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Everything posted by xCindersx

  1. Ok, the only part I find creepy or not right is the asking if you'd like to do something later but that being said sometimes things come out not as meant, especially with me! Maybe they meant it in a different way? I don't really find kids here creepy unless they babytalk & have diapers that talk etc but do prefer to not be around them, I have no problem with the people playing them but just as in RL I wouldn't hang out with kids unless my own or ones I babysat for so wouldn't here & don't login to hear all about school etc IMO definitely acceptable to rp kids here, SL can help with RL in many ways and for some they never had RL Parents or family etc so here they can rp that. For me I have a non existant relationship with my RL Brother so having an awesome SL one helps that. I actually think it'd be weird without kids when we have old people, jobs, homes & pets etc everything rl has but kids? For me that would be even weirder
  2. Sorry but i'm with Phil, if *you* think it's long enough it doesn't matter what we think. You said the length so we didn't need to see it! Each sim can make whatever rules they like, my parcel is Moderate as the sim owner controls that but I also wanted to be able to have particular things on the land but that doesn't mean I want nudity tho admittedly i'm not gonna cam anyone! Really tho if i'm going somewhere that allows kid avi's I always make sure i'm decent because I don't want to be anywhere near a kid with bare anything but that's just me
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