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Mesh Breasts: Trying to decide


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So, I've tried asking the group known as Big Boobie Babes Freebies on what breast they prefer to gather opionins from others on the brands they use and was met with a lot of negatitvity.  I only asked so I know what's out there and what's the most compatible with the appliers that are out there so I know what to look at and what to avoid.

Now I am asking you good people here at the Your Avatar forum.   Out of all the brands that are out there and well known - What's the best that's out there?  I like all the different shapes and what not; but I want to know what works with appliers and what doesn't based on personal experinces.

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Personally I use lola tango's for the fact that most of the clothing designers I frequent offer appliers for them.
As far as I know a lot of them also offer appliers for lush breasts.

I'm happy with my lola boobs.

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Only one brand uses fitted mesh at this point in time: vString. Works with the same appliers Lolas do. In fact most mesh boobs do that. The applier system has become common now.


But vString being sitted mesh is a game changer.


Get their demo - the difference is so significant that anything prior to them is like the different between prim-based and mesh-based.

Its not even worth looking at the competition until they start getting on board with fitted mesh.

That said, Lolas have the best default shape. But you can't do much with it (you really can't resize them or adjust them without having skin-mismatch errors.

With the vString fitteds, you can use the shape dials on them, even though they are a mesh prop - size, cleavage, bouyancy. AND avatar physics. On my alt I've managed to make them small enough that they are almost "normal person" like.

- I don't know why none of the mesh-boob makers have not considered that market. The market of people who want normal sized but better shaped. But you can mostly achieve it with fitted mesh (cup size comes down to maybe about D before the mesh starts to fold in upon itself).


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It all depends on how you want them to look. Personally I chose Lola tangos after trying out every single one available. It had the shape I liked the best and it was the easiest to work with, even back before the newer updates. I even like the Mirages for certain outfits. It does however take time for placement, lots and lots of adjusting where it sits on your chest, and yeah, sometimes things don't match up quite right but that's where you, the wearer gets creative in hiding the little spots that just don't look quite right. But that's with everything. 

I'm waiting on the fitted mesh til more makers come out so I can get a better idea how they're going to look.

It's all about personal preference. They are a big investment, and you have to be creative in clothing if you want to keep wearing some things. I find it pretty simple to mix and match my tangos with other things. I really love corsets to create the transition from top to midsection then again to bottom. I probably have as many seperate underbust corsets as I do clothes x3 but I mix and match a -lot- and rarely ever wear anything straight out of the packaging. I did that before the implants so it wasn't that big a shift for me.


-- You most definitely can adjust the size of the lolas. It takes lots of patience though. I have adjusted them down to where they look more normal sized, and even had a copy that fits my petite avatar. You don't have to have giant knockers to wear mesh implants. It just takes patience and perserverance. :3

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The Vstrings are game changers, they are so easy to size, they come in 3 basic shapes and then can be adjusted more witht he avatar shape changers and they look so much more natural with a little natural jiggle to them. They actually look like they are part of your body rather than fake boobs stuck on your chest. The only disadvantage is people will need to be on the latest viewers to see them and firestorm has only just today updated. So for the first month wearing them in public alot of people will see you like you have spilt spaggethi down your chest... but really that is a small price to pay.

The only thing that might sway me towards the lolas is if they were to do a fitted mesh update to their existing boobs... but unless anyone has seen announcement on that I would not be expecting it.

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Aethelwine wrote:

The Vstrings are game changers, they are so easy to size, they come in 3 basic shapes and then can be adjusted more witht he avatar shape changers and they look so much more natural with a little natural jiggle to them.

They actually come in your choice of one of two packs of three. The 'natural' one and the 'silicone' one. The silicones ought to be called the sillycones... They start at 150% as big as your head. And go up from there... o.O

But this is a good thing, what with them being fitted mesh. The maker has covered the bases from mostly normal to fetish - trying to make all camps happy.

And there's a sign on the wall explaining why they don't get any BIGGER... :P

- I'm waiting for the sign on why they don't come any smaller. But you can still make them smaller than any other company lets you go. So much so that I have been debating getting them for this account and not just my 'naked faun alt'. :D


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So far,  I'm pretty much sold on the Vstrings now thanks to you fine folks!  Now I just need to get the two lindens to try both the demos so I know which one to buy later.   Keep the thoughts coming, I'll be reading and commenting as they come if I can.  and if I'm not playing the sims.

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So much this! :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:

It is easy to just teleport out when you see the vendors in the store. Yikes, talk about buxome lifestyle. Then I zoomed left and saw the vendor with actually nice looking, natural sized breasts. The breast setting of size 30, buoyancy 0 and cleavage 77 works well for me. I was impressed enough to buy them, but have not been able to apply a texture yet.  You don't have a post for first time users, or have a link to a blog review about the new rigged Vstrings?

Pussycat Catnap wrote:

And there's a sign on the wall explaining why they don't get any BIGGER..

- I'm waiting for the sign on why they don't come any smaller. But you can still make them smaller than any other company lets you go. So much so that I have been debating getting them for this account and not just my 'naked faun alt'.




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Thanks for highlighting these.  I really wanted something with a better shape, but am pretty turned off by the "humongous tittie" look.  I have Lola Tangos right now, and for the most part I like them.  They typically require adjustment for every outfit I wear . to get the clothing and straps to line up properly, and I also experience issues with skin tone match.  I've spent hours trying to get exact matches only to have lighting changes mess the entire thing up again.  I don't know if skins delivered with appliers would improve that or not, but I really like my skin as is so it's not a great option for me.

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Unless the skin you use has an applier, or you know its UUID and so can make your own applier, you will never get a match with a prop body part.

With regards to size, the vStrings set to about 36 might be reasonable. That seems to be what the maker recommends; but it would be nice if one of these things would come in 'human' sizes...



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  • 3 weeks later...

I bought my first pair of breast last night, I had been using tattooing and shading to make the curves better on the avatar shape.  I looked at the lolas and they reminded me of super fake and were overwhelming large (Dolly Pardon or Pam Anderson like).  Actually with the shadowing and tattooing many men asked was I wear lolas and I would always proudly say no these are my natural avi  breast.  But today I wore my Vstrings for the very first time and my BF went wild he was so definite about me not getting enhancements until he saw the Vstring in person today.  He even enjoyed the spurts of milk from the nipples (he's a perv lol).  i must say that using the lolas applier from my skin maker was a slight disappointment because it is close to my skin color but I can see lines that don't look smooth and can be a give away you are wearing an enhancement.  But I also must say it was a smoother look than the demos I tried of other brands.  Breast is an individual choice so try all of them in the demo form and make the best selecion for you personal preferences.  And if you have a partner, bf or best buddy that is male why not get their opinion of the demos as you try them.  Good luck and would love to hear which you picked and why.

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I know vStrings has a lot of different products. They've apparantly been making those things since the sculpty days, though one of the adverts even looked presculpty to an extent.

The fitted mesh one I recommended doesn't have any 'special options' like you noted - so it looks like you're enjoying a different product than my alt has. :)

If you're getting this to entertain a BF, try the fitted one (even just a demo), wear the avatar physics layer, and then run some dance animations... :D (and if you're doing it for yourself, it comes with 3 different avatar physics files - the 'less animated' one can feel somewhat natural if you also set your shape dial for bosom size down to 36 to 40 or so).


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  • 2 weeks later...

This might sound like shameless self promotion here, maybe it is. I've recently put out some mesh breast, they are fitted, much like the v-string ones, but more proportionate to the actual body. Everyone that has seen them has had nothing but kind things to say about them, I've just infact, put them out for sale today. Just another option for you to look at.


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  • 1 month later...

To wear something like these do you have to have an entirely mesh or rigged mesh avatar? Do these work with regular shapes and such? Sorry for my ignorance. I have just returned after being gone since 2010 and know very little about mesh, but got an avie that I love with a rigged mesh head and regular body because it prevents me from having to toss my whole wardrobe.

But my bewbs are a bit...stalwart. Stone-like? Okay they don't really move, "much"? I would like something a bit more natural if possible...

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Kascha Matova wrote:

To wear something like these do you have to have an entirely mesh or rigged mesh avatar? Do these work with regular shapes and such? Sorry for my ignorance. I have just returned after being gone since 2010 and know very little about mesh, but got an avie that I love with a rigged mesh head and regular body because it prevents me from having to toss my whole wardrobe.


But my bewbs are a bit...stalwart. Stone-like? Okay they don't really move, "much"? I would like something a bit more natural if possible...

No. Fitted mesh boobs are designed to work with the regular body. Fitted Mesh bodies are beginning to come out, but I am not sure how well they would work with add on boobs.

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  • 1 month later...

Normal, smaller sized, fitmesh breasts? VENUS DYNE for all those who want beautifully shaped, normal sized breasts.

Galathir  is the creator and his in-world store is Sinful Needs.

On market Place the url is: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/VENUS-DEYN-SMall-FitMesh-Breasts-3-variants-From-Sinful-Needs/6138219

He has just created 3 sets of differently sized breasts: Small, Medium, and Large. Each set has 3 different breast styles in it. Venus Dyne, the small set, includes: Slight, Modest, and Ample. The medium set includes perky, and they are!

I tried Tango, Cherry Bomb, and all 3 demos of Venus. The breasts that looked most beautiful on me, and were the easiest to modify were Galathir's (especially the VENUS DYNE). They are head and shoulders above the others. My partner of 3 years fell in love with me all over again when he saw me in them. :)

They fit all my tango appliers, and my skin has perfect matches for the breasts - all the color matches for tangos match the Galathir breasts, which is another reason I bought the Venus Dyne.

Finally, I was very impressed by the customer service. Galathir spent an hour with me, teaching me the finer points of his HUD, and helping me use his HUD to fine tune my breasts. Most of you will not need or want this fine tuning - they  look great straight out of the box, but I am a picky perfectionist Virgo, so...


Everyone should try all the demos, and make up her own mind. Sadly, Lola's line has no demos, so I've no idea what the Deliq look like on me. I liked their tangoes very much, but the Venus Dyne are so much better!

I do advise you, don't make your decision based on the popularity of any one brand. Popularity is often related to good marketing skills, so don't buy a commercial.

Buy the breasts that look and feel as terrific on you, as my Venus Dynes look and feel on me. 

Hugs and happy hunting!

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  • 1 month later...


As a tip (if you're not aware of it), to track down the shop of a creator, you can usually right click on one of their products and choose edit.  In the edit dialog will be the name of the creator and from there you can click on there name and choose "Profile", then in their profile go to Picks.  They'll *usually* have details about their shop or products in their profile.

You can do this if you see something someone else is wearing too.  Mesh can sometimes be a bit tricky, sometimes you need to get the edit dialog up by editing something nearby, then click on the worn mesh item.

You can also right click something and choose More, More, Inspect and from there open the creator profile and hunt their pick entry as before.

Obviously you couldn't do this because you didn't have anything from Lola's but as a general thing when you see something, that's one route.

Similarly, if you're not sure of the authenticity of something, follow the same as the above.  Though not all creators populate their profile with details of their shop but it should raise some suspicion if you see awesome items that have come from a creator who is only a matter of days old, has a totally blank profile and the items are incredibly low price or full permission. 

Don't get me wrong, this isn't a rule, there's nothing wrong with someone creating a new avatar and immediately uploading items but it's just unusual to not want to brag about them and buying illegal items could end up in a waste of money if they're subsequently removed by LL.

I've digressed somewhat :matte-motes-tongue:

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