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I am just a man


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I enjoy the Lola craze.  I hope you enjoy, as well.  Existing in SL are some really fantastic builds, but Lola builds, imo, really keeps me "coming back for more."  They (I write 'they' because we rarely settle for just one) are pixalated wonders.  

I would appreciate, in this thread, us talking about the desire of female avatars to 'show off' their Lola's, and why men like me enjoy them so much.  Any takers?


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Society teaches men that woman are to be treated as pretty canvases (read: objects) on which they should project their desires

Women learn their bodies are not their own at a young age and therefore they must take time to make their bodies desirable for men, or else they are worthless and serve no purpose

Breasts are literally lumps of fat attached to chest muscles. There's some tissue in there that can produce milk when the right combo of hormones hit .... what's sexual about any of this? It's gotten so bad that female nipples are treated as sexual even when male and female nipples are formed before any genitalia is finished coming in on a fetus?????? uM

Ladies like showing off their tatas because it makes them feel good about their body image because now they are desirable to men (or other woman) and therefore feel like they have more self worth, or that they are deserving of such

Or, y'know, system breasts don't really look all that great in terms of curves and while Lolas are about as fake looking as the day is long, at least they have a slightly more rounded shape that isn't all octagon sitting on your chest.

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Sure, I will bite.  I shyed away from Lola's initially but only really because the thought of putting on boobs rather than using the appearance slider available seemed sort of redundant.  Plus there was the whole matching skin issue.  Once my skin maker created appliers for the Lola's the skin matching barrier was eliminated.

I like wearing my Lola's for the feed TT (Topless Tuesday) photos.  It is really the only time I wear them (other than one or two other times for shots inside my home).  I like how they look, generally, given that the boobs are attached and not part of the original mesh form but that's a small thing.  I like how they make me feel and I enjoy the appreciation others show when I post a photo with them.

It's just another option in SL and I like that they exist.  My world.  My imagination, right? 


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Well there is also the fact that looking "sexy" is a healthy expression of ones own sexuality. While it is true that being born female is like being born into a beauty contest I don't think that that nessicarily is the only reason for being sexy in sl. Keep in mind SL is an outlet for people to express themselves and one of those ways it to express there sexuality. What better way to express that then visually through ones avatar. I personally joined SL refusing to were anything revealing and looked down on lolas. I know own lolas, BBusty, milkmades, vstring XL and Vstring X_X. I love dressing sexy in sl and it's something that I worked up to as far as being more open about my sexuality and expressing it. The prim boobies are one way that I express that.


So it's not all about desirablility as a way of gaining a sense of self worth. There is also the aspect that it can be a way of learning to accept ones self in some small way.


And yeah system boobs kinda suck. lol

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Sonja Smedley wrote:

I do not like Lola´s....just cause they cannot bounce...lol!

For me the normal ones with bounce look much more natural and I love them, cause I can change the size too.

I feel sexy with mine...and so far
no complaints

They actually can bounce while walking. There's a script from a few sources. Aimi and rubber bunny to name two which allows for this.

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Storm Clarence wrote:

I enjoy the Lola craze.  I hope you enjoy, as well.  Existing in SL are some really fantastic builds, but Lola builds, imo, really keeps me "coming back for more."  They (I write 'they' because we rarely settle for just one) are pixalated wonders.  

I would appreciate, in this thread, us talking about the desire of female avatars to 'show off' their Lola's, and
why men like me enjoy them so much
.  Any takers?


Maybe you have Swiss blood? That's the only reason why I can imagine someone enjoying a woman who has a pair of chubby Matterhorns attached to her chest.

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Madeline Blackbart wrote:

Well there is also the fact that looking "sexy" is a healthy expression of ones own sexuality. While it is true that being born female is like being born into a beauty contest I don't think that that nessicarily is the only reason for being sexy in sl. Keep in mind SL is an outlet for people to express themselves and one of those ways it to express there sexuality. What better way to express that then visually through ones avatar. I personally joined SL refusing to were anything revealing and looked down on lolas. I know own lolas, BBusty, milkmades, vstring XL and Vstring X_X. I love dressing sexy in sl and it's something that I worked up to as far as being more open about my sexuality and expressing it. The prim boobies are one way that I express that.


So it's not all about desirablility as a way of gaining a sense of self worth. There is also the aspect that it can be a way of learning to accept ones self in some small way.


And yeah system boobs kinda suck. lol

So we makes the sexyz now??? j/k :smileylol:

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Storm: No idea. I'm not a man.

I do agree with this, though:

KlistiesSeMio Ewinaga wrote:

Society teaches men that woman are to be treated as pretty canvases (read: objects) on which they should project their desires

Women learn their bodies are not their own at a young age and therefore they must take time to make their bodies desirable for men, or else they are worthless and serve no purpose


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While I can appreciate breasts and ogle them like anyone else, I don't like any of the prim breasts I've seen. Which is probably an odd opinion since system breasts aren't any better. I appreciate more natural beauty, in rl. In sl, it's a little bit harder to come by. Of course there are many who tout they project natural beauty and I can fully appreciate their feelings on this, I don't always agree. I don't think many of us project natural beauty, at all. I most definitely don't.

I'm a man who appreciates a woman with or without makeup. I appreciate a woman whether her breasts are perky or not so perky anymore, in rl. I'd like to think if I ever decided to try and use sl in the same manner, I'd feel the same. As much of an ass as I can be,  there is a whole different side of me. I don't profess to be a gentleman 24/7, but I can be. In sl I'm far less of a gentleman, but I'm not a complete animal, either. Then again, many men and women are far less than gentle in sl, including people who use and like prim appendages.

I really don't like lolas. I haven't seen a pair yet that I feel does anyone any justice and doesn't make me laugh. I don't like most skins in sl for the same reason. I don't think they're doing any of us much good. I am, however, glad they make people feel better, or at least good. That's what matters. If you need a skin with makeup and a good pair of jigglies to do that, I say go for it. I don't think anyone ought to dress to impress. Though that is the primary reason we all do, it seems. But if it makes them feel better to know others enjoy their appearance, who am I to say knock it off? I put on a real skin so people would stop being annoyed by my noob skin, I'm just as guilty.

My perspective may be skewed, as I'm honestly not nearly as interested in that side of sl as many seem to be. Pixel nudity, doesn't make me feel funny like climbing the rope in gym class. It really doesn't, and never has. I would be terrible at rp and emoting, for that reason. I can't pretend to grasp your playdoh chest firmly while visiting your nethers and not laugh about possibly using you as a mrs potato head doll just to see if I can make bits go where they shouldn't. I just can't. I can't take slex and sl nudity seriously.

I don't say these things to pretend to be some worldly fellow who says all the right things to get into a woman's pants heart. I know better than that. I can be just as unrefined as any. It's a good thing I don't try to get into women's pants hearts.

Edited to fix some terrible spelling.

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Summer Tison wrote:

I tend to go for the more natural shape. I guess I'm just your average person that
would prefer to be apreciated for what's inside my head rather than go OTT with the pixels
, but each to their own, (inside my head can be a pretty scary place though)

It is not an either/or thing.  I am intelligent and I like to snap the occasional photo using Lolas.  I think that I am appreciated for both.

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Storm Clarence wrote:

I enjoy the Lola craze.  I hope you enjoy, as well.  Existing in SL are some really fantastic builds, but Lola builds, imo, really keeps me "coming back for more."  They (I write 'they' because we rarely settle for just one) are pixalated wonders.  

I would appreciate, in this thread, us talking about the desire of female avatars to 'show off' their Lola's, and why men like me enjoy them so much.  Any takers?


mine are sitting in my inventory..pretty much since the day i bought them..

i bought them to check out what was supposed to be an alpha glitch some people were having with tops and hair...

that and to see what the fuss was about..

why men like them? have no idea why..i guess some like big bewbies.. i sized mine down as much as i could to see if they would size down far enough to be normal size for me.. 

they just didn't look right to me..

why i don't wear them? because  they don't mesh well with my mesh tops and clothes that i like better and for reasons already said..

for me..there is no desire for me to show them...that's why they are sitting in my inventory hehehe



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Phil Deakins wrote:

Thank you for this thread. I had no idea what you were on about until I read through the replies. Now I know what lolas are. But what are they used for?

Phil, if you would visit my.secondlife.com and check out the Trending tab, you would see what happens on Tuesdays.  I suppose the 'use' of lolas depends upon the wearer.  I wear them for snapping photos (see Tuesdays on the feed).  Others may wear them every day like mesh hands or feet.


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Hermione Lefevre wrote:

When they day comes that I want to walk around with ballons in my shirt then I get me Lolas lol but I doubt that day will come soon.

My modifiable shape gives me enough options to have natiural looking breasts.

I have a partner who is happy without me having airballon boobs

oh i wasn't knocking anyone for getting them or anything like that..they are just not for me..

maybe if there is a certain look i decided to make for say taking pictures for some art project or something like that i might add them..

but not for my everyday avatar..they just don't look right on me no matter what i size them too..


i've seen some really good pictures on flickr with them being used..

 it's just a matter of preference is all..plus i really don't like wearing a lot of attachments if i can help it hehehe

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Unrelated to Lola's - Some song lyrics I'm looking at to see if there is a hidden meaning that applies to our Storm...

Sky is clear tonight Sky is clear tomorrow

A star is out I reach for one to sparkle in my hand A star is out I will not touch you, I am just a man

Sky is clear tonight Sky is clear tomorrow   And every night I shut my eyes So I don't have to see the light Shining so bright I'll dream about a cloudy sky, about a cloudy sky   Sky is clear tonight Sky is clear tomorrow

A star is out I reach for one to sparkle in my hand A star is out I will not touch you, I am just a man

"Man was born to love- Though often he has sought Like Icarus, to fly too high- And far too lonely than he ought To kiss the sun of east and west And hold the world at his behest- To hold the terrible power To whom only gods are blessed- But me, I am just a man"

And every night I shut my eyes So I don't have to see the light Shining so bright I'll dream about a cloudy sky, about a cloudy sky

And every night I shut my eyes But now I've got them open wide You've fallen into my hands And now you're burning me You're burning me

And every night I shut my eyes So I don't have to see the light Shining so bright I'll dream about a cloudy sky, about a cloudy sky

And every night I shut my eyes But now I've got them open wide Shining so bright I'll dream about a cloudy sky, about a cloudy sky

A cloudy a sky wooh  a cloudy sky  a cloudy sky wooh  that's what I say   I dream about a cloudy sky...


Hmmm - Does Storm "...dream about a cloudy sky" ?

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Maximillon Lefavre wrote:

Madeline Blackbart wrote:

Well there is also the fact that looking "sexy" is a healthy expression of ones own sexuality. While it is true that being born female is like being born into a beauty contest I don't think that that nessicarily is the only reason for being sexy in sl. Keep in mind SL is an outlet for people to express themselves and one of those ways it to express there sexuality. What better way to express that then visually through ones avatar. I personally joined SL refusing to were anything revealing and looked down on lolas. I know own lolas, BBusty, milkmades, vstring XL and Vstring X_X. I love dressing sexy in sl and it's something that I worked up to as far as being more open about my sexuality and expressing it. The prim boobies are one way that I express that.


So it's not all about desirablility as a way of gaining a sense of self worth. There is also the aspect that it can be a way of learning to accept ones self in some small way.


And yeah system boobs kinda suck. lol

So we makes the sexyz now??? j/k :smileylol:

Just 'cause I dress like a hoe don't mean I am one.lolz I think my point is fairly valid though

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Madeline Blackbart wrote:


While it is true that being born female is like being born into a beauty contest.......


While it may be true that this affects more women than it does men, it does not mean that all men are exempt from this.

Maybe the motivation is different, but the beauty contest does go on.

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I bought them after reading some threads about them, they can be nice at times, but not for every day, I agree. I bought them with the idea of making some shapes that were larger, more chubby, but I've found it a bit difficult to find skins I liked that looked decent with more meat. I do have a few, but the search goes on. I feel the mesh breasts are a nice addition to some of these forms, but it would help greatly if they could be manipulated more. Just making them bigger, doesn't help all of the time. They are not good for broad shoulders unless you want them massive, which can be frustrating. Like anything there is the good and bad.

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