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What do you think about the comments in these videos?

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1. This game is wrong in so many ways , it is pathetic sad game. I played it for 3 days before i deleted my account , I wish I deleted it sooner, because almost every mother **bleep**er i met was either a pervert or a pedophile , secondly the game promotes porn whether you like it or not.

I made an account just to troll around, it wasn't worth it at the end of the day. 

Combine porn with World of Warcraft and this is the kind of game you get.


2. “You have not been here as long as me, thus know nothing.” > Using your failure as a human being to sound superior to others.


3. It's a game ! If ur computer die, do y die in rl ? : -)


4. It's probably a good thing these turds live there. They really are thick as **bleep**.


5. Honestly I think this game looks pretty ok. But Jesus it is a GAME on the COMPUTER which you GET. It sounds like a game to me :p


6. There's a whole real life out there, I would rather live in it. Living your life in a virtual world and never getting real life experience cannot be a good thing for you.


7. This is such a stupid game.


8. This game is wrong in so many ways. It is a pathetic, sad game where almost every mother **bleep**er is either a pervert or a pedophile. 


9. There's a lot of mentally ill people in this game.


Keep in mind these are all comments found on certain videos on Youtube where people in Second Life have been "trolled". I'll appreciate any response whatsoever. Thank you. It'd also be nice if you'd tell me approx how long you've been into Second Life in the comment as well, thank you.

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I'm willing to bet that the people that made those comments have never had an account, or if they did, never had it long enough to find out what SL is really all about.  They judge SL based on the horrendous vids that show up on YouTube showing griefing or the seamier side of SL.  Those that do come in and see only porn obviously seek it out, because it is easy to avoid if you don't like it.

I don't respond to those comments because these are the kind of idiots that you just waste your breath over.

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IthuDefender wrote:

 I'll appreciate any response whatsoever. Thank you. It'd also be nice if you'd tell me approx how long you've been into Second Life in the comment as well, thank you.

Which homework is this for then?  What's the subject title of the thesis? 

Otherwise there's no reason to ask how long we've been here, it would be irrelevant to a proper normal discussion thread.

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HI Ebbe! I am delighted to see you are continuing your research into how the "community" sees itself here in the forum.

I will have been a Second Life Resident for forty three years in August, and I can confirm that some of the comments you mention are incisively perceptive, and some are risibly ignorant.

Just like the residents.


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I've often read user comments to YouTube videos about Second Life and, though they're certainly swarming with the kind of comments you quoted, there always are many others defending SL. Did you, by any chance, forgot to quote those?*




* In case you didn't notice, that was a rethorical question; I know the answer as well as you do, if not better.
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IthuDefender wrote:

1. This game is wrong in so many ways , it is pathetic sad game. I played it for 3 days before i deleted my account , I wish I deleted it sooner, because almost every mother **bleep**er i met was either a pervert or a pedophile , secondly the game promotes porn whether you like it or not.


I made an account just to troll around, it wasn't worth it at the end of the day. 


Combine porn with World of Warcraft and this is the kind of game you get.


2. “You have not been here as long as me, thus know nothing.” > Using your failure as a human being to sound superior to others.


3. It's a game ! If ur computer die, do y die in rl ? : -)


4. It's probably a good thing these turds live there. They really are thick as **bleep**.


5. Honestly I think this game looks pretty ok. But Jesus it is a GAME on the COMPUTER which you GET. It sounds like a game to me


6. There's a whole real life out there, I would rather live in it. Living your life in a virtual world and never getting real life experience cannot be a good thing for you.


7. This is such a stupid game.


8. This game is wrong in so many ways. It is a pathetic, sad game where almost every mother **bleep**er is either a pervert or a pedophile. 


9. There's a lot of mentally ill people in this game.


Keep in mind these are all comments found on certain videos on Youtube where people in Second Life have been "trolled". I'll appreciate any response whatsoever. Thank you. It'd also be nice if you'd tell me approx how long you've been into Second Life in the comment as well, thank you.

I'm assuming these videos were taken IN Second Life. So, if the people making these comments were in Second Life it doesn't say much about their real lives if they had nothing better to do, does it?

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Basically, I think Amethyst is correct. Most of these people have either never had an account or were only in for a very short time. A big problem with SL when you start is that you wind up at Welcome Island with a bunch of morons (watch some of THOSE youtube videos) or newbies and have no idea where to go from there. Granted, there are (or were..I haven't been there in a while) gateways to other areas, but even there you have no idea what to do or where to go. The only contact a newbie gets there are hateful comments from people who have never left the island or bite requests from Vamps or Lychans.

I know when I had my first account, I had at least an idea of what I was looking for. I hopped around for a while and eventually met some people who had similar interests.

SL is what you make it. It can be a great experience or it can be #7 on this list.

Just my two cents....

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Syo Emerald wrote:

Do you think we are stupid? Show a little respect and just say that we should do your homework for you. Also I don't think its a good idea to base your homework on some comments made by idiots on Youtube.

How dare you be so rude about Peter Grey's most recent community factfinding initiative!


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Sassy Romano wrote:

IthuDefender wrote:

 I'll appreciate any response whatsoever. Thank you. It'd also be nice if you'd tell me approx how long you've been into Second Life in the comment as well, thank you.

Which homework is this for then?  What's the subject title of the thesis? 

Otherwise there's no reason to ask how long we've been here, it would be irrelevant to a proper normal discussion thread.


What is the response from us your teacher is looking for... so we can just cut-paste it into here.


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Take almost any activity that some people pursue for pleasure in their spare time, and you'll find other people who condemn it, whether it be birdwatching, embroidery, following a football team, restoring old cars, collecting costume dolls..... there's always someone who thinks someone's time and money would be better spent doing something else.  

I suppose we're all guilty of that to some extent.  

I enjoy Second LIfe although I realise its limitations.  In real life I use Facebook to communicate with real relations and friends and it's a useful communication tool.  Yet despite this, I've never been tempted to join Twitter, and so I probably have a stereotyped view of Twitter users, and their silly jargon like 'tweets' and 'hashtag'.  That's because with Twitter I'm an outsider and intend to remain that way.



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