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NSA spying on Second Life

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Paratrex wrote:

Was I talking to you?

I'm pretty sure that the only people you're talking to are the voices in your head.  What you did here, was write a post on a public forum... to which I replied.  That's usually the sort of thing that happens around here quite often.

...Dres *hopes he doesn't end up having to explain the way forums work*

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Paratrex wrote:

Ok, picture this in your mind if it's possible.  What if everybody in history and everyone now thought the way you do. Civilization would have died off a long time ago.

As far as I have been able to ascertain, it did.

[And was replaced by a brainless culture which set great store on bidets, game show hosts and tv dinners, inter alia.]

[Oh, and comprehensive electronic communications so you could tell everybody in the world when you managed a really satisfactory defecation.]


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KarenMichelle Lane wrote:

Into It with a Drink & Popcorn.jpg

This is totally my fave thread this December.. I've munched on 2 bags of pop-corn over the days it has been active.

I've had two of these in the past two daysdrumstick-supreme-chocolate.jpg


All while reading this thread and getting inspired to watch a lot of parody videos.

Drumsticks make it hard to take anything serious but the drumstick itself


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No wonder 35,000 people stopped logging into this stupid game. Concurrent users use to reach upwards up 80,000 now it's lucky to have 55,000.  Ahh, but you have include in that number all the ALTS and BOTS.  Do you all keep up with Tyche Shepherd's Twitter. https://twitter.com/tycheshepherd ?  Would you like a visual of what I'm talking about.

Here is the lasted batch of regions going bye bye.


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Paratrex wrote:

This is such a fascinating thread. No one is answering to the topic and questions I'm bringing up about privacy.  But sarcasm is all I get and just general childish antics.

Haven't you worked it out yet? We're all NSA employees furiously spreading FUD so that nobody will take your conspiracy theories seriously.

It's working too. Our figures show (yeah, we're watching!) that 98% of all forum readers are bored ******* ******** with your vapid paranoia, and have switched to reading an enthralling thread about using derendered alpha channels to simulate digital pheromone effects, with lots of dollar signs and nested brackets.



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Paratrex wrote:

No wonder 35,000 people stopped logging into this stupid game. Concurrent users use to reach upwards up 80,000 now it's lucky to have 55,000.  Ahh, but you have include in that number all the ALTS and BOTS.  Do you all keep up with Tyche Shepherd's Twitter.
?  Would you like a visual of what I'm talking about.

Here is the lasted batch of regions going bye bye.

ya it used to be around 30k  regions at it's peak if i remember right..

now at a little more than 26k regions?

that doesn't sound like too hard of a hit since then really..


down 4k in regions over all?


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Paratrex wrote:

What is with this small talk chatter in this thread? Back on topic.  Now your chat logs also have been viewed so continue on with your BS chit chat and I'll get us back on topic.


Since you said "...now your chat logs have also been viewed..." I'm guessing you're talking about the saved chat logs he mentions. You're kind of late; that was pointed out in the original news story and has been mentioned in this forum in more than one thread. It's old news.

You seem to have missed, or ignored, the point he was trying to make. Of COURSE your chat logs have been viewed! It's the internet. Anything you type and send to the internet is saved. Maybe forever, maybe just until the next time someone runs sdelete on the server, but in any case once you put it out there it becomes public. All I expect from LL is that they not make my contact information available to advertisers and not let anyone without the proper authorization know who I am. So far they seem to have been able to do that.

I'm a little bit disappointed to know that my country has employed people in its intelligence agencies that are dumb enough to think this was a good idea, but I am not really upset about the fact they were here and I take comfort from the belief that intelligence services from other countries  are dumb enough to be here as well.

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Paratrex wrote:


This is such a fascinating thread. No one is answering to the topic and questions I'm bringing up about privacy.  But sarcasm is all I get and just general childish antics.

Ahhh don't take it personally Paratrex.

The whole notion of the NSA spying on us everywhere we are and type and communicate is just silly. Of course they get the easy stuff. To be sure the phone companies can easily dump the phone routing tables from all the wired and wireless exchanges en-masse to send to the NSA so that a call initiation threads and endpoints can easily be determined. Electronic wiretapping [a misnomer now] is still legal with a judge's permission. As for keeping track of everything in a huge database of all typed, chatted, emailed, voiced, telepathically transmitted messages to data mine, naaaaaaaaaaa!

It this annoying? Yup. Is it against some universal right to privacy? Who knows. Here in the US we have constitutional protections that we can cite to protect our stuff if we have enough money to pay the lawyers. Still the governments seize assets of file-sharing businesses who to be sure have millions of company file stores on them and YES even copyrighted materials as well from legal and questionable sources. The corporations ended up losing their "in the cloud" data and backups because of inept handling of the seized servers. Oh Joy! That build confidence in the "Cloud" doesn't it? None of the businesses I work for use Cloud Services because of this nonsense. IMHO none should.

You know, the NSA needs to justify that new Data Center they just built and brought online. They should open it up to Cloud Storage Services and cut out the middle man!

Heck Google + GoDaddy + Microsoft + Yahoo were losing emails for over 2 months in a famous yet never admitted to glitch in their cloud-based systems just this year. I should petition the NSA under the Freedom of Information Act to get my lost junk mail back.

So in regards of the original Thread OP's [Nimh20] statement - " I'd like to hear from Linden Lab as to what they are doing about the NSA spying on it's residents? You are already a very closed mouthed secretive company, but this is ridiculous.

Quote "The media reports allege US and UK spies spent years investigating online games including Second Life for potential terrorist activity."

My official response is "So What!"

I've been stalked by inept professional stalkers and fought off talented griefers. I'm still here, they are gone. Bored to tears I imagine. Even a bored NSA staffer can learn scripting and try to pass on a listening object or one that allows them to keep tract of what regions & parcels an unsuspecting person visits. Tell me what's new and dangerous? The NSA will know who I am in Real Life? Heck the IRS already does since I've made over $600.00 USDs in a single tax year.

I have personal friends in various police departments and the FBI as well as the Armed Forces of the USA. You know what they have to do? They have to share the existence of their alternate identities as a part of their ethics clauses for their respective departmental positions and any needed Security Clearance levels. This is asked for so that  they can not be leveraged by others. I've even shared my use of SecondLife with their Security Clearance checking authorities because they will put me down as a reference for both Real Life and Alternate Life personas.

This is how nationalism works. Protection of a body of individuals who identify as a nation. Even here in the US where we are always at war with each other in the never ending battle of politics.

So the bottom line... Live your life as an open book! Never commit to electronic message anything you don't want to have read by the rest of the world. [Mr. Snowden Rules Changer] If you have things to hide, hide them! A secret is known exactly by one and only one person. Relearn the joy of face to face, non-electronic communication. [be sure to sweep for electronic bugs!]

So for those of us who are also helping with the coming revolution [insert country or political party or new world order "ideologue" wanting change here], living the open life allows you to be the best of agents of change.

As long as there is more than one person on the earth, secrecy will be a sore point and a reality.

So why is anyone upset that a business entity [Linden Lab] simply shared with a governmental agency how to create an account in their virtual world offering and how to navigate the product? That same governmental agency has been using opensource opensim software for years and knows perfectly well how it communicates information, messages and statuses to all it's online members.

OKies, my sugar high from the Ice Cream Cones has me crashing. I hope I didn't ramble too long.


[   ] <--- this area is reserved for all the conspiracy hypothesists to post their indignation regarding non-facts and commentary that Linden Lab sold all of us out or created a back door just for the NSA to spy on us. As most of you well know disproving a negative hypothesis is a ridiculous notion. [e.g. Dres wears a pink tutu in real life - Sorry Dres but this was the first thing that popped into my perverted mind :P]


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Once upon a time....


A band made a recording of a song (they didn't write it: their version was a cover) that became a big hit.

The lyrics were, as you can hear, a bit hard to understand. Some college kids in Indiana or Illinois were so sure the lyrics must be obscene they even came up with some obscene lyrics of their own that seemed to fit.

Suddenly the country was gripped with the incredible news that a song with dirty lyrics was playing on the radio! This wasn't helped by the fact that gullible nitwit kids totally bought into the dirty lyrics thing. I once heard a woman on a radio program, many years later, say, "You couldn't understand the lyrics but we all knew they were dirty." She still believed that, too. In any case, a whole lot of stuff hit the fan. Outraged parents and teachers started contacting their congressmen and senators, and before it was over the Attorney General of the United States—Robert F. Kennedy—ordered the Federal Bureau of Investigation to investigate. I'm not kidding. The FBI went on the case.


You can read that report if you want. It's fun reading. Not to be a spoiler but the FBI was unable to determine that the lyrics were obscene. They lacked some of the research tools we have now: it was 1963. One of the suggestions was that they play the record (it was a 45 RPM record) at slower or faster speeds to see if the words would then become clear. One FBI agent wrote in his summary, "Unintelligible at any speed.", which was a hilariously funny takeoff on the title of a currently popular Ralph Nader rant book.  Had I been president I would have immediately promoted that agent to be the head of the FBI.

This guy seems to have most of the lyrics right. I've never found them in print but I have heard earlier recordings of the song by people who enunciated clearly and these seem to match.

Do I get credit for being slightly on-topic because of the government snooping, or was this just a flat out derail?

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A quick google search for the lyrics brought up dozens of links.. All pretty much the same.



Louie Louie, oh no
Me gotta go
Aye-yi-yi-yi, I said
Louie Louie, oh baby
Me gotta go

Fine little girl waits for me
Catch a ship across the sea
Sail that ship about, all alone
Never know if I make it home


Three nights and days I sail the sea
Think of girl, constantly
On that ship, I dream she's there
I smell the rose in her hair.


Okay, let's give it to 'em, right now!


See Jamaica, the moon above
It won't be long, me see me love
Take her in my arms again
Tell her I'll never leave again


Let's take it on outa here now
Let's go!!

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I looked pretty hard a couple years ago without finding the lyrics in text format; I like to think I give good Search so I can only assume those links you found were recent. Did you by any chance find a reference to a recording of the song prior to that of the Kingsmen (or Paul Revere & the Raiders: they had a competing version out at the same time) ? The one I heard was by a solo singer.

In any case the lyrics as you've posted them match with my memory and with the ones in my second youtube link well enough.

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Really - Suggestive Lyrics - I'm Shocked, Positively Shocked!

Bessie Smith "You Got to Give Me Some" [1928]

Loving is the thing I crave
For your love I'll be your slave
You gotta give me some, yes give me some
Can't you hear me pleading, you gotta give me some
Said mister Jones to old butcher Pete,
I want a piece of your good old meat
You gotta give me some, oh give me some
I crave your round steak, you gotta give me some
Sweet as candy in a candy shop
Is just your sweet sweet lollypop
You gotta give me some, please give me some
I love all day suckers, you gotta give me some
To the milkman I heard Mary scream
Said she wanted a lots of cream
You gotta give me some, oh give me some
Catch it when you come sir, you gotta give me some
Hear my cryin' on my bended knees
If you wanna put my soul at ease
You gotta give me some, please give me some
Can't stand it any longer, you gotta give me some
Seeper called to Pele-Mele, sugar lump
Said I'm going crazy about your hump
You've got to give me some, please give me some
I can't wait eight days, you gotta give me some
Jaybird said to the peckerwood,
I like to peck like a pecker should
But give me some, yes give me some
I'm crazy about them worms, you've gotta give me some


[Listening to this song on a 78 rpm record left no doubt as to the meaning of the lyrics except if you were clueless about human sexuality.]

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Paratrex wrote:

This is such a fascinating thread. No one is answering to the topic and questions I'm bringing up about privacy.  But sarcasm is all I get and just general childish antics.




I scanned through the thread and it appears that you have only asked one question, over and over.

Quote: "Now tell me why again it's OK for people to read your private messages?"

It is not OK.

Spying on everyone is just a way of governing mental states. We got wars that need to be popularized and funded, so we need bogeymen.

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