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Maximillon Lefavre

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  1. In answer to your question, no PIOF is not a true age verifier and can be subverted. Honestly though, the whole age verification for internet pornography cracks me up especially the laws in places like Texas because people are so worried about minors seeing sexual images but hey, let's not worry about minors going hungry and starving in the streets or minors having guns and shooting up schools.
  2. Pretty sure it's not even one of their own depicted in the pics they send you.
  3. That again goes back to what I mentioned in one of my previous posts about interpretation. What you classify as adult content might not be the same things that I or LL classify as adult. ToS and Laws also tend to be open to interpretation because it's hard to define every situation one may encounter.
  4. That's the problem with rules and laws like this they are always open to someone's interpretation. If you ever were put in front of a jury then any lawyer worth his salt would be able to defend you and destroy the US law in the process. Technically speaking with the way the US law is written anyone posting their family beach photo on social media, where kids are in swimwear at the beach, could be interpreted as sexual in nature by someone.
  5. With virtual servers and AWS cloud based pricing this should be very doable for LL. However, the profit margins would be much smaller so the real question you have to ask is, why should they do this?
  6. You have to own a Full Region first before you can buy an Openspace Region as you cannot have just an Openspace Region on it's own.
  7. Yet here we are nearly two weeks later and it's still broken. I work for a Software company and "drop everything" priority aka. urgent issue means you have all hands on deck working to resolve the problem and it's usually resolved in a few days not two weeks. The code patch for urgent issues typically would be done in an off-cycle release aka. unscheduled maintenance and not something you would wait until your next weekly release cycle to deploy. Having said all of that I doubt LL views this issue as a "drop everything" urgent priority and rather views it as a medium priority that can be resolved in a normal sprint cycle.
  8. There's a JIRA ticket in for this issue but not holding my breath that the Lindens will get to it any time soon.
  9. Trolls are gonna troll and haters gonna hate. You'll never truly stop them no matter what you do. I agree with you that creating a separate sub specific to the LGBTQ+ community is only going to be a sort of magnet for the trolls and haters to easily find posts to attack.
  10. Should we tell her that the Americas were colonized by more than just the Brits? For instance, the state I live in was never a part of the British Empire or its territories. California where LL is located was also never in British hands.
  11. Because those crazy British Red Coats wanted to tax the ever loving hell out of the Colonies without providing the Colonies with representation in Parliament.
  12. Hopefully you don't but I wouldn't trust LL to implement this properly.
  13. This should be really interesting since several states don't tax the sale of virtual/digital goods and only charge sales tax on physical copies of a product. Any items you buy in SL would be considered digital goods.
  14. This isn't a UK only issue. I'm in the US and it's been a hit or miss issue with secondlife.com site since around midnight PST last night.
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