upon a time *knock on wood*..Thank you one and all for helping me discover then banish the little buggers!

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This is very peculiar.  I was curious, so I went to take another look.  The fairies are still there in the same place, and they are still sneezing.  The odd thing is that I could swear that the tree that they are perched in was right next to your house yesterday.  It's not.  Or, rather, it hasn't moved but your house isn't where I'm sure that it used to be.  It's as if you and your neighbor have switched parcels, so the tree is now next to her house instead of yours.  I really don't understand this.  In any case, I doubt that you can hear the fairies now because the tree is about 25 m from your parcel -- too far away to hear them any more.   O.o

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