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There's a lot of things in SL that "don't make any sense", perceived scarcity being one of them.

Why did gachas ever become so popular? Artificial scarcity in a digital world where you could make unlimited copies at will, makes no sense at all. Trading items where you could just instead buy exactly what you wanted, seems like a major hassle, doesn't it? *Hint* If creators pick gacha over regular item releases, you can actually figure out which sells best. Despite the better utility of the customer getting what they want, at a fixed price, in everlasting copies.


The same goes for events. Why is event popular? because it's popular. The popularity whips up popularity. If every fashionista in town wants to be there, then all the rest of them wants to be there too. The crowd, and making the items slightly unattainable is exactly what makes people stand, banging on the sim door. The perceived scarcity.

The scarcity adds perceived value to the items, making them more desirable. Nobody talked about collab88 before it was full. Then it started showing up in chat "..i want to go and buy x and y but the sim is always full" and that wasn't a detractor. That just made people line up, screaming " i want it too, i want it too!" The fact that the sim is full on opening day, makes people want to come in and shop just that much harder. Especially that you could actually get in by luck of the draw. (This is the change now.)

It's clever, it plays on peoples perceived wants for digital commodities that no one actually needs for anything at all. This is one of the things that come close to an Sl game accomplishment- the endorphin rush of completing a game mission - " I got it first, before everyone else ". You don't think that's a thing? If there was no reward in hammering a sim for hours just to get some shoe or hair, nobody would be doing it.


I would love to see if anyone has ever kept statistics of it, what the relationship between sales is in an completely empty sim (one visitor) compared to a sim that is nearly full, but still functional enough so it doesn't inhibit sales, is. (Scripts working, items rezzing) I would wager that the more bodies on sim, the higher quality and value for money the items are perceived to be.  Given that the items are not of obviously sub-par quality.

We'll see how it works out with the VIP line to full sims, and obviously LL is watching things, but the adverse effects might be slow and silent and go unnoticed. Premium subscriptions will increase at least to begin with. But if the basic account spending goes down over a longer timespan, especially at events, that effect will be entirely unnoticeable because it can be attributed to many other things instead, like seasonal changes, trends, etc. If basic accounts spend less time inworld, that will also go unnoticed, hidden by other plausible reasons. If that happens, that will be a far bigger loss than a few extra premium accounts can make up for.

Also i find it misleading to call it a capacity increase. I haven't been on a single sim yet that has been at full capacity, 100 avatars, during my ...10? years in SL. I might be going to all the wrong places, but most sims tend to cap capacity at far lower, don't they?

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@Skell Dagger I think I know exactly who the vendor you are referring too is. His entire product line was "limited" and to your point they were unique both in terms of style and quality to what was available on the grid at that point in time. I don't begrudge him for making his releases limited. That was his vision then (right or wrong) and I am sure putting a hard cap on the number of units sold hurt his profitability. The funny thing is and correct me if I am wrong but the shoes themselves weren't priced to be as limited as they were.

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@Chase01 Indeed. It's been a long time since I bought a pair because he's no longer making anything I'm really interested in buying, but I recall them being at the higher end of what I'd pay for footwear: something along the lines of about L$500-600 per pair. Back then nobody else was really making that style of footwear (which I guess I could liken to what Rick Owens was sending down the RL runway at the time) but others began to move into that style market later. Now, though, a lot of that style has homogenised around the high loose boot look that I'm wearing in this shot

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@Phil Deakins

Not all of the items at events are limited releases although there are a few events which are themed specifically around that.

I didn't agree with your statement when you said " Who in their right mind would be interested in that? But again, if the color is so desirable, then it won't be shelved after the event and, if it is shelved, it isn't very good."

Let me explain why,

The idea is to create urgency on the part of the buyer to make a purchasing decision then and there. I don't go out of my way to collect limited items but if I see it is exclusive to that event and I have an interest in it—then I will definitely think twice about it. In some cases I've made the purchase as a result as I am sure many others have as well. This of course also has the power to make people purchase additional units. If I see a shoe I like for example that is limited to that event and I like 2 colors, then there is a chance I may get both since I won't have an opportunity to get it later. None of this is an issue for these vendors because their limited releases represents only a small portion of their total product line. As Klytna pointed out this isn't necessarily the best strategy for all product segments but it does offer value to these creators and it doesn't mean that all limited releases aren't very good.

Events have changed how we shop. New releases go direct to an event and due to the hype and traffic associated with them—these events generate a lot of sales for those vendors in a very short period of time. Once the event is over, the sales generated by that that item does significantly go down (speaking broadly) because the next event is right around the corner and we're on to something else.

They aren't taking people for a ride as you say, they are in the business of making sales. I as a consumer am in the business of getting items I have an interest in. Its a mutual partnership. :D

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I hang out on a private sim that touts itself as 'the most popular destination in SL' During the last week we have had a number of times gone over 100 AVs (107 on saturday night) on the sim and I had no problems TPing in as a basic, non premium account. 

So this idea that somehow most basic users are missing out is taking things to an extreme. I doubt most people really care and have far more pressing issues in their lives.

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21 minutes ago, Leia36 said:

I hang out on a private sim that touts itself as 'the most popular destination in SL' During the last week we have had a number of times gone over 100 AVs (107 on saturday night) on the sim and I had no problems TPing in as a basic, non premium account.

If there were 107 avatars on sim and you had no problems tp'ing in as a basic, non-premium account, then something is broken.

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6 minutes ago, Leia36 said:

*shrugs, that's what happened.

Yeah but the assumption of :

31 minutes ago, Leia36 said:

So this idea that somehow most basic users are missing out is taking things to an extreme. I doubt most people really care and have far more pressing issues in their lives.

..that it's how this extra capacity is supposed to work, and that it won't affect basic account at all and everyone is bickering to the extreme, is based on either an error or oversight.

Over 100 avatars on sim and you shouldn't be able to get in at all unless region manager, owner or premium account.

Edited by Lexbot Sinister
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2 hours ago, Lexbot Sinister said:

Over 100 avatars on sim and you shouldn't be able to get in at all unless region manager, owner or premium account.

Or login there, as opposed to teleporting in. I know the post said "I had no problems TPing in" but it may not be obvious how big a difference that makes.

[EDIT much later: Oh, oops, I wasn't very precise. AFAIK, mere login location has the same limit as teleportation, but re-logging into the sim one was in at the end of the last session is treated differently. Or at least that's my understanding.]

Edited by Qie Niangao
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1 hour ago, Chase01 said:

I didn't agree with your statement when you said " Who in their right mind would be interested in that? But again, if the color is so desirable, then it won't be shelved after the event and, if it is shelved, it isn't very good."

Let me explain why,

I won't quote your explanation as to why, Chase, because I accept it. The only difference is me saying "Who in their right mind...". I put it to you that you would not be in your right mind because, according to your own explanation, your right mind would have been affected (skewed) by the seller's ploys :P

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1 hour ago, Leia36 said:

I hang out on a private sim that touts itself as 'the most popular destination in SL' During the last week we have had a number of times gone over 100 AVs (107 on saturday night) on the sim and I had no problems TPing in as a basic, non premium account. 

So this idea that somehow most basic users are missing out is taking things to an extreme. I doubt most people really care and have far more pressing issues in their lives.

That depends on what number you're looking at. If you're looking at "Agent Updates/Sec" in the "Statistics" window that's the total of the avatars on that region and the ones on the neighboring regions close enough that the region you're on gets updates on. The actual number of avatars on the region you're on is listed as "Main Agents" - ones on other regions are "Child Agents."

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4 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

I won't quote your explanation as to why, Chase, because I accept it. The only difference is me saying "Who in their right mind...". I put it to you that you would not be in your right mind because, according to your own explanation, your right mind would have been affected (skewed) by the seller's ploys :P

By that reasoning, who in their right mind would spend money for an imaginary sofa in the first place?

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30 minutes ago, Theresa Tennyson said:

By that reasoning, who in their right mind would spend money for an imaginary sofa in the first place?

Being made of pixels instead of molecules doesn't mean imaginary. Who knows, someday we may all trade in our molecular selves for pixel ones. 

If we haven't already.

Edited by Pamela Galli
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3 hours ago, Phil Deakins said:

I won't quote your explanation as to why, Chase, because I accept it. The only difference is me saying "Who in their right mind...". I put it to you that you would not be in your right mind because, according to your own explanation, your right mind would have been affected (skewed) by the seller's ploys :P

You just recently got a mesh body and you were also purchasing mesh clothing. I remember commenting on the thread. I guess by that logic your right mind was also affected (skewed) by ploys. Then there are those that would say you were out of your mind to get a mesh body. See how asinine all of that sounds?

Shopping may not be something that interests you and if it doesn't that is perfectly fine but you seem to have a lot to say for someone who has no interest in shopping, no idea what events are (in an events thread), how they function or what events are even out there. So aside from your initial statements about having very little interest in events/shopping—what else do you have to offer?

Edited by Chase01
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12 hours ago, Chase01 said:

You just recently got a mesh body and you were also purchasing mesh clothing. I remember commenting on the thread. I guess by that logic your right mind was also affected (skewed) by ploys. Then there are those that would say you were out of your mind to get a mesh body. See how asinine all of that sounds?

It depends what you call 'ploys'. Personally, I don't consider shops offering things for sale as ploys, and I don't consider putting things up for sale as a ploy. It's been very obvious in this thread what the ploys are:- 'event only items' is the main one that's been mentioned. That's a ploy to get your money for something you may not otherwise have even considered buying. Me buying an item from a seller who didn't offer anything other than 'it's an item', isn't having my mind affected or skewed. I decided that I wanted such an item before I saw any offered for sale. If I'd bought it because it was offered at a discount this week, but not after that, then my mind would have been affected/skewed by the ploy. I think all that is pretty obvious, and doesn't merit arguing about.


12 hours ago, Chase01 said:

Shopping may not be something that interests you and if it doesn't that is perfectly fine but you seem to have a lot to say for someone who has no interest in shopping, no idea what events are (in an events thread), how they function or what events are even out there.

This is not an "events thread", btw.  Nor is it a shopping thread ;)

Shopping doesn't interest me much at all. It has never been part of my SL enjoyment. For me, shopping in SL is like shopping at the RL food store. It's of no 'pleasure' interest at all. I do it only because I need the food. What I have to say in this particular thread, though, doesn't require an interest in shopping. It requires only a little bit of realistic thought and an average amount of common sense, and it would apply to any similar things. One thing I said, for instance, is that there is no need to rush to an event to get your hands on the new hair. If it's worth having, it will be on sale after the event, so getting into the event to get it isn't an essential. Which meant that basic acounts that can't get in because of the new system won't miss anything. Or, if they do miss an 'event only' item, and can't get it afterwards, it obviously wasn't worth having, so the system did them a favour.


12 hours ago, Chase01 said:

So aside from your initial statements about having very little interest in events/shopping—what else do you have to offer?

Common sense ;)

Edited by Phil Deakins
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Phil what you consider "common sense" is just your own personal opinion on the matter. We will leave it at that. This thread wasn't titled events but a major portion of discussion has been about how this new feature may effect those trying to gain entrance to an event. You're right there isn't necessarily a "need" to rush to an event but these events represent new content and for those that are interested in shopping and fashion (not you) its of an interest to them to experience that content. In that regard it is no different then comparing that too what people do in popular games when new content is released. If that isn't for you well that is your choice but it doesn't mean you have more "common sense" then anyone else.

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It's not just my personal opinion, Chase. What I've said is general common sense. But being common sense doesn't prevent people from wanting the latest thing right now. It happens. We all know it happens. If it were something that really interested me, I'd be just the same, and I'd feel it if I couldn't get it as quickly as others. Nevertheless, I'd know that I'd get it. All I'd need to do is have a little patience. That's all I've been pointing out.

Incidentally, I didn't suggest or even hint that I have more common sense than anyone else. I do claim to have average common sense though. You haven't actually disagreed with anything I've said. What you've effectively said is that some people do want to rush and get the latest things as soon as they come out, and there's no disagreement from me about that.

This thread isn't about shopping or events. It's about the new system of allowing only premium accounts into sims that are almost full. One of the reasons why a sim can reach that level is shopping events, and that was used as an example to find fault with the new system, by trying to make out that it prevents people from getting things, when all it does is possibly prevent them from getting the things as soon as they would have liked. All I've been doing is pointing out why shopping events is not a good reason to find fault with the new system, because it doesn't deprive anyone of anything that's worth having.

There may be exceptions, of course. The shoes example that was posted would be one such exception if the shoes had been 'event only', and some of those who had really wanted them couldn't get in to get them. But on the whole that doesn't happen. If an item really is that good, it's going to be sold after the event. Creators are in it for money, after all, and buyers only need to have a little patience. It's not as though the seller will run out of stock before you can get there. It may be frustrating, but imo :) that's not a valid reason to find fault with the new system.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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