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  1. Thanks for highlighting these. I really wanted something with a better shape, but am pretty turned off by the "humongous tittie" look. I have Lola Tangos right now, and for the most part I like them. They typically require adjustment for every outfit I wear . to get the clothing and straps to line up properly, and I also experience issues with skin tone match. I've spent hours trying to get exact matches only to have lighting changes mess the entire thing up again. I don't know if skins delivered with appliers would improve that or not, but I really like my skin as is so it's not a great option for me.
  2. I recently purchased Lolas Tango mesh breasts. I'm noticing that within a certain view distance, both the bra and the top become ... holy. Grins, that is I can see flesh poking through. If i move the camera closer, teh issue disappears and if I move the camera out it disappears. I'm running Firestorm64 .40478 (the lastest version) and i've played with most of the graphic, viewing parameters. Has anyone else experienced this and if so ... any ideas how to fix it? Thanks Chrissy
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