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Canoro Philipp wrote:

so what if Antumbra is being social with commercial intent?


In a social environment you remain social. In a business environment you remain businessy. If something is set up as a mixed concept - then mix them.

But one, for example... doesn't break out the tax forms in the middle of church. Don't talk sex at work. Or prep your powerpoint presentation in the middle of sex for that matter... o.O

Context. Not everything is to be mixed all the time just because one has the impulse or desire. You need to keep your context right.

And a store owner being friendly? Is perfect. In the store. But if I'm hanging out at the nightclub getting down, I don't want my date trying to sell me a car. Nor some other dude coming in there and doing it.


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Me asking "what do you think about my outfit" is only part of the conversation. I usually start with "hello! How're you doing?! :D" With a big smile, if people think that's unfriendly or not friendly than i don't know what you think friendly is then. I don't go up and just randomly ask "what do you think of my outfit" I ask them first if I can ask them a question. If they're busy they'll say no but if not they'll say yes and I'll ask cuz they've given me their time. Please do not say I'm not friendly or haven't been doing it in a friendly manner because I really am friendly. I made this post because someone told me I can get banned from it and that's all I really wanted to know. No need to say i'm not friendly or haven't been doing it in a friendly manner as if you have a camera on me or something and know what I do. 

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Antumbra wrote:

Me asking "what do you think about my outfit" is only part of the conversation. I usually start with "hello! How're you doing?!
" With a big smile, if people think that's unfriendly or not friendly than i don't know what you think friendly is then.

But that's not what you're doing. And almost everyone here has said they'd love to be in that PART of the conversation. Its when you follow it up with the advertising that is pushed in a social context that you commit a social faux pax.

The moment you do that, people justifiably feel "this person doesn't want to get to know me or have a conversation, they're just trying to sell me." Whether or not that is your intent, and perhaps it is not, it is how it would usually be read.


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Ugh... Ok Well sorry for ever even making this forum post. I just wanted to know if the girl was right about me getting banned because I was scared. I haven't done it since, but I just wanted to know. That is all, there was no need to say I'm not friendly or anything. Anyways i'm out of this post now i'm not replying anymore, because i've got my answer and I won't do it again and instead i'll just do adboards and just not talk to anyone. It was a yes or no question... I asked was what the girl saying, true? I can get banned? could have said "yes you can" or "no you can't" If it's a yes then i'll most likely stop or if you wanted to really help me out and didn't like the way I was advterising. You could have given me advices on other ways to advertise... I did that because I really don't know how to advertise and i'm fairly new in the business sl world. Instead of telling me you don't like what I do and calling me annoying and stuff how about just telling me what I SHOULD do. Again please excuse me for the way I have been advertising. I just don't really know much about how to advertise in secondlife.

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Antumbra wrote:

Me asking "what do you think about my outfit" is only part of the conversation. I usually start with "hello! How're you doing?!
" With a big smile, if people think that's unfriendly or not friendly than i don't know what you think friendly is then. I don't go up and just randomly ask "what do you think of my outfit" I ask them first if I can ask them a question. If they're busy they'll say no but if not they'll say yes and I'll ask cuz they've given me their time. Please do not say I'm not friendly or haven't been doing it in a friendly manner because I really am friendly. I made this post because someone told me I can get banned from it and that's all I really wanted to know. No need to say i'm not friendly or haven't been doing it in a friendly manner as if you have a camera on me or something and know what I do. 

Maybe you should have put that you have conversations with them first....in your OP. You offered absolutely none of that information until now. So all I have to go on, is what you said, lol. And based on that context alone, I think you would agree that it would be unfriendly to simply say "like my outfit" and hand them a lm. :)

No need to get so defensive, some folks are genuinely trying to answer your concerns, not all of us are painting you as some kind of villian here.

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I do agree that it would be unfriendly, but some people in this post think that's all I do. When in fact that's not true! I say hello first and ask them how was there day I also ask if I can ask them a question before I do ask my "what do you think of my outfit" question. If they say yes I can ask them a question. Doesn't that mean they gave me some of their time for me to ask my question and for them to answer? Yeah I know not everyone is trying to make me look like some terrible villain, and I thank the people who really answered my question and tried to help me out. 

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Antumbra wrote:

I do agree that it would be unfriendly,
but some people in this post think that's all I do
. When in fact that's not true! I say hello first and ask them how was there day I also ask if I can ask them a question before I do ask my "what do you think of my outfit" question. If they say yes I can ask them a question. Doesn't that mean they gave me some of their time for me to ask my question and for them to answer? Yeah I know not everyone is trying to make me look like some terrible villain, and I thank the people who really answered my question and tried to help me out. 

Well, lets look at what you originally posted, shall we?

Antumbra wrote:

So I was going around asking people what they thought about my outfit, and if they said it was very beautiful i'd tell them to check out my store and give them the LM and they would say "thank you!
**Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/i/smilies/16x16_smiley-very-happy.gif" border="0" alt=":smileyvery-happy:" title="Smiley Very Happy" />" but this one chick got really butthurt and said that it wasn't allowed and that i can get banned for asking people about my outfit and giving them the LM of where to get it ;o is that true? if it is... then that's weird... She said it was spamming but its not really spamming cuz I only send the LM's to the people once and they had NO problem with it what so ever.

Where is the info that you had conversations with people? Your first line would say to me and most everyone who replied.. "What do you think of my outfit?" "It's beautiful (probably being nice, not honest BECAUSE THEY WERE IN A FLIPPING SANDBOX TRYING TO GET THINGS DONE!!!)" "Here's a LM to my store where you can buy it." "DAFUQ?"  That is spamming people. It is unsolicited advertisement and rude as hell.

It's akin to the guy outside the grocery store with the clipboard. "Excuse me? Do you have a minute?" You know you want to say "Hell no." but he is counting on most people being polite and saying "Yes." Just like you were.

Not giving all the info in your first post caused all this drama. You could have said where you were, what you said, how they actually responded. But you didn't. You wanted to have a nice long thread to keep your name circulating around for people to see. Not all attention is good attention.

ETA spelling

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Antumbra wrote:

I do agree that it would be unfriendly, but some people in this post think that's all I do. When in fact that's not true! I say hello first and ask them how was there day I also ask if I can ask them a question before I do ask my "what do you think of my outfit" question. If they say yes I can ask them a question. Doesn't that mean they gave me some of their time for me to ask my question and for them to answer? Yeah I know not everyone is trying to make me look like some terrible villain, and I thank the people who really answered my question and tried to help me out. 

This precisely describes the spiel of a particularly annoying bot that used to plague busy areas such as infohubs.

Maybe you're not a bot. But it's like the Turing test in reverse: Observers are going to suspect this behaviour to be that of a commercially motivated computer.

Also, again, if this is ever done in somebody else's store, imagine the tables turned and you're paying serious money to have land on which your creations are presented in-world. Would you allow somebody to distract and potentially annoy your customers with other commercial offers? I don't think so. I think you'd swing that ban hammer without delay -- and be right to do so.

The same applies to venues, even non-profit ones. Somebody is paying big bucks to hold that land for a purpose, and if they wanted your advertising there, they'd be charging you for it.

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I readed somewere in this post that sl market is not democratic, let me tell you this, it doesnt get more democratic than this, becuse unlike rl here all you need to have a successfull store is to work hard and learn your tecniques. Apart from that, as in rl, great outfits need no advertising. If what you made is good and interesting people will im you to ask about it, there is zero need to spam people asking about it. In fact with some you might be getting the opposite effect. Maybe they were liking it and then you came in their ims asking, like when you get a promotion add call at your house phone, they say hi how are you?? Talk a bit and then bam try to sell whatever stuff they sell. Its annoying and useless marketing. And this post is also marketing isnt it? By now some of the people replying or reading it will have check on your profile too, see if you have a store at mp, etc. My only advice is, dont go around doing this needy marketing, it goes against what you want that i guess is to improve sales. Just use your stuff, have your profile updated and friendly and this will do a lot.

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Antumbra wrote:

The info.My dear butthurt sir is above you
Lol no need to say "DAFUQ!" Someone needs a chill pill lol taking everything all serious

You really need to learn to read.

That would be my response if someone came up to me in a sandbox while I was building and started in on their store.

You asked why people were telling you it was against the TOS and acting like you just walked up to people and started handing out LMs. Well, you gave no info about what you were doing so we guessed that if one person was "butthurt" about your tactics then perhaps you were doing just what they said yoiu were. When you come here and do nothing but say "it wasn't like that" with out telling us how it was, people will think yiou are full of crap. Some still do I bet.

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This thread has too many new pagefuls of posts for me to read all the way through. But I want to comment on what's been posted about spam.

It's been posted that spam is only spam if it's done repeatedly. The idea being that, if each person only receives the 'attention' once, it's not spam. That is wrong, imo.

The OP is repeatedly doing his thing, once with each person in sight, but it's repeated and, more importantly, it's unsolicted. That's spam, imo. Spam emails go to each recipient just once, but they are still spam, because they go to many individuals. The process is repeated, just like the OP repeats his process.

Some people describe spam as being anything that is unsolicited. I disagree with that, unless the same person/entity repeatedly receives the messages. But that's just my interpretation of spam. To me, it's not spam when the recipients are genuinely targetted because it's known that they have an interest. E.g. a company makes a new pen and contacts shops that sell pens, regardless of whether or not they had contact with each shop in the past. That's genuinely targetted and is good, imo.

Judging by the copy-paste of the relevant section of the ToS in this thread, what the OP is doing is unsolicited marketing spam, and against the ToS.

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All you need to know is that your action in your story is not a bannable offense. LL will also probably not respond to the one of many thousands of silly complaints they probably recieve each day.

The TOS addresses the spamming of materials from outside of the SL environment, and not the paid user who wants to share their products to people.

If a landowner forbids such things, it's up to the landowner to enforce it. We should all respect the landowner's wishes.

It is perfectly reasonable, however, in the SL universe to share one's products with others, there is no line between commercial and social. The more people who share their stuff, especially in a sandbox (which should be the least regulated areas in SL), the better.

If these people want to be 'social'  and 'private' and 'unbothered' and 'unoffended', then they shouldn't be hanging out in a sandbox and complaining about people rezzing items for opinions, critique, and yes possible sales. The responses you have gotten are an over-reaction and should be taken with a grain of salt. Its not as serious and offensive as they are making it out to be.

Yes, being pm'd with notecards and messages that are unsolicited can be annoying, and its only happened to me a few times. Do I rush out and file a complaint wasting LL's time? No.. I figure out why i'm getting them and either cancel the sub, leave the group, or block the person from doing it. Easy.

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There is no line between social and commercial in Second Life. It's Second Life, period.

Second LIfe is for people wanting presumably to make new contacts, meet others, buy and sell merchandise for use by those same people, and unless its happening on your own private land, what's the big deal?

We all understand that you don't like it, but you dont speak for everyone.

The OP asked if she could get banned for it, and I don't believe she will, because her actions don't come anywhere close to being against the TOS. But hey, people read things all sorts of different ways.

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Look, I don't care what the rest of these people think. I don't want you to be just another creator/user of SL that leaves because of this stuff.

Hold fast, consider that there are whiney people out there, and be prepared to deal with them when it comes up.

As far as getting banned for 'sharing' things, especially in a sandbox, is not going to happen. You'll be fine.

THough I wouldnt recommend just handing your LM to someone randomly (it just annoys them), you're not in any danger of being banned unless you did it to a large group of people, and they got mad at you and sent in reports.

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entity0x wrote:

Look, I don't care what the rest of these people think. I don't want you to be just another creator/user of SL that leaves because of this stuff.

Hold fast, consider that there are whiney people out there, and be prepared to deal with them when it comes up.

As far as getting banned for 'sharing' things, especially in a sandbox, is not going to happen. You'll be fine.


THough I wouldnt recommend just handing your LM to someone randomly (it just annoys them), you're not in any danger of being banned unless you did it to a large group of people, and they got mad at you and sent in reports.

I'm not sure where you get the categorization of being "whiney" people from.  The OP did bring a specific question here, and while the discussion went beyond a simple yes or no answer, that is the nature of Forums in general.  The discussion did stay very much within the general topic at hand.

Certainly the weight of the opinions expressed went against the OP's practice.  But that does not mean we hate the OP or were ganging up on her.  We all have things that we both either agree and disagree on.  But that is one of the reasons we engage in dialogue.  Some people express their thoughts with stronger language than others.  But you know, that's life.    And it's also Second LIfe.

I agree with you, the OP if AR'd, at least the first time around, should LL decide to get involved, would not get banned.  Probably just get a warning.  No more, no less.

I think that here in this forum, with possibly an exception or two, we all want people to be able to enjoy Second Life.  I'm certainly not lurking here waiting to see who's neck  can jump on next.  I've got better things to do with my time.

Now whether or not the OP's actions violate the TOS, another element comes in to play here.  Many of us who have responded, at the least would consider the OP's actions "annoying."  Now I know that being annoying is not a violation of the TOS.  Yes, some people wish that it was, but it isn't.  But what is wrong with us pointing that out and / or the OP considering the implications.

I can tell you this, that within my circle of friends, and we are a very light hearted, fun loving group, a guaranteed way to see that we will never visit your store is to spam us.  If you drop into a club we are dancing at and start dropping landmarks on us that will be the result.  If you pop into a Merchants group to announce your store or product, we will not shop you. 

The TOS allows that SPAM interrupts a person's enjoyment of SL.  That, among other reasons is why it is banned.  So I really don't think that our thought's on the matter are off the mark.

Lastly, and to reiterate, none of us here are hating on the OP.  At least not as far as I can see.  None of us are looking at her and thinking she is a cruel evil person.  Really, I hope she returns and participates in the Forum.  We may not always all agree but again, that's life.


eta:shpelling, clarity


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Antumbra wrote:

Ugh... Ok Well sorry for ever even making this forum post. I just wanted to know if the girl was right about me getting banned because I was scared. I haven't done it since, but I just wanted to know. That is all, there was no need to say I'm not friendly or anything. Anyways i'm out of this post now i'm not replying anymore, because i've got my answer and I won't do it again and instead i'll just do adboards and just not talk to anyone. It was a yes or no question... I asked was what the girl saying, true? I can get banned? could have said "yes you can" or "no you can't" If it's a yes then i'll most likely stop or if you wanted to really help me out and didn't like the way I was advterising. You could have given me advices on other ways to advertise... I did that because I really don't know how to advertise and i'm fairly new in the business sl world. Instead of telling me you don't like what I do and calling me annoying and stuff how about just telling me what I SHOULD do. Again please excuse me for the way I have been advertising. I just don't really know much about how to advertise in secondlife.

Advertising in SL is as much a challenge as in RL. I'm not a merchant, so I've no experience marketing here, but I'll make some observations anyway.

You've got an impressive collection of items in your collection, and it's clear you've put significant effort into building that. Now, after all the effort, I'm sure you're anxious to start ringing up sales. Relying on personal encounters simply isn't going to achieve the reach you need. You can't advertise to more than a couple people at a time, and you're probably not catching them at a time when they're receptive to your pitch.

The whole point of creating things for sale, rather than selling services, is that you have the potential to realize income when the "lights are off". Your advertising method works against that idea by requiring your active involvement. You must find a method of spreading the word that works when you're sleeping. And there are ways to do that.

There are surely people here more knowledgeable than me about the advertising mechanisms available in SL. As I recall, purchasing ad space in the marketplace or on the SL web properties is incompetently expensive (I don't think LL is insane, or I'd have used "insanely"). I don't recall seeing any ads in the places their USD$1000(minimum!) campaigns target, so you'd not be the only one ignoring that unbelievable opportunity.

Ask around in the merchant forums, or read the various SL marketing guides (I found a few by googling "second life marketing". I'm sure there are more affordable ways to get your message in front of people who are looking for the kinds of things you sell, either by populating your product descriptions with the proper keywords, renting ad space at popular destinations, participating in merchant fairs, etc.

I was married to a marketing executive for a decade, and I routinely shook my head over the technques he used to sway customers. He was, and is, highly successful, doing things that sometimes make me cringe, but are ultimately proven effective through measurements I suggested he make. He's not afraid to try things, get beaten up, then change course. He's never yet blamed the customer for not getting his message.

You've got to have a thick skin to sell, and to sell well, you've got to believe in what you're selling (or be able to fake it ;-). Your profile links to your store, but says nothing about you. Why do you design clothing? Tell us! It's fun to associate with people who are doing things they love.

Your display name is difficult to read and virtually unsearchable. Consider dropping the unicode and using your account name as your display name, or adopting the name of your store.

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entity0x wrote:

There is no line between social and commercial in Second Life. It's Second Life, period.

Rules are about what immoral people can get away with. That's only the first half of the OPs question.

Almost everyone here understands the first half of the OPs question, and agrees that it is not a bannable offense.

So you're arguing the wrong point. No one has disagreed with you on that in any notable way. Some have speculated as to whether or not it could be bannable if it rose to 'a certain level' but all still agree that that level would have to be a LOT and a lot more than we have here.


The debate is all about the second half of the question, you're arguing with people who agree with you on the part you are arguing about, and then acting as this was the whole question.


The second half of the OPs question was about how she was treated, and a bit of 'why was this person so mean to me'.

We can put aside whether or not that person over-reacted and was way too 'drama llama' in response - I think most of would agree they were overstating the objection to 'being solicited.

Its about Social Norms.

Social norms are about what conduct will be 'accepted' by those around you. This is NEVER the same as what one can get away with - even among 'evil technocommunist silicon valley anarchist nazi furbot child avatar hipster freaks' or whatever the 'OMG them' category might be today. :)

SL does have Social Norms. Anyplace with more than 0 humans has social norms. Places with other animals have them too frankly.


Being 'ambush commercial solicited' in what one thought was a social context - that is a social taboo in most contexts.

When you use one context as a pretext to actually push another - people tend to react poorly to that.

Don't try to pretend that's just me - that's pretty universally human. People really don't like context-ambushing / context-collapsing.

It only takes some rather basic social skills to recognize this. Thus my over the top examples like breaking out your powerpoint work from the office in the middle of sex... Its well... very off-putting to your partner when you do that.


If you'e in church and the person next to you has been asked to come up and talk about something religious and read a passage from your holy book, and in the middle of reading 'the great parable' they bust out with "Come on Down to Al's Used Chevy's, we got all the Chevy's you want, for 0 down and 4% interest, and check out our bikini-wearing saleswomen."

Well... I think your fellow church goers are going to be a bit upset...

That's what we have here - not as 'silly overblown' as my exmaples. More of a mild version.

The OP's faux pax is a real one, but its not a 'major sin' worthy of being excommunicated or something. We're just trying to tell someone that we're aware they let one loose in the elevator and we're not liking the smell, and they might want to be a little less of that next time.


Oh and... in my first post on this topic I stated I'd ban the OP from my venue if it happened there. That's very unlikely to be my actual response if this happened. I think I was way overstating there. I'd probably just IM the person with a "hey, that's ticking off some people here, please don't do it here, not the appropriate location for that." and then slowly ramp up from there if the conduct kept happening.


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entity0x wrote:

All you need to know is that your action in your story is not a bannable offense. LL will also probably not respond to the one of many thousands of silly complaints they probably recieve each day.

The TOS addresses the spamming of materials from outside of the SL environment, and not the paid user who wants to share their products to people.

If a landowner forbids such things, it's up to the landowner to enforce it. We should all respect the landowner's wishes.

It is perfectly reasonable, however, in the SL universe to share one's products with others, there is no line between commercial and social. The more people who share their stuff, especially in a sandbox (which should be the least regulated areas in SL), the better.

If these people want to be 'social'  and 'private' and 'unbothered' and 'unoffended', then they shouldn't be hanging out in a sandbox and complaining about people rezzing items for opinions, critique, and yes possible sales. The responses you have gotten are an over-reaction and should be taken with a grain of salt. Its not as serious and offensive as they are making it out to be.

Yes, being pm'd with notecards and messages that are unsolicited can be annoying, and its only happened to me a few times. Do I rush out and file a complaint wasting LL's time? No.. I figure out why i'm getting them and either cancel the sub, leave the group, or block the person from doing it. Easy.

You are actually wrong on a couple of points there...

A-the spam does NOT include only outside sources of spam, the TOS covers inworld spam as well. Whether or not LL actually bans people based off it, I do not know(nor do I care), but I do know they have, at times, put suspensions in when necessary for inworld spam. We can all interpret what we believe the TOS means all we want, it won't make any single one of us correct.  What matters most is how LL interprets their TOS. I knwo for a fact excessive spamming folks can get you a suspension. It doesn't happen often, or really with any rhyme or reason, but then again neither does most of what LL does.

Sandboxes are not there to garner sales and in fact MANY have rules against that very thing.  This includes both rezzing things to sell them, and trying to sell things in IMs. So it's best to check that particular sandbox's rules, for clarification on that.  All that aside, I'm not certain you know(or anyone knows for that matter) what others use sandboxes for. Most aren't really a social hub, unless it's just general chatter among builders there. So it is likely many will see that kind of spammage as annoying, even if it breaks no rules.  More times than not people DO go to sandboxes to not be bothered, though, so it is not unheard of.

It IS reasonable to share and advertise products, but how you choose to do so, is also important. I don't believe any manner that annoys someone is likely to be effective.  I, too, wouldn't report it or anything like that.  But I can understand why someone just might, I suppose.  Maybe that was the last straw that day for somene, havign already received their fill of unsolicited spam. Whether or not they'd react the way you, I, or anyone else would, doesn't mattter. What matters is it annoyed them, and because it IS somethign covered by the TOS, they've every right to report.  It's unlikely LL will do anything, but to say they absolutely will not, is false. You simply do not know.

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PaperB wrote:

I readed somewere in this post that sl market is not democratic, let me tell you this, it doesnt get more democratic than this, becuse unlike rl here all you need to have a successfull store is to work hard and learn your tecniques. Apart from that, as in rl, great outfits need no advertising. If what you made is good and interesting people will im you to ask about it, there is zero need to spam people asking about it. In fact with some you might be getting the opposite effect. Maybe they were liking it and then you came in their ims asking, like when you get a promotion add call at your house phone, they say hi how are you?? Talk a bit and then bam try to sell whatever stuff they sell. Its annoying and useless marketing.
And this post is also marketing isnt it? By now some of the people replying or reading it will have check on your profile too, see if you have a store at mp, etc.
My only advice is, dont go around doing this needy marketing, it goes against what you want that i guess is to improve sales. Just use your stuff, have your profile updated and friendly and this will do a lot.

This is exactly what I did when I first read the thread...guess this advertising works better for her then talking to people in sandboxes:)))


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LOL. You could be right. Maybe the whole thread was a clever way to get around the Forum 'no advertising' rules! If so, it succeeded brilliantly and now a few of the several hundred forum visitiors might know of the OP's store. Seems to me that's not exactly a marketing coup. Probably be better off trying to attract the attention of the 40,000 to 50,000 people who are inworld at any given moment.

For the record, I did not look at the OP's store or profile. I'll do so now just to make sure I never buy anything of hers. I don't want to accidentally support someone who thinks going up to people and starting fake conversations with the intent of selling them something is perfectly okay. Yuk.


edited for spelling

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LOL! First of all no idk where you got that from. Because I didn't post my store name or anything it was a geniuine question because I didn't want to get banned and wanted to know what was the truth. I have NO clue at all where you got your information from. Oh and also thank you! :) Because I don't think I want you as a customer anyways. EW! Yuk! ;D

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Also where did you come from? Seems like what you came here for was drama. You didn't try to answer my question AT ALL but instead you came in to say that this post is a marketing scheme? and then say you're going to make sure you don't shop at my store. You came in without even being on the TOPIC but instead came in looking for drama, You may say you're not but in my eyes you are because what you've said was irrelevant.

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