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I hope they spread it like Peanut Butter!

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If the new prim increase isn't carried over to Estates I foresee a really hard transition as everyone scrambles to move to the mainland. Mainland prices are already rising. Hold on to your hats folks! This could be a bumpy ride.

This could wipe out a lot of people that depend on Estate Rentals for an RL living. I hope LL shares the prim bonus across the board. I like my homestead but I'll move too if the bonus isn't given to estates.

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I don't know. I'm a premium user. I don't use the Linden homes because frankly, they are boring. I don't buy mainland because I can't count on my neighbors not ruining my landscape. 

I checked out some mainland. 

468 LI for a 1024 plot. I have 512 LI for a 1120 plot. But I also get a covenant which keeps my neighborhood looking nice and the option to pay for my land with paypal. 

I am definitely not speaking for everyone, but personally, even if they didn't increase the estate LI allowance, I wouldn't move. 

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I moved to an Estate because of a Neon Habitrail next door lol. I will miss the controll but I can't pass up a 50% prim bonus. I have a full homestead and I can't even build at home anymore. I can't justify a higher tier either.

I may just snatch up a full region before the prices skyrocket.

I'd have to use an alt as a premium. Premiums get deleted when they lapse, free accounts don't. Worth remembering.

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Actually when a premium account lapses, your account is suspended until you pay your bill.  THEN you can choose to downgrade to a basic account once you abandon all  your land or LInden Home.  Even after that you will face one more bill for land you owned in the past 30 days.  If you don't pay that your account will be suspended once more until you do.

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Artorius Constantine wrote:

If the new prim increase isn't carried over to Estates I foresee a really hard transition as everyone scrambles to move to the mainland. Mainland prices are already rising. Hold on to your hats folks! This could be a bumpy ride.

This could wipe out a lot of people that depend on Estate Rentals for an RL living. I hope LL shares the prim bonus across the board. I like my homestead but I'll move too if the bonus isn't given to estates.

I checked my Blake Sea parcel on the mainland after the new server roll out and the prim limit was increased.

I then went to a private island running the updated Server software and there was no prim increase.

Sorry to inform you that the bonus is NOT being given to estates. I'm not surprised by this as LL is apparently increasing the benefits of being a premium member and owning mainland.  They already lowered the tier for a full prim private region, if the estate owner pays the fee.  Maybe they will do something similar for Homesteads in the future.

Just wondering, has anyone seen their rent on a private estate parcel go down if their estate owner elected to grandfather it?

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You're right.  It won't change anyone's SL unless they own mainland.  It's yet to be seen if it effects Linden Home owner's too.  It's the typical LL hype as far as I can see, unless prim increases will come to private regions in the future.  I somehow doubt it though as more prims would be a new benefit for premium account holders owning mainland.


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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

Artorius Constantine wrote:

If the new prim increase isn't carried over to Estates I foresee a really hard transition as everyone scrambles to move to the mainland. Mainland prices are already rising. Hold on to your hats folks! This could be a bumpy ride.

This could wipe out a lot of people that depend on Estate Rentals for an RL living. I hope LL shares the prim bonus across the board. I like my homestead but I'll move too if the bonus isn't given to estates.

I checked my Blake Sea parcel on the mainland after the new server roll out and the prim limit was increased.

I then went to a private island running the updated Server software and there was no prim increase.

Sorry to inform you that the bonus is NOT being given to estates. I'm not surprised by this as LL is apparently increasing the benefits of being a premium member and owning mainland.  They already lowered the tier for a full prim private region, if the estate owner pays the fee.  Maybe they will do something similar for Homesteads in the future.

Just wondering, has anyone seen their rent on a private estate parcel go down if their estate owner elected to grandfather it?

The grandfathered pricing buy-down ended early in October. The offer was available to homestead as well as full regions.

As for increased prims on Mainland -- they could triple the prims and I still wouldn't move back to Mainland. If LL wants people to start filling the vast abandoned sections of Mainland they should consider adding zoning and covenants.


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Parhelion Palou wrote:

...As for increased prims on Mainland -- they could triple the prims and I still wouldn't move back to Mainland. If LL wants people to start filling the vast abandoned sections of Mainland they should consider adding zoning and covenants.


I agree with this.  The reason private estates are so popular is that you don't have to worry about someone building something inappropriate next to your land, unless you live on a private region that allows it, such as the few that have no covenant.  

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Parhelion Palou wrote:

As for increased prims on Mainland -- they could triple the prims and I still wouldn't move back to Mainland. If LL wants people to start filling the vast abandoned sections of Mainland they should consider adding zoning and covenants.


Agreed. And every mainland I ever go to is laggy as all get out, & I have a pretty decent gaming computer.

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Agreed also - was basically the first thing I thought when I read the news.


...although I still have the same allowance on my 11776 sq.m. mainland plot... hmm... we were restarted yesterday.


Anyway, I live on mainland because I can do so more cheaply than renting on a private island, and I can't afford anything more. Mainland is full of utter junk, skybuilds at 100m up all over the place, stupid platforms, breedable farms stacked shoulder-to-shoulder with horses or whatever, etc etc.

Giving people like that more prims would just ruin it even more. As it is, my sim runs at zero free script time and scripts are noticeably laggy mostly because of a couple of plots using vast numbers of scripted things. Add more??? NO!!!

I *know* it will never happen, but LL really *should* have done something about this right from the beginning, and now, instead of fixing the probelms with ML, they are just fuelling more of them.

Of course I would like more prims, although I keep 500 free mostly for building. But not at the expense of it all being ruined even more by people with no thoughts for those around them.

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I'm fortunate enough to live on a mainland sim where the rent is reasonable there's only really one or two other plots built on the rest is either abandoned and has been for years or not used the neighbouring sims are either Linden owned or the plots are empty, i saw my prim allowance has gone up from 234 to 351 if an increased prim alowance gets unused mainland used again it can't  be a bad thing

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I still think it's a bad idea to only give mainland the bonus. IF that's the way this shakes out. Islands cost more and now you get 50% less prims? Why pay more for less? I can hit the de-render button to kill any really ugly builds.

Script time is another issue. True, very true. One lot I was on had a neighboor that built a 20 x 20 room and filled it with beach balls. Killed the entire sim. No recourse. Script time limits by plot size would be a good use of LL's time.

It won't noticeably increase Premiums, people that rent will still rent, they will just move to a mainland Realtor.

The ripple effect to Estates could be huge. I guess not everyone is a prim hog (like me) and I agree the control I get on an Estate is awesome. I'll still move. That's at least one full Estate Region that won't be making money for the Realtor anymore.

I am about to go land shopping lol. Just have to find a full region and rent out half of it with a covenant to cover the tier..

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Oh, stop it.

I cannot listen to ANY island owner whining after suffering from Mainland deprivations for 12 long years (and I own an island and a homestead too).

Island owners just got the grandfather buy down -- this did NOT apply to those of us who own Mainland sim. Plus, large island owners get an unadvertised bulk discount. Mainland owners do NOT get this.

Mainland groups get a 10% bonus in prims if they group their land -- the system adds 10% more prims. This isn't always the boon imagined as  you can't always buy more land on that sim to add to your prims, forcing you to put it elsewhere or not use it.

This boon for the Mainland of 50% more isn't compensation for all the horrors and losses we've endured for more than a decade:

o ad farms and the Bush Guy devaluing land for years on end forcing move-outs, "buying the view" for extortionist prices, and loss of business due to blight

o abandoned land with spinning and ugly junk that the Lindens won't remove

o griefing with physics, self-replicating prims, etc. that island owners can instantly control themselves and Mainland owners have to wait for the Lindens to handle not even through the Concierge system but through the ridiculous abuse report system which goes nowhere

o unmanned vehicles on all the roads which the Lindens allow for geeky reasons which ruin our quality of life, not only with crashes and pileups but with ugliness and out-of-theme stuff -- spaceships on roads, boats on roads, buses on the water, boats on the railroads. Stupid and annoying

Those are just the main issues.

So I expect island owners to stop whining and also not to get this bonus as they have had many perks and boons over the years (in control and value of their land) that we have not had, and it was high time to rectify this.

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Nalytha wrote:

I don't know. I'm a premium user. I don't use the Linden homes because frankly, they are boring. I don't buy mainland because I can't count on my neighbors not ruining my landscape. 

I just checked it looks like the prim allowance has been increased by 50%. A 512 plot now has a 175 prim allowance instead of 117.  Even a 16 sq.m. plot now supports 5 prims instead of 3.  This is good news.

On Mainlsnd the risk of neighbours ruining your landscape is still there but thst risk must be a lot less than it used to be because the chances are your neares neighbour will be separated from you by a large tract of abandoned land!

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Pamela Galli wrote:

Why then are terms like "everyone" being used? Estate landlords are everyone, too, and if they don't get the bonus prims, their business is going to take quite a hit.

That's right! But ummmm.... I think big mainland landowners are "everyone" too. Did you remember to protest the same way every time their businesses took a hit because LL kept favoring the islands?

Still, I do agree with you because two wrongs do not make one right. Ideally mainland and islands should be allowed to "compete" on equal terms with no artificial privileges to either and certainly not different artificial privileges to each. The only ral difference should be the one that is inherent in the two models: cozy little hideaways on islands and bustling communal life on mainland. I guess it's too late for that though.

And we still don't know if the change only applies to mainland. They are taking it in steps, I can confirm that since one of my sims already has had two prim increases.

I guess Beatles was wrong: Tomorrow does know - at least this time. ;)

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ChinRey wrote:

Pamela Galli wrote:

Why then are terms like "everyone" being used? Estate landlords are everyone, too, and if they don't get the bonus prims, their business is going to take quite a hit.

That's right! But ummmm.... I think big mainland landowners are "everyone" too. Did you remember to protest the same way every time
businesses took a hit because LL kept favoring the islands?

Still, I do agree with you because two wrongs do not make one right. Ideally mainland and islands should be allowed to "compete" on equal terms with no artificial privileges to either and certainly not different artificial privileges to each. The only ral difference should be the one that is inherent in the two models: cozy little hideaways on islands and bustling communal life on mainland. I guess it's too late for that though.

And we still don't know if the change only applies to mainland. They are taking it in steps, I can confirm that since one of my sims already has had two prim increases.

I guess Beatles was wrong: Tomorrow
know - at least this time.

I fairly reliably throw a fit whenever LL decides to bestow its largesse on one group but not others. I did not think it right to reduce tier for estates but not mainland, but a mitigating factor in that case is that it was not an outright gift -- many estate owners were not happy with the deal and rejected it -- we had to buy it and it was not cheap. (And with the added fees and currency devaluation, the savings have all poofed anyway.)


In any case I am not a landlord of any kind and have no special interest in them as a demographic, just seemed for a minute there that some could take an unfair hit.

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It's a bad idea to keep giving perks and better sims to island owners who now only pay $195 and making Mainland hump it for the same $195 for a worse product.

It seems that the Lindens are adding prims to islands, too, so soon you will likely able to stop whining about a perceived slight because poor people got a little more that didn't take away from you, instead of you getting more once again.

Islands do not cost more. They cost the same $195 tier. If they cost more to set up, that's because you haven't bought a full sim off the auction that actually costs more than an island sometimes.

And if they cost more to set-up, it's because they have more features. You can control them, texture them, monitor their performance in ways you can't on Governor Linden's estate, the Mainland. What you are saying is just not true.

If you think people will move to Mainland realtors now in huge swathes, you don't understand what I just wrote the island is a preferable product. You also don't understand 10 other things about how this is shaking out which I will write elsewhere.


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Prokofy Neva wrote:

It seems that the Lindens are adding prims to islands, too, so soon you will likely able to stop whining about a perceived slight because poor people got a little more that didn't take away from you, instead of you getting more once again.

Islands do not cost more. They cost the same $195 tier. If they cost more to set up, that's because you haven't bought a full sim off the auction that actually costs more than an island sometimes.


Where did you get the info that private estates are getting more prims too?  Provide a link  where a Linden said that.  Interestingly in you other thread there was someone that posted a link that every one was getting more prims but it's been removed now.. 

I don't see that private islands get more than mainland.  Name one perk they have they didn't pay for.  Private Islands do cost more because to get the $195 tier estate owners had to pay $600 and previous to that offer they paid $100 more a month.  $600US is not chump change by any means.  Those that didn't pony up that amount are still paying the higher tier and it was a limited offer, so anyone buying a new sim from LL will pay the higher tier.

Granted you get estate rights with a Private region.  With estate rights comes the responsibility of governing your estate too, not something that mainland owners have to do.  Is that really worth the extra money which amounts to $1200US a year if you aren't grandfathered?   

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