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Angels of God Coming to Second Life

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Oooh, Angels!

I've never met an angel. I offer a free soul cleansing service here in SL, so they'd have no reason to visit me.

I get all the li'l devils instead. They stand in my fireplace, mocking me as their sins burn away, until their souls are clean enough to be presentable in public again. Here they are...

Warm Welcomes Gallery.jpg

If your good deeds are as effective and rewarding as mine, you have my deepest sympathy.

Oh, there I am... six down and four over.  I'm afraid I'm in need of more insineration, for reasons I cannot discuss in mixed company.

...Dres  (Thankfully, you gave no guarantees.)

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Oooh, Angels!

I've never met an angel. I offer a free soul cleansing service here in SL, so they'd have no reason to visit me.

I get all the li'l devils instead. They stand in my fireplace, mocking me as their sins burn away, until their souls are clean enough to be presentable in public again. Here they are...

Warm Welcomes Gallery.jpg

If your good deeds are as effective and rewarding as mine, you have my deepest sympathy.

Why would anyone willingly have the evil burnt out of themselves? Where is the fun in that? I need to stop by and catch them before they enter your fireplace.

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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Oooh, Angels!

I've never met an angel. I offer a free soul cleansing service here in SL, so they'd have no reason to visit me.

I get all the li'l devils instead. They stand in my fireplace, mocking me as their sins burn away, until their souls are clean enough to be presentable in public again. Here they are...

Warm Welcomes Gallery.jpg

If your good deeds are as effective and rewarding as mine, you have my deepest sympathy.

Why would anyone willingly have the evil burnt out of themselves? Where is the fun in that? I need to stop by and catch them before they enter your fireplace.

Because the pain is exquisite... don't knock it till you try it, sweety.


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Hello - It's SL's new littlest Angel :matte-motes-tongue:

A little about us.  We are "real" Angels of God.  We are only here to help people that are lonely, need someone to talk to or need someone to pray with them.

We believe that behind each avatar or poster there is a real human with all the joys and sorrows that brings with it.  There are people here that have no one but their computer and SL.  We will try to make their life a little better.

As we said before, we do not role play.  It is pretty certain that 99.9% of the people that call themselves devils or demons here are just plain ordinary folks having a little fun.  And that is fine.  Just don't get carried away.

We do need someone to help us get started in SL.  Someone who really has faith that Angels are real.  If you are that person, please send us a message.

God Bless Us Everyone

Angel Cher



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1. you'r no angels, your humans, selfproclamed angels, god created angels, you'r made of the same dust as all who are here.

2. even if you talk with people who only have their pc and SL...it will still be only that, so you help nothing, only make it worse by   pointing them on it, and leave them in a darker hole than before when you log out.

3. everything in SL is roleplay, even your selfproclamed postition as angel is nothing more than a excellent example of roleplay.

4. ... we need someone to help get started....land...L$ ..?.... you registered for sl july 2010 and still need help to get started?...no way ....hard to start believing in such angels....

5. god blesses eveybody even non believers


my conclusion... you will fit perfectly in SL, roleplaying and do the things that aren't possible in real... ánd imagination... endless....

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Alwin Alcott wrote:

1. you'r no angels, your humans, selfproclamed angels, god created angels, you'r made of the same dust as all who are here.

2. even if you talk with people who only have their pc and SL...it will still be only that, so you help nothing, only make it worse by   pointing them on it, and leave them in a darker hole than before when you log out.

3. everything in SL is roleplay, even your selfproclamed postition as angel is nothing more than a excellent example of roleplay.

4. ... we need someone to help get started....land...L$ ..?.... you registered for sl july 2010 and still need help to get started?...no way ....hard to start believing in such angels....

5. god blesses eveybody even non believers


my conclusion... you will fit perfectly in SL, roleplaying and do the things that aren't possible in real... ánd imagination... endless....

It just takes Faith Alwin.  It is important that you believe in God.  If you don't believe in us, then I am sure you will do fine.  BTW, everyone has their own Guardian Angel assigned to them.  I am sure yours is watching over you right now.



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oh please, develop a bit more communication skills than cheap lines "it needs faith"..."it's important you believe in god"...

i'm quite active in my church, have a degree in Theology, but how you present yourself has nothing to do with a biblical point of view at all. You been shopping in several religious supermarkets and took some of everything.... esoteric, new age ...come back with your feeth on the ground instead in the air.


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Alwin Alcott wrote:

oh please, develop a bit more communication skills than cheap lines "it needs faith"..."it's important you believe in god"...

i'm quite active in my church, have a degree in Theology, but how you present yourself has nothing to do with a biblical point of view at all. You been shopping in several religious supermarkets and took some of everything.... esoteric, new age  blah blah



My purpose here is not to debate you right now.  You obviously do not believe in us and that is your right.  BTW, most people who believe in God or have a degree in Theology know that when writing the name of God, it is proper to use a capital "G" (winks) 





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MidnightDawn Sapphire wrote:

Alwin Alcott wrote:

1. you'r no angels, your humans, selfproclamed angels, god created angels, you'r made of the same dust as all who are here.

2. even if you talk with people who only have their pc and SL...it will still be only that, so you help nothing, only make it worse by   pointing them on it, and leave them in a darker hole than before when you log out.

3. everything in SL is roleplay, even your selfproclamed postition as angel is nothing more than a excellent example of roleplay.

4. ... we need someone to help get started....land...L$ ..?.... you registered for sl july 2010 and still need help to get started?...no way ....hard to start believing in such angels....

5. god blesses eveybody even non believers


my conclusion... you will fit perfectly in SL, roleplaying and do the things that aren't possible in real... ánd imagination... endless....

It just takes Faith Alwin.  It is important that you believe in God.  If you don't believe in us, then I am sure you will do fine.  BTW, everyone has their own Guardian Angel assigned to them.  I am sure yours is watching over you right now.




I learned that this a kind of hybris, being an human, and to proclaim yourself as supernatural creature. Did this change in the meanwhile?

I appreciate it a lot, that you want to help people, but then just do it, and don't proclaim yourself as an angel of God (this is "superbia", one of the deadly sins).

The best advice for people with serious problems is to tell and to convince them, that they look for help in the REAL world.

Being human and acting like this in sl and in rl is enough, I think. And if all would act like humans in the sense of humanity, we would be all a bit happier.. (I met people in sl and in rl who even don't (want to) have this ability)

Reciprocal philanthropy is enough. :)


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most ..... know that when writing the name of God, it is proper to use a capital "G" (winks) 


thats wrong because "god" is not his name ..... his name is JHWH but because it wasn't allowed to mention his name otherwise than once a year at the Temply by the high priest, the knowledge of the name was lost so we use his profession : god

 [edit] if you rreally want to do it correct than use his title, the Lord ... in that case yes with capital.

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Ardvinna wrote:

MidnightDawn Sapphire wrote:

Alwin Alcott wrote:

1. you'r no angels, your humans, selfproclamed angels, god created angels, you'r made of the same dust as all who are here.

2. even if you talk with people who only have their pc and SL...it will still be only that, so you help nothing, only make it worse by   pointing them on it, and leave them in a darker hole than before when you log out.

3. everything in SL is roleplay, even your selfproclamed postition as angel is nothing more than a excellent example of roleplay.

4. ... we need someone to help get started....land...L$ ..?.... you registered for sl july 2010 and still need help to get started?...no way ....hard to start believing in such angels....

5. god blesses eveybody even non believers


my conclusion... you will fit perfectly in SL, roleplaying and do the things that aren't possible in real... ánd imagination... endless....

It just takes Faith Alwin.  It is important that you believe in God.  If you don't believe in us, then I am sure you will do fine.  BTW, everyone has their own Guardian Angel assigned to them.  I am sure yours is watching over you right now.




I learned that this a kind of hybris, being an human, and to proclaim yourself as supernatural creature. Did this change in the meanwhile?

I appreciate it a lot, that you want to help people, but then just do it, and don't proclaim yourself as an angel of God (this is "superbia", one of the deadly sins).

The best advice for people with serious problems is to tell and to convince them, that they look for help in the REAL world.

Being human and acting like this in sl and in rl is enough, I think. And if all would act like humans in the sense of humanity, we would be all a bit happier.. (I met people in sl and in rl who even don't (want to) have this ability)

Reciprocal philanthropy is enough


As I said before, it is up to the individual to decide if they believe in us or not.  There is no superbia involved.  There is nothing "special" in being an Angel.  If you believe in them and/or are one, then you realize that there are  probably millions of us on the earth right now.  The only thing special about an Angel is that they have a chance to help people which is a great honor in itself. 

On the grand sceme of things, humans are on a higher level than Angels. So would that make humans guilty of "superbia" because they are over Angels. (wink)  Just kidding.



PS: For the people that do not believe in us and/or Angels relax.  There is no need to "prove" we do not exist.  Just ignore us and have a wonderful day. :matte-motes-grin:





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Ardvinna wrote:

MidnightDawn Sapphire wrote:

As I said before, it is up to the individual to decide if they believe in us or not.  There is no superbia involved.  There is nothing "special" in being an Angel.  If you believe in them and/or are one, then you realize that there are  probably millions of us on the earth right now.  The only thing special about an Angel is that they have a chance to help people which is a great honor in itself. 

On the grand sceme of things, humans are on a higher level than Angels. So would that make humans guilty of "superbia" because they are over Angels. (wink)  Just kidding.



PS: For the people that do not believe in us and/or Angels relax.  There is no need to "prove" we do not exist.  Just ignore us and have a wonderful day. :matte-motes-grin:




Where did you find your definition for "being an Angel"? Your private definition does not derive from any definition that can be found in the texts od any abrahamitic religion, neither of other religions.

Angels Just Are

Humans are not on a higher level then Angels, we have a soul (at least most of us); Angels not. But the Angels have the privilege to see God and to be closer to him (this is the common definition of Angels).

I have never seen God.  He touched me once many many years ago and that is impossible to explain.  He does protect me and watch over me every minute.

So, it's not a question, if I believe in Angels or not. I do so, but surely I don't believe that you and your group are angels. 

You have free will

And if you're millions, and Angels, then it would be really kind of you to stop wars, hunger, pollution, earthquakes, prevent stupid people to become famous as pop-stars, politicians, or tv-moderators, and to stop people to do evil things...I could enumerate more, ...and when you finished all this work, then you would have time for sl.

I am sure you know that is not the way things work (wink)

As I said...being human and doing good deeds is far enough. There is no necessity to call yourself Angels.

Not calling myself an Angel is like you not calling yourself human.  And I am sure you are. :matte-motes-asleep-2:




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Alwin Alcott wrote:

this thread should be moved to some kind of religious forum, has nothing to do with sl anymore.

 Alwin, you pose questions regarding Angels and God, then I answer them.  Then you say your questions are not about SL, so the thread should be moved.  What is wrong with this picture?

The point is that Angels are coming to SL.  That I would suggest has a huge impact on SL.  But I do realize that this is becoming "uncomfortable" for you.  I regret that.

For others, we are still looking for a guide to help us get established in SL.  You just need a little faith in us and the willingness to help.

BTW, if anyone knows of any other Angels here, please let us know so we can contact them.




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Alwin Alcott wrote:

this thread should be moved to some kind of religious forum, has nothing to do with sl anymore.

Indeed. These failures are no more religious figures than the superhero clowns are paid up licensees of DC/Marvel IP. It's the same type of person at the keyboard in both cases.

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 Alwin, you pose questions regarding Angels and God, then I answer them.  Then you say your questions are not about SL, so the thread should be moved.  What is wrong with this picture?

The point is that Angels are coming to SL.  That I would suggest has a huge impact on SL.  But I do realize that this is becoming "uncomfortable" for you.  I regret that.

For others, we are still looking for a guide to help us get established in SL.  You just need a little faith in us and the willingness to help.

BTW, if anyone knows of any other Angels here, please let us know so we can contact them.



What sort of supernatural being with any power to help others whatsoever requires help to "get established" in a virtual world, or spoon feeding to get in touch with their own kind? My friend, you've had some fun here and I recognize that everyone needs to start practising their routine somewhere, but currently you seem to be REALLY bad at this stuff.

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MidnightDawn Sapphire wrote:


Hello - It's SL's new littlest Angel :matte-motes-tongue:

A little about us.  We are "real" Angels of God.  We are only here to help people that are lonely, need someone to talk to or need someone to pray with them.

We believe that behind each avatar or poster there is a real human with all the joys and sorrows that brings with it.  There are people here that have no one but their computer and SL.  We will try to make their life a little better.

As we said before, we do not role play.  It is pretty certain that 99.9% of the people that call themselves devils or demons here are just plain ordinary folks having a little fun.  And that is fine.  Just don't get carried away.

We do need someone to help us get started in SL.  Someone who really has faith that Angels are real.  If you are that person, please send us a message.

God Bless Us Everyone

Angel Cher



I see. So, you can claim to be actual Angels while in the same breath denouncing those that claim to be Demons as pretending? HOW DARE YOU! Who are you to speak ill of the Fallen ones minions here on Earth? By what right do you cast aspersions upon the Unholy ones followers and children?

BTW, playing on the emotions and beliefs of people is our job.. Angels don't do naughty things like that.

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