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What do YOU do in second life?

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Charli Infinity wrote:

 How do you spend your time in SL?

Poorly :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:


Not looking for you to tell me what I can do or should do in SL. Just wondering what other people outside my circle do in SL..

 My SL life is pretty boring. Most times,when I come on, I try to catch up with friends and "family" so see how they're all doing. I do spend most of my time at home. I actually enjoy just sitting on my couch, chatting and watching the mermaid in my aquarium. If my wife comes on, she hangs out with me or maybe we'll go someplace (dancing or a beach). Otherwise, I might just pop over to a couple of BDSM sims and see what's happening there.

Hope that answers your  questions.

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Let's see...

I build, I work on projects for others, I hone my skills in various other aspects(scripting, mostly), I explore by randomly tp'ing about the grid, I find new and exciting things to do, I visit sims I've already been to a million plus times because I love them(mostly amusement type places, they're way fun) I help newbies now and again....Sometimes I log in and forget I'm even logged in because I'm working on something outside of sl, lol.

I do all kinds of things, really. The only time my sl might seem boring, would be those instances when I log in and forget I have done so. I did that once for nearly 6 hours while I was working on something. I left to go to the store, came home and took a nap, then went to the pc to log in and realized I already was.

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Charli Infinity wrote:

 How do you spend your time in SL?

Good question.  ; )


In my early SL days I spent time exploring ALL over the grid!  It was exciting.   Taught myself how to build, script, terraform, and all manner of creation processes.  Had a little shop for a while, did custom work for people too.  (textures, animation, sounds, etc)    Later joined communities, and volunteered for things like SL conference building, and building for science and educational groups.  Learned to DJ and worked at clubs, and hosted parties. 

Own some sims and guide communities.   Currently, I build, script, and tutor newbies.   Volunteer to promote science, and education.

BTW, scripting can be *self taught,... I started by reading the scripting Wiki, and dismantling simple scripts to see how they worked.  : )


*If I can do it, anyone can!    *grins*

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Kind of everything? :P


  • B2B scripter and systems integrator/developer for other content creators. Not to public, not on Marketplace.
  • Consultations/feasibility/testing for projects in development. Also fixing/routing around stall points.
  • Moderation/Estate management
  • Charity work (fundraising, awareness, social activism/sponsorship)
  • Developing high-complexity scripted systems/simulators (e.g. laws of physics/mechanics, artificial intelligence/distributed intelligence). Also visual effects and data-as-art.
  • UI-creation/customisation, complex sensors, aggregation/interpretation and monitoring of large datasets.
  • Creation & scripting of personal/freeware roleplay accessories incl. RLV/OC/LM/LG/all the others.

For fun!

  • Community participation/organisation/support (a large group of old/new friends and awesome people who all contribute time/effort)
  • Free socialising (like, visiting sims where people go to find other people)
  • Free loving (some unknown number of very close partners, more slightly distant ones that recur with some frequency)
  • Shopping
  • Clubs/following DJs/friends
  • Anarcho-activism & discussion and/or social engineering
  • Screwing with anything/anyone that is old-fashioned/traditional.
  • Streaming live/pre-recorded music as a kind of bizarre hybrid act. (still practising!)
  • Roleplay (sci-fi, D/s, cyberpunk, post-apoc, etc.)
  • Anything else that crosses my mind!

I dunno I'mma stop here. Lots and lots and lots!

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For a while there, I joined the aviation community. I don't RP for... reasons, and I've spent countless hours in Flight Simulator 2004 Multiplayer on my step dad's computer as a kid, so I figured, why not. I can be cool. And fly planes. And stuff. Except, literally, everyone else can, too. So much for being cool.

Recently, however, I mostly spend my time either exploring destinations, editing my character's appearance, shopping, and alt tabbed out, either working on a model to upload, or, posting on the forums, I guess. 

I feel so boring typing that, but it's pretty much how I spend my time in SL. I have no (second) life, and thus, I derp around, trying to subdivision model a railgun (the defined shapes and more engineered design of what a 'railgun' looks like should tell you why that's a bad idea), or whatever else I don't see in the store that I think would be cool to have.

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These days I don't do all that much on SL.. I've been on SL over 10 years now and things just seem to have slowed down. A lot of people I've know have left, and a couple have passed away in RL. I don't build really anymore since the market place is way over saturated now (mostly with junk, or no transfer stuff is a pain too) I hang out a a couple bd/fetish places I like, usually ignored then go browse ebay or something.. I remember when SL was fun to just fly around and explore. When lag wasn't bad and there wasn't a ejector-bot running over ever other lot to kick you out of the area. Back then people had the imagination to do good fun RP and not have a talking script do it for you. And the free basic account made it bad for trouble makers using throw away AV to bother others. These days unless an av is over a year old I do usually bother with them. But then again, compared to me being active for over a decade, having been on most ever single day, just about everybody on SL is a newbie.

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I own a region and spend a lot of time decorating and landscaping. When I am not doing that I like to create new outfits, new looks. Both of those require a lot of shopping time. That pretty much sums up wha I do. I also love chatting so try to keep up with friends while doing other things as well.

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I haunt the forums, as they're accessible from my mobile devices. I can participate in conversations while sitting on my RL roof, waiting for my arm to regain strength after 10 minutes of brushing on new paint, or while waiting in my friend's little room at the care center for her to awake from a drug induced stupor as she, in turn, waits for a new liver.

When I do get in-world, I stand on the ottoman in front of my fireplace and IM friends to distract them from whatever they might be doing so they can shower me with attention.


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Gosh - big list for me.

I run a small club with my partner - definitely a labour of love not profit. We only have one event a week but its developed a lovely community of friends. And when I'm not in my own club I can often be found in someone else's.

Hanging out with my partner; listening to music and chatting while we cuddle. And yes, sex too ;)

SL photography. Not so much fashion/avatar photography, I'm more about exploring places and photographing landscapes.

Sailing and 7 Seas fishing. I live on the shore of several full sims of Linden water. Recently bought myself a jetski rezzer which is great fun. 

Horses. I used to breed them but now I just keep a couple as pets. Love to go riding.

Roleplaying, just casually because I don;t have a lot of time left for it When I roleplay I tend to use an alt.

Interior decorating. I don;t make much myself these days but I have a tendency to wipe my land clean every six months and start from scratch with a new build. My current home is a Roman style villa. The last one was a lighthouse.  Next one will probably be back to the Victorian/Steampunk theme.

Over eight years inworld (including my oldest account) and still loving it.

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Thanks for starting this interesting thread! I can't wait to see more replies and meanwhile lets see...

I was away from SL for a while now and doing only urgent things but when I had time this is how it looked like... The biggest amount of my time goes on running my photo studio where I try to spend some time there speaking with visitors, or meeting my own clients, or scheduling them with other photographers that work with me. I try to stay in touch with most of them, see what they do, help if needed etc. 

Then I have this new shop I started a while ago and when I get bored with the studio I make some new poses or props. Its not some big work since I don't really run it as a business, more as a way to be creative and try different things. Before opening it I worked with many designers (still do, by making photos) and besides photography work we also shared experiences and advices about promotion and well I always had ideas how to do stuff and you know how you can't tell someone how to do stuff and how to set their business, its not polite lol, specially if you're not sure its going to work so I try these ideas on my own business:)

I also like to decorate and every few months I redo everything, so far I was moving a lot (I moved my business/home 7 times in 2 years) and experienced all kinds of lands and neighbours. Right now I have my own little homestead and hopefully I will find some time to be online, not distracted, and see if I manage to create an idea I have for the new land look. Right now its just a big mess hahaha. Before that I have to sit down and sort my inventory because it started to happen that I buy something I already had. Yes I also like to shop a lot! 

In the future, if I get bored with one of these 2 businesses I will see if I can do some decorating/landscaping for other people. You probably noticed that I didn't mention friends, most of them quit SL and I was always more interested in playing on my own than meeting new people so with time I became a loner. There are always at least few people in my IM box but those are just people that work with me on some projects, not really someone I could consider a friend. I have only few friends left and we mostly type on viber or google chat and on rare occasions we are online at the same time so we can meet. 

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Tari Landar wrote:

... those instances when I log in and forget I have done so ...

same lol (:

is mostly bc I am doing more than one thing on my computer at the same time. Just end up standing in some place blissful unaware. And sometimes if i am run some long process in other window then I forget about other programs running and end up logged in all night while i am sleeping my head off

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I get up at 8.30am, have me breakfast (3 sausages, 4 slices bacon, 4 black puddings, mushrooms, 2 fried eggs, 4 pieces toast, 2 slices fried bread, 2 mugs tea) then log on and collect me SL welfare! Do the Pay Per Visit or just beg in groups til I get 20L. Then go and play Zyngo, but thanks to LL cant do that soon no more!!!

If I win a couple of 100L at Zyngo, I'll go and get an escort to talk filthy to me LOL. Or buy a brash weapon or something. Smack a vampire in the face!

If I lose me money, I just go to the sandbox and hang around, or else go and see my mates Nazi Keith and Pieface and see what they're doing. At lunch I log off and have a couple of burgers and coke. Then I might come back on and check out the German clubs, try and pick up a bird! 

If that dont work, I log off at 6pm for my tea, normally a pizza or a couple of kebabs, and then come back and go clubbing. Or go Seven Seas Fishing, but they banned me since I hit that idiot who told me sit down, what a nob! Normally log off 1.30am and go to bed. 

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Ina Fairport wrote:


when i just want to chill and get away then I go surfing. same RL same SL. I like to surf at dawn and sunset. Just me and the ocean. Am a bit lucky in the RL bc have a ocean on the east and a ocean on the left of me. Both which are less than 1 half hour away on the car

am lucky for SL as well. when is to cold to go in the RL. I love SL surfing specially now since mesh waves came and convex hull physics. Is pretty good 

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