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ABUSE OF THE GAME Treasure Quest


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Players collecting more than 60 linden are being banned from the game to not be paid.



Because I didn't say anything in the chat ? or because I collected more 60 linden and they don't want to pay me ?

I ask Linden Labs' help to look more closely at Second Life games because this type of lindens fraud is happening very often and many players like me are being harmed by criminals and thieves as the moderators of this game Treasure Quest that make us collect coins and then banish without paying with a stupid excuse.


OBS: It's worth noting that they only paid me what I collected after much fighting with one of the moderators and even then they didn't pay me the full amount of what I had collected.


Edited by Dakota Linden
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The point is I really wasn't looking for any help. I got unbanned yesterday, and as soon as I went to one of their lands , the "landlord" showed up to admonish me and say I was going to get banned for life if I didn't go to another lands as well. I felt persecuted. Really, is this necessary? I am afraid to do anything that will bother her. I just don't need this. I just want to complain and warn others.

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2 hours ago, Yokasta47 said:

 I just want to complain and warn others.

Sometimes venting does help.

However, the 'warn others' part will likely do not good.  Folks seldom come to the forums to read about this quest before they have problems related to it.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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On 24.5.2017 at 10:24 PM, Jenni Witherspoon said:

but also i reminded you of your manners to say the thank you

Are you for real now? You use this game to make money, your customers use this game to get more traffic, the users of this game generate that traffic, in turn your customers are more likely to invest more money into this and in turn make you richer. Yet you want every person to say please and thank you for a good coin they find?

I am going to cut this off here before I give you a piece of my mind.

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A standard feature of nearly all the PRIVATE opperated "make linden $ in your spare time" games in SL is this...


They charge parcel owners for the kit that lets them add their parcel to the hunt, they charge parcel owners to 'charge' the hunt item with money, and they force the hunters to go to their HQ to be payed according to a set ofg arbitary rules that allow them to give the hunters as little as possible if they give them anything at all.


For example, a parcel owner pays 1000 ls for a hunt kit, then pay 100 ls into the hunt object, 80% of that 100 goes to the hunt company right then, leaving 20 ls for you to and other hunters to collect.


They are a legal scam, always have been, and frankly you can make better money playing the official Linden Lab games such as the Linden Realms, where you can make 50 l$ an hour with practice, and there is never any bs about having to pander to the ego's of the operators.


Make your way to the LL Portal Park, via search or the destination guid etc., and try some of the official games with rewqards, some pay cash, others offer prizes, none are designed to rip you off.

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Treasure Quest is a Closed system, meaning you have to be in their group to play. You can hunt all you want but when you go to Cash out at the ATM, you get a message saying you must wear your group tag to withdraw funds. There is no way to join their group and if you ask for a group invite they ignore you and in some cases just ban you without a reason.

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They are either thieves or the power has gone to their heads...and I have reported them for unfair practices.....several alts have collected coins from them and cannot cash in....if you go to their sites you usually won't see anyone playing the game...I have even seen one of the owners collecting coins....if that is not unethical I do not know what is!!!!

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Fraud is against the law whether it is in rl or sl.....banning people without even giving a reason and playing your own game is at LEAST unethical and not fair to the landowners....this is a bad bad game...i do not want my lindens from them...I just want everyone to know they are unethical and fraudulent. I followed all their rules (otherwise they would have told me why they  banned me) and then I run across an owner collecting coins which is like biting the hand that feeds you...there is a reason you rarely see anyone at Beaus....we have either been banned from playing or we know better....:)


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On 24.5.2017 at 10:24 PM, Jenni Witherspoon said:

Please be sure to read the Treasure Quest Terms of Service; By clicking and claiming a coin you agree to abide by ALL rules in the TOS. We take the integrity of our game very seriously. http://www.sltreasurequest.biz/wp/termsofservice

That "statement" only pops up after you click a coin, please do not asume everyone to know about your game... you cannot agree to something you were not told of before...


PS: who had the stupid idea to sort forum questions by answer popularity by default???

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1 hour ago, KumaguroBunnyBear said:

Traffic games like Treasure Quest and any other game you play in world that pays you to just collect 'funds' is a privalage NOT A RIGHT! 

As is access to a spelling dictionary, ...

1 hour ago, KumaguroBunnyBear said:

I will say this, if you happen to go to a store or other land where you find the Treasure Quest coins, and click them..

It is to late ... your wannabe TOS already claims we accepted them... shhh, don't show them to a lawyer, they might die from a laughing attack...xD

Your game's ever changing rules are well known to the traffic generating game community, the people I know still in find the rules about forced gratitude as ridiculous as I do but say nothing because they fear to be punished... I pity them, but I won't sell out myself for how much are your megas? 500L for 6 hours ... and you have to click you're there all 5 minutes or all proceedings are lost? Yes I see people are desperate enough to do this, but I am not. I can earn more in the Realms, LOL (and that includes the coffee break I don't get in your game)

1 hour ago, KumaguroBunnyBear said:

Instead of saying we abuse people, think of all the abuse the admin and owners have to deal with because people wish to be bullies or rude and expect nothing to happen to them.

Interesting perspective, what do you think, we think of what you are? 


PS: Yes I guess I'm banned by now in your group, Hurray to you for proofing my point if I am :P

Edited by Fionalein
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btw Strigos directly after you got that mega if you were watchin group chat not only did i congratulate you on your mega but also i reminded you of your manners to say the thank you and it wasnt till the next day according to your own message you posted in this blog that you got banned from hq you had an entire 24 hours to get in there and follow the rules but you didnt im sorry... all i would have taken was for you to message stormydaze as i said and told her im sorry wont happen again will always say it and you would have been unbanned... 



so honestly it was your own fault each coin actually tells you to..... 

Please be sure to read the Treasure Quest Terms of Service; By clicking and claiming a coin you agree to abide by ALL rules in the TOS. We take the integrity of our game very seriously. http://www.sltreasurequest.biz/wp/termsofservice

so there is no reason for anyone to ever not know the rules... 

Edited by Dakota Linden
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On 8/20/2017 at 4:42 PM, PenelopeRoseWaters said:

If it makes you feel any better, I got banned from Treasure Quest simply for joining a group that the owner of TQ was having a fight with the owner of the second group.  And, that second group land had TQ coins on it and had been a previous TQ coin site.  Explain that one. :)   Somehow, you must monitor who they are currently having disputes with and not join those groups.  Good luck on that everyone! 

With Treasure Quest they will ban for various reasons, whether stated in their TOS or not.  Best bet is to cash out everyday. :) 

you so right ..i learn that in worst way...

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On 1/21/2018 at 2:11 PM, AndromedaXx said:

I have been reading some of the comments about treasure quest and I for one firmly believe they have made it easy to get a player banned even if the player is not aware of it. In their TOS it says ' Excessive greed (Collecting only mega’s or gems) or similar behavior is grounds for a ban ' now I was told that I had collected some thing like 50 coins while I was waiting on a mega coin  ( no evidence was shown ), now the problem is how is any one to know how many coins they have collected through the day or an hour or in the 20 mins they say you are only allowed because I for one don't have a clue they are the only ones that know. If they think what I did was bannable what about the mass amount of alts that play TQ . Treasure Hunts is not worth any ones times and the good land owners need to choose a better system to get traffic to their land. 

totally agree with you...they change TOS when ever they want...i don't know why owners pick that game but admins f..k their own game so ...move on and play other game


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34 minutes ago, KumaguroBunnyBear said:

I will say this, if you happen to go to a store or other land where you find the Treasure Quest coins, and click them.. and manage to get a hud, common sense should tell you to find out more about how to join if you cannot find a group joiner.  Not only that, every single coin you click tells you to read our Terms of Service.  Our rules are ever changing because people find new ways to cheat, to be greedy, or just flat out abuse the game.  To be honest, there are other games following our examples (i.e. not allowing you to teleport others to items, allowing you to click only one item at a time, and other things.)  Having to say Thank You for dashes and Mega coins? If someone walked up to you on the street and handed you say $50 (or equivalent to your country's currency) are you just going to walk away from them and say nothing or would you thank them for being KIND?


Instead of saying we abuse people, think of all the abuse the admin and owners have to deal with because people wish to be bullies or rude and expect nothing to happen to them.   Traffic games like Treasure Quest and any other game you play in world that pays you to just collect 'funds' is a privalage NOT A RIGHT!  The fact some of you cannot grasp this is.. beyond absurd

Get off your self righteous soapboax. Without people 'playing' that game you'd be earning diddly squat. They are what keeping it alive. You should thank them for making you richer.

Your example is laughable. Please try again with one that actually compares.

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1 hour ago, Jenni Witherspoon said:

after all the TERMS OF SERVICE DOES SAY THIS ........ 

                                                  We reserve the right to ban any avatar, at any time, for any reason.


1 hour ago, KumaguroBunnyBear said:

Instead of saying we abuse people, think of all the abuse the admin and owners have to deal with because people wish to be bullies or rude and expect nothing to happen to them.

Am I the only one having to laugh here when I combine your two posts?

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2 minutes ago, KumaguroBunnyBear said:

So You are saying  I am earning by being a land owner or an admin?  Please..   I play the game and I am a land owner.. I earn NOTHING being a land owner OR admin.  NOTHING.. what I earn in game is what I hunt myself.  Geeze.. certain people from certain games have really gotten to you...  Still I stand by saying that playing  ANY traffic game is a Privilege... NOT a right.  So get off your self righteous little hickory stump before you get splinters in your feet

So it is a privilege for the players to earn the creator of the game money? Your logic is very faulty.

And what people from what games? I don't play these games. I am just allergic to self-entitled god complexes.

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