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Question about getting ejected for "nudity"

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Oh my god... today is just not my day I feel so violated!! I went back to the beach and now some dude(not a staff member) messages me and tells me he's using my rl picture to please himself. Oh my god... what is wrong with people these days?!

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Antumbra wrote:

Oh my god... today is just not my day I feel so violated!! I went back to the beach and now some dude(not a staff member) messages me and tells me he's using my rl picture to please himself. Oh my god... what is wrong with people these days?!

Its never wise to use images of real people in your profile, even photoshopped ones.


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Nova Convair wrote:

Thats funny.

2 things come to my mind.

- I don't even have underwear.

- I never read any notecards/rules/signs/whatever when I enter a sim - waste of time.

I've never even seen normal underwear in SL.

Undergarments meant to be worn in exclusion of anything else, lingerie... yeah that's everywhere.

But an everday paid of knickers - who even sells those?


Oh and I always read the notecards when I go places. If they've bothered to make them, there's a reason, and I feel I should know so neither I nor they have any surprises.


Oh and to OP: The second photo spot in the profile... most people leave it blank or put another image of their avatar in there. Yours looks about 30 years younger than the average person in SL, and has some unusual gloss touch up thing going on or something, like a match dot com pic or a myspace pickup-selfie - coupled with the outfit your avatar did have on, on a child AV sim - while I'm surprised you were ejected by the first encounter, the second encounter appears more in line with that an avatar outfitted like yours in a place like that is seeking...


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Antumbra wrote:

No I have my rl pic as my 1st life pic lol isn't that what it's for...

Yes it is what it's for. Take no notice of anyone who tries to tell you anything different, or what most people use it for. Most people do NOT use it in the way that was suggested. The space was put there for an RL pic if you want to use it that way. If I were your age (according to your RL pic), I'd definitely put an RL pic of me there :)

Note: Most people don't put an RL pic in that space but they don't put a pic of their avatar in it either. My guess is that most people don't use it for an RL pic simply because we don't get anywhere near the image that our avatars portray.

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I experienced this at Ambrosia the famous dance club which is Adult rated or is it Moderate? the host there told me I was panty less under my cocktail dress which had a flexi skirt worm with the usual chemise? only cam'ing under the dress would allow one to see no panty, when I asked why considering its an adult club she said people were complaining, I also told her only looking under my dress would make it apparent so she would know its wrong if she did that while blaming the guests. Few days later club owner was there I told him it was strange that an adult place had this ruling and he gave me some really silly answer, like trying to be evasive becaus he knew it was a silly rule, by the way his group which he invited me to join was called Ambrosia's or the club owners name Bitches like Greg's Bitches or something, the invite only came when I changed my avi's look into something sexy from a not so sexy one

Another time same club ejected me for wearing a lingeries top with the net part showing nipples partially, that I can still understand, but cam'ing under a dress by staff is jsut too much invasion of privacy.

Regarding Giggles Beach definite pedo territory with child avi's soliciting customers as well, I have seen hot adult women, drooling werewolves/lycans, old men, hybrid, mucled guys, all type sof avi's there looking out for a chance, the kids even ask for money ffor the act. Linden need to plant spies there posing as kids. and adults or other things.

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bebejee wrote:

I experienced this at Ambrosia the famous dance club which is Adult rated or is it Moderate? the host there told me I was panty less under my cocktail dress which had a flexi skirt worm with the usual chemise?

You should have publicly asked the host in general chat "Excuse me host, but are you upskirting every female avatar arriving here? And if so, why do you do that?" :matte-motes-evil-invert: :smileyvery-happy: Probably you would have got banned, but it would have been a lesson for the host. :smileytongue:

It never stops to amaze me - why some people are very interested in peeping under avatar's skirts to see what kind of pixels might show under there? If the avatar is wearing a skirt and if there was no pantie under, so what? Really silly.


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A little sidetrack. Your post was convenient to click Reply to, bebejee, but it's not a reply to you.

I saw a girl in my store yesterday who was wearing a mesh dress, part of which was see-thru netting. It came with an alpha layer which she was also wearing. It meant that, when you looked at the see-through part, you saw all the way through her body to whatever was behind her What's the point of that? It's ridiculous.

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Yes the alpha eliminates everything so its really odd if sim owners and hosts are making an issue of that.

Coby, I was relatively new back then, could take more risks now. I just remembered a techno club called Dance Island also ejected me for waring see through clothes with no bra, these are adult to moderate clubs, whats wrong with them, as long as people are not flapping bare **bleep**  and wearing crotchless trousers  exposing their junk on purpose just let them be.

Even a lose flexi skirt flowing with the moves and revealing a panty;ess crotch should not be a big deal at such places, why are they running clubs with these rating if they are so conservative.

About a week ago an adult rated sim beach club also told me I coudl not go there nude in group chat when they were having a come as you are contest, I was at a nude beach at the time.

Arent adult and modearte rated sims allowed  toplessness to full nudity publicly and sex in private area?

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It's been said before in this thread, that every land owner can make whatever rules they want for their land, provided that the rules are within the ToS. It's no good questioning it. That's the way it is, and the only thing a person can do about it, if they don't like the rules, is go somewhere else where the rules are more in keeping with what is prefered. We all know that, so there's no real point in discussing it.

This is the second recent thread that the OP has started, to question whether or not something concerning the clothing that she makes and sells is allowed. The participants in the previous thread  got the idea that it was started for the purpose of promoting the OP's clothing. The fact that she posted a couple of pics of the dress in this thread, makes me wonder if that's the purpose for this thread too. Only the OP knows for certain, but I see no compelling reason for the OP to post pics of the dress in this thread, and the whole thing may just have been a excuse for pushing her clothing.


@the OP

You've had your little rant. If it was genuine, you know exactly what to do about it (see the first paragraph if you're not sure), so there is nothing to discuss.

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Uh.... I posted my clothes because people asked about it? I posted it because people wanted to see what I was wearing to see if it was really "appropriate" how can I ask a question about people telling me i'm wearing something inappropriate if I don't show what I am wearing? You say you see no reason for me to post the pic of my dress.... how would people know if i'm right or they're wrong? People might think "oh you probably wore something really revealing to be ejected." When in fact I didn't, I showed my pic because I wanted people to see what I was wearing to show that I wasn't wearing any revealing clothing to get ejected. Hmm... lets say I was wearing another dress? would it be the same thing? No it wouldn't, would it?cuz it wouldn't be my clothes. You people are really getting on my nerves trying to say i'm doing this to get more sales. If that was in fact the case I would have done so already and not have asked a question. I would have said "COME TO MY STORE!" but no I didn't, I asked a question because I was really bothered about it. So stop saying I posted this to get sales. 

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Sorry but i'm with Phil, if *you* think it's long enough it doesn't matter what we think. You said the length so we didn't need to see it! Each sim can make whatever rules they like, my parcel is Moderate as the sim owner controls that but I also wanted to be able to have particular things on the land but that doesn't mean I want nudity tho admittedly i'm not gonna cam anyone! Really tho if i'm going somewhere that allows kid avi's I always make sure i'm decent because I don't want to be anywhere near a kid with bare anything but that's just me

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Yet another weird post. About 90% of those kind of mesh dresses use an alpha below so there is no underskirt to be looked at, just transparent space.

I readed the post, and no one asked he Op to post a pic of the dress she was was wearing, and no one asked were did she got her dress to beging with. So there was no need to post the link to her store in here.

Im sorry, but to me the whole thing sound like the previous post by the same person, and it begings to sound old.

Plus, not that someone asked me, but if i get kicked out of a sim like that, i would never come back there, and even less the same day, so i can get harrased by my rl pic, and the i can come here and tell everyone so they can take a look at it aswell.

So im with the idea at the the moment, that this post was made with second intentions.

Do this taking all of us for dumbs one time, and you may get away with it, or sound clever almost. Do it twice, and most probable is, that it will work against you.

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You caught me! Ugh you all caught me! I so did this post for advertisement! When I already have advertisements in other places and dont really need help with advertisement anymore, ugh you all caught me!! :'( (sarcasm intended) Ok you said that you re-read the post and that you saw NO ONE ask me where I got the dress? Well I'm going to post a screenshot of when a person DID ask me where I got the dress and the dress so happened to be MY dress so I posted my store to where she can get it since she asked me. If it happened to be another persons creation I would do the same, since she asked me where I got it from.  Also I would like to point out, if this post was indeed for advertisement I would have said something similar to "I got ejected for my clothing, my clothing aren't revealing or anything, here's a pic of what I was wearing which is one of my creations" which I did not. I did not say that it was my dress from the beginning I just said that it was what I was wearing, to show that it wasn't revealing to be worthy of being ejected from a place. Nobody asked me to show my dress becuase I did it in the beginning. I never ever said from the beginning that it was one of my creations, but i'm pretty sure if I didn't show the picture, somebody would have asked what I was wearing, to determine if what I was wearing the cause of me getting ejected. Also for the alpha question, I did not have my alpha on at the time because it was a presaved outfit and I thought it did have an alpha becuase I didn't see any part of my body hanging out of the clothing so I assumed I had it on, even tho if I did have it on it wouldn't even cover my genitals, it would only cover the torso. Anyways, I'm done posting in these forums tho. Since people always like to assume the worse, this isn't even the first time it's happened. I'm getting really sick and tired of people assuming things about me. 1148912_730833213614395_90034652_n.jpg

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Eek!  Sorry Antumbra. Seems I caused your bad day to turn into a bad weekend. I can see why my post was missed, I hardly post here and when I do I am hardly serious. I can also see why some people thought it was advertising, posting the link to your store was something you should probably have done in IM. Having said that Thank You for letting me know about the dress! :)

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