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Where are all my friends? Come on in and lets get comfy by the fire!

Hippie Bowman

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On 5/12/2018 at 8:51 AM, Sundancer59 said:

I'll be friends with anyone and always ready for a chat so plea feel free to TP me or hook up for a chat and a nice cup of tea sometime ?

Yay! Always room for more around the comfy fire! Welcome Sundancer!

Good morning all! Monday Monday! Have a great day in spite of it being Monday! Let's show Monday who is boss!



Funny-Its-Monday-with-a-dog (1).jpg




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Okay, if we're gonna talk about wisdom, there's this...

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.

Explore. Dream. Discover.

- Mark Twain

Never one to discount the words of white haired old men, I have purchased a sailboat like this (I haven't actually seen her yet), for the heady sum of $60 (including trailer!)...


I intend to learn to sail her across the big pond so that I might someday discover for myself whether the strange people of Michigan really do eat popcorn with forks. As is my style ( unnecessarily frugal - the boat needs work / unnecessarily handy - I'll be the shipwright ), I won't sailing her until I can keep her from sinking.

Happy Monday, Kids!!!

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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20 hours ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

Okay, if we're gonna talk about wisdom, there's this...

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.

Explore. Dream. Discover.

- Mark Twain

Never one to discount the words of white haired old men, I have purchased a sailboat like this (I haven't actually seen her yet), for the heady sum of $60 (including trailer!)...


I intend to learn to sail her across the big pond so that I might someday discover for myself whether the strange people of Michigan really do eat popcorn with forks. As is my style ( unnecessarily frugal - the boat needs work / unnecessarily handy - I'll be the shipwright ), I won't sailing her until I can keep her from sinking.

Happy Monday, Kids!!!

For a craft like that priced at $60, I'd suspect the phrase "Needs Work" might qualify as the Mother of all Understatements. I think pictures are in order, so we can share your progress. You're probably gonna need a new outfit, too. Something like the old "Seamstress of Gor" only with power tools and caulking and such instead of needles and thread.


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4 hours ago, Dillon Levenque said:

For a craft like that priced at $60, I'd suspect the phrase "Needs Work" might qualify as the Mother of all Understatements. I think pictures are in order, so we can share your progress. You're probably gonna need a new outfit, too. Something like the old "Seamstress of Gor" only with power tools and caulking and such instead of needles and thread.

It is possible that I'll be towing the boat directly to the dump, but I've been told (by someone who's got no idea what he's talking about... my boarder) that it's in great shape. The owner died, leaving the boat to his widow, who wants absolutely nothing to do with it. The $60 covers the last month of storage fees. So, I should have said that the boat will cost me $60/month until I claim it.

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Good Morning Wednesday, May 16th forum readers! (Stating the date helps me remember what day and month it is:D)   Maddy if you need a first mate on your trip across Lake Michigan Gilligan is ready and able seaman to assist you!   P.S.  My favorite Gilligan episode is when the the rock band the Mosquitos ( Bingo, Bango, Bongo, and Irving) land on the island looking for relaxation away from fans. Too much fun!

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I'm taking off on vacation tomorrow.  We are heading to Monterey, CA this time, which is an area that I've never been too.  I'll be out of SL until sometime next Tue evening - I'm planning on managing the withdrawal with lots of wine and art shopping. 

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Happy Friday Everyone!:D

What Dogs think about Fridays:

image.png.fe87365c58cc78828fba0d51fa9370ec.png It's Friday yay, my master will be in a great mood and scratch behind my ears (love that) and bring me a bone!

image.png.edde0df5fc6dec35c0dc744527348da8.png  It's Friday yay, my master will come home after work, open a bottle of wine, fall asleep, and I get to drink some.......hiccup

image.png.b44d0d9b296e5ddb7f03cafe33c1caa7.png I don't really know what day it is but I am really happy anyway.  I ate my master's cannabis plant and feel groovy

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On ‎5‎/‎16‎/‎2018 at 8:00 PM, LittleMe Jewell said:

I'm taking off on vacation tomorrow.  We are heading to Monterey, CA this time, which is an area that I've never been too.  I'll be out of SL until sometime next Tue evening - I'm planning on managing the withdrawal with lots of wine and art shopping. 

When I read this earlier I didn't notice that Lil was heading for Monterey. I can actually see the western portion of the Monterey Peninsula from here, off in the distance. Unfortunately the weather is the absolute pits right now. We have fog, as is so often the case this time of year. Comes in off the ocean. Today it's in the form of overcast with a solid layer starting a few hundred feet above the water. Gray and gloomy and probably some drizzle close to the shore. High temp for the day expected to be around sixty degrees.

It's still an interesting and beautiful area with lots to see, but I hope she brought a few sweaters with her. Today would be a good day to drive over to San Juan Bautista, an easy thirty mile drive. It'll be about seventy there, and there are lots of little shops and eateries plus of course the Mission (bonus points if she's a Hitchcock fan—it's the one featured in "Vertigo".


Mission San Juan.jpg

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On 5/18/2018 at 11:50 AM, Dillon Levenque said:

When I read this earlier I didn't notice that Lil was heading for Monterey. I can actually see the western portion of the Monterey Peninsula from here, off in the distance. Unfortunately the weather is the absolute pits right now. We have fog, as is so often the case this time of year. Comes in off the ocean. Today it's in the form of overcast with a solid layer starting a few hundred feet above the water. Gray and gloomy and probably some drizzle close to the shore. High temp for the day expected to be around sixty degrees.

It's still an interesting and beautiful area with lots to see, but I hope she brought a few sweaters with her. Today would be a good day to drive over to San Juan Bautista, an easy thirty mile drive. It'll be about seventy there, and there are lots of little shops and eateries plus of course the Mission (bonus points if she's a Hitchcock fan—it's the one featured in "Vertigo".


I'm from Colorado where it is still bouncing in and out of winter.  Thus I've been in short sleeves the whole trip so far, carrying a jacket, but only actually had it on for a few hours and that was in the later evening hours. I  didn't even bring sweaters and only a couple of very lightweight long sleeve tops for any nice/semi-nice dinners.  We spent yesterday wandering the streets of Carmel and then today we took a long drive down the Pacific Hwy - managed to enjoy a bit of actual sunshine for part of that drive.  Tomorrow, the clouds are suppose to move out again in the afternoon, so we'll hit part of 17-mile drive then. 

Carmel was interesting - tons of art gallerys and they have wine tasting places as close together as Starbucks in Seattle.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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On 5/18/2018 at 11:50 AM, Dillon Levenque said:

Today would be a good day to drive over to San Juan Bautista

We popped over there this morning and found the Country Cruise and Car show was there - lots of neat old cars to look at. The sun came out and so we did the 17-mile drive, which was really pretty. 

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21 hours ago, Josephine Carissa said:

*~ Happy Sunday Everyone ~*~

Note to Josephine on your Sunday posting......what are the two cubes next to your Coffee? (Says unsophisticated me):D

Happy Monday Everyone!  (LMJ keep sending out the California travel updates, sounds beautiful)

Since it's Monday I thought we all might be in a grumpy cat mood




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8 hours ago, Jameson2001 said:

LMJ keep sending out the California travel updates, sounds beautiful

Today was the Monterey Bay Aquarium.  We actually picked a good  day for it since the weather is pretty much solid grey everywhere and most of the weekend visitors left so the place was not very crowded.  Heading back home super early tomorrow, so tonight will be an early dinner and then back to the room to get most of the packing done.

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Happy Tuesday!  Check out the Sea Otter Cam at Monterey Bay Aquarium, sounds like a very fun place to visit



Sea otter fun fact:

They are one of the few animals that use tools! Sea otters use rocks to crack open shellfish and clams to eat. When they find a really good rock, they will keep it around by storing it in little bags under their arm.




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