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How to deal with bullies and pushers, etc..

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I've been lucky in Second Life in that I've rarely had issues with bullies, pushers, and greifers.

A few days ago I filed my first abuse report in 5 years. I was standing at Chalet Linden, having just TPed in, when some guy comes walking up and said "Don't be walkin' into this house" (in stylized fonts), then went away. A minute later he TPed back in and began shoving me around. Before I could do anything he attacked me with bullets or something, knocking me up into the air and back a good ways, then did it again. It was all so sudden there was no time to right click on his avatar. I did immediately go up to Help/File Abuse but I was way back so the abuse picture didn't show the event or him doing anything. He TPed out immediately so I had to search for his name for the abuse report.

I did a search but only found similar usernames and even one that looked like it was the same, but was not his. His username had horseshoe fonts in front and back of his name. I had to cut and paste that username from my logs. I could see where a  person, after being upset by an unprovoked attack, might report the wrong person because the names were the same except for the horseshoes.

Anyway, after I filed the abuse report a person at Chalet Linden who saw all of this came up to me and asked me how to deal with situations like this, what anti-push scripts do, do defense huds work, and similar questions. I realized that I don't have a clue about this kind of thing.

So here are my questions. How do you handle situations like this? I looked into anti-push items and scripts but they all seem to be many years old and none of them are documented. Do these things still even work? How do they work?

Out of all of the newer defense HUDs that I've found all but one are mostly attack huds. The one I saw for defense only, for people who don't want to attack anyone, doesn't inflict damage but looks like it would have you engaging the abuser (like throwing them up into orbit) so potentially they could report you for abuse or at least confuse the matter in any abuse report.

Then, how do you, or would you, deal with a situation where you went to the same place all the time and were attacked each time you went there, not just the one-off attack like what happen to me. We all know that abuse reports can take a long time to be adjudicated, sometimes taking multiple reports, so what do you do in the meantime? How do you protect yourself, defend yourself, or do you just stay away until something is done, if anything is ever done?

Like I said, I've been lucky in that I've rarely had to deal with this kind of thing. Still, with the way SL is these days, I think I might want to be prepared for when it does happen. :/

Thanks in advance,

Markham Weatherwax







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You can do one of two things.  Sit down.  No one can push you around if you are sitting.  You can also use move lock which prevents your avatar from moving at all.  Move lock is included in many defensive HUD's and even multi purpose HUDS like MystiTool.  Some viewers also have a movelock you can activate. In Firestorm it is in preferences under Move and View>Movement.

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... and it's important that you don't take any measures other than these strictly passive responses, besides filing that abuse report. Otherwise the question arises whether you were engaging in "play" with the bully, which is sure to send your abuse report straight to /dev/null.

Also, any other response is exactly the "play" the bully was trying to get from you. So it's either

  1. file an AR and get on with your SL, or
  2. don't file an AR and play with the bully -- where you start as victim, a role that some folks enjoy.
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You don't need a hud to protect yourself against this sort of attack.  It's quicker and more efficient to simply hit Alt+Shift+S, which is the shortcut to ground sit.  When sitting down, no one is able to knock you around or shoot you into the sky... and you don't have to take the time to find your hud (or wear one all the time) to render their actions ineffective.

Then, of course, AR them and block them.  At no time ever should you actively engage with them... as that's their entire raison d'etre.

...Dres  (If you find it difficult to remember that shortcut, consider what the first letter of each key spells and how it corresponds to what that person is being.)

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I’ve come to believe that, besides reporting them, using a movelock is the best possible solution. Even sitting down, though it’ll have the same effect, still signals that you’re there, and some will keep trying just to see if they can at least push you into complaining, insulting them or whatever, because to them that means that they have at least managed to annoy you, which is better than nothing. In other words, if they can’t grief you, at least they’ll troll you.

But if you don’t visibly react *at all*, not even sitting because the movelock makes that unnecessary, it gives the impression that you simply went AFK before they ever came, and anything they do would amount to exactly nothing because you’re “not even there”. It actually frustrates them more, and makes them give up sooner ;) :smileywink:

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Finding spots where there are not so many people, and also using SL late at night or basically when the population is low. Midnight SL time is a good time to sort of go from. Concurrency figures are not posted when logging in, but back in the day they where. So, I would check out when less people where around and then go to a less populated place and drive, jump a hover bike off a ramp at a sandbox and build with priims.

Managed sandboxes can be nice, I didn't have so much trouble at Fermi for instance.


Pushers? I thought you meant drugs. Crazy, avatars that can get addicted to some kind of scripted drug items and it kills thier avatar off eventually if they don't clean up?

When they say "state_entry" in the scripting wiki, they are not talkiing about mental state man!

Maybe it would be a good addition, someone should start a jira request thingy!







Yeah, could also make stuff like neurotoxins for torture and so on. llFmri(); to detect the avatars brain activity.

If food and breeding are heavy influencers on human evolution, what the heck would avatars be afected by that would make it easy or hard for use to control them. Random teleporting when fearful? AFK induced by a narcoleptic sort of state, llAFKalepsy();? BRBitis, the avatar keeps saying, but they don't know why. Gestures randomly being triggered, like torrettes? All of a sudden you avatar hulu dances while playing a noisy sound from a horse avatar in inventory. Then the angry avatar starts using weapons randomly everyone and the user behind the keybaord can't stop him till he calms down.

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Markham Weatherwax wrote:

A minute later he TPed back in and began shoving me around.

He TPed out immediately so I had to search for his name for the abuse report.


If they were bumping into you, pushing you or hitting you with something, all you have to do is look up the name in Bumps, Pushes and Hits and it will be recorded there.  I think its menu position varies by viewer.

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

You can do one of two things.  Sit down.  No one can push you around if you are sitting.  You can also use move lock which prevents your avatar from moving at all.  Move lock is included in many defensive HUD's and even multi purpose HUDS like MystiTool.  Some viewers also have a movelock you can activate. In Firestorm it is in preferences under Move and View>Movement.

Good advice. Thank you very much.

I will try out the Firestorm viewer. I've to, but have always planned on trying it out. Keep putting it off. *chuckle*

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Qie Niangao wrote:

... and it's important that you don't take any measures other than these strictly passive responses, besides filing that abuse report. Otherwise the question arises whether you were engaging in "play" with the bully, which is sure to send your abuse report straight to /dev/null.

Also, any other response is exactly the "play" the bully was trying to get from you. So it's
  1. file an AR and get on with your SL, or
  2. don't file an AR and play with the bully -- where you start as victim, a role that some folks enjoy.

 I agree. That's why I was concerned about the defensive huds. It could be seen as play or a mutual fight.


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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

You don't need a hud to protect yourself against this sort of attack.  It's quicker and more efficient to simply hit
, which is the shortcut to ground sit.  When sitting down, no one is able to knock you around or shoot you into the sky... and you don't have to take the time to find your hud (or wear one all the time) to render their actions ineffective.

Then, of course, AR them and block them.  At no time ever should you actively engage with them... as that's their entire raison d'etre.

...Dres  (If you find it difficult to remember that shortcut, consider what the first letter of each key spells and how it corresponds to what that person is being.)

I had completely forgotten about the Alt-Shift-S. Thanks for reminding me of it.


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Kenbro Utu wrote:

If they were bumping into you, pushing you or hitting you with something, all you have to do is look up the name in Bumps, Pushes and Hits and it will be recorded there.  I think its menu position varies by viewer.

In the Second Life 3.8.0 viewer that function is hidden in the develop menu which one has to enable. I do have it enabled, but I think most folks don't and won't. They could really mess things up in that menu if they played around in there. It's not a good place to put it. :/



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There is a very aggressive griefer who hangs out in Wengen and has for years. I love to watch the northern lights from Chalet Linden and have had numerous problems with him/her. I'm guessing it's the same person because of the description of their griefing actions. If it is the same person, they always used a variation of the same name and it made it easier to block/mute as soon as I TPd in. After a while I found that they completely left me alone and I haven't had to block anyone for a long time there.

Your best bet is to ground sit when under attack then report/block/mute. I go for a ground sit whenever I enter a known griefing area or I notice an avatar coming in my direction too fast on the map whenever entering a new sim.

I wish SL would go back to the old name format with first and last names and drop the display names.


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TundraFire Nightfire wrote:

There is a very aggressive griefer who hangs out in Wengen and has for years. I love to watch the northern lights from Chalet Linden and have had numerous problems with him/her. I'm guessing it's the same person because of the description of their griefing actions. If it is the same person, they always used a variation of the same name and it made it easier to block/mute as soon as I TPd in. After a while I found that they completely left me alone and I haven't had to block anyone for a long time there.

Your best bet is to ground sit when under attack then report/block/mute. I go for a ground sit whenever I enter a known griefing area or I notice an avatar coming in my direction too fast on the map whenever entering a new sim.

I wish SL would go back to the old name format with first and last names and drop the display names.


It might well be the same fellow. Bullet something or another. *cough*

Good advice. I'll follow it.

Too bad LL doesn't deal with these kinds of people more effectively. If you've reported the person and I have (and probably others too) he should have been gone a long time ago.


Ah well. Life.


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I can also highly recommend a movelock as your best defense, short of just TP'ing to another sim. I spend a lot of time at one of the welcome areas and the amount of pushing/bumping done by greiefers and trolls about equals what i get from newbies who havent mastered their walk controls yet. It is a scripts disabled area, so many attack huds dont even work. In my case, i use a movelock with a passive bump back feature that i can turn on and off with one click. I only use it with especially annoying pushers who are obviously doing it on purpose. Random bumps from newbs are expected and tolerated, but when someone is intentionally pushing, they get a bump back, and an AR. Some of my friends have encouraged me to buy an attack hud to fight back, but to my mind, that would be lowering myself to a griefer's standards. I prefer the passive defense methods.

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A couple of others have mentioned that and I think it's a great option. I am going to try out the Firestorm viewer myself, but does the standard SL viewer have this function? If it's there I can't find it. When someone asks me how to deal with this kind of activity I don't want to simply tell them to swap viewer software

I don't mind new people bumping into me as they get used to their "legs" or really if anyone accidentally bumps into me. It happens. It happens when you TP into a area all the time. It's just part of it.

I do wear a nice little HUD that tells me who is near me and if anyone bumps into me. Now I wear an anti-bump thingee on my spine just in case. I'll do a ground sit if someone begins slamming into me or attacking, as per the recommendation of several people here. If it was a malicious attack, then I'll report and block the user. Next, I'll ban the user from all of my properties, group and personal. Chances are they'll never come to any of my properties but better safe than sorry.

I will try Firestorm and from what I've read it's looks to be a great viewer with lots of needed functions and abilities. I'll certainly use the movelock function when needed. 

Like I've said before, I've been on SL a long time and rarely have run into this kind of thing personally, but have heard lots of stories from others about being attacked out of the blue or greifed to the point they stop going to certain places. There should be solutions for everyone, even those who use the default viewer.


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The problem with a movelock is that it is not one hundred percent effective. When someone bumps into you, your avatar will turn and move a little. The griefer gets a reaction, which is what he wants, so he will keep doing it again and again. Sitting on the ground, which is done with the keyboard combination Ctrl-Alt-S ("Force Ground Sit"), turns you into an anchored rock. When the griefer runs into you, he will bounce off. If he runs into you with a tank, the tank will bounce off. You won't move an inch.

Here's something fun - if you have an AO, you can use a standing animation for the Ground Sit. I have that set up, and when I hit Ctrl-Alt-S, my avatar stands with his arms crossed. I look like an easy target to the griefer, but when he walks into me, he actually walks up and over the top of me. I have seen them try five or six times to move me before giving up and selecting a softer target. It's hilarious.

Griefers are like oddball vampires - they survive on your tears. They want you to get angry and react to their actions somehow. If everyone in the area just ignores them, then it's no fun for them, and they leave to find another place to grief. Of course, along with your silent lack of reaction, you should be filling out that Abuse Report form along with everyone else who is affected, so the griefer learns that actions have consequences.

I don't know what the keyboard combination Alt-Shift-S is supposed to do. It does put you into a Forced Ground Sit, but doesn't bring you back out of it. Ctrl-Alt-S is a toggle that turns ground sit on and off, and it is the keyboard combination that is shown on the Firestorm Avatar Movement menu.

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  • 3 years later...
On 4/3/2015 at 12:25 PM, GreenLantern Excelsior said:

Here's something fun - if you have an AO, you can use a standing animation for the Ground Sit. I have that set up, and when I hit Ctrl-Alt-S, my avatar stands with his arms crossed. I look like an easy target to the griefer, but when he walks into me, he actually walks up and over the top of me. I have seen them try five or six times to move me before giving up and selecting a softer target. It's hilarious.

How would I go about doing this? I tried in Firestorm to use my dancing animation for when im at Clubs since I just got my first taste of a Pusher...grr lol

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5 minutes ago, DeepusMaximus said:

How would I go about doing this? I tried in Firestorm to use my dancing animation for when im at Clubs since I just got my first taste of a Pusher...grr lol

If you don’t know yet how to create animation sets in Firestorm’s AO, here is how (beginning by importing from a normal AO, but you’ll see how to create your own set from scratch). That done, it’s just a question of duplicating some—or all—of the dancing animations you’d use as “Stand”, putting them in the “Ground sit” section as well; then all you have to do is to use that particular set, sit on the ground as describe above in this thread, and it’ll be literally impossible to move you one inch from where you’re apparently dancing (but actually ground-sitting).

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And note the animation priority.   Sometimes you load the AO correctly and the dance or stand looks wrong.   So do this.....

top menu / developer / avatar / animation info

then when ya play an animation, including the default anims.   you see the animation name and a hyphen and a number (the Priority).    

example:   the default ground sit is  sit_ground_constained - 3,  the 3 is the priority.    

Then with AO off, to minimize extra number confusion.   Test Dances and Stands and make sure they are at least priority 3,   I use priority 4.   

Sometimes with lag and stuff.  I get hiccups on the screen.  Kinda a flip-flop between the ground sit default and a dance.   Using a priority 4 helps mitigate.   

And..  there are a few free starter AO's on the MP that use Priority 4 stands.    Not my thing for regular stands, but can open the AO like a box and  grab a stand for the ground sit slot.

Can do this with a Scripted AO or the Client side AO (FS and others).    Even if not a fan of client side AO's.   They are Pretty Useful to configure the Anims you want in an AO, then can write the card to load a scripted one.

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3 hours ago, DeepusMaximus said:

How would I go about doing this? I tried in Firestorm to use my dancing animation for when im at Clubs since I just got my first taste of a Pusher...grr lol


26 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

*coughs* 2015 necro *coughs*

 Well the question from 3 and a half hours ago got answered.

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